
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1994

The Design and construction of the ZEUS central tracking detector

B. Foster; J. Malos; David Saxon; D. Clark; A.K. Jamdagni; C. Markou; D.B. Miller; D.G. Miller; L.W. Toudup; C.G. Auty; G.A. Blair; C.B. Brooks; R. Cashmore; A.T. Hanford; N. Harnew; A.R. Holmes; W. Linford; N.C. Martin; I. McArthur; J. Nash; K.N. Nobbs; R. Wastie; M.T. Williams; F.F. Wilson; R.D. Wilson; J. C. Hart; R. Hatley; J.W. Hiddleston; M.D. Gibson; N. A. McCubbin

Abstract The mechanical, electrical and electronic design and construction of the ZEUS central tracking detector are described, together with the chamber monitoring and environmental control. This cylindrical drift chamber is designed for track reconstruction, electron identification and fast event triggering in a high beam-crossing rate, high magnetic field application.

European Physical Journal C | 1987

Double parton scattering inpp collisions at\(\sqrt s = 63\) GeV

T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Breuker; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; Y. Choi; W. Cleland; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; C. Fabjan; U. Goerlach; K.H. Hansen; V. Hedberg; G. Jarlskog; S. Katsanevas; N. J. Kjaer; R. Kroeger; K. Kulka; D. Lissauer; B. Lörstad; Athanasios Markou; N. A. McCubbin; U. Mjörnmark; R. Møller

AbstractIn a study ofpp collisions at

Nuclear Physics | 1986

A search for glueballs and a study of doouble pomeron exchange at the CERN intersecting storage rings

T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Breuker; V. Burkert; R. Carosi; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P. Cecil; S. U. Chung; W. Cleland; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; M.D. Gibson; U. Goerlach; M. J. Goodrick; K.H. Hansen

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1987

Performance of the uranium/plastic scintillator calorimeter for the HELIOS experiment at CERN

T. Åkesson; A.L.S. Angelis; F. Corriveau; R.C.E. Devenish; G. Di Tore; C. Fabjan; F. Lamarche; C. Leroy; M.L. McCubbin; N. A. McCubbin; L.H. Olsen; M. Seman; Y. Sirois; R. Wigmans; W.J. Willis

\sqrt s = 63

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research | 1982

The axial field spectrometer at the CERN ISR

H. Gordon; Y. Oren; C. Woody; H. Hofmann; N. A. McCubbin; E. Rosso; U. Mjörnmark; O. Botner; B. Schistad; H.J. Hilke; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; G. Jarlskog; R.H. Schindler; B.S. Nielsen; W. E. M. Evans; G. Kesseler; Rasmus Moller; P. Frandsen; S. Almehed; G. Kantardjian; K.H. Hansen; A. Hallgren; J. Lindsay; B. Lörstad; S.Ø. Nielsen; Gibson; E. Dahl-Jensen; H. Bøggild; P. Dam

Physics Letters B | 1982

Direct evidence for the emergence of jets in events triggered on large transverse energy in pp collisions at s = 63 GeV

T. P. A. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Brody; V. Burkert; A. Di Ciaccio; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; H. A. Gordon; A. Hallgren; K.H. Hansen; B. Heck; H.J. Hilke; J.E. Hooper; G. Jarlskog; P. W. Jeffreys; T. Jensen; G. Kesseler

GeV with more than 29 GeV total transverse energy emitted into 1.8 units of rapidity in the central region, we have extracted a sample of 4-jet events and compared it with models of the two sources of 4-jet production: double bremsstrahlung and double parton scattering. The data cannot be described by bremsstrahlung alone, and we extract the fraction of 4-jet events attributed to double parton scattering for various definitions of the 4-jet sample. We determine the double parton scattering/2-jet yield ratio, and this leads to a determination of the proton radius. We discuss the implications of our observations for the general understanding of high-ΣET events.

Physics Letters B | 1983

Bose-Einstein correlations in αα, pp and pp interactions

T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; R. Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Breuker; H. Brody; V. Burkert; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P. Cecil; S. U. Chung; W. Cleland; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; Piet Van Dam; G. Damgaard; S. Eidelman; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; M.D. Gibson; U. Goerlach; H. A. Gordon

We present results from a study of centrally produced mesons in 3 × 106 events with two small-angle protons at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. A high-statistics sample of exclusive pp → ppπ+π− events at √s = 63 GeV has been obtained, where the reaction mechanism is dominated by double pomeron exchange. Scalar or tensor glueballs may be produced by this process. The π+π− mass spectrum has a distinctive structure, and analysis shows that the data are dominantly S-wave up to 1600 MeV. The behaviour of the D-wave provides evidence for a 2++ resonance (M = 1480 ± 50 MeV, Γ = 150 ± 50 MeV) in addition to the f(1270). We also show data on exclusive K+K−, pp, and π+π−π+π− production, and on the analogous reaction αα → ααπ+π− at √s = 126 GeV. Flavour independence is suggested by the observation of approximately equal numbers of K+K− and π+π− pairs for mass above 1 GeV. The mass spectra are also apparently independent of √s (45, 63, 126 GeV) and incident particle type (p, α).

Physics Letters B | 1982

Further evidence for jet production from the charged particles produced in pp collisions at triggered on large transverse energy

T. P. A. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; H. Bøggild; O. Botner; H. Brody; V. Burkert; A. Di Ciaccio; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; G. Damgaard; W.M. Evans; C. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; H. A. Gordon; A. Hallgren; K.H. Hansen; B. Heck; H.J. Hilke; J.E. Hooper; G. Jarlskog; P. W. Jeffreys; T. Jensen; G. Kesseler

Abstract We describe the calorimeter system serving the HELIOS experiment at CERN, its calibration, and its performances measured in test experiments. The calorimeter signal for hadrons was found to be proportional to the energy to within 2% over the energy range 8–200 GeV. Over the same energy range the energy resolution σ E scales as 1 E for both electromagnetic and hadronic showers. The values found were (0.215 ± 0.007) E and (0.337 ± 0.012) E , respectively, for the detection of single particles. The signal ratios e/mip and e π are 0.70 ± 0.05 and 0.984 ± 0.006, where the latter ratio was found to be dependent on the signal integration time the quoted number being obtained for a 130 ns gate. The energy resolution for multiparticle detection was found to be about twice as large as for the detection of single particles in the actual calorimeter configuration. The energy flow logic, designed to provide trigger information on physics quantities such as transverse energy and missing energy, was shown to be very accurate and reliable.

Physics Letters B | 1983

The dominance of jets at large transverse energy in a full-azimuth hadron calorimeter at ISR energies

T. Åkesson; M. Albrow; S. Almehed; Richard Batley; O. Benary; O. Botner; H. Bøggild; H. Breuker; H. Brody; V. Burkert; R. Carosi; A. A. Carter; J. R. Carter; P. Cecil; W. Cleland; S. U. Chung; D. J. A. Cockerill; S. Dagan; E. Dahl-Jensen; I. Dahl-Jensen; P. Dam; G. Damgaard; S. Eidelman; W.M. Evans; C.W. Fabjan; P. Frandsen; S. Frankel; W. Frati; M.D. Gibson; U. Goerlach

Abstract The axial field spectrometer is being exploited in a wide-ranging programme to study pp and p p -collisions which are characterized by a large transverse momentum. A specially shaped magnet together with an “imaging” drift chamber is used for efficient detection and momentum analysis of high multiplicity events at interaction rates of up to 5 × 106 s. Particle identification is accomplished over 1 sr; an uranium/scintillator hadron calorimeter will cover more than 8 sr in 1982 to provide an unbiased energy measurement.

Physical Review D | 2001

Search for resonance decays to an anti-neutrino plus jet in E + P scattering at DESY HERA

J. Breitweg; Ds Bailey; N. H. Brook; Je Cole; B. Foster; M. Wing; G. P. Heath; Helen F Heath; N. A. McCubbin; S. Robins; Em Rodrigues Figueiredo; R. J. Tapper; Jaap Velthuis; Jp Scott

We present data obtained from a 1.7 sr hadron calorimeter, triggered on transverse energy, in pp collisions at s=63 GeV at the CERN-ISR. From the change in the distribution of energy in the calorimeter, we extract the cross section for two-constituent hard scattering for pT between 6 and 14 GeV at y = 0. The decrease of this jet cross section over this pT range is consistent with exp (−bpT), with b = (1.02 ± 0.09) GeV−1. The slope and normalization of the cross section agree well with a QCD motivated Monte Carlo model. The ratio between jet and single particle cross sections [dσJET/dpT)/(dσπ0/dpT)]| y = 0 changes from about 200 at 6 GeV to about 1500 at 14 GeV.

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