
Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2015

Geochemical technique of organic matter research in deposits enrich in kerogene (the Bazhenov Formation, West Siberia)

E. Kozlova; N. P. Fadeeva; G. A. Kalmykov; N. S. Balushkina; N. V. Pronina; E. Poludetkina; O.V. Kostenko; A. Yu. Yurchenko; R. S. Borisov; A. Yu. Bychkov; A. G. Kalmykov; R. A. Khamidullin; E. D. Strel’tsov

The international interest in shale oil has recently provoked special attention to the Russian unconventional oil-source formations, including the Bazhenov Formation of West Siberia, domanik deposits in the Volga–Ural region, and the lower Maikop Group of the Cis-Caucasus. High contents of para-autochthonous soluble organic matter (bitumen) in clayey–carbonate, clayey–siliceous, carbonate–clayey–siliceous rocks with low filtration–capacity properties results in significant uncertainties in the identification of the generation potential of organic matter (OM). Examination of a large database on the OM of the Bazhenov Formation allowed us to propose an optimum complex technique for study of the source rock potential and assessment of the amount of produced hydrocarbons in the kerogen-rich sediments. The investigations include a combination of Rock Eval pyrolysis prior to and after extraction with different solvents, the comparison of bituminological and pyrolytic characteristics, and the determination of the group composition of soluble organic matter, as well as chromatography and chromato-mass spectrometry.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2015

On the estimation of shale-oil resources and reserves

A. V. Stupakova; G. A. Kalmykov; N. P. Fadeeva; A. Kh. Bogomolov; T. A. Kiryukhina; N. I. Korobova; V. V. Maltsev; N. V. Pronina; R. S. Sautkin; A. A. Suslova; T. A. Shardanova

At present, the proven oil reserves from traditional Russian reservoirs are decreasing, leading to a steady fall in oil production. One of the possible ways to maintain the oil production at the present level is to produce tight oil, which is regarded as the category of oil from the Bazhenov Formation in the Kanty-Mansiysk region of Western Siberia, Domanik deposits in the Volga–Ural province, and Maikop deposits in the Fore-Caucasus.

Geochemistry International | 2017

Proof of formation of organic matter in upper Devonian carbonate and carbonate-siliceous sediments of the South-Tatar uplift in constant photic layer anoxia

E. Poludetkina; M. B. Smirnov; N. P. Fadeeva; E. Kozlova

Samples of carbonate and siliceous-carbonate deposits of Semiluk—Sargaev horizons of the N‒NE slope of the South Tatar uplift, Volga-Ural petroliferous basin, have been studied. Specific feature of the source rocks—high concentration of compounds—anoxia testifiers in the photic layer has been identified. That is, organic matter has been deposited under the conditions of the constant presence of anoxia in the photic layer of the sedimentation basin at sufficiently high thickness of the water column contaminated with hydrogen sulfide. Since by the composition of saturated hydrocarbons the studied samples are typical for deposits of the Semiluk horizon of the central part of the Volga-Ural basin, we can assume a fairly wide prevalence of such conditions within the South-Tatar arch. Changes in the concentrations of the components—anoxia markers—show cyclical changes in output layer contaminated with hydrogen sulfide or its bioproduction within the studied time.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2016

The hydrocarbon-generation potential of the Domanik rocks in the Volga–Ural petroliferous basin

N. P. Fadeeva; E. Kozlova; E. Poludetkina; T. A. Shardanova; N. V. Pronina; A. V. Stupakova; G. A. Kalmykov; A. N. Khomyak

The factors that are responsible for the formation of the hydrocarbon-generation potential and its occurrence in the Devonian carbonate sequences (Domanik Formation) of the Volga–Ural petroliferous basin are considered. The rocks of this formation are characterized by a high generation potential that is sufficient for the formation of large oil and gas accumulations. The highly carbonaceous deposits lack reservoirs.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2010

Late Vendian-Early Cambrian formations of the north-west Siberian Craton

E. E. Karnyushina; N. I. Korobova; Sergei Frolov; G.G. Akhmanov; O. V. Krylov; N. P. Fadeeva; E. V. Zhukova; E. R. Lukina

The composition and structure of principal key-sections for the Tira (Late Vendian) and Danilovo (Late Vendian-Early Cambrian) Horizons were characterized on the basis of deep-drilling data and studies of natural outcrops along the peripheries of the Kureika syneclise. The typical sedimentary formations/associations were recognized, their vertical and lateral successions were distinguished, and their deposition environments were interpreted. A distribution pattern scheme of thicknesses and depositional environments of Upper Vendian-Lower Cambrian deposits was compiled at the 1: 1000000 scale. The reservoir characteristics of the formations are discussed and forecasted for poorly studied areas of the northwestern Siberian platform.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2008

Neoproterozoic and Lower Cambrian Rock Complexes in Central Areas of the Siberian Craton: Their Structure and Petroleum Prospects

Sergei Frolov; E. E. Karnyushina; N. I. Korobov; N. P. Fadeeva; G.G. Akhmanov; O. V. Krylov

The paper summarizes data on the geology, lithology, and geochemistry of petroliferous Riphean, Vendian, and Lower Cambrian rocks in the central parts of the Siberian Craton. The petrological-geological properties of these sediments have been assessed based on results of paleogeographic analysis of these rocks, discrimination of oil reservoirs and oil-source successions, determination of secondary alterations of the rocks, and sources of oil generation and regional migration of hydrocarbons into various traps in zones of possible oiland-gas accumulation.

Geochemistry International | 2018

The Characteristics of the Organic Matter of the Upper Devonian Domanik-Type Deposits in the Northern and Central Regions of the Volga-Ural Basin According to Saturated Biomarkers Composition

M. B. Smirnov; N. P. Fadeeva; R. S. Borisov; E. Poludetkina

The composition of saturated biomarkers (alkanes, steranes, and triterpanes) in the Upper Devonian sediments (the Sargaev, Semiluk, and Mendym horizons, the Famennian stage) that belong to the Domanik formation, which is widespread on the territory of the Volga-Ural basin, was studied. The section elongated from N to S that covers the northern and central regions of the Volga-Ural basin was observed. A set of 21 parameters was used to characterize saturated hydrocarbons, including those rarely used in geochemical studies. For each parameter a set of mean values for the considered region as a whole and its individual parts was calculated and distribution-density plots were built. It was established that the most representative parameter for characterizing the Domanik-type deposits as a whole is a highly specific parameter, that is, the ratio of 29,30-bisnorhopane C28 to hopane C29. Most of the characteristics of the genetic composition demonstrate the difference between the organic matter (OM) of the vault part of the region and the Mukhanov- Erokhovsky trough. There are large differences in the parameters that characterize the maturity of OM. The characteristic values of the parameters for both the vault and the depression zone are given; two to three genetic groups of OM were determined for the majority of the parameters in both regions. A method for constructing the distribution-density graphs of the parameters is proposed that makes it possible to take their features fully into account.

76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 | 2014

Geochemical Features of Organic Matter of the Bazhenov Formation

O.V. Kostenko; N. P. Fadeeva; G. A. Kalmykov; E. Poludetkina

The result of general geochemical investigations and biomarker analyses are present in this paper. Bazhenov Formation is organic matter – enriched formation of Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous age. It is located within the West Siberian petroliferous basin. The most of authors recognize that the Bazhenov formation is the main source rock of West Siberian basin. Moreover, since the 70s of the last century own oil and gas potential of the Bazhenov formation is known. The detailed biomaker investigations of organic matter of Bazhenov formation allow to suggest pattern of distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations; to ascertain paleofacies depositional environment of Bazhenov formation and characteristics of bioproduce; to clarify the variability of microfacies. The last one allows to predict own oil and gas potential of the Bazhenov formation.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2013

The cyclicity of organic-matter accumulation in the Cenozoic deposits of the Azov-Kuban petroleum basin

T. B. Mikerina; N. P. Fadeeva

Synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of the data on the distribution of organic material in the Cenozoic sediments of the Azov-Kuban Petroleum Basin have shown that this distribution is caused by transgressive-regressive sedimentation cycles. Within the Cenozoic sedimentation megacycle, several transgressive-regressive sedimentation cycles and subcycles can be distinguished. Transgressive subcycles are associated with the expansion and deepening of the basin. Based on the geochemical data, the beginning of a new transgressive-regressive subcycle is associated with an increase in the organic matter content of the rocks, suggesting the good petroleum potential of the region.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin | 2010

Genetic suppositions of oil and gas formation and conditions of hydrocarbon deposits in Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments in the Caspian Sea shelf

N. Mamiesenov; N. P. Fadeeva

Source rocks are present in all the stratigraphic units of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of the Turkmen shelf in the Caspian Sea. The highest source rock potential is characteristic of I terrigenous and carbonate-terrigenous rocks of Middle Jurassic age, and the Aptian, Paleogene, Neogene and Apsheron stages of the Quaternary system. To reveal the formation conditions of hydrocarbon deposits within Southwestern Turkmenistan, the principle of chemical thermodynamics is primarily used via the calculation of the free energy of gaseous hydrocarbons. This showed that hydrocarbon deposits within the topmost depositional complex (the red-colored strata of the Middle Miocene at the Akchagyl and Apsheron stages) are syngenetic; their formation was due to lateral migration from even-aged deposits from depression zones neighboring the uplifts.

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