Mutalip Çiçek
Yüzüncü Yıl University
Acta parasitologica Turcica | 2011
Hasan Yilmaz; Zeynep Taş Cengiz; Mutalip Çiçek; Ahmet Cumhur Dülger
The reason for the presentation of this case is that Linguatula serrata, a parasite rarely encountered in humans, was found in a patient in Van province. The patient, who was 26 years old, lived in Erciş a town in Van province, East Turkey. She was admitted to the Outpatient Clinic of Infectious Diseases of Erciş Government Hospital with a complaint of coughing a few worms about 4 cm long from the oral cavity, and also sore throat, partial voice loss and vomiting. The polyclinic doctor suspected that the worm was a parasite but he could not make a diagnosis, and the patient was referred to Health Research and Training Hospital, Yüzüncü Yıl University. The parasite was examined in the Parasitology Laboratory and it was observed that this parasite was the nymph of L. serrata whose mouth was surrounded with four hooks and had approximately 90 body segments with small hooks. No medical treatment was given to the patient except that gargling with saline solution was recommended. As a result, we think that physicians should consider L. serrata infestation in patients applying to health foundations with complaints such as pharyngitis accompanied by pharyngeal pain, coughing, sneezing and vomiting.
Acta parasitologica Turcica | 2012
Mutalip Çiçek; Ali Ihsan Diker; Duygu Neval Sayin Ipek; Alicem Tekin; Tuba Dal
Myiasis cases are often encountered in humans, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Urogenital myiasis is one of the facultative myiasis cases that may be seen in humans. Psychoda albipennis is an insect species that causes urogential myiasis in humans Adults of this species, belongs to the Psychodidae subfamily, lives especially in humid toilets and domestic bathrooms. This case, presented as urogenital myiasis caused by P. albipennis in a fifteen year old male. The person, who was a student, was living in the city center reported to have passed five-six larvae for three months. The patient had normal urinalysis, stool microscopy and urine culture. Larvae were examined under a microscope and were identified as fourth period larvae of P. albipennis. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that P. albipennis may be an agent in urogenital myiasis.
Dicle Tıp Dergisi | 2011
Mutalip Çiçek; Hasan Yilmaz
Hemangiomas are the most common tumors of infancy. Most of them require no treatment, but treatment is needed if dramatic aesthetic, and/or functional impairment as visual or airway obstruction or ulceration arises. We reported a 6-month-old infant presented with a 6-week history of a rapidly growing cutaneus hemangioma on the right eyelid and caused visual impairment. The patient was successfully treated with the use of oral propranolol therapy. We suggest that propranolol can be considered as a first line treatment in a patient with infantil hemangioma.Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine levator palpebralis superior muscle histologically in patients with congenital blepharoptosis and to investigate the relationship between these findings and age, sex and degree of blefaroptosis in this patient group. Materials and methods: Levator muscle of 13 patients with congenital ptosis, who had applied to Dicle University Medical Faculty Ophthalmology Clinic and had undergone levator palpebralis superior muscle resection between january 2009-january 2010, has been examined histopathologically in Histology and Embriology Deparment. During preoperative period, ptosis amount, levator function (LF), tear functions, Bell\s phenomenon and jaw-winking phenomenon were evaluated. All patients underwent resection of levator palpebralis superior muscle. Received postoperative levator muscle was examined by light microscopy. Results: The average age of 9 (69.2%) male and 4 (30.8%) female cases were 10.61 p 4.77 (4- 19) years. In histological examination, the quality and quantity of the levator muscle fibrils have been assessed. There was no relationship detected between histological features of levator palpebralis superior muscle and patient\s age and gender (p>0.05). Patients with weak levator palpebralis superior muscle were detected to have fatty degeneration histologically. The higher the levator palpebralis superior muscle function revealed decreased fatty degeneration and increased skeletal muscle fibrils. Conclusion: More ultrastructural studies in larger populations are needed to support the relationship between structure and function of levator palpebralis superior muscle in patients with congenital blepharoptosis.Amac: Lateral epikondilit (tenisci dirsegi) en fazla tani konulan dirsek yan agri nedenidir. Bu calismanin amaci tenisci dirsegi tedavisinde tek doz kortikosteroid enjeksiyonu ile otolog trombositten zengin plazma (TZP) enjeksiyonunun etkilerini karsilastirmaktir. Gerec ve yontem: Dirsek yan kisminda agri sikâyeti sonucu klinigimize muracaat edip, lateral epikondilit tanisi konan 15 hastanin (6 erkek ve 9 kadin) 15 dirsegi calisma kapsamina alindi. Olgularin 1. grubuna tek doz 0,5 ml Bethametasone ve 0.5 ml Prilokain karisimi, 2. grup olgulara 1ml otolog TZP lokal olarak uygulandi. Bulgular: Verhaar skorlama sistemine gore alinan sonuclara gore ilk takiplerde lokal steroid enjeksiyonu yapilan hasta grubunda sonuclarin daha iyi oldugu fakat sonraki takiplerde iyi sonuclarin goruldugu vaka sayisinda azalma oldugu goruldu. TZP grubunda ise ilk takiplerde sonuclarin kotu oldugu fakat sonraki takiplerde daha iyi sonuclarin alindigi goruldu. Sonuc: Otolog TZP enjeksiyonun lateral epikondilitte iyi yonde etkinliginin zamanla artigi soylenebilir, fakat bunun daha iyi anlasilmasi icin olgu sayisi ve takip suresi artirilmis yeni calismalarin yapilmasi gereklidir.
Experimental Parasitology | 2005
Mehmet Tanyuksel; Hasan Yilmaz; Mustafa Ulukanligil; Engin Araz; Mutalip Çiçek; Özgür Koru; Zeynep Tas; William A. Petri
Saudi Medical Journal | 2008
Hasan Yilmaz; Zeynep Tas-Cengiz; Mutalip Çiçek
Acta parasitologica Turcica | 2014
Hasan Yilmaz; Zeynep Taş Cengiz; Mutalip Çiçek
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi | 2012
Mutalip Çiçek; Hasan Yilmaz
Archive | 2015
Zeynep Taş Cengiz; Yunus Emre Beyhan; Mutalip Çiçek
Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tip Dergisi | 2015
Zeynep Taş Cengiz; Yunus Emre Beyhan; Mutalip Çiçek; Hasan Yilmaz
Dicle Medical Journal | 2015
Zeynep Taş Cengiz; Yunus Emre Beyhan; Mutalip Çiçek; Hasan Yilmaz