
Plant Journal | 2010

Rice metal-nicotianamine transporter, OsYSL2, is required for the long-distance transport of iron and manganese.

Yasuhiro Ishimaru; Hiroshi Masuda; Khurram Bashir; Haruhiko Inoue; Takashi Tsukamoto; Michiko Takahashi; Hiromi Nakanishi; Naohiro Aoki; Tatsuro Hirose; Ryu Ohsugi; Naoko K. Nishizawa

Rice (Oryza sativa) is indispensable in the diet of most of the worlds population. Thus, it is an important target in which to alter iron (Fe) uptake and homeostasis, so as to increase Fe accumulation in the grain. We previously isolated OsYSL2, a functional iron [Fe(II)]- and manganese [Mn(II)]-nicotianamine complex transporter that is expressed in phloem cells and developing seeds. We produced RNAi (OsYSL2i) and overexpression lines (OXOsYSL2) of OsYSL2. At the vegetative stage in an OsYSL2i line, the Fe and Mn concentrations were decreased in the shoots, and the Fe concentration was increased in the roots. At the reproductive stage, positron-emitting tracer imaging system analysis revealed that Fe translocation to the shoots and seeds was suppressed in OsYSL2i. The Fe and Mn concentrations were decreased in the seeds of OsYSL2i, especially in the endosperm. Moreover, the Fe concentration in OXOsYSL2 was lower in the seeds and shoots, but higher in the roots, compared with the wild type. Furthermore, when OsYSL2 expression was driven by the sucrose transporter promoter, the Fe concentration in the polished rice was up to 4.4-fold higher compared with the wild type. These results indicate that the altered expression of OsYSL2 changes the localization of Fe, and that OsYSL2 is a critical Fe-nicotianamine transporter important for Fe translocation, especially in the shoots and endosperm.

Plant Journal | 2012

A rice calcium‐dependent protein kinase OsCPK12 oppositely modulates salt‐stress tolerance and blast disease resistance

Takayuki Asano; Nagao Hayashi; Michie Kobayashi; Naohiro Aoki; Akio Miyao; Ichiro Mitsuhara; Hiroaki Ichikawa; Setsuko Komatsu; Hirohiko Hirochika; Shoshi Kikuchi; Ryu Ohsugi

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) regulate the downstream components in calcium signaling pathways. We investigated the effects of overexpression and disruption of an Oryza sativa (rice) CDPK (OsCPK12) on the plants response to abiotic and biotic stresses. OsCPK12-overexpressing (OsCPK12-OX) plants exhibited increased tolerance to salt stress. The accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H(2) O(2) ) in the leaves was less in OsCPK12-OX plants than in wild-type (WT) plants. Genes encoding reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging enzymes (OsAPx2 and OsAPx8) were more highly expressed in OsCPK12-OX plants than in WT plants, whereas the expression of the NADPH oxidase gene, OsrbohI, was decreased in OsCPK12-OX plants compared with WT plants. Conversely, a retrotransposon (Tos17) insertion mutant, oscpk12, and plants transformed with an OsCPK12 RNA interference (RNAi) construct were more sensitive to high salinity than were WT plants. The level of H(2) O(2) accumulation was greater in oscpk12 and OsCPK12 RNAi plants than in the WT. These results suggest that OsCPK12 promotes tolerance to salt stress by reducing the accumulation of ROS. We also observed that OsCPK12-OX seedlings had increased sensitivity to abscisic acid (ABA) and increased susceptibility to blast fungus, probably resulting from the repression of ROS production and/or the involvement of OsCPK12 in the ABA signaling pathway. Collectively, our results suggest that OsCPK12 functions in multiple signaling pathways, positively regulating salt tolerance and negatively modulating blast resistance.

Plant Physiology | 2004

Evolution and Function of the Sucrose-Phosphate Synthase Gene Families in Wheat and Other Grasses

C. Kate Castleden; Naohiro Aoki; Vanessa J. Gillespie; Elspeth A. MacRae; W. Paul Quick; Peter Buchner; Christine H. Foyer; Robert T. Furbank; John E. Lunn

Suc-phosphate synthase (SPS) is a key regulatory enzyme in the pathway of Suc biosynthesis and has been linked to quantitative trait loci controlling plant growth and yield. In dicotyledonous plants there are three SPS gene families: A, B, and C. Here we report the finding of five families of SPS genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and other monocotyledonous plants from the family Poaceae (grasses). Three of these form separate subfamilies within the previously described A, B, and C gene families, but the other two form a novel and distinctive D family, which on present evidence is only found in the Poaceae. The D-type SPS proteins lack the phosphorylation sites associated with 14-3-3 protein binding and osmotic stress activation, and the linker region between the N-terminal catalytic glucosyltransferase domain and the C-terminal Suc-phosphatase-like domain is 80 to 90 amino acid residues shorter than in the A, B, or C types. The D family appears to have arisen after the divergence of mono- and dicotyledonous plants, with a later duplication event resulting in the two D-type subfamilies. Each of the SPS gene families in wheat showed different, but overlapping, spatial and temporal expression patterns, and in most organs at least two different SPS genes are expressed. Analysis of expressed sequence tags indicated similar expression patterns to wheat for each SPS gene family in barley (Hordeum vulgare) but not in more distantly related grasses. We identified an expressed sequence tag from rice (Oryza sativa) that appears to be derived from an endogenous antisense SPS gene, and this might account for the apparently low level of expression of the related OsSPS11 sense gene, adding to the already extensive list of mechanisms for regulating the activity of SPS in plants.

Plant Biotechnology Journal | 2011

Introduction of the ZmDof1 gene into rice enhances carbon and nitrogen assimilation under low-nitrogen conditions

Tomohiro Kurai; Masataka Wakayama; Tomomi Abiko; Shuichi Yanagisawa; Naohiro Aoki; Ryu Ohsugi

The excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer to maximize crop yields causes negative environmental effects such as pollution and ecological imbalance. To overcome this problem, researchers have attempted to improve the nitrogen assimilation capacity of crops. Maize Dof1 (ZmDof1) is a plant-specific transcription factor shown to promote nitrogen assimilation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) even under nitrogen-deficient conditions. The present study examines the effect of the introduction of the ZmDof1 gene on carbon and nitrogen assimilation in rice. ZmDof1 induced the expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) genes in transgenic rice plants and transactivated the PEPC promoters in protoplast transient assays, showing similar effects in rice as in Arabidopsis. Transgenic rice expressing ZmDof1 and grown in the presence of 360 μm (nitrogen-sufficient) or 90 μm (nitrogen-deficient) of nitrogen concentrations showed modulation of metabolite content and gene expression associated with the anaplerotic pathway for the TCA cycle, suggesting an increased carbon flow towards nitrogen assimilation. Furthermore, increases in carbon and nitrogen amounts per seedling were found in Dof1 rice grown under nitrogen-deficient conditions. Nitrogen deficiency also resulted in the predominant distribution of nitrogen to roots, accompanied by significant increases in root biomass and modification of the shoot-to-root ratio. Measurement of the CO₂ gas exchange rate showed a significant increase in the net photosynthesis rate in Dof1 rice under nitrogen-deficient conditions. Taken these together, the present study displayed that ZmDof1 expression in rice could induce gene expressions such as PEPC genes, modulate carbon and nitrogen metabolites, increase nitrogen assimilation and enhance growth under low-nitrogen conditions.

Plant Molecular Biology | 2011

Functional characterisation of OsCPK21, a calcium-dependent protein kinase that confers salt tolerance in rice

Takayuki Asano; Makoto Hakata; Hidemitsu Nakamura; Naohiro Aoki; Setsuko Komatsu; Hiroaki Ichikawa; Hirohiko Hirochika; Ryu Ohsugi

Calcium acts as a messenger in various signal transduction pathways in plants. Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) play important roles in regulating downstream components in calcium signaling pathways. In rice, the CDPKs constitute a large multigene family consisting of 29 genes, but the biological functions and functional divergence or redundancy of most of these genes remain unclear. Using a mini-scale full-length cDNA overexpressor (FOX) gene hunting system, we generated 250 independent transgenic rice plants overexpressing individual rice CDPKs (CDPK FOX-rice lines). These CDPK FOX-rice lines were screened for salt stress tolerance. The survival rate of the OsCPK21-FOX plants was higher than that of wild-type (WT) plants grown under high salinity conditions. The inhibition of seedling growth by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment was greater in the OsCPK21-FOX plants than in WT plants. Several ABA- and high salinity-inducible genes were more highly expressed in the OsCPK21-FOX plants than in WT plants. These results suggest that OsCPK21 is involved in the positive regulation of the signaling pathways that are involved in the response to ABA and salt stress.

Plant Physiology | 2006

Pathway of Sugar Transport in Germinating Wheat Seeds

Naohiro Aoki; Graham N. Scofield; Xin-Ding Wang; Christina E. Offler; John W. Patrick; Robert T. Furbank

Three homeologous genes encoding a sucrose (Suc) transporter (SUT) in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum), TaSUT1A, 1B, and 1D, were expressed in germinating seeds, where their function is unknown. All three TaSUT1 proteins were confirmed to be capable of transporting both Suc and maltose by complementation tests with the SUSY7/ura3 yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutant strain. The role of Suc transporters in germinating grain was examined by combining in situ hybridization, immunolocalization, fluorescent dye tracer movement, and metabolite assays. TaSUT1 transcript and SUT protein were detected in cells of the aleurone layer, scutellar epidermis, scutellar ground cells, and sieve element-companion cell complexes located in the scutellum, shoot, and root. Ester loading of the membrane-impermeable fluorescent dye carboxyfluorescein into the scutellum epidermal cells of germinating seeds showed that a symplasmic pathway connects the scutellum to the shoot and root via the phloem. However, the scutellar epidermis provides an apoplasmic barrier to solute movement from endosperm tissue. Measurements of sugars in the root, shoot, endosperm, and scutellum suggest that, following degradation of endosperm starch, the resulting hexoses are converted to Suc in the scutellum. Suc was found to be the major sugar present in the endosperm early in germination, whereas maltose and glucose predominate during the later stage. It is proposed that loading the scutellar phloem in germinating wheat seeds can proceed by symplasmic and apoplasmic pathways, the latter facilitated by SUT activity. In addition, SUTs may function to transport Suc into the scutellum from the endosperm early in germination and later transport maltose.

Planta | 2004

Expression and localisation analysis of the wheat sucrose transporter TaSUT1 in vegetative tissues

Naohiro Aoki; Graham N. Scofield; Xin-Ding Wang; John W. Patrick; Christina E. Offler; Robert T. Furbank

Previously we reported the isolation of three sucrose transporter genes, TaSUT1A, 1B and 1D, all expressed at high levels in the developing grains of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), but also in a variety of other tissues [N. Aoki et al. (2002) Plant Mol Biol 50:453–462]. In order to further characterise the expression of the TaSUT1 genes in wheat plants, we have analysed TaSUT1 expression in their vegetative tissues using semi-quantitative reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridisation and immunolocalisation. The three TaSUT1 genes, which encode 98% identical SUT proteins, all appeared to be expressed at the same level in leaf blades, leaf sheaths and internodes, as well as developing grains, of hexaploid wheat. In mature leaf blades, TaSUT1 protein localised to the plasma membrane of phloem sieve elements in all classes of veins. In contrast, TaSUT1 mRNA was found to be localised to phloem companion cells. A similar localisation pattern for TaSUT1 protein was observed in veins of leaf sheaths and internodes. These results suggest that the wheat SUT1 has a transport function in enucleate sieve elements, in both veins responsible for loading photoassimilates, and in veins for axial transport. Furthermore, transport of the fluorescent dye carboxyfluorescein was used to investigate symplasmic connectivity between sieve element–companion cell complexes and non-phloem cells. Observations in source leaves indicated that sieve element–companion cell complexes of minor veins were symplasmically restricted, suggesting a role of TaSUT1 in apoplasmic phloem loading. In contrast, the dye was able to move symplasmically out of the phloem in internodes. In these circumstances TaSUT1 may also have a role in retrieving sucrose leaked to the phloem apoplasm.

Annals of Botany | 2009

Starch storage in the stems of wheat plants: localization and temporal changes

Graham N. Scofield; Sari A. Ruuska; Naohiro Aoki; David C. Lewis; Linda Tabe; Colin L. D. Jenkins

BACKGROUND AND AIMS Carbohydrate temporarily accumulates in wheat stems during the early reproductive growth phase, predominantly as water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), and is subsequently remobilized during grain filling. Starch has also been reported as a minor storage carbohydrate component in wheat stems, but the details are lacking. METHODS The accumulation and localization of starch in wheat stem and leaf sheath tissue over a developmental period from 6 d before anthesis to 35 d after anthesis was investigated. KEY RESULTS The region of the peduncle enclosed by the flag-leaf sheath, and the penultimate internode were the main tissues identified as containing starch, in which the starch grains localized to the storage parenchyma cells. In contrast, the exposed peduncle lacked starch grains. Starch grains were also found in the flag-leaf and second-leaf sheath. Plants grown in low-nitrogen conditions exhibited increased storage of both starch and WSC compared with plants grown in high-nitrogen supply. CONCLUSIONS The major accumulation and decrease of starch occurred temporally independently to that for WSC, suggesting a different functional role for starch in wheat stems. Starch reutilization concomitant with peduncle growth, and the early development of the reproductive structures, suggested a role in provision of energy and/or carbon scaffolds for these growth processes.

Journal of Experimental Botany | 2008

A xylem sap retrieval pathway in rice leaf blades: evidence of a role for endocytosis?

C. E. J. Botha; Naohiro Aoki; Graham N. Scofield; L. Liu; Robert T. Furbank; Rosemary G. White

The structure and transport properties of pit membranes at the interface between the metaxylem and xylem parenchyma cells and the possible role of these pit membranes in solute transfer to the phloem were investigated. Electron microscopy revealed a fibrillar, almost tubular matrix within the pit membrane structure between the xylem vessels and xylem parenchyma of leaf blade bundles in rice (Oryza sativa). These pits are involved primarily with regulating water flux to the surrounding xylem parenchyma cells. Vascular parenchyma cells contain large mitochondrial populations, numerous dictyosomes, endomembrane complexes, and vesicles in close proximity to the pit membrane. Taken collectively, this suggests that endocytosis may occur at this interface. A weak solution of 5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate (5,6-CFDA) was applied to cut ends of leaves and, after a minimum of 30 min, the distribution of the fluorescent cleavage product, 5,6-carboxyfluorescein (5,6-CF), was observed using confocal microscopy. Cleavage of 5,6-CFDA occurred within the xylem parenchyma cells, and the non-polar 5,6-CF was then symplasmically transported to other parenchyma elements and ultimately, via numerous pore plasmodesmata, to adjacent thick-walled sieve tubes. Application of Lucifer Yellow, and, separately, Texas Red-labelled dextran (10 kDa) to the transpiration stream, confirmed that these membrane-impermeant probes could only have been offloaded from the xylem via the xylem vessel–xylem parenchyma pit membranes, suggesting endocytotic transmembrane transfer of these membrane-impermeant fluorophores. Accumulation within the thick-walled sieve tubes, but not in thin-walled sieve tubes, confirms the presence of a symplasmic phloem loading pathway, via pore plasmodesmata between xylem parenchyma and thick-walled sieve tubes, but not thin-walled sieve tubes.

Planta | 2010

Changes in nitrogen assimilation, metabolism, and growth in transgenic rice plants expressing a fungal NADP(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (gdhA)

Tomomi Abiko; Masataka Wakayama; Akira Kawakami; Mitsuhiro Obara; Hiroaki Kisaka; Tetsuya Miwa; Naohiro Aoki; Ryu Ohsugi

In plants, glutamine synthetase (GS) is the enzyme that is mainly responsible for the assimilation of ammonium. Conversely, in microorganisms such as bacteria and Ascomycota, NADP(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and GS both have important roles in ammonium assimilation. Here, we report the changes in nitrogen assimilation, metabolism, growth, and grain yield of rice plants caused by an ectopic expression of NADP(H)-GDH (gdhA) from the fungus Aspergillus niger in the cytoplasm. An investigation of the kinetic properties of purified recombinant protein showed that the fungal gdhA had 5.4–10.2 times higher Vmax value and 15.9–43.1 times higher Km value for NH4+, compared with corresponding values for rice cytosolic GS as reported in the literature. These results suggested that the introduction of fungal GDH into rice could modify its ammonium assimilation pathway. We therefore expressed gdhA in the cytoplasm of rice plants. NADP(H)-GDH activities in the gdhA-transgenic lines were markedly higher than those in a control line. Tracer experiments by feeding with 15NH4+ showed that the introduced gdhA, together with the endogenous GS, directly assimilated NH4+ absorbed from the roots. Furthermore, in comparison with the control line, the transgenic lines showed an increase in dry weight and nitrogen content when sufficient nitrogen was present, but did not do so under low-nitrogen conditions. Under field condition, the transgenic line examined showed a significant increase in grain yield in comparison with the control line. These results suggest that the introduction of fungal gdhA into rice plants could lead to better growth and higher grain yield by enhancing the assimilation of ammonium.

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