
International Immunopharmacology | 2015

Conventional markers in determination of activity of sarcoidosis.

Sinem Gungor; Ferhan Özşeker; Murat Yalcinsoy; Esen Akkaya; Günay Can; Hacer Eroğlu; Nilgün Sema Genc

AIM AND BACKGROUND Currently, there are no objective criteria to determine sarcoidosis activity. The present study aimed to discover a sensitive serum marker that would determine the activity of sarcoidosis and can be used during disease follow-up. METHODS Forty-eight patients with sarcoidosis and twenty healthy volunteers as a control group were included in the study. On their control visits, the patients were divided into active and inactive groups based on their clinical, physiological, and radiological status. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), adenosine deaminase (ADA), total IgE (T-IgE), C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid-A (SAA), and soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL2R) serum levels and classical findings of activity were compared, and the utilization of these parameters as markers of activity was investigated. RESULTS Thirty-nine cases were female (female/male: 39/9) and the mean age was 44.29±10.9years. Thirty-seven cases were active and 11 cases were inactive. Serum ACE, ADA, sIL2R, and SAA levels were significantly higher while T-IgE levels were lower in the sarcoidosis cases. A comparison of the markers between active and inactive cases showed that only SAA was significantly higher (p<0.001). sIL2R was elevated in cases with extra-pulmonary involvement (p<0.014). The area under the curve value was rather high for ADA (0.98 CI: 0.96-1.0); it also had high sensitivity (93.8%) and specificity (100%), and therefore had the highest diagnostic value (96.6%). CONCLUSION The current study showed that SAA wil be helpfull for detecting the activity of srcoidosis, IL2R measurement in exploring the extra-pulmonary organ involvement.

Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 2016

The efficacy and economical benefits of blood patch pleurodesis in secondary spontaneous pneumothorax patients.

Serdar Evman; Levent Alpay; Serda Kanbur Metin; Hakan Kiral; Mine Demir; Murat Yalcinsoy; Volkan Baysungur; Irfan Yalcinkaya

Introduction Prolonged air leak in secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP) patients remains one of the biggest challenges for thoracic surgeons. This study investigates the feasibility, effectiveness, clinical outcomes, and economical benefits of the autologous blood patch pleurodesis method in SSP. Material and methods First-episode SSP patients undergoing autologous blood patch pleurodesis for resistant air leak following underwater-seal thoracostomy, between January 2010 and June 2013 were taken into the study. Timing and success rate of pleurodesis, recurrence, additional intervention, hospital length of stay, and complications that occurred during follow-up were examined from medical records, retrospectively. Results Thirty-one (27 male, 4 female) SSP patients with expanded lungs on chest X-ray and resistant air leak on the 3rd post-interventional day were enrolled. Mean age was 53.7 ± 18.9 years (range: 23-81). Twenty-four patients were treated with tube thoracostomy, 2 with pezzer drain, and 5 with 8 F pleural catheter. 96.8% success was achieved; air leak in 29 of 31 patients (93.5%) ceased within the first 24 hours. No procedure-related complication such as fever, pain or empyema was seen. Late pneumothorax recurrence occurred in 4 (12.9%) patients; 1 treated with talc pleurodesis where the other 3 necessitated surgical intervention. Conclusions Autologous blood patch pleurodesis is a safe, effective, and easily performed procedure with no need of any additional equipment or extra cost. This method can be applied to all patients with radiologically expanded lungs and continuous air leak after 48 hours following water-seal drainage thoracostomy, to reduce hospital stay duration, unnecessary surgical interventions, and the expenses.

Clinical Respiratory Journal | 2017

A Comparison of Propofol-Midazolam and Midazolam Alone for Sedation in Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration: A retrospective cohort study.

Selahattin Oztas; Ulku Aka Akturk; Levent Alpay; Burhan Meydan; Hamza Ogun; Mahsuk Taylan; Murat Yalcinsoy; Haluk Celalettin Calisir; Ali Metin Görgüner; Dilek Ernam

Endobronchial ultrasound‐guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS‐TBNA) is a new, minimally invasive, bronchoscopic technique used in the evaluation of inthrathoracic lymph nodes.Use of sedation drugs before the procedure differs among centres. There is no standardization about sedation before EBUS‐TBNA.We used a policy decision to shift from use of propofol with midazolam vs midazolam alone in a large tertiary hospital to evaluate the diagnostic yield and safety of EBUS‐TBNA procedure.

International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | 2016

Can patients with moderate to severe acute respiratory failure from COPD be treated safely with noninvasive mechanical ventilation on the ward

Murat Yalcinsoy; Cuneyt Salturk; Selahattin Oztas; Sinem Gungor; Ipek Ozmen; Feyyaz Kabadayi; Aysem Askim Oztim; Emine Aksoy; Nalan Adiguzel; Özlem Oruç; Zuhal Karakurt

Purpose Noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) usage outside of intensive care unit is not recommended in patients with COPD for severe acute respiratory failure (ARF). We assessed the factors associated with failure of NIMV in patients with ARF and severe acidosis admitted to the emergency department and followed on respiratory ward. Patients and methods This is a retrospective observational cohort study conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital specialized in chest diseases and thoracic surgery between June 1, 2013 and May 31, 2014. COPD patients who were admitted to our emergency department due to ARF were included. Patients were grouped according to the severity of acidosis into two groups: group 1 (pH=7.20–7.25) and group 2 (pH=7.26–7.30). Results Group 1 included 59 patients (mean age: 70±10 years, 30.5% female) and group 2 included 171 patients (mean age: 67±11 years, 28.7% female). On multivariable analysis, partial arterial oxygen pressure to the inspired fractionated oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) ratio <200, delta pH value <0.30, and pH value <7.31 on control arterial blood gas after NIMV in the emergency room and peak C-reactive protein were found to be the risk factors for NIMV failure in COPD patients with ARF in the ward. Conclusion NIMV is effective not only in mild respiratory failure but also with severe forms of COPD patients presenting with severe exacerbation. The determination of the failure criteria of NIMV and the expertise of the team is critical for treatment success.

Turkish Thoracic Journal/Türk Toraks Dergisi | 2015

Hospital Treatment Costs and Factors Affecting These Costs in Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Fatma Tokgöz Akyıl; Armagan Hazar; Ipek Erdem; Canan Öneş; Murat Yalcinsoy; Ilim Irmak; Umut Sabri Kasapoğlu

OBJECTIVES Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) accounts for an important part of hospital admissions and health expenses worldwide. The cost increases when treated in a hospital, and reports on this issue are limited in Turkey. This study aimed to investigate direct hospital costs and factors affecting these costs for patients who were hospitalized in our clinic because of the diagnosis of CAP. MATERIAL AND METHODS The records of patients who had been hospitalized for the diagnosis of CAP were retrospectively reviewed. Demographic features, radiological features, pneumonia severity index (PSI), CURB-65 scorings, duration of hospitalization, treatments, and the results of treatments were examined. Total hospitalization costs and the expenses for intervention, medication, examinations, and additional services were recorded. The effect of data on the cost was evaluated. RESULTS The study was conducted with 87 patients with CAP. The mean duration of hospitalization was 15.6 days and nine patients (10.3%) were exitus. The median total hospital cost was 2062 (451-11690) TL [952 euros (€), 1305 dollars (

Pulmonology | 2018

Prognosis of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia

F. Tokgoz Akyil; Murat Yalcinsoy; Armagan Hazar; Aykut Cilli; Burcu Çelenk; O. Kilic; Abdullah Sayiner; Nurdan Kokturk; A. Sakar Coskun; Ayten Filiz; E. Cakir Edis

)], and the median hospitalization expense per day was 148 Turkish Lira (TL) (68.3 €, 93.7

Medicine Science | International Medical Journal | 2018

Disseminated hydatid disease treated with albendazole: 15-year experience

Sinem Gungor; Murat Yalcinsoy; Olga Akkan; Bülent Altınsoy; Zeynep Ferhan Ozseker; Aysun Mısırlıoğlu; Semra Bati Kutlu; Sibel Arınç; Hatice Türker; Esen Akkaya

). Medication expenses and total cost were higher in male patients than in female patients. Abscess/necrotizing pneumonia increased the cost depending on the infiltration that occurred either alone or with parapneumonic pleurisy. Whereas an increase in the PSI stage increased the total cost and expenses for intervention and medication, medication expenses increased in patients with CURB-65 score of 3 and 4 (p<0.05). Age, smoking, and low oxygen saturation level did not affect the cost. No statistically significant difference was found between the expenses of exitus patients and the expenses of patients who recovered. CONCLUSION CAP can lead to high costs and result in death. In our study, it was concluded that the cost increased in male patients, patients with abscess/necrotizing pneumonia, and patients with high PSI scores.

Tüberküloz ve toraks | 2017

Lung carcinoma patients aged eighty years over and prognostic factors affecting survival

Umut Sabri Kasapoğlu; Sinem Gungor; Sibel Arınç; Murat Yalcinsoy; Aysun Mısırlıoğlu; Özlem Makbule Akbay

INTRODUCTION The long-term prognosis of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has attracted increasing interest in recent years. The objective of the present study is to investigate the short and long-term outcomes in hospitalized patients with CAP and to identify the predictive factors associated with mortality. PATIENTS AND METHODS The study was designed as a retrospective, multicenter, observational study. Hospitalized patients with CAP, as recorded in the pneumonia database of the Turkish Thoracic Society between 2011 and 2013, were included. Short-term mortality was defined as 30-day mortality and long-term mortality was assessed from those who survived 30 days. Predictive factors for short- and long-term mortality were analyzed. RESULTS The study included 785 patients, 68% of whom were male and the mean age was 67±16 (18-92). The median duration of follow-up was 61.2±11.8 (37-90) months. Thirty-day mortality was 9.2% and the median survival of patients surviving 30 days was 62.8±4.4 months. Multivariate analysis revealed that advanced age, the absence of fever, a higher Charlson comorbidity score, higher blood urea nitrogen (BUN)/albumin ratios and lower alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels were all predictors of long-term mortality. CONCLUSION Long-term mortality following hospitalization for CAP is high. Charlson score and lack of fever are potential indicators for decreased long-term survival. As novel parameters, baseline BUN/albumin ratios and ALT levels are significantly associated with late mortality. Further interventions and closer monitoring are necessary for such subgroups of patients.

The Eurasian Journal of Medicine | 2017

Analysis of Age Distribution and Disease Presentation of 1269 Patients with Sarcoidosis

Nagihan Durmus Kocak; Sinem Gungor; Ulku Aka Akturk; Murat Yalcinsoy; Murat Kavas; Selahattin Oztas; Mevhibe Esen Akkaya; Emine Aksoy; Meltem Agca; Dildar Duman; Zuhal Karakurt

Medical therapy is recommended in various situations such as multiple cysts, high risk surgery , presence of small cyst and perioperative phase in the treatment of hydatid cyst. Present study was designed to determine the features of disseminated hydatid cyst cases, outcome of albendazole treatment , diagnosis and management of complications and patientsÂ’ outcome. Methods: 21 patients who had the diagnosis of hydatid cyst based on clinical, radiological, and pathological findings with multiple hydatid cyst in a single organ and/or more than one organ were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age was 34±17.9 (range, 7-71) and F/M was 17/4. Hydatid disease was detected as multiple cysts in the lung in four patients, as multiple cysts in the lung and pleura in one case, and as multiple organ involvement in 16 cases. The most common presentation was the involvement of both lung and liver. The most common symptom was cough. Four asymptomatic patients were detected during family screening. In six patients, Albendazole was started before the operation and the remainders were started after the operation. Cure was achieved in eight patients at the end of medical and/or surgical treatment. Convenient medical treatment with albendazole treatment in appropriately selected patients is an effective treatment option with minimal side effects in hydatid cyst disease.

Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology | 2017

Familial Sarcoidosis: An Analysis of Twenty-Eight Cases

Dildar Duman; Tülin Sevim; Lale Sertçelik; Olga Akkan; Sinem Gungor; Murat Yalcinsoy; Ipek Erdem; Reyhan Yıldız; Sümeyye Bekir; Murat Kavas; Armagan Hazar; Esen Akkaya

Introduction Almost 50% of all cancers and 70% of cancer deaths occur in cases aged 65 years and more. Thus diagnosis, treatment and follow up in old cases gain importance. Since there a limited number of study that show age-mortality relation in lung cancer cases aged 80 years and over, issues may arise in diagnosis and treatment process of these cases. In this study, we aimed to evaluate general characteristics of lung cancer cases aged 80 years or over and factors that affect survey. Materials and Methods Between 2010 and 2013, the retrospective cohort study was done in Sureyyapasa Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Training and Research Hospital and 100 cases of lung carcinoma were examined. Result In the study, 70% of the cases were male and 30% were female. Median age was 83 ± 2.91 (80-92) years. 71% of the cases were found to be suffering from a comorbid disease; 29% did not have any comorbid disease. Dyspnea (56%), cough (50%) and chest pain (41%) were the most frequent symptoms. Histopathologically, 41% of the patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and 40% were diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Median survival time was 2.73 months (%95 CI 0.96-4.49) and 1-year survival rate was 17%. Length of time of the cases with smoking history was found shorter than of cases without smoking history (p= 0.013). Life expectancy of the cases with advanced disease and performance score of 3-4 was detected to be short (p= 0.006, p< 0.001). Compared to the cases who operated on and had chemoradiotherapy, length of life who had symptomatic treatment was shorter (p< 0.001). Conclusions Despite the comorbidity in lung cancer cases aged 80 years and over, life expectancy of the cases who had surgical and/or chemoradiotherapy treatment is longer. While deciding on treatment methods on these cases, patients performance must be taken into consideration.

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