N. Kimura
Tohoku University
Physical Review B | 2005
E. A. Yelland; Stephen M Hayden; S. J. C. Yates; C. Pfleiderer; M. Uhlarz; R. Vollmer; H. v. Löhneysen; N. R. Bernhoeft; Robert Smith; S. S. Saxena; N. Kimura
crystals show that cutting by spark erosion leaves a supercon-ducting surface layer. The resistive superconducting transition is destroyed by chemically etchinga layer of 5µm from the sample. No signature of superconductivity is observed in ρ(T) of etchedsamples at the lowest current density measured, J = 675Am
Physica B-condensed Matter | 2000
N. Kimura; Taro Tani; H. Aoki; T. Komatsubara; Shinya Uji; Dai Aoki; Yoshihiko Inada; Y. Ōnuki; Yoshinori Haga; E. Yamamoto; Hisatomo Harima
Abstract We have performed the de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) and the magnetoresistance experiments in UPt3. The result of the magnetoresistance is consistent with the topology of the Fermi surface predicted from the 5f-itinerant band theory. The main Fermi surfaces detected by the dHvA are also well explained by the 5f-itinerant band model, although the cyclotron effective masses with 15–105m0 are 10–20 times larger than the corresponding band masses.
Physica B-condensed Matter | 2001
N. Kimura; Yuji Umeda; T. Asai; Taichi Terashima; H. Aoki
CeRhSi 3 has the large electronic specific-heat coefficient γ = 120 mJ/mol K 2 and the high Kondo temperature T K ∼ 100 K, although its magnetic susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law and the specific heat indicates magnetic ordering at 1.8 K. In order to elucidate the 4f-electron nature in CeRhSi 3 , we have grown single crystals of CeRhSi 3 and of its reference material LaRhSi 3 and measured the electrical resistivity, the magnetic susceptibility and the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect. Comparison of the angular dependence of the dHvA frequency in CeRhSi 3 to that in LaRhSi 3 , indicates that the 4f-electrons of CeRhSi 3 are itinerant.
Physical Review B | 2002
T. Terashima; Takehiko Matsumoto; Chieko Terakura; Shinya Uji; N. Kimura; M. Endo; T. Komatsubara; H. Aoki; Kunihiko Maezawa
The ac susceptibility and de Haas\char21{}van Alphen (dHvA) effect in
Physica B-condensed Matter | 1999
N. Kimura; Naoyuki Tateiwa; M Nakayama; H. Aoki; T. Komatsubara; Takuo Sakon; M. Motokawa; Yoshihiro Koike; Naoto Metoki
Physica B-condensed Matter | 2000
Wataru Higemoto; K. Satoh; Nobuhiko Nishida; Akihiro Koda; K. Nagamine; Y. Haga; E. Yamamoto; N. Kimura; Y. Ōnuki
are measured at pressures P up to 17.7 kbar for the magnetic field B parallel to the a axis, which is the easy axis of magnetization. Two anomalies are observed at
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | 2004
Y. Sakuraba; Hidemi Kato; Futami Sato; T. Miyazaki; N. Kimura; H. Aoki
Physica B-condensed Matter | 2000
M Nakayama; N. Kimura; H. Aoki; T. Komatsubara; Takuo Sakon; M. Motokawa
Physica B-condensed Matter | 2006
T. Isshiki; M. Endo; M. Sugi; N. Kimura; Shintaro Nakamura; Tsutomu Nojima; H. Aoki; Satoru Kunii
Physica B-condensed Matter | 2002
T Yamamizu; M Nakayama; N. Kimura; T. Komatsubara; H. Aoki