N. Wyn Evans
University of Cambridge
Featured researches published by N. Wyn Evans.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Gerard Gilmore; M. I. Wilkinson; Rosemary F. G. Wyse; Jan Kleyna; Andreas Koch; N. Wyn Evans; Eva K. Grebel
We present a synthesis of recent photometric and kinematic data for several of the most dark matter dominated galaxies, the dwarf spheroidal Galactic satellites, and compare them to star clusters. There is a bimodal distribution in half-light radii, with stable star clusters always being smaller than ~30 pc, while stable galaxies are always larger than ~120 pc. We extend the previously known observational relationships and interpret them in terms of a more fundamental pair of intrinsic properties of dark matter itself: dark matter forms cored mass distributions, with a core scale length of greater than about 100 pc, and always has a maximum central mass density within a narrow range. The dark matter in dSph galaxies appears to be clustered such that there is a mean volume mass density within the stellar distribution which has the very low value of less than about 0.1 M☉ pc-3 (about 5 GeV/c2 cm-3). All dSphs have velocity dispersions at the edge of their light distributions equivalent to circular velocities of ~15 km s-1. The maximum central dark matter density derived is model dependent but is likely to have a characteristic value (averaged over a volume of radius 10 pc) of ~0.1 M☉ pc-3 for the favored cored dark mass distributions (where it is similar to the mean value), or ~60 M ☉ pc-3 (about 2 TeV/c2 cm-3) if the dark matter density distribution is cusped. Galaxies are embedded in dark matter halos with these properties; smaller systems containing dark matter are not observed. These values provide new information about the nature of the dominant form of dark matter.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
S. E. Koposov; Vasily Belokurov; Gabriel Torrealba; N. Wyn Evans
We have used the publicly released Dark Energy Survey data to hunt for new satellites of the Milky Way in the Southern hemisphere. Our search yielded a large number of promising candidates. In this paper, we announce the discovery of 9 new unambiguous ultra-faint objects, whose authenticity can be established with the DES data alone. Based on the morphological properties, three of the new satellites are dwarf galaxies, one of which is located at the very outskirts of the Milky Way, at a distance of 380 kpc. The remaining 6 objects have sizes and luminosities comparable to the Segue~1 satellite and can not be classified straightforwardly without follow-up spectroscopic observations. The satellites we have discovered cluster around the LMC and the SMC. We show that such spatial distribution is unlikely under the assumption of isotropy, and, therefore, conclude that at least some of the new satellites must have been associated with the Magellanic Clouds in the past.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2010
Laura L. Watkins; N. Wyn Evans; J. An
We present a family of robust tracer mass estimators to compute the enclosed mass of galaxy haloes from samples of discrete positional and kinematical data of tracers, such as halo stars, globular clusters and dwarf satellites. The data may be projected positions, distances, lineof-sight velocities or proper motions. The estimators all assume that the tracer population has a scale-free density and moves in a scale-free potential in the region of interest. The circumstances under which the boundary terms can be discarded and the estimator converges are derived. Forms of the estimator tailored for the Milky Way Galaxy and for M31 are given. Monte Carlo simulations are used to quantify the uncertainty as a function of sample size. For the Milky Way Galaxy, the satellite sample consists of 26 galaxies with line-of-sight velocities. We find that the mass of the Milky Way within 300 kpc is M300 = 0.9 ± 0.3 ×
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Jan Kleyna; M. I. Wilkinson; Gerard Gilmore; N. Wyn Evans
The nearby Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal (UMi dSph) is one of the most dark matter-dominated galaxies known, with a central mass-to-light ratio M/L ~ 70. Somewhat anomalously, it appears to contain morphological substructure in the form of a second peak in the stellar number density. It is often argued that this substructure must be transient, because it could not survive for the ~12 Gyr age of the system, given the crossing time implied by UMis 8.8 km s-1 internal velocity dispersion. In this Letter, however, we present evidence that the substructure has a cold kinematical signature and argue that UMis clumpiness could indeed be a primordial artefact. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that substructure is incompatible with the cusped dark matter halos predicted by the prevailing cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm but is consistent with an unbound stellar cluster sloshing back and forth within the nearly harmonic potential of a cored dark matter halo. Thus, CDM appears to disagree with observation at the least massive, most dark matter-dominated end of the galaxy mass spectrum.
The Astronomical Journal | 2006
Andreas Koch; Eva K. Grebel; Rosemary F. G. Wyse; Jan Kleyna; M. I. Wilkinson; Daniel R. Harbeck; Gerard Gilmore; N. Wyn Evans
The Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy is the only galaxy of this type that shows clearly episodic star formation separated by long pauses. Here we present metallicities for 437 radial velocity members of this Galactic satellite. The metallicities and radial velocities were measured as part of a Large Programme with the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory, Chile. We obtained medium-resolution spectroscopy with the multiobject spectrograph FLAMES. Our target red giants cover the entire projected surface area of Carina. Our spectra are centered at the near-infrared Ca II triplet, which is a well-established metallicity indicator for old and intermediate-age red giants. The resulting data sample provides the largest collection of spectroscopically derived metallicities for a Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxy to date. Four of our likely radial velocity members of Carina lie outside this galaxys nominal tidal radius, supporting earlier claims of the possible existence of such stars beyond the main body of Carina. We find a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] ~ -1.7 dex on the 1997 metallicity scale of Carretta and Gratton for Carina. The formal FWHM of the metallicity distribution function is 0.92 dex, while the full range of metallicities is found to span approximately -3.0 dex < [Fe/H] < 0.0 dex. The metallicity distribution function might be indicative of several subpopulations distinct in metallicity. There appears to be a mild radial gradient such that more metal-rich populations are more centrally concentrated, matching a similar trend for an increasing fraction of intermediate-age stars (see the 2001 work of Harbeck and coworkers). This, as well as the photometric colors of the more metal-rich red giants, suggests that Carina exhibits an age-metallicity relation. Indeed, the age-metallicity degeneracy seems to conspire to form a narrow red giant branch despite the considerable spread in metallicity and wide range of ages. The metallicity distribution function is not well matched by a simple closed-box model of chemical evolution. Qualitatively better matches are obtained by chemical models that also take into account infall and outflows. A G dwarf problem remains for all these models.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2006
Justin I. Read; M. I. Wilkinson; N. Wyn Evans; G. Gilmore; Jan Kleyna
There are two main tidal effects that can act on the Local Group dwarf spheroidals (dSphs): tidal stripping and tidal shocking. Using N-body simulations, we show that tidal stripping always leads to flat or rising projected velocity dispersions beyond a critical radius; it is ∼5 times more likely, when averaging over all possible projection angles, that the cylindrically averaged projected dispersion will rise, rather than be flat. In contrast, the Local Group dSphs, as a class, show flat or falling projected velocity dispersions interior to ∼1 kpc. This argues for tidal stripping being unimportant interior to ∼1 kpc for most of the Local Group dSphs observed so far. We show that tidal shocking may still be important, however, even when tidal stripping is not. This could explain the observed correlation for the Local Group dSphs between central surface brightness and distance from the nearest large galaxy. These results have important implications for the formation of the dSphs and for cosmology. As a result of the existence of cold stars at large radii in several dSphs, a tidal origin for the formation of these Local Group dSphs (in which they contain no dark matter) is strongly disfavoured. In the cosmological context, a naive solution to the missing satellites problem is to allow only the most massive substructure dark matter haloes around the Milky Way to form stars. It is possible for dSphs to reside within these haloes (∼10 10 M� ) and have their velocity dispersions lowered through the action of tidal shocks, but only if they have a central density core in their dark matter, rather than a cusp. A central density cusp persists even after unrealistically extreme tidal shocking and leads to central velocity dispersions which are too high to be consistent with data from the Local Group dSphs. dSphs can reside within cuspy dark matter haloes if their haloes are less massive (∼10 9 M� ) and therefore have smaller
Physical Review Letters | 2015
Alex Geringer-Sameth; Matthew Walker; Savvas M. Koushiappas; S. E. Koposov; Vasily Belokurov; Gabriel Torrealba; N. Wyn Evans
We present a search for γ-ray emission from the direction of the newly discovered dwarf galaxy Reticulum II. Using Fermi-LAT Collaboration data, we detect a signal that exceeds expected backgrounds between ∼2-10 GeV and is consistent with annihilation of dark matter for particle masses less than a few ×10^{2} GeV. Modeling the background as a Poisson process based on Fermi-LAT diffuse models, and taking into account trial factors, we detect emission with p value less than 9.8×10^{-5} (>3.7σ). An alternative, model-independent treatment of the background reduces the significance, raising the p value to 9.7×10^{-3} (2.3σ). Even in this case, however, Reticulum II has the most significant γ-ray signal of any known dwarf galaxy. If Reticulum II has a dark-matter halo that is similar to those inferred for other nearby dwarfs, the signal is consistent with the s-wave relic abundance cross section for annihilation.
web science | 2007
Andreas Koch; Jan Kleyna; M. I. Wilkinson; Eva K. Grebel; Gerard Gilmore; N. Wyn Evans; Rosemary F. G. Wyse; Daniel R. Harbeck
We present the projected velocity dispersion profile for the remote (d = 233 kpc) Galactic dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy Leo II, based on 171 discrete stellar radial velocities that were obtained from medium-resolution spectroscopy using the FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory, Chile. The dispersion profile of those stars with good membership probabilities is essentially flat, with an amplitude of 6.6 ± 0.7 km s-1 over the full radial extent of our data, which probe to the stellar boundary of this galaxy. We find no evidence of any significant apparent rotation or velocity asymmetry, which suggests that tidal effects cannot be invoked to explain Leo IIs properties. From basic mass modeling, employing the Jeans equation, we derive a mass out to the limiting radius of (2.7 ± 0.5) × 107 M⊙ and a global mass-to-light ratio of 27-45 in solar units, depending on the adopted total luminosity. A cored halo profile and a mild amount of tangential velocity anisotropy is found to account well for Leo IIs observed kinematics, although we cannot exclude the possibility of a cusped halo with radially varying velocity anisotropy. All in all, this galaxy exhibits dark matter properties that appear to be concordant with the other dSph satellites of the Milky Way, namely, a halo mass profile that is consistent with a central core and a total mass that is similar to the common mass scale seen in other dSphs.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2001
J.T. Kleyna; M. I. Wilkinson; N. Wyn Evans; Gerard Gilmore
We present the first clear evidence for an extended dark matter halo in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy based on a sample of new radial velocities for 159 giant stars out to large projected radii. Using a two-parameter family of halo models spanning a range of density profiles and velocity anisotropies, we are able to rule out (at about the 2.5 ? confidence level) halos in which mass follows light. The data strongly favor models in which the dark matter is significantly more extended than the visible dwarf. However, halos with harmonic cores larger than the light distribution are also excluded. When combined with existing measurements of the proper motion of Draco, our data strongly suggest that Draco has not been tidally truncated within ~1 kpc. We also show that the rising velocity dispersion at large radii represents a serious problem for modified gravity (MOND).
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
N. Wyn Evans; M. I. Wilkinson; Puragra Guhathakurta; Eva K. Grebel; Steven S. Vogt
The last few months have seen the measurements of the radial velocities of all of the dwarf spheroidal companions to the Andromeda galaxy (M31) using the spectrographs (HIRES and LRIS) on the Keck Telescope. This Letter summarizes the data on the radial velocities and distances for all the companion galaxies and presents new dynamical modeling to estimate the mass of the extended halo of M31. The best-fit values for the total mass of M31 are ~(7-10) × 1011 M☉, depending on the details of the modeling. The mass estimate is accompanied by considerable uncertainty caused by the small size of the data set; for example, the upper bound on the total mass is ~24 × 1011 M☉, while the lower bound is ~3 × 1011 M☉. These values are less than the most recent estimates of the most likely mass of the Milky Way halo. Bearing in mind all the uncertainties, a fair conclusion is that the M31 halo is roughly as massive as that of the Milky Way halo. There is no dynamical evidence for the widely held belief that M31 is more massive—it may even be less massive.