
Geophysical Research Letters | 2014

On the electron diffusion region in planar, asymmetric, systems

Michael Hesse; N. Aunai; David G. Sibeck; Joachim Birn

Particle-in-cell simulations and analytical theory are employed to study the electron diffusion region in asymmetric reconnection, which is taking place in planar configurations without a guide field. The analysis presented here focuses on the nature of the local reconnection electric field and on differences from symmetric configurations. Further emphasis is on the complex structure of the electron distribution in the diffusion region, which is generated by the mixing of particles from different sources. We find that the electric field component that is directly responsible for flux transport is provided not by electron pressure-based, “quasi-viscous,” terms but by inertial terms. The quasi-viscous component is shown to be critical in that it is necessary to sustain the required overall electric field pattern in the immediate neighborhood of the reconnection X line.

Physics of Plasmas | 2013

Electron nongyrotropy in the context of collisionless magnetic reconnection

N. Aunai; Michael Hesse; Maria M. Kuznetsova

Collisionless magnetized plasmas have the tendency to isotropize their velocity distribution function around the local magnetic field direction, i.e., to be gyrotropic, unless some spatial and/or temporal fluctuations develop at the particle gyroscales. Electron gyroscale inhomogeneities are well known to develop during the magnetic reconnection process. Nongyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions have been observed to play a key role in the dissipative process breaking the field line connectivity. In this paper, we present a new method to quantify the deviation of a particle population from gyrotropy. The method accounts for the full 3D shape of the distribution and its analytical formulation allows fast numerical computation. Regions associated with a significant degree of nongyrotropy are shown, as well as the kinetic origin of the nongyrotropy and the fluid signature it is associated with. Using the result of 2.5D Particle-In-Cell simulations of magnetic reconnection in symmetric and asymme...

Geophysical Research Letters | 2016

Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause

B. Lavraud; Y. C. Zhang; Y. Vernisse; D. J. Gershman; J. C. Dorelli; P. A. Cassak; J. Dargent; C. J. Pollock; B. Giles; N. Aunai; M. R. Argall; L. A. Avanov; Alexander C. Barrie; J. L. Burch; M. O. Chandler; Li-Jen Chen; G. Clark; I. J. Cohen; Victoria N. Coffey; J. P. Eastwood; J. Egedal; S. Eriksson; R. E. Ergun; C. J. Farrugia; S. A. Fuselier; Vincent Génot; D. B. Graham; E. E. Grigorenko; H. Hasegawa; Christian Jacquey

Based on high-resolution measurements from NASAs Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, we present the dynamics of electrons associated with current systems observed near the diffusion region of magnetic reconnection at Earths magnetopause. Using pitch angle distributions (PAD) and magnetic curvature analysis, we demonstrate the occurrence of electron scattering in the curved magnetic field of the diffusion region down to energies of 20 eV. We show that scattering occurs closer to the current sheet as the electron energy decreases. The scattering of inflowing electrons, associated with field-aligned electrostatic potentials and Hall currents, produces a new population of scattered electrons with broader PAD which bounce back and forth in the exhaust. Except at the center of the diffusion region the two populations are collocated and appear to behave adiabatically: the inflowing electron PAD focuses inward (toward lower magnetic field), while the bouncing population PAD gradually peaks at 90° away from the center (where it mirrors owing to higher magnetic field and probable field-aligned potentials).

Physics of Plasmas | 2013

Aspects of collisionless magnetic reconnection in asymmetric systems

Michael Hesse; N. Aunai; Seiji Zenitani; M. Kuznetsova; Joachim Birn

Asymmetric reconnection is being investigated by means of particle-in-cell simulations. The research has two foci: the direction of the reconnection line in configurations with nonvanishing magnetic fields; and the question why reconnection can be faster if a guide field is added to an otherwise unchanged asymmetric configuration. We find that reconnection prefers a direction, which maximizes the available magnetic energy, and show that this direction coincides with the bisection of the angle between the asymptotic magnetic fields. Regarding the difference in reconnection rates between planar and guide field models, we demonstrate that a guide field can provide essential confinement for particles in the reconnection region, which the weaker magnetic field in one of the inflow directions cannot necessarily provide.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2016

MMS Observations of Ion-scale Magnetic Island in the Magnetosheath Turbulent Plasma

S. Y. Huang; F. Sahraoui; A. Retinò; O. Le Contel; Zhigang Yuan; A. Chasapis; N. Aunai; H. Breuillard; Xiaohua Deng; M. Zhou; Huishan Fu; Ye Pang; Dedong Wang; R. B. Torbert; K. A. Goodrich; R. E. Ergun; Y. V. Khotyaintsev; Per-Arne Lindqvist; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; W. Magnes; K. Bromund; H. K. Leinweber; F. Plaschke; Brian J. Anderson; C. J. Pollock; B. L. Giles; T. E. Moore; J. L. Burch

In this letter, first observations of ion-scale magnetic island from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission in the magnetosheath turbulent plasma are presented. The magnetic island is characterized ...

Physics of Plasmas | 2013

Comparison between hybrid and fully kinetic models of asymmetric magnetic reconnection: Coplanar and guide field configurations

N. Aunai; Michael Hesse; Seiji Zenitani; Maria M. Kuznetsova; Carrie Black; Rebekah M. Evans; R. Smets

Magnetic reconnection occurring in collisionless environments is a multi-scale process involving both ion and electron kinetic processes. Because of their small mass, the electron scales are difficult to resolve in numerical and satellite data, it is therefore critical to know whether the overall evolution of the reconnection process is influenced by the kinetic nature of the electrons, or is unchanged when assuming a simpler, fluid, electron model. This paper investigates this issue in the general context of an asymmetric current sheet, where both the magnetic field amplitude and the density vary through the discontinuity. A comparison is made between fully kinetic and hybrid kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in coplanar and guide field systems. The models share the initial condition but differ in their electron modeling. It is found that the overall evolution of the system, including the reconnection rate, is very similar between both models. The best agreement is found in the guide field system, which confines particle better than the coplanar one, where the locality of the moments is violated by the electron bounce motion. It is also shown that, contrary to the common understanding, reconnection is much faster in the guide field system than in the coplanar one. Both models show this tendency, indicating that the phenomenon is driven by ion kinetic effects and not electron ones.

Physics of Plasmas | 2012

Kinetic equilibrium for an asymmetric tangential layer

G. Belmont; N. Aunai; R. Smets

Finding kinetic (Vlasov) equilibria for tangential current layers is a long standing problem, especially in the context of reconnection studies, when the magnetic field reverses. Its solution is of pivotal interest for both theoretical and technical reasons when such layers must be used for initializing kinetic simulations. The famous Harris equilibrium is known to be limited to symmetric layers surrounded by vacuum, with constant ion and electron flow velocities, and with current variation purely dependent on density variation. It is clearly not suited for the “magnetopause-like” layers, which separate two plasmas of different densities and temperatures, and for which the localization of the current density j=nδv is due to the localization of the electron-to-ion velocity difference δv and not of the density n. We present here a practical method for constructing a Vlasov stationary solution in the asymmetric case, extending the standard theoretical methods based on the particle motion invariants. We show ...

Physics of Plasmas | 2011

Energy budgets in collisionless magnetic reconnection: Ion heating and bulk acceleration

N. Aunai; G. Belmont; R. Smets

This paper investigates the energy transfer in the process of collisionless antiparallel magnetic reconnection. Using two-dimensional hybrid simulations, we measure the increase of the bulk and thermal kinetic energies and compare it to the loss of magnetic energy through a contour surrounding the ion decoupling region. It is shown, for both symmetric and asymmetric configurations, that the loss of magnetic energy is not equally partitioned between heating and acceleration. The heating is found to be dominant and the partition ratio depends on the asymptotic parameters, and future investigations will be needed to understand this dependence.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2016

Cold ion demagnetization near the X‐line of magnetic reconnection

S. Toledo-Redondo; Mats André; Yuri V. Khotyaintsev; Andris Vaivads; A. P. Walsh; Wenya Li; D. B. Graham; B. Lavraud; Arnaud Masson; N. Aunai; Andrey Divin; J. Dargent; S. A. Fuselier; Daniel J. Gershman; J. C. Dorelli; B. L. Giles; L. A. Avanov; C. J. Pollock; Yoshifumi Saito; T. E. Moore; Victoria N. Coffey; M. O. Chandler; Per Arne Lindqvist; R. B. Torbert; C. T. Russell

Although the effects of magnetic reconnection in magnetospheres can be observed at planetary scales, reconnection is initiated at electron scales in a plasma. Surrounding the electron diffusion reg ...

Physics of Plasmas | 2013

The Relation Between Reconnected Flux, the Parallel Electric Field, and the Reconnection Rate in a Three-Dimensional Kinetic Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection

Deirdre E. Wendel; D. K. Olson; Michael Hesse; N. Aunai; M. Kuznetsova; H. Karimabadi; William Daughton; Mark L. Adrian

We investigate the distribution of parallel electric fields and their relationship to the location and rate of magnetic reconnection in a large particle-in-cell simulation of 3D turbulent magnetic reconnection with open boundary conditions. The simulations guide field geometry inhibits the formation of simple topological features such as null points. Therefore, we derive the location of potential changes in magnetic connectivity by finding the field lines that experience a large relative change between their endpoints, i.e., the quasi-separatrix layer. We find a good correspondence between the locus of changes in magnetic connectivity or the quasi-separatrix layer and the map of large gradients in the integrated parallel electric field (or quasi-potential). Furthermore, we investigate the distribution of the parallel electric field along the reconnecting field lines. We find the reconnection rate is controlled by only the low-amplitude, zeroth and first-order trends in the parallel electric field while the contribution from fluctuations of the parallel electric field, such as electron holes, is negligible. The results impact the determination of reconnection sites and reconnection rates in models and in situ spacecraft observations of 3D turbulent reconnection. It is difficult through direct observation to isolate the loci of the reconnection parallel electric field amidst the large amplitude fluctuations. However, we demonstrate that a positive slope of the running sum of the parallel electric field along the field line as a function of field line length indicates where reconnection is occurring along the field line.

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