
International Journal of Control | 1985

Robust pole assignment in linear state feedback

Jaroslav Kautsky; Nancy Nichols; Paul Van Dooren

Numerical methods are described for determining robust, or well-conditioned, solutions to the problem of pole assignment by state feedback. The solutions obtained are such that the sensitivity of the assigned poles to perturbations in the system and gain matrices is minimized. It is shown that for these solutions, upper bounds on the norm of the feedback matrix and on the transient response are also minimized and a lower bound on the stability margin is maximized. A measure is derived which indicates the optimal conditioning that may be expected for a particular system with a given set of closed-loop poles, and hence the suitability of the given poles for assignment.

Journal of Theoretical Biology | 1985

Are patterns of growth adaptive

Richard M. Sibly; P. Calow; Nancy Nichols

Models which define fitness in terms of per capita rate of increase of phenotypes are used to analyse patterns of individual growth. It is shown that sigmoid growth curves are an optimal strategy (i.e. maximize fitness) if (Assumption 1a) mortality decreases with body size; (2a) mortality is a convex function of specific growth rate, viewed from above; (3) there is a constraint on growth rate, which is attained in the first phase of growth. If the constraint is not attained then size should increase at a progressively reducing rate. These predictions are biologically plausible. Catch-up growth, for retarded individuals, is generally not an optimal strategy though in special cases (e.g. seasonal breeding) it might be. Growth may be advantageous after first breeding if birth rate is a convex function of G (the fraction of production devoted to growth) viewed from above (Assumption 5a), or if mortality rate is a convex function of G, viewed from above (Assumption 6c). If assumptions 5a and 6c are both false, growth should cease at the age of first reproduction. These predictions could be used to evaluate the incidence of indeterminate versus determinate growth in the animal kingdom though the data currently available do not allow quantitative tests. In animals with invariant adult size a method is given which allows one to calculate whether an increase in body size is favoured given that fecundity and developmental time are thereby increased.

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | 1986

Eigenstructure assignment in descriptor systems

L. R. Fletcher; Jaroslav Kautsky; Nancy Nichols

Coordinate free conditions are given for pole assignment by feedback in linear descriptor (singular) systems which guarantee closed-loop regularity. These conditions are shown to be both necessary and sufficient for assignment of the maximum possible number of finite poles. Transformation to special coordinates are not used and the results provide a robust algorithm for the computation of the required feedback.

Numerische Mathematik | 1991

Numerical computation of an analytic singular value decomposition of a matrix valued function

Angelika Bunse-Gerstner; Ralph Byers; Volker Mehrmann; Nancy Nichols

SummaryThis paper extends the singular value decomposition to a path of matricesE(t). An analytic singular value decomposition of a path of matricesE(t) is an analytic path of factorizationsE(t)=X(t)S(t)Y(t)T whereX(t) andY(t) are orthogonal andS(t) is diagonal. To maintain differentiability the diagonal entries ofS(t) are allowed to be either positive or negative and to appear in any order. This paper investigates existence and uniqueness of analytic SVDs and develops an algorithm for computing them. We show that a real analytic pathE(t) always admits a real analytic SVD, a full-rank, smooth pathE(t) with distinct singular values admits a smooth SVD. We derive a differential equation for the left factor, develop Euler-like and extrapolated Euler-like numerical methods for approximating an analytic SVD and prove that the Euler-like method converges.

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications | 1992

Regularization of descriptor systems by derivative and proportional state feedback

Angelika Bunse-Gerstner; Volker Mehrmann; Nancy Nichols

For linear multivariable time-invariant continuous or discrete-time singular systems it is customary to use a proportional feedback control in order to achieve a desired closed loop behaviour. Derivative feedback is rarely considered. This paper examines how derivative feedback in descriptor systems can be used to alter the structure of the system pencil under various controllability conditions. It is shown that derivative and proportional feedback controls can be constructed such that the closed loop system has a given form and is also regular and has index at most 1. This property ensures the solvability of the resulting system of dynamic-algebraic equations. The construction procedures used to establish the theory are based only on orthogonal matrix decompositions and can therefore be implemented in a numerically stable way. The problem of pole placement with derivative feedback alone and in combination with proportional state feedback is also investigated. A computational algorithm for improving the “...

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications | 2001

Robust eigenstructure assignment in quadratic matrix polynomials: nonsingular case

Nancy Nichols; Jaroslav Kautsky

Feedback design for a second-order control system leads to an eigenstructure assignment problem for a quadratic matrix polynomial. It is desirable that the feedback controller not only assigns specified eigenvalues to the second-order closed loop system but also that the system is robust, or insensitive to perturbations. We derive here new sensitivity measures, or condition numbers, for the eigenvalues of the quadratic matrix polynomial and define a measure of the robustness of the corresponding system. We then show that the robustness of the quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem can be achieved by solving a generalized linear eigenvalue assignment problem subject to structured perturbations. Numerically reliable methods for solving the structured generalized linear problem are developed that take advantage of the special properties of the system in order to minimize the computational work required. In this part of the work we treat the case where the leading coefficient matrix in the quadratic polynomial is nonsingular, which ensures that the polynomial is regular. In a second part, we will examine the case where the open loop matrix polynomial is not necessarily regular.

Siam Journal on Optimization | 2007

Approximate Gauss-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems

Serge Gratton; Amos S. Lawless; Nancy Nichols

The Gauss-Newton algorithm is an iterative method regularly used for solving nonlinear least squares problems. It is particularly well suited to the treatment of very large scale variational data assimilation problems that arise in atmosphere and ocean forecasting. The procedure consists of a sequence of linear least squares approximations to the nonlinear problem, each of which is solved by an “inner” direct or iterative process. In comparison with Newton’s method and its variants, the algorithm is attractive because it does not require the evaluation of second-order derivatives in the Hessian of the objective function. In practice the exact Gauss-Newton method is too expensive to apply operationally in meteorological forecasting, and various approximations are made in order to reduce computational costs and to solve the problems in real time. Here we investigate the effects on the convergence of the Gauss-Newton method of two types of approximation used commonly in data assimilation. First, we examine “truncated” Gauss-Newton methods where the inner linear least squares problem is not solved exactly, and second, we examine “perturbed” Gauss-Newton methods where the true linearized inner problem is approximated by a simplified, or perturbed, linear least squares problem. We give conditions ensuring that the truncated and perturbed Gauss-Newton methods converge and also derive rates of convergence for the iterations. The results are illustrated by a simple numerical example. A practical application to the problem of data assimilation in a typical meteorological system is presented.

Circuits Systems and Signal Processing | 1991

Duality, observability, and controllability for linear time-varying descriptor systems

Stephen L. Campbell; Nancy Nichols; William J. Terrell

A characterization of observability for linear time-varying descriptor systemsE(t)x′(t)+F(t)x(t)=B(t)u(t), y(t)=C(t)x(t) was recently developed. NeitherE norC were required to have constant rank. This paper defines a dual system, and a type of controllability so that observability of the original system is equivalent to controllability of the dual system. Criteria for observability and controllability are given in terms of arrays of derivatives of the original coefficients. In addition, the duality results of this paper lead to an improvement on a previous fundamental structure result for solvable systems of the formE(t)x′(t)+F(t)x(t)=f(tt).

Linear Algebra and its Applications | 1999

Feedback design for regularizing descriptor systems

Angelika Bunse-Gerstner; Ralph Byers; Volker Mehrmann; Nancy Nichols

This paper surveys numerical techniques for the regularization of descriptor (generalized state-space) systems by proportional and derivative feedback. We review generalizations of controllability and observability to descriptor systems along with definitions of regularity and index in terms of the Weierstras canonical form. Three condensed forms display the controllability and observability properties of a descriptor system. The condensed forms are obtained through orthogonal equivalence transformations and rank decisions, so they may be computed by numerically stable algorithms. In addition, the condensed forms display whether a descriptor system is regularizable, i.e., when the system pencil can be made to be regular by derivative and/or proportional output feedback, and, if so, what index can be achieved. Also included is a a new characterization of descriptor systems that can be made to be regular with index 1 by proportional and derivative output feedback.

Siam Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing | 1980

Equidistributing Meshes with Constraints

Jaroslav Kautsky; Nancy Nichols

Adaptive methods which “equidistribute” a given positive weight function are now used fairly widely for selecting discrete meshes. The disadvantage of such schemes is that the resulting mesh may not be smoothly varying. In this paper a technique is developed for equidistributing a function subject to constraints on the ratios of adjacent steps in the mesh. Given a weight function

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