
Journal of Cell Science | 2003

Nonerythroid alphaII spectrin is required for recruitment of FANCA and XPF to nuclear foci induced by DNA interstrand cross-links.

Deepa Sridharan; Monique Brown; W. Clark Lambert; Laura McMahon; Muriel W. Lambert

The events responsible for repair of DNA interstrand cross-links in mammalian cells, the proteins involved and their interactions with each other are poorly understood. The present study demonstrates that the structural protein nonerythroid α spectrin (αSpIIΣ*), present in normal human cell nuclei, plays an important role in repair of DNA interstrand cross-links. These results show that αSpIIΣ* relocalizes to nuclear foci after damage of normal human cells with the DNA interstrand cross-linking agent 8-methoxypsoralen plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light and that FANCA and the known DNA repair protein XPF localize to the same nuclear foci. That αSpIIΣ* is essential for this re-localization is demonstrated by the finding that in cells from patients with Fanconi anemia complementation group A (FA-A), which have decreased ability to repair DNA interstrand cross-links and decreased levels of αSpIIΣ*, there is a significant reduction in formation of damage-induced XPF as well asα SpIIΣ* nuclear foci, even though levels of XPF are normal in these cells. In corrected FA-A cells, in which levels of αSpIIΣ* are restored to normal, numbers of damage-induced nuclear foci are also returned to normal. Co-immunoprecipitation studies show thatα SpIIΣ*, FANCA and XPF co-immunoprecipitate with each other from normal human nuclear proteins. These results demonstrate thatα SpIIΣ*, FANCA and XPF interact with each other in the nucleus and indicate that there is a close functional relationship between these proteins. These studies suggest that an important role for αSpIIΣ* in the nucleus is to act as a scaffold, aiding in recruitment and alignment of repair proteins at sites of damage.

Cell Biology International | 2006

αII-Spectrin interacts with five groups of functionally important proteins in the nucleus

Deepa M. Sridharan; Laura W. McMahon; Muriel W. Lambert

Nonerythroid α‐spectrin (αSpIIΣ*) is a structural protein that has been identified in the nucleus of mammalian cells and shown to be involved in DNA repair. It is also deficient in cells from the clinically diverse genetic disorder Fanconi anemia (FA). In order to get a clearer understanding of the role of αSpIIΣ* in DNA repair, and whether it may have other important functions in the nucleus, studies were undertaken to identify specific αSpIIΣ* protein binding partners in the nucleus. The results demonstrate that multiple proteins co‐immunoprecipitate with αSpIIΣ* from nuclear extracts from normal human lymphoblastoid and HeLa cells. These can be grouped into five categories: structural proteins, proteins involved in DNA repair, chromatin remodeling proteins, FA proteins, and transcription and RNA processing factors. These studies indicate that αSpIIΣ* may play a role in a number of diverse and important processes in the nucleus and that a deficiency in this protein, as occurs in FA, could affect a number of critical cellular pathways.

Mutation Research\/dna Repair Reports | 1985

Co-recessive inheritance: A model for DNA repair, genetic disease and carcinogenesis☆

W. Clark Lambert; Muriel W. Lambert

A genetic model for some cases of excision-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is proposed in which the trait (i.e., XP) is expressed if and only if the individual is homozygous or hemizygous for defective alleles at more than one of a specific set of loci. The model might also apply in some cases of certain other diseases associated with defective DNA repair. The model accounts for several paradoxical aspects of XP, including the large number of complementation groups despite the biochemically limited DNA-repair defect, the co-existence of XP and Cockaynes syndrome in two different complementation groups of XP, siblings with markedly different degrees of severity of XP in one family and transmission of the disease in an X-linked manner in another, the existence of some individuals who appear to have the DNA-repair defect but not clinical XP, and the seeming paradox of a disease associated with a marked defect in a DNA-repair mechanism but not associated with an obvious increase in incidence of internal cancer. The model predicts that a large proportion of the general population is a carrier of one or more of these defective genes for DNA-repair mechanisms. Such genes may be important in the etiology of much of human cancer.

Mutation Research-dna Repair | 1992

Defective DNA endonuclease activities in Fanconi's anemia cells, complementation groups A and B

Muriel W. Lambert; Gregory J. Tsongalis; W. Clark Lambert; Bo Hang; David D. Parrish

Cells from patients with the inherited disorder, Fanconis anemia (FA), were analyzed for endonucleases which recognize DNA interstrand cross-links and monoadducts produced by psoralen plus UVA irradiation. Two chromatin-associated DNA endonuclease activities, defective in their ability to incise DNA-containing adducts produced by psoralen plus UVA light, have been identified and isolated in nuclei of FA cells. In FA complementation group A (FA-A) cells, one endonuclease activity, pI 4.6, which recognizes psoralen intercalation and interstrand cross-links, has 25% of the activity of the normal human endonuclease, pI 4.6, on 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) plus UVA-damaged DNA. In FA complementation group B (FA-B) cells, a second endonuclease activity, pI 7.6, which recognizes psoralen monoadducts, has 50% and 55% of the activity, respectively, of the corresponding normal endonuclease on 8-MOP or angelicin plus UVA-damaged DNA. Kinetic analysis reveals that both the FA-A endonuclease activity, pI 4.6, and the FA-B endonuclease activity, pI 7.6, have decreased affinity for psoralen plus UVA-damaged DNA. Both the normal and FA endonucleases showed approximately a 2.5-fold increase in activity on psoralen plus UVA-damaged reconstituted nucleosomal DNA compared to damaged non-nucleosomal DNA, indicating that interaction of these FA endonucleases with nucleosomal DNA is not impaired. These deficiencies in two nuclear DNA endonuclease activities from FA-A and FA-B cells correlate with decreased levels of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS), in response to 8-MOP or angelicin plus UVA irradiation, in these cells in culture.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2009

Knockdown of αII spectrin in normal human cells by siRNA leads to chromosomal instability and decreased DNA interstrand cross-link repair

Laura W. McMahon; Pan Zhang; Deepa M. Sridharan; Joel A. Lefferts; Muriel W. Lambert

Nonerythroid alpha-spectrin (alphaIISp) is a structural protein involved in repair of DNA interstrand cross-links and is deficient in cells from patients with Fanconi anemia (FA), which are defective in ability to repair cross-links. In order to further demonstrate the importance of the role that alphaIISp plays in normal human cells and in the repair defect in FA, alphaIISp was knocked down in normal cells using siRNA. Depletion of alphaIISp in normal cells by siRNA resulted in chromosomal instability and cellular hypersensitivity to DNA interstrand cross-linking agents. An increased number of chromosomal aberrations were observed and, following treatment with a DNA interstrand cross-linking agent, mitomycin C, cells showed decreased cell growth and survival and decreased formation of damage-induced alphaIISp and XPF nuclear foci. Thus depletion of alphaIISp in normal cells leads to a number of defects observed in FA cells, such as chromosome instability and a deficiency in cross-link repair.

Mutation Research-dna Repair | 1990

Chromatin-associated DNA endonucleases from xeroderma pigmentosum cells are defective in interaction with damaged nucleosomal DNA

David D. Parrish; Muriel W. Lambert

The influence of nucleosome structure on the activity of 2 chromatin-associated DNA endonucleases, pIs 4.6 and 7.6, from normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A (XPA), lymphoblastoid cells was examined on DNA containing either psoralen monoadducts or cross-links. As substrate a reconstituted nucleosomal system was utilized consisting of a plasmid DNA and either core (H2A, H2B, H3, H4), or total (core plus H1) histones from normal or XPA cells. Both non-nucleosomal and nucleosomal DNA were treated with 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) plus long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation (UVA), which produces monoadducts and DNA interstrand cross-links, and angelicin plus UVA, which produces monoadducts. Both normal endonucleases were over 2-fold more active on both types of psoralen-plus-UVA-damaged core nucleosomal DNA than on damaged non-nucleosomal DNA. Addition of histone H1 to the system reduced but did not abolish this increase. By contrast, neither XPA endonuclease showed any increase on psoralen-treated nucleosomal DNA, with or without histone H1. Mixing the normal with the XPA endonucleases led to complementation of the XPA defect. These results indicate that interaction of these endonucleases with chromatin is of critical importance and that it is at this level that a defect exists in XPA endonucleases.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 1982

Nuclear deoxyribonuclease activities in normal and xeroderma pigmentosum lymphoblastoid cells

Anthony O. Okorodudu; W. Clark Lambert; Muriel W. Lambert

Abstract Deoxyribonuclease activities were examined in isoelectric focusing fractions of non-histone chromatin-associated and nucleoplasmic proteins of isolated nuclei of normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A, lymphoblastoid cells using parallel procedures. In the nucleoplasm of both cell lines, a very similar series of both DNA endo- and exo-nuclease activities were found; in chromatin a series of similar endonuclease but no exonuclease activites were present. Several differences were observed in the xeroderma pigmentosum cells, however, notably a striking increase in DNA endonuclease activity in a chromatin fraction at pI 4.6 against linear duplex DNA and a decrease in a chromatin endonuclease activity focusing at pI 7.8.

Chemico-Biological Interactions | 1983

Nuclear DNA endonuclease activities on partially apurinic/apyrimidinic DNA in normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum lymphoblastoid and mouse melanoma cells

Muriel W. Lambert; W. Clark Lambert; Anthony O. Okorodudu

DNA endonuclease activities from nuclear proteins of normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), complementation group A, lymphoblastoid and Cloudman mouse melanoma cells were examined against partially apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) DNA. Non-histone chromatin-associated and nucleoplasmic proteins, obtained from isolated nuclei, were subfractionated by isoelectric focusing and assayed for DNA endonuclease activity against linear, calf thymus DNA. All of the nine chromatin-associated and three of the nucleoplasmic fractions, which lacked DNA exonuclease activity, were tested for DNA endonuclease activity against both native and partially AP, circular, duplex, supercoiled PM2 DNA. In all three cell lines, four chromatin-associated, but none of the nucleoplasmic fractions, showed increased activity against DNA rendered AP by either heat/acid treatment or by alkylation with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) followed by heat. One chromatin-associated activity, with pI 9.8, which was not active on native DNA, showed the greatest activity on AP DNA. AP activity was moderately decreased in XP cells and slightly decreased in mouse melanoma cells, as compared with normal cells, in the fraction at pI 9.8. Little or no increased activity was observed in any of the endonucleases from any of the cell lines on MMS alkylated DNA.

Biochemistry | 2010

Knockdown of μ-calpain in Fanconi Anemia, FA-A, cells by siRNA Restores αII Spectrin levels and Corrects Chromosomal Instability and Defective DNA Interstrand Cross-link Repair

Pan Zhang; Deepa Sridharan; Muriel W. Lambert

We have previously shown that there is a deficiency in the structural protein, nonerythroid alpha spectrin (alphaIISp), in cells from patients with Fanconi anemia (FA). These studies indicate that this deficiency is due to the reduced stability of alphaIISp and correlates with a decreased level of repair of DNA interstrand cross-links and chromosomal instability in FA cells. An important factor in the stability of alphaIISp is its susceptibility to cleavage by the protease, mu-calpain. We hypothesized that an increased level of mu-calpain cleavage of alphaIISp in FA cells leads to an increased level of breakdown of alphaIISp and that knocking down expression of mu-calpain in FA cells should restore levels of alphaIISp and correct a number of the phenotypic defects observed. The results showed that there is increased mu-calpain activity in FA-A, FA-C, FA-D2, FA-F, and FA-G cells that could account for the deficiency in alphaIISp in these FA cells. Protein interaction studies indicated that FANCA and FANCG bind directly to mu-calpain. We hypothesize that this binding may lead to inhibition of mu-calpain activity in normal cells. Knocking down mu-calpain by siRNA in FA-A cells restored levels of alphaIISp to normal and reversed a number of the cellular deficiencies in these cells. It corrected the DNA repair defect and the chromosomal instability observed after exposure to a DNA interstrand cross-linking agent. These studies indicate that FA proteins may play an important role in maintaining the stability of alphaIISp in the cell by regulating its cleavage by mu-calpain. Thus, by reducing the level of breakdown of alphaIISp in FA cells, we may be able to reverse a number of the cellular deficiencies observed in this disorder.

Biochemistry | 2009

The SH3 Domain of αII Spectrin Is a Target for the Fanconi Anemia Protein, FANCG†

Joel A. Lefferts; Chuan Wang; Deepa Sridharan; Melissa Baralt; Muriel W. Lambert

The structural protein nonerythroid alpha spectrin (alphaIISp) plays a role in the repair of DNA interstrand cross-links and is deficient in cells from patients with Fanconi anemia (FA), in which there is a defect in ability to repair such cross-links. We have proposed a model in which alphaIISp, whose stability is dependent on FA proteins, acts as a scaffold to aid in recruitment of repair proteins to sites of damage. In order to get a clearer understanding of the proposed role of FA proteins in maintaining stability of alphaIISp, yeast two-hybrid analysis was carried out to determine whether FA proteins directly interact with alphaIISp and, if so, to map the sites of interaction. Four overlapping regions of alphaIISp were constructed. FANCG interacted with one of these regions and specifically with the SH3 domain in this region of alphaIISp. The site of interaction in FANCG was mapped to a motif that binds to SH3 domains and contains a consensus sequence with preference for the SH3 domain of alphaIISp. This site of interaction was confirmed using site-directed mutagenesis. Two FA proteins that did not contain motifs that bind to SH3 domains, FANCC and FANCF, did not interact with the SH3 domain of alphaIISp. These results demonstrate that one of the FA proteins, FANCG, contains a motif that interacts directly with the SH3 domain of alphaIISp. We propose that this binding of FANCG to alphaIISp may be important for the stability of alphaIISp in cells and the role alphaIISp plays in the DNA repair process.

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