
Bryophyte ecology and climate change. | 2010

Bryophyte ecology and climate change.

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Contents

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Aquatic Bryophytes

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Conclusions

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Introductory Chapters

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: List of contributors

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Desert and Tropical Ecosystems

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

List of contributors Preface Part I. Introductory Chapters: 1. The ecological value of bryophytes as indicators of climate change Nancy G. Slack 2. Bryophyte physiological processes in a changing climate: an overview Zoltan Tuba Part II. Ecophysiology: 3. Climatic responses and limits of bryophytes: comparisons and contrasts with vascular plants Michael C. F. Proctor 4. Effects of elevated air CO2 on bryophytes: a review Zoltan Tuba, Edit Otvos and Ildiko Jocsak 5. Seasonal and interannual variability of light and UV acclimation in mosses Niina M. Lappalainen, Anna Hyyrylainen and Satu Huttunen Part III. Aquatic Bryophytes: 6. Ecological and physiological effects of changing climate on aquatic bryophytes Janice Glime 7. Aquatic bryophytes under ultraviolet radiation Javier Martinez-Abaigar and Encarnacion Nunez-Oliver Part IV. Desert and Tropical Ecosystems: 8. Responses of a biological crust moss to increased monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition in the Mojave desert Lloyd R. Stark, D. Nicholas McLetchie, Stanley D. Smith and Melvin J. Oliver 9. Ecology of bryophytes in Mojave desert biological soil crusts: effects of elevated CO2 on sex expression, stress tolerance, and productivity in the moss Syntrichia caninervis Mitt. John C. Brinda, Catherine Fernando and Lloyd R. Stark 10. Responses of epiphytic bryophyte communities to simulated climate change in the tropics Jorge Jacome, S. Robbert Gradstein and Michael Kessler Part V. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic Ecosystems: 11. Effects of climate change on tundra bryophytes Annika K. Jagerbrand, Robert G. Bjork, Terry Callaghan and Rod Seppelt 12. Alpine bryophytes as indicators for climate change: a case study from the Austrian Alps Daniela Hohenwallner, Harold G. Zechmeister, Dietmar Moserm, Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Karl Reiter and Georg Grabherr 13. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing climate: an Antarctic perspective Rod D. Seppelt Part VI. Sphagnum and Peatlands: 14. Living on the edge: the effects of drought on Canadas western boreal peatlands Melanie Vile, Kimberli D. Scott, Erin Brault, R. Kellman Wieder and Dale H. Vitt 15. The structure and functional features of sphagnum cover of the northern west Siberian mires in connection with forecasting global environmental and climatic changes Aleksei V. Naumov and Natalia P. Kosykh 16. The southernmost sphagnum-dominated mires on the plains of Europe: formation, secondary succession, degradation and protection Janos Nagy Part VII. Changes in Bryophyte Distribution with Climate Change: Data and Models: 17. The role of bryophyte paleoecology in quaternary climate reconstructions Gusztav Jakab and Pal Sumegi 18. Signs of climate change in the bryoflora of Hungary Tamas Pocs 19. Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? Jeffrey W. Bates and Christopher D. Preston 20. Climate change and protected areas: how well do our rare bryophytes fare? Barbara J. Anderson and Ralf Ohlemuller 21. Modeling the distribution of Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton as a signal of climatic changes in Europe Cecilia Sergio, Rui Figueira and Rui Menezes 22. Modelling bryophyte productivity across gradients of water availability using canopy form-function relationships Steven Rice, Nathali Neal, Jesse Mango and Kelly Black Part VIII. Conclusions: 23. Bryophytes as predictors of greenhouse gas enrichment and current climate change L. Dennis Gignac 24. Conclusions Nancy G. Slack and Lloyd R. Stark Index.

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: The Ecological Value of Bryophytes as Indicators of Climate Change

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

Archive | 2011

Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change: Bryophyte Physiological Processes in a Changing Climate: an Overview

Zoltán Tuba; Nancy G. Slack; Lloyd R. Stark

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