Naiqian Cheng
National Institutes of Health
Cell | 1997
Mario E Cerritelli; Naiqian Cheng; Alan H. Rosenberg; Catherine E McPherson; Frank P. Booy; Alasdair C. Steven
The structural organization of encapsidated T7 DNA was investigated by cryo-electron microscopy and image processing. A tail-deletion mutant was found to present two preferred views of phage heads: views along the axis through the capsid vertex where the connector protein resides and via which DNA is packaged; and side views perpendicular to this axis. The resulting images reveal striking patterns of concentric rings in axial views, and punctate arrays in side views. As corroborated by computer modeling, these data establish that the T7 chromosome is spooled around this axis in approximately six coaxial shells in a quasi-crystalline packing, possibly guided by the core complex on the inner surface of the connector.
Journal of Virology | 2008
Christopher B. Buck; Naiqian Cheng; Cynthia D. Thompson; Douglas R. Lowy; Alasdair C. Steven; John T. Schiller; Benes L. Trus
ABSTRACT Papillomaviruses are a family of nonenveloped DNA tumor viruses. Some sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) types, including HPV type 16 (HPV16), cause cancer of the uterine cervix. Papillomaviruses encode two capsid proteins, L1 and L2. The major capsid protein, L1, can assemble spontaneously into a 72-pentamer icosahedral structure that closely resembles native virions. Although the minor capsid protein, L2, is not required for capsid formation, it is thought to participate in encapsidation of the viral genome and plays a number of essential roles in the viral infectious entry pathway. The abundance of L2 and its arrangement within the virion remain unclear. To address these questions, we developed methods for serial propagation of infectious HPV16 capsids (pseudoviruses) in cultured human cell lines. Biochemical analysis of capsid preparations produced using various methods showed that up to 72 molecules of L2 can be incorporated per capsid. Cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction analysis of purified capsids revealed an icosahedrally ordered L2-specific density beneath the axial lumen of each L1 capsomer. The relatively close proximity of these L2 density buttons to one another raised the possibility of homotypic L2 interactions within assembled virions. The concept that the N and C termini of neighboring L2 molecules can be closely apposed within the capsid was supported using bimolecular fluorescence complementation or “split GFP” technology. This structural information should facilitate investigation of L2 function during the assembly and entry phases of the papillomavirus life cycle.
Journal of Virology | 2000
David M. Belnap; David J. Filman; Benes L. Trus; Naiqian Cheng; Frank P. Booy; James F. Conway; Stephen Curry; Chaitanya N. Hiremath; Simon K. Tsang; Alasdair C. Steven; James M. Hogle
ABSTRACT Upon interacting with its receptor, poliovirus undergoes conformational changes that are implicated in cell entry, including the externalization of the viral protein VP4 and the N terminus of VP1. We have determined the structures of native virions and of two putative cell entry intermediates, the 135S and 80S particles, at ∼22-Å resolution by cryo-electron microscopy. The 135S and 80S particles are both ∼4% larger than the virion. Pseudoatomic models were constructed by adjusting the beta-barrel domains of the three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3 from their known positions in the virion to fit the 135S and 80S reconstructions. Domain movements of up to 9 Å were detected, analogous to the shifting of tectonic plates. These movements create gaps between adjacent subunits. The gaps at the sites where VP1, VP2, and VP3 subunits meet are plausible candidates for the emergence of VP4 and the N terminus of VP1. The implications of these observations are discussed for models in which the externalized components form a transmembrane pore through which viral RNA enters the infected cell.
Journal of Virology | 2004
Benes L. Trus; Naiqian Cheng; William W. Newcomb; Fred L. Homa; Jay C. Brown; Alasdair C. Steven
ABSTRACT By electron microscopy and image analysis, we find that baculovirus-expressed UL6 is polymorphic, consisting of rings of 11-, 12-, 13-, and 14-fold symmetry. The 12-mer is likely to be the oligomer incorporated into procapsids: at a resolution of 16 Å, it has an axial channel, peripheral flanges, and fits snugly into a vacant vertex site. Its architecture resembles those of bacteriophage portal/connector proteins.
Molecular Microbiology | 2001
Andrey V. Kajava; Naiqian Cheng; Ryan Cleaver; Martin Kessel; Martha N. Simon; Eve Willery; Françoise Jacob-Dubuisson; Camille Locht; Alasdair C. Steven
Bordetella pertussis establishes infection by attaching to epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. One of its adhesins is filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a 500‐Å‐long secreted protein that is rich in β‐structure and contains two regions, R1 and R2, of tandem 19‐residue repeats. Two models have been proposed in which the central shaft is (i) a hairpin made up of a pairing of two long antiparallel β‐sheets; or (ii) a β‐helix in which the polypeptide chain is coiled to form three long parallel β‐sheets. We have analysed a truncated variant of FHA by electron microscopy (negative staining, shadowing and scanning transmission electron microscopy of unstained specimens): these observations support the latter model. Further support comes from detailed sequence analysis and molecular modelling studies. We applied a profile search method to the sequences adjacent to and between R1 and R2 and found additional ‘covert’ copies of the same motifs that may be recognized in overt form in the R1 and R2 sequence repeats. Their total number is sufficient to support the tenet of the β‐helix model that the shaft domain – a 350 Å rod – should consist of a continuous run of these motifs, apart from loop inserts. The N‐terminus, which does not contain such repeats, was found to be weakly homologous to cyclodextrin transferase, a protein of known immunoglobulin‐like structure. Drawing on crystal structures of known β‐helical proteins, we developed structural models of the coil motifs putatively formed by the R1 and R2 repeats. Finally, we applied the same profile search method to the sequence database and found several other proteins – all large secreted proteins of bacterial provenance – that have similar repeats and probably also similar structures.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2000
Fan Yang; Patrik Forrer; Zbigniew Dauter; James F. Conway; Naiqian Cheng; Mario E Cerritelli; Alasdair C. Steven; Andreas Plückthun; Alexander Wlodawer
The crystal structure of gpD, the capsid-stabilizing protein of bacteriophage λ, was solved at 1.1 Å resolution. Data were obtained from twinned crystals in space group P21 and refined with anisotropic temperature factors to an R-factor of 0.098 (Rfree = 0.132). GpD (109 residues) has a novel fold with an unusually low content of regular secondary structure. Noncrystallographic trimers with substantial intersubunit interfaces were observed. The C-termini are well ordered and located on one side of the trimer, relatively far from its three-fold axis. The N-termini are disordered up to Ser 15, which is close to the three-fold axis and on the same side as the C-termini. A density map of the icosahedral viral capsid at 15 Å resolution, obtained by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction, reveals gpD trimers, seemingly indistinguishable from the ones seen in the crystals, at all three-fold sites. The map further reveals that the side of the trimer that binds to the capsid is the side on which both termini reside. Despite this orientation of the gpD trimer, fusion proteins connected by linker peptides to either terminus bind to the capsid, allowing protein and peptide display.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2003
Ulrich Baxa; Kimberly L. Taylor; Joseph S. Wall; Martha N. Simon; Naiqian Cheng; Reed B. Wickner; Alasdair C. Steven
The [URE3] prion is an inactive, self-propagating, filamentous form of the Ure2 protein, a regulator of nitrogen catabolism in yeast. The N-terminal “prion” domain of Ure2p determines its in vivo prion properties and in vitro amyloid-forming ability. Here we determined the overall structures of Ure2p filaments and related polymers of the prion domain fused to other globular proteins. Protease digestion of 25-nm diameter Ure2p filaments trimmed them to 4-nm filaments, which mass spectrometry showed to be composed of prion domain fragments, primarily residues ∼1–70. Fusion protein filaments with diameters of 14–25 nm were also reduced to 4-nm filaments by proteolysis. The prion domain transforms from the most to the least protease-sensitive part upon filament formation in each case, implying that it undergoes a conformational change. Intact filaments imaged by cryo-electron microscopy or after vanadate staining by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) revealed a central 4-nm core with attached globular appendages. STEM mass per unit length measurements of unstained filaments yielded 1 monomer per 0.45 nm in each case. These observations strongly support a unifying model whereby subunits in Ure2p filaments, as well as in fusion protein filaments, are connected by interactions between their prion domains, which form a 4-nm amyloid filament backbone, surrounded by the corresponding C-terminal moieties.
Journal of Virology | 2005
Doryen Bubeck; David J. Filman; Naiqian Cheng; Alasdair C. Steven; James M. Hogle; David M. Belnap
ABSTRACT Poliovirus provides a well-characterized system for understanding how nonenveloped viruses enter and infect cells. Upon binding its receptor, poliovirus undergoes an irreversible conformational change to the 135S cell entry intermediate. This transition involves shifts of the capsid protein β barrels, accompanied by the externalization of VP4 and the N terminus of VP1. Both polypeptides associate with membranes and are postulated to facilitate entry by forming a translocation pore for the viral RNA. We have calculated cryo-electron microscopic reconstructions of 135S particles that permit accurate placement of the β barrels, loops, and terminal extensions of the capsid proteins. The reconstructions and resulting models indicate that each N terminus of VP1 exits the capsid though an opening in the interface between VP1 and VP3 at the base of the canyon that surrounds the fivefold axis. Comparison with reconstructions of 135S particles in which the first 31 residues of VP1 were proteolytically removed revealed that the externalized N terminus is located near the tips of propeller-like features surrounding the threefold axes rather than at the fivefold axes, as had been proposed in previous models. These observations have forced a reexamination of current models for the role of the 135S particle in transmembrane pore formation and suggest testable alternatives.
Journal of Virology | 2000
William W. Newcomb; Benes L. Trus; Naiqian Cheng; Alasdair C. Steven; Amy K. Sheaffer; Daniel J. Tenney; Sandra K. Weller; Jay C. Brown
ABSTRACT Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsid proteins assemble in vitro into spherical procapsids that differ markedly in structure and stability from mature polyhedral capsids but can be converted to the mature form. Circumstantial evidence suggests that assembly in vivo follows a similar pathway of procapsid assembly and maturation, a pathway that resembles those of double-stranded DNA bacteriophages. We have confirmed the above pathway by isolating procapsids from HSV-1-infected cells and characterizing their morphology, thermal sensitivity, and protein composition. Experiments were carried out with an HSV-1 mutant (m100) deficient in the maturational protease for which it was expected that procapsids—normally, short-lived intermediates—would accumulate in infected cells. Particles isolated from m100-infected cells were found to share the defining properties of procapsids assembled in vitro. For example, by electron microscopy, they were found to be spherical rather than polyhedral in shape, and they disassembled at 0°C, unlike mature capsids, which are stable at this temperature. A three-dimensional reconstruction computed at 18-Å resolution from cryoelectron micrographs showed m100 procapsids to be structurally indistinguishable from procapsids assembled in vitro. In both cases, their predominant components are the four essential capsid proteins: the major capsid protein (VP5), the scaffolding protein (pre-VP22a), and the triplex proteins (VP19C and VP23). VP26, a small, abundant but dispensable capsid protein, was not found associated withm100 procapsids, suggesting that it binds to capsids only after they have matured into the polyhedral form. Procapsids were also isolated from cells infected at the nonpermissive temperature with the HSV-1 mutant tsProt.A (a mutant with a thermoreversible lesion in the protease), and their identity as procapsids was confirmed by cryoelectron microscopy. This analysis revealed density on the inner surface of the procapsid scaffolding core that may correspond to the location of the maturational protease. Upon incubation at the permissive temperature, tsProt.A procapsids transformed into polyhedral, mature capsids, providing further confirmation of their status as precursors.
Nature | 2009
Giovanni Cardone; John G. Purdy; Naiqian Cheng; Rebecca C. Craven; Alasdair C. Steven
For a retrovirus such as HIV to be infectious, a properly formed capsid is needed; however, unusually among viruses, retrovirus capsids are highly variable in structure. According to the fullerene conjecture, they are composed of hexamers and pentamers of capsid protein (CA), with the shape of a capsid varying according to how the twelve pentamers are distributed and its size depending on the number of hexamers. Hexamers have been studied in planar and tubular arrays, but the predicted pentamers have not been observed. Here we report cryo-electron microscopic analyses of two in-vitro-assembled capsids of Rous sarcoma virus. Both are icosahedrally symmetric: one is composed of 12 pentamers, and the other of 12 pentamers and 20 hexamers. Fitting of atomic models of the two CA domains into the reconstructions shows three distinct inter-subunit interactions. These observations substantiate the fullerene conjecture, show how pentamers are accommodated at vertices, support the inference that nucleation is a crucial morphologic determinant, and imply that electrostatic interactions govern the differential assembly of pentamers and hexamers.