
American Mineralogist | 2009

Dmitryivanovite: A new high-pressure calcium aluminum oxide from the Northwest Africa 470 CH3 chondrite characterized using electron backscatter diffraction analysis

Takashi Mikouchi; Michael E. Zolensky; Marina Ivanova; Osamu Tachikawa; Mutsumi Komatsu; L. Le; Matthieu Gounelle

Abstract Dmitryivanovite (CaAl2O4) is a newly described, calcium aluminum oxide from the Northwest Africa 470 (NWA470) CH3 chondrite (Ivanova et al. 2002). NWA470 contains abundant small Ca,Alrich inclusions (CAIs), and dmitryivanovite, whose composition is close to stoichiometric CaAl2O4 [Ca1.000(Al1.993Si0.003Ti0.002)1.998O4], was found in one of these CAIs. It occurs as ~10 μm subhedral grains intergrown with grossite (CaAl4O7), perovskite, and melilite. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis revealed that dmitryivanovite is a high-pressure polymorph of CaAl2O4 (a = 7.95, b = 8.62, c = 10.25 Å, β = 93.1°, space group P21/c, and Z = 12). Dmitryivanovite is the third phase to be described from nature in the binary system of CaO-Al2O3, the other two being hibonite (CaAl12O19) and grossite (CaAl4O7)-all are found in CAIs. The presence of CaAl2O4 in NWA470 suggests a local elevated dust/gas ratio in the solar nebula. The phase diagram of CaAl2O4 shows that ~2 GPa is required to stabilize the high-pressure CaAl2O4 polymorph at 1327 °C, above which CaAl2O4 condenses from the solar nebula. Because it is unlikely that the solar nebula ever had such a high total gas pressure, it appears more probable that condensation of the low-pressure polymorph occurred in the solar nebula with an enhanced dust-to-gas ratio and that subsequently the high-pressure polymorph was produced by shock metamorphism, most likely after the CaAl2O4-bearing CAI was incorporated into the NWA470 parent asteroid.

Meteoritics & Planetary Science | 2001

Mineralogy and petrography of amoeboid olivine aggregates from the reduced CV3 chondrites Efremovka, Leoville and Vigarano: Products of nebular condensation, accretion and annealing

Mutsumi Komatsu; Alexander N. Krot; M. I. Petaev; A.A. Ulyanov; Klaus Keil; Masamichi Miyamoto

Polar Science | 2009

High-temperature annealing of amoeboid olivine aggregates: Heating experiments on olivine–anorthite mixtures

Mutsumi Komatsu; Takashi Mikouchi; Masamichi Miyamoto

Archive | 2018

Measuring the Shock Stage of Asteroid Regolith Grains by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction

Michael E. Zolensky; James Martinez; Scott Sitzman; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; Yasuko Terada; Naoto Yagi; Mutsumi Komatsu; Hikaru Ozawa; Yuta Taki; Yuta Yamatsuta; Atsushi Takenouchi; Hikari Hasegawa; Haruka Ono; Kotaro Higashi; Masaki Takata; Arashi Hirata; Ayaka Kurokawa; Shoki Yamaguchi

Archive | 2017

Measuring Shock Stage of ltokawa Regolith Grains by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction

Michael E. Zolensky; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; James Martinez; Scott Sitzman; Yasuko Terada; Naoto Yagi; Mutsumi Komatsu; Hikaru Ozawa; Yuta Taki; Yuta Yamatsuta; Atsushi Takenouchi; Hikari Hasegawa; Haruka Ono; Kotaro Higashi; Masaki Takata; Arashi Hirata; Ayaka Kurokawa; Shoki Yamaguchi

Archive | 2017

Impact Record of a Asteroid Regolith Recorded in a Carbonaceous Chrondrite

Michael E. Zolensky; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; Mutsumi Komatsu; Queenie H. S. Chan; L. Le; David A. Kring; Michael Cato; A. L. Fagan; Juliane Gross; Ayuna Tanaka; Daichi Takegawa; Takuya Hoshikawa; Tomoaki Yoshida; Naoya Sawa

Archive | 2016

The Nature of C Asteroid Regolith Revealed from the Jbilet Winselwan CM Chondrite

Michael E. Zolensky; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; Mutsumi Komatsu; Queenie H. S. Chan; L. Le; David A. Kring; Michael Cato; A. L. Fagan

Archive | 2016

Measurements of Shock Effects Recorded by Itokawa Samples

Michael E. Zolensky; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; James Martinez; Mutsumi Komatsu; Queenie H. S. Chan

Archive | 2016

Unique View of C Asteriod Regolith from the Jbilet Winselwan CM Chondrite

Michael E. Zolensky; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; Mutsumi Komatsu; Queenie H. S. Chan; L. Le; David A. Kring; Michael Cato; A. L. Fagan; Juliane Gross; Ayuna Tanaka; Daichi Takegawa; Takuya Hoshikawa; Tomoaki Yoshida; Naoya Sawa

Archive | 2015

Measurements of Shock Effects Recorded by Hayabusa Samples

Michael E. Zolensky; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; James Martinez; Mutsumi Komatsu; Queenie H. S. Chan

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