Namshik Kim
Featured researches published by Namshik Kim.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 2008
Namshik Kim; Yusung Lee; Hyuncheol Park
This paper considers the uncoded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system with linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection under ideal fast fading. The distribution of SINR at the output of the MMSE detection is derived for a small number of transmit and receive antennas. We present new approximation for the Gaussian Q-function driven by numerical simulation. Based on the SINR distribution and new approximation for Q-function, we analyze the performance of linear MMSE detection under ideal fast fading environment. By comparing the analytical results and Monte Carlo simulated results, we validate the analytical results.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 2011
Hyoungsuk Jeon; Namshik Kim; Jinho Choi; Hyuckjae Lee; Jeongseok Ha
We investigate the secrecy capacity of an ergodic fading wiretap channel when the main and eavesdropper channels are correlated. Assuming that the transmitter knows the full channel state information (CSI) (i.e., the channel gains from the transmitter to the legitimate receiver and eavesdropper), we quantify the loss of the secrecy capacity due to the correlation and investigate the asymptotic behavior of the secrecy capacity in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. While the ergodic capacity of fading channels grows logarithmically with SNR in general, we have found that the secrecy capacity converges to an upper-bound (a closed-form expression is derived) that will be shown to be a function of two channel parameters; the correlation coefficient and the ratio of the main to eavesdropper channel gains. From this, we are able to see how the two channel parameters affect the secrecy capacity and conclude that the excessively large signal power does not help to improve the secrecy capacity and the loss due to the correlation could be significant especially when the ratio of the main to eavesdropper channel gains is low.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 2009
Namshik Kim; Hyuncheol Park
In this letter, we introduce an analytical expression to the coded bit error rate (BER) of a MIMO system with a linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver. We derive the moment generating function (MGF) of the SINR for arbitrary antenna configurations from the cumulative density function of SINR.We show that the moment generating function of the SINR at the MMSE detector output can be used to estimate the BER performance of a coded MIMO system. The analysis is simple and gives an accurate BER estimation at a high SNR. Based on the analytical and simulated results, the diversity order is dependent on the antenna configuration and the free distance of the convolutional code. Finally, we compare the analytical expression with simulated results for validation.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 2001
Young Ju Choie; Namshik Kim
In this correspondence, we construct theta series that are Jacobi forms, from the complete enumerator of Type II codes over Z/sub 2m/. Moreover, we construct a map from a certain invariant space to the space of Jacobi forms on the full modular group.
military communications conference | 2009
Hyoungsuk Jeon; Namshik Kim; Jinho Choi; Hyuckjae Lee; Jeongseok Ha
We consider a physical layer security based on the wiretap channel for wireless communication systems in which there are one transmitter and multiple receivers/users who report their channel state information (CSI) to the transmitter. This scenario is practically useful since it models the forward link of cellular systems where the systems can take advantage of the multiuser diversity. We are curious about the role of the multiuser diversity in the secure communication under the wiretap channel framework. Although it is well known that fixed transmit power is not optimal when CSI is available to the transmitter, to get useful insights, we consider a fixed transmit power case. In return, we can have some of important performance measures such as outage probability, average secrecy rate, failure rate, and average wait time in closed forms. The analysis interestingly shows that the multiuser diversity becomes always disadvantageous for the secure communications. We substantiate our claims with the analytic results and numerical evaluations.
wireless communications and networking conference | 2009
Hyungsoo Kim; Hyounkuk Kim; Namshik Kim; Hyuncheol Park; Seok Seo; Jin-Kyu Choi
While multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system gives many advantages to wireless communication, the complexity of multiple RF chains gives a burden to the system. Antenna selection is introduced as a technique to reduce the burden. On the transmit antenna selection scheme, the exhaustive search for optimal antenna set quickly becomes impractical as adopting more antennas. To reduce complexity for searching, we propose an efficient transmit antenna selection method. We first make a threshold for optimal antenna set by using Poincare separation theorem. Instead of exhaustive search, we select a transmit antenna subset that exceeds the threshold. On the exponentially correlated channel of array antennas, we give an order to search for reducing complexity further. We search from the most remotely located antenna subset which in generally less correlated to the closely located antennas which is more correlated. Finally, we show the BER performance and tradeoff relation between performance and complexity by Monte-Carlo simulations.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 2010
Yusung Lee; Namshik Kim; Hyuncheol Park
In this paper, we investigate the performance of multicarrier code-division multiplexing (MC-CDM) systems with minimum mean square error combining (MMSEC) over a Rayleigh fading channel. An approximated expression on the symbol error rate (SER) for MMSEC is derived. The approximated expression provides an accurate approximation of the true SER, particularly for systems with higher modulation and a small spreading factor. Through the derived error performances, we also calculate the achievable diversity order. MC-CDM systems with MMSEC achieve the same asymptotical diversity order of 1, regardless of the spreading factor. Within practical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ranges, the effective diversity order is further increased as a larger spreading factor is used. The derived analytical expressions are verified by numerical and simulation results.
military communications conference | 2008
Hyoungsuk Jeon; Namshik Kim; Minki Kim; Hyuckjae Lee; Jeongseok Ha
We investigate the secrecy capacity of an ergodic fading wiretap channel in which the main channel is correlated with the eavesdropper channel. In this study, the full Channel State Information (CSI) is assumed, and thus the transmitter knows the channel gains of the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper. By analyzing the resulting secrecy capacity we quantify the loss of the secrecy capacity due to the correlation. In addition, we study the asymptotic behavior of the secrecy capacity as Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) tends to infinity. The capacity of an ordinary fading channel logarithmically increases with SNR. On the contrary, the secrecy capacity converges to a limit which can be an upper bound on the secrecy capacity over the fading wiretap channel. We find a closed form of the upper bound for the correlated Rayleigh wiretap channel which also includes the independent case as a special one. Our work shows that the upper bound is determined by only two channel parameters; the correlation coefficient and the ratio of the main to the eavesdropper channel gains that will be called the average Channel Gain Ratio (CGR). The analysis of the upper bound tells how the two channel parameters affect the secrecy capacity and leads to the conclusion that the excessively large signal power does not provide any advantage in the secrecy capacity and the loss due to the correlation is especially serious in low CGR regime.
vehicular technology conference | 2006
Namshik Kim; Hyuncheol Park
Lattice reduction (LR) has been recently used in signal detection for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The conventional LR aided detection schemes are combinations of LR and signal detection methods such as zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection schemes. In this paper, we propose the LR aided scheme based on the augmented channel matrix and develop the method that corrects the errors occurred in the quantization step. Numerical simulations show that the proposed LR scheme exhibits improved performance and a slight increase in complexity. Moreover, if we combine the conventional LR aided scheme with the quantization error correction, then bit error ratio (BER) performance is improved with trivial complexity increase at high SNR.
vehicular technology conference | 2007
Haelyong Kim; Namshik Kim; Jaehong Kim; Hyuncheol Park
We introduce and analyze an enhanced cooperative diversity system where the source, relay, and destination are equipped with single antenna, respectively. A time-division multiple-access (TDMA) based cooperative protocol is considered. This protocol has full data rate because the source transmits two symbols during two time slots. However, the protocol does not obtain full diversity gain, because each column of effective channel matrix has a different distribution. We propose the constellation rotation scheme to solve the problem. Also, we analyze the diversity gain of the proposed system with the maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver by deriving the pairwise error probability (PEP). The analysis proves that the system applying the constellation rotation scheme achieves a full diversity. Also, we verify the superiority of the proposed scheme from the simulations.