Nalin Thakker
University of Manchester
Journal of Medical Genetics | 1993
D. G R Evans; E. J. Ladusans; S. Rimmer; L. D. Burnell; Nalin Thakker; P. A. Farndon
There are many potential complications which have been reported in association with the naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. We have been able to show the relative frequencies of these problems in a population based study of 84 cases in the north west of England. The major complications of basal cell carcinomas and jaw cysts occur in over 90% of patients by 40 years of age, but may both occur before 10 years of age. Less well described complications are ovarian calcification or fibroma (24%), medulloblastoma (5%), cardiac fibroma (3%), cleft palate (5%), and ophthalmic abnormalities such as squint or cataract (26%). This study more clearly defines the possible complications of the syndrome and gives clearer guidelines for counselling and screening affected and at risk persons.
Nature Genetics | 1999
Carmel Toomes; Jacqueline James; A. J. Wood; Chu Lee Wu; Derek McCormick; N. Lench; Chelsee Hewitt; L. Moynihan; Emma Roberts; C. G. Woods; A.F. Markham; Melanie Wong; Richard P Widmer; Khaled Abdul Ghaffar; M. Pemberton; Ibtessam Ramzy Hussein; Samia A. Temtamy; Rhodri Davies; Andrew P. Read; Philip Sloan; Michael J. Dixon; Nalin Thakker
Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome, or keratosis palmoplantaris with periodontopathia (PLS, MIM 245000), is an autosomal recessive disorder that is mainly ascertained by dentists because of the severe periodontitis that afflicts patients. Both the deciduous and permanent dentitions are affected, resulting in premature tooth loss. Palmoplantar keratosis, varying from mild psoriasiform scaly skin to overt hyperkeratosis, typically develops within the first three years of life. Keratosis also affects other sites such as elbows and knees. Most PLS patients display both periodontitis and hyperkeratosis. Some patients have only palmoplantar keratosis or periodontitis, and in rare individuals the periodontitis is mild and of late onset. The PLS locus has been mapped to chromosome 11q14–q21 (refs 7, 8, 9). Using homozygosity mapping in eight small consanguineous families, we have narrowed the candidate region to a 1.2-cM interval between D11S4082 and D11S931. The gene (CTSC) encoding the lysosomal protease cathepsin C (or dipeptidyl aminopeptidase I) lies within this interval. We defined the genomic structure of CTSC and found mutations in all eight families. In two of these families we used a functional assay to demonstrate an almost total loss of cathepsin C activity in PLS patients and reduced activity in obligate carriers.
Nature Genetics | 2004
David Ng; Nalin Thakker; Connie M. Corcoran; Dian Donnai; Rahat Perveen; Adele Schneider; Donald W. Hadley; Cynthia J. Tifft; Liqun Zhang; Andrew O.M. Wilkie; Jasper J. van der Smagt; Robert J. Gorlin; Shawn M. Burgess; Vivian J. Bardwell; Graeme C.M. Black; Leslie G. Biesecker
Lenz microphthalmia is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern and comprises microphthalmia, mental retardation, and skeletal and other anomalies. Two loci associated with this syndrome, MAA (microphthalmia with associated anomalies) and MAA2, are situated respectively at Xq27–q28 (refs. 1,2) and Xp11.4–p21.2 (ref. 3). We identified a substitution, nt 254C→T; P85L, in BCOR (encoding BCL-6-interacting corepressor, BCOR) in affected males from the family with Lenz syndrome previously used to identify the MAA2 locus. Oculofaciocardiodental syndrome (OFCD; OMIM 300166) is inherited in an X-linked dominant pattern with presumed male lethality and comprises microphthalmia, congenital cataracts, radiculomegaly, and cardiac and digital abnormalities. Given their phenotypic overlap, we proposed that OFCD and MAA2-associated Lenz microphthalmia were allelic, and we found different frameshift, deletion and nonsense mutations in BCOR in seven families affected with OFCD. Like wild-type BCOR, BCOR P85L and an OFCD-mutant form of BCOR can interact with BCL-6 and efficiently repress transcription. This indicates that these syndromes are likely to result from defects in alternative functions of BCOR, such as interactions with transcriptional partners other than BCL-6. We cloned the zebrafish (Danio rerio) ortholog of BCOR and found that knock-down of this ortholog caused developmental perturbations of the eye, skeleton and central nervous system consistent with the human syndromes, confirming that BCOR is a key transcriptional regulator during early embryogenesis.
Oral Oncology | 2000
J. Mackenzie; K. W. Ah-See; Nalin Thakker; Philip Sloan; A.G Maran; J Birch; Gary J. Macfarlane
The reasons for an increasing incidence of oral cancer, particularly amongst younger persons is unclear. It has been hypothesised either to be a result of an increase in exposure to known risk factors amongst certain groups in the community, or to be due to new aetiological agents. Prior to conducting large expensive population-based studies, it seems appropriate to conduct initial smaller-scale surveys to assess evidence for each of these two hypotheses. This survey of young persons with oral cancer suggest that most are exposed to traditional risk factors of tobacco smoking, drinking alcohol and a low consumption of fruit and vegetables.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute | 2013
Devasena Anantharaman; Tarik Gheit; Tim Waterboer; Behnoush Abedi-Ardekani; Christine Carreira; Sandrine McKay-Chopin; Valerie Gaborieau; Manuela Marron; Pagona Lagiou; Wolfgang Ahrens; Ivana Holcatova; Franco Merletti; Kristina Kjaerheim; Renato Talamini; Lorenzo Simonato; Xavier Castellsagué; Tatiana V. MacFarlane; Anne Marie Biggs; Nalin Thakker; Ariana Znaor; Peter Thomson; Cristina Canova; David I. Conway; Claire M. Healy; Massimo Tommasino; Michael Pawlita; Paul Brennan
BACKGROUND Human papillomavirus (HPV) is causally implicated in a subset of cancers of the upper aero-digestive tract (UADT). METHODS Associations between type-specific HPV antibodies were examined among 1496 UADT cancer case subjects and 1425 control subjects by estimating odds ratios (ORs) in logistic regression analyses adjusted for potential confounders. The agreement between serology and tumor markers of HPV infection, including presence of HPV DNA and p16 expression, were examined in a subset of tumors. RESULTS HPV16 L1 seropositivity was associated with increased risk of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer (OR = 1.94, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.03 to 3.65; OR = 8.60, 95% CI = 5.21 to 14.20, respectively). HPV16 E6 antibodies were present in 30.2% of oropharyngeal case subjects and only 0.8% of control subjects (OR = 132.0, 95% CI = 65.29 to 266.86). Combined seropositivity to HPV16 E6 and E7 was rare (n = 1 of 1425 control subjects). An agreement of 67% was observed between HPV16 E6 serology and the corresponding presence of an HPV-related cancer: four of six HPV DNA-positive/p16-overexpressing tumors were HPV16 E6 antibody positive. An HPV16 independent association was observed for HPV18 and oropharyngeal cancer (OR = 8.14, 95% CI = 2.21 to 29.99 for HPV18 E6 seropositivity) and HPV6 and laryngeal cancer (OR = 3.25, 95% CI = 1.46 to 7.24 for HPV6 E7 seropositivity). CONCLUSIONS These results confirm an important role for HPV16 infection in oropharyngeal cancer. HPV16 E6 antibodies are strongly associated with HPV16-related oropharyngeal cancers. Continuing efforts are needed to consider both HPV serology and p16 staining as biomarkers relevant to the etiology and natural history of HPV16-related oropharyngeal tumors. These results also support a marginal role for HPV18 in oropharyngeal cancer and HPV6 in laryngeal cancer.
British Journal of Cancer | 1999
M Sartor; H Steingrimsdottir; F Elamin; Joop Gaken; Saman Warnakulasuriya; Max Partridge; Nalin Thakker; Newell Walter Johnson; Mahvash Tavassoli
One of the most important components of G1 checkpoint is the retinoblastoma protein (pRB110). The activity of pRB is regulated by its phosphorylation, which is mediated by genes such as cyclin D1 and p16/MTS1. All three genes have been shown to be commonly altered in human malignancies. We have screened a panel of 26 oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), nine premalignant and three normal oral tissue samples as well as eight established OSCC cell lines for mutations in the p16/MTS1 gene. The expression of p16/MTS1, cyclin D1 and pRB110 was also studied in the same panel. We have found p16/MTS1 gene alterations in 5/26 (19%) primary tumours and 6/8 (75%) cell lines. Two primary tumours and five OSCC cell lines had p16/MTS1 point mutations and another three primary and one OSCC cell line contained partial gene deletions. Six of seven p16/MTS1 point mutations resulted in termination codons and the remaining mutation caused a frameshift. Western blot analysis showed absence of p16/MTS1 expression in 18/26 (69%) OSCC, 7/9 (78%) premalignant lesions and 8/8 cell lines. One cell line, H314, contained a frameshift mutation possibly resulting in a truncated p16/MTS1 protein. pRB was detected in 14/25 (56%) of OSCC but only 11/14 (78%) of these contained all or some hypophosphorylated (active) pRB. In premalignant samples, 6/8 (75%) displayed pRB, and all three normal samples and eight cell lines analysed contained RB protein. p16/MTS1 protein was undetectable in 10/11 (91%) OSCCs with positive pRB. Overexpression of cyclin D1 was observed in 9/22 (41%) OSCC, 3/9 (33%) premalignant and 8/8 (100%) of OSCC cell lines. Our data suggest p16/MTS1 mutations and loss of expression to be very common in oral cancer cell lines and less frequent in primary OSCC tumours. A different pattern of p16/MTS1 mutations was observed in OSCC compared to other cancers with all the detected p16/MTS1 mutations resulting in premature termination codons or a frameshift. The RB protein was expressed in about half (44%) of OSCCs and its expression inversely correlated with p16/MTS1 expression. In conclusion, we show that abnormalities of the RB pathway are a common mechanism of oral carcinogenesis.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 1997
Chu Lee Wu; Luca Roz; Philip Sloan; Andrew P. Read; Susan Holland; Stephen Porter; Crispian Scully; Pm Speight; Nalin Thakker
Deletions on chromosome arm 8p, as defined by allelic imbalance, are a frequent event in many different types of malignant tumors, including those of the head and neck. These regions are thought to harbor tumor suppressor genes. In order to define a high‐density deletion map of this chromosomal arm in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas, we have tested for allelic imbalance in 35 such tumors with 22 short tandem‐repeat polymorphisms. Overall, 21 (60%) of the 35 tumors showed allelic imbalance at one or more loci on chromosome arm 8p. Interstitial deletions defined three discrete areas of deletion: at 8p23, 8p22, and 8p12‐p21. Tumors of TNM stages II–IV showed a significantly higher frequency of allelic imbalance on 8p than did TNM stage I tumors. Our data suggest that there are least three tumor suppressor loci on chromosome arm 8p that may be implicated in oral carcinogenesis. Furthermore, inactivation of such genes may be associated with high‐grade tumors. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 20:347–353, 1997.
International Journal of Cancer | 1999
Chandramohan S. Ishwad; Michele Shuster; Ulrike Bockmühl; Nalin Thakker; Punit Shah; Carmel Toomes; Michael Dixon; Robert E. Ferrell; Susanne M. Gollin
Frequent loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 8p in a variety of human malignancies, including head and neck cancers, has suggested the presence of a tumor suppressor gene (or genes) associated with the pathogenesis of these cancers. To test the role of genetic alterations at 8p23 in oral carcinogenesis, we studied 51 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck and 29 oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines for allelic loss using 7 microsatellite markers spanning approximately 5 cM of chromosome band 8p23. Twenty-three of 51 tumors (45%) and 23 of 29 cell lines (79%) showed allelic loss at 1 or more loci. Three cell lines showed homozygous deletion of loci within a 3 cM region defined by the markers D8S1781 and D8S262. Our results suggest that a tumor suppressor gene (or genes) is located in 8p23 and is associated with the development and/or progression of oral carcinomas.
Oral Oncology | 2001
Stephen S. Prime; Nalin Thakker; Miranda Pring; P.G. Guest; Ian C. Paterson
This paper examines the genetic defects associated with inherited cancer syndromes and their relevance to oral cancer. Tumour suppressor genes are now thought of as either gatekeepers or caretakers according to whether they control cell growth directly by inhibiting cell proliferation and/or promoting cell death (gatekeepers) or whether they maintain the integrity of the genome by DNA repair mechanisms (caretakers). In disorders such as xeroderma pigmentosum, ataxia telangiectasia, Bloom syndrome and Fanconis anaemia, where there are defective caretaker genes, there is an increased incidence of second primary malignancies, including oral cancer. By contrast, with the exception of Li Fraumeni syndrome, abnormalities of gatekeeper genes do not predispose to oral cancer. Not only do Li Fraumeni patients develop second primary malignancies, but defects of the p53 pathway (p53 mutation, MDM2 over-expression, CDKN2A deletion) appear to be a ubiquitous feature of sporadic oral cancer as it occurs in the West. The findings suggest that genetic instability is of fundamental importance in the pathogenesis of oral cancer.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 1999
Chu Lee Wu; Luca Roz; Susan McKown; Philip Sloan; Andrew P. Read; Susan Holland; Stephen Porter; Crispian Scully; Ian C. Paterson; Mahavash Tavassoli; Nalin Thakker
Loss of CDKN2A expression was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in 87% of oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) primary tumor samples. By contrast, DNA studies showed a much lower frequency of loss of the CDKN2A gene. Point mutations and promoter methylation of CDKN2A were seen in 7% and 23%, respectively, of primary tumors. Loss of heterozygosity analysis using a dense set of 9p markers showed allelic imbalance that included CDKN2A in only 31% of samples, but a further 47% showed loss at loci near CDKN2A with apparent retention of CDKN2A. No tumor with any allelic imbalance expressed CDKN2A, whether or not the imbalance appeared to involve the CDKN2A locus. We interpret these data as showing partially overlapping deletions on the two 9p homologues, with homozygous deletion of CDKN2A masked by amplification of contaminating stromal material. Our data show that inactivation of the CDKN2A gene products is a near‐universal step in the development of oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas, and we suggest that homozygous deletion is the most common mechanism of inactivation. The CDKN2A locus may be particularly prone to deletion because it encodes two unrelated tumor suppressor proteins, CDKN2A (p16INK4a) and p19ARF, and deletion, but not point mutation or methylation, would inactivate both gene products. However, our results also suggest that complex patterns of allelic imbalance in primary squamous carcinomas in general may not provide reliable evidence for the existence of multiple tumor suppressor genes within a single chromosomal region. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 25:16–25, 1999.