Nancy A. Stokes
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 2000
Eugene M. Burreson; Nancy A. Stokes; Carolyn S. Friedman
The protistan parasite Haplosporidium nelsoni has caused extensive mortality in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica along the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States since 1957. The origin of H. nelsoni has remained unresolved. Molecular diagnostic tools were used to examine the hypothesis that a haplosporidian parasite in the Pacific oyster C. gigas is H. nelsoni. A DNA probe specific for H. nelsoni reacted positively in in situ hybridizations with haplosporidian plasmodia from C. gigas collected in Korea, Japan, and California. Primers that specifically amplify H. nelsoni DNA in the polymerase chain reaction amplified product from Californian C. gigas infected with the haplosporidian parasite. The DNA sequence of the 565-base pair amplified product was identical to the H. nelsoni sequence except for a single nucleotide transition, a similarity of 99.8%. These results are conclusive evidence that the parasite in C. gigas is H. nelsoni and strongly support previous speculation that the parasite was introduced into Californian populations of C. gigas from Japan. Results also support previous speculation that H. nelsoni was introduced from the Pacific Ocean to C. virginica on the East Coast of the United States, likely with known importations of C. gigas. These results document greatly increased virulence in a naive host-parasite association and reinforce potential dangers of intentional, but improper, introductions of exotic marine organisms for aquaculture or resource restoration.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 2006
Ryan B. Carnegie; Eugene M. Burreson; P. Mike Hine; Nancy A. Stokes; Corinne Audemard; Melanie J. Bishop; Charles H. Peterson
ABSTRACT. Examination of the oyster Ostreola equestris as a potential reservoir host for a species of Bonamia discovered in Crassostrea ariakensis in North Carolina (NC), USA, revealed a second novel Bonamia sp. Histopathology, electron microscopy, and molecular phylogenetic analysis support the designation of a new parasite species, Bonamia perspora n. sp., which is the first Bonamia species shown to produce a typical haplosporidian spore with an orifice and hinged operculum. Spores were confirmed to be from B. perspora by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Bonamia perspora was found at Morehead City and Wilmington, NC, with an overall prevalence of 1.4% (31/2,144). Uninucleate, plasmodial, and sporogonic stages occurred almost exclusively in connective tissues; uninucleate stages (2–6 μm) were rarely observed in hemocytes. Spores were 4.3–6.4 μm in length. Ultrastructurally, uninucleate, diplokaryotic, and plasmodial stages resembled those of other spore‐forming haplosporidians, but few haplosporosomes were present, and plasmodia were small. Spore ornamentation consisted of spore wall‐derived, thin, flat ribbons that emerged haphazardly around the spore, and which terminated in what appeared to be four‐pronged caps. Number of ribbons per spore ranged from 15 to 30, and their length ranged from 1.0 to 3.4 μm. Parsimony analysis identified B. perspora as a sister species to Bonamia ostreae.
Journal of Parasitology | 2004
Kimberly S. Reece; Mark E. Siddall; Nancy A. Stokes; Eugene M. Burreson
The phylogenetic position of the Haplosporidia has confounded taxonomists for more than a century because of the unique morphology of these parasites. We collected DNA sequence data for small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA and actin genes from haplosporidians and other protists for conducting molecular phylogenetic analyses to help elucidate relationships of taxa within the group, as well as placement of this group among Eukaryota. Analyses were conducted using DNA sequence data from more than 100 eukaryotic taxa with various combinations of data sets including nucleotide sequence data for each gene separately and combined, as well as SSU ribosomal DNA data combined with translated actin amino acids. In almost all analyses, the Haplosporidia was sister to the Cercozoa with moderate bootstrap and jackknife support. Analysis with actin amino acid sequences alone grouped haplosporidians with the foraminiferans and cercozoans. The haplosporidians Minchinia and Urosporidium were found to be monophyletic, whereas Haplosporidium was paraphyletic. “Microcell” parasites, Bonamia spp. and Mikrocytos roughleyi, were sister to Minchinia, the most derived genus, with Haplosporidium falling between the “microcells” and the more basal Urosporidium. Two recently discovered parasites, one from abalone in New Zealand and another from spot prawns in British Columbia, fell at the base of the Haplosporidia with very strong support, indicating a taxonomic affinity to this group.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 1995
Nancy A. Stokes; Eugene M. Burreson
ABSTRACT. Haplosporidium nelsoni is a pathogen of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, along the middle Atlantic coast of the U.S. Genomic DNA was extracted from H. nelsoni plasmodia and small subunit (SSU) rDNA was amplified by PCR, cloned and sequenced. The sequence of H. nelsoni SSU rDNA was aligned with that of another haplosporidian, Minchinia teredinis, and with SSU rDNA data of C. virginica and various protists in GenBank. A 21‐base oligonucleotide unique to H. nelsoni, designated MSX1347, was commercially synthesized and tested for sensitivity and specificity. In dot blot hybridizations the probe detected 100 pg of cloned H. nelsoni rDNA and the presence of H. nelsoni in 1 μg of genomic DNA from an infected oyster. It did not hybridize with 1 μg of genomic DNA from uninfected C. virginica or with cloned SSU rDNA of M. teredinis. The probe was further tested for specificity with in situ hybridizations on AFA‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded tissue sections. The probe hybridized well with H. nelsoni plasmodia and immature spores, but poorly with mature spores. The probe did not hybridize with oyster tissue, with other common oyster parasites such as P. marinus or Nematopsis sp., or with the haplosporidians Haplosporidium louisiana from mud crabs (Panopeus spp.), Haplosporidium costale from C. virginica or M. teredinis from shipworms (Teredo spp.).
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 2011
Eugene M. Burreson; Nancy A. Stokes; Ryan B. Carnegie; Melanie J. Bishop
Abstract The Suminoe oyster Crassostrea ariakensis is being considered for introduction into the middle Atlantic coast region of the United States, where diseases have decimated native stocks of the eastern oyster C. virginica. Triploid C. ariakensis produced at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) and transferred to Bogue Sound, North Carolina, experienced high mortality in the summer of 2003. Histopathological examination of oysters collected 9 d after peak mortality in August revealed the presence of intrahemocytic inclusions, suggesting a Bonamia-like parasite infecting hemocytes in 9.1% (2/22) of the oysters. November sampling of a subsequent October 2003 deployment to Bogue Sound revealed that 47% were infected by Bonamia-like microcells. Diagnosis of a second sample from this group by Bonamia-specific polymerase chain reaction primers revealed 60% prevalence, and subsequent DNA sequence data confirmed that the parasite was a Bonamia. Two samples collected during the peak mortality and ar...
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2010
Kristina M. Hill; Ryan B. Carnegie; Nejla Aloui-Bejaoui; Refka El Gharsalli; Delonna M. White; Nancy A. Stokes; Eugene M. Burreson
The small non-commercial oyster Ostrea stentina co-occurs with commercially important Ostrea edulis in the Mediterranean Sea, yet its disposition with respect to the destructive pathogens Bonamia ostreae and Marteilia refringens is unknown. We began an evaluation of the Bonamia spp. infection status of O. stentina from Hammamet, Tunisia, in June 2007 using polymerase chain reaction diagnostics followed by histology and in situ hybridization. Of 85 O. stentina sampled, nine were PCR-positive for a Bonamia sp. using a Bonamia genus-specific assay; of these nine, one displayed the uninucleate microcells associated with oyster hemocytes characteristic of Bonamia spp. There was no associated pathology. DNA sequencing of the parasite from this one infected individual revealed it to be of a member of the Bonamia exitiosa/Bonamia roughleyi clade, an identification supported by positive in situ hybridization results with probes specific for members of this clade, and by the morphology of the parasite cells: nuclei were central, as in B. exitiosa, not eccentric, as in B. ostreae. There is no basis for identifying the Tunisian parasite as either B. exitiosa or B. roughleyi, however, as these species are genetically indistinguishable. Likewise, there is no basis for identifying any of the other Bonamia spp. with affinities to the B. exitiosa/B. roughleyi clade, from Argentina, Australia, Spain, and the eastern USA, as one or the other of these named species. Though they are clearly distinct from Bonamia perspora and B. ostreae, justification for drawing species boundaries among the primarily austral microcells with affinities to B. exitiosa and B. roughleyi remains elusive.
Journal of Parasitology | 2000
Heather A. Yarnall; Kimberly S. Reece; Nancy A. Stokes; Eugene M. Burreson
A quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QCPCR) assay was developed for the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus. PCR primers for the rRNA gene region of P. marinus amplified DNA isolated from P. marinus but not from Perkinsus atlanticus, Crassostrea virginica, or the dinoflagellates Peridinium sp., Gymnodinium sp., or Amphidinium sp. A mutagenic primer was used to create a competitor plasmid molecule identical to the P. marinus target DNA sequence except for a 13-bp deletion. Both P. marinus and competitor DNA amplified with equivalent efficiencies. Each of 25 oysters was processed by 5 P. marinus diagnostic methods—Rays fluid thioglycollate medium (FTM) tissue assay, FTM hemolymph assay, whole oyster body burden assay, QCPCR of combined gill and mantle (gill/mantle) tissue, and QCPCR of hemolymph. The QCPCR assay enabled detection of 0.01 fg of P. marinus DNA in 1.0 µg of oyster tissue. QCPCR of gill/mantle tissue or hemolymph as well as the body burden assay detected infections in 24 of 25 oysters. Rays FTM tissue assay detected only 19 infections. The FTM hemolymph assay detected only 22 infections. Regression analysis of QCPCR results and FTM results indicated that the QCPCR assays were effective in quantitating P. marinus infections in oyster tissues.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2012
Jorge Cáceres-Martínez; Mauricio García Ortega; Rebeca Vásquez-Yeomans; Teresa de Jesús Pineda García; Nancy A. Stokes; Ryan B. Carnegie
The mangrove oyster Saccostrea palmula coexists with the pleasure oyster Crassostrea corteziensis in coastal lagoons of northwest Mexico. Recent discovery of Perkinsus marinus infecting the pleasure oyster in the region prompted evaluation of S. palmula as an alternative P. marinus host. An analysis to determine the possible presence of P. marinus in natural and cultured populations of S. palmula at four coastal lagoons in Sinaloa, Mexico was carried out during October-November 2010. Tissues from apparently healthy S. palmula were evaluated using Rays fluid thioglycollate method (RFTM), which revealed a Perkinsus sp. to be present in all four locations at 6.7-20.0% prevalence. Histopathological analysis of these specimens showed tissue alterations and parasite forms consistent with moderate P. marinus infection, which was confirmed by ribosomal non-transcribed spacer (NTS)-based PCR assays on DNA samples from oysters positive by RFTM and histology. DNA sequencing of amplified NTS fragments (307 bp) produced a sequence 98-100% similar to GenBank-deposited sequences of the NTS from P. marinus. Fluorescent in situ hybridization for Perkinsus spp. and P. marinus corroborated the PCR results, showing clear hybridization of P. marinus in host tissues. This is the first record of P. marinus infecting a species from genus Saccostrea and the first record of the parasite from coastal lagoons in Sinaloa, Mexico.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2008
Ryan B. Carnegie; Nancy A. Stokes; Corinne Audemard; Melanie J. Bishop; Ami E. Wilbur; Martin H. Posey; Charles H. Peterson; Eugene M. Burreson
Asian oyster Crassostrea ariakensis is being considered for introduction to Atlantic coastal waters of the USA. Successful aquaculture of this species will depend partly on mitigating impacts by Bonamia sp., a parasite that has caused high C. ariakensis mortality south of Virginia. To better understand the biology of this parasite and identify strategies for management, we evaluated its seasonal pattern of infection in C. ariakensis at two North Carolina, USA, locations in 2005. Small (<50 mm) triploid C. ariakensis were deployed to upwellers on Bogue Sound in late spring (May), summer (July), early fall (September), late fall (November), and early winter (December) 2005; and two field sites on Masonboro Sound in September 2005. Oyster growth and mortality were evaluated biweekly at Bogue Sound, and weekly at Masonboro, with Bonamia sp. prevalence evaluated using parasite-specific PCR. We used histology to confirm infections in PCR-positive oysters. Bonamia sp. appeared in the late spring Bogue Sound deployment when temperatures approached 25 degrees C, six weeks post-deployment. Summer- and early fall-deployed oysters displayed Bonamia sp. infections after 3-4 weeks. Bonamia sp. prevalences were 75% in Bogue Sound, and 60% in Masonboro. While oyster mortality reached 100% in late spring and summer deployments, early fall deployments showed reduced (17-82%) mortality. Late fall and early winter deployments, made at temperatures <20 degrees C, developed no Bonamia sp. infections at all. Seasonal Bonamia sp. cycling, therefore, is influenced greatly by temperature. Avoiding peak seasonal Bonamia sp. activity will be essential for culturing C. ariakensis in Bonamia sp.-enzootic waters.
Fish & Shellfish Immunology | 2003
Robert S. Anderson; Brenda S. Kraus; Sharon E. McGladdery; Kimberly S. Reece; Nancy A. Stokes
A previously undescribed thraustochytrid protist, designated C9G, was isolated from the gills of a clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, collected from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Sequence data analysis showed C9G to be related to the clam pathogen QPX, quahog parasite unknown; however, it is not enveloped by secreted mucoid material as is the case for QPX. Clam hemocytes recognized and phagocytized C9G in vitro in the absence of plasma recognition factors. Hemocytes were also capable of killing ingested C9G, as shown by the use of a tetrazolium reduction viability assay. The mechanisms underlying intracellular antimicrobial activity are not yet established, but no detectable cytotoxic reactive oxygen species were generated during phagocytosis of C9G. Clam plasma proteins were shown to inhibit C9G growth at concentrations similar to those in unfractionated hemolymph.