
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1995

Carbon dioxide exchange in a peatland ecosystem

Narasinha J. Shurpali; Shashi B. Verma; Joon Kim; Timothy J. Arkebauer

Micrometeorological measurements of carbon dioxide exchange were made in an open peatland in north central Minnesota during two growing seasons (1991 and 1992). The vegetation at the site was dominated by Sphagnum papillosum, Scheuchzeria palustris, and Chamaedaphne calyculata. The objective of the study was to examine the diurnal and seasonal variations in canopy photosynthesis (P) and develop information on the net ecosystem CO2 exchange. The two seasons provided contrasting microclimatic conditions: as compared with 1991, the 1992 season was significantly wetter and cooler. Canopy photosynthesis was sensitive to changes in light, temperature, and moisture stress (as indicated by water table depth and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit). Under moderate conditions (temperature 18–28°C, vapor pressure deficit 0.7–1.5 kPa, and water table near the surface) during the peak growth period, midday (averaged between 1000–1400 hours) P values ranged from 0.15 to 0.24 mg m−2 s−1. Under high-temperature (30°–34°C) and moisture stress (water table 0.16–0.23 m below the surface and vapor pressure deficit 2.2–3.0 kPa) conditions, midday P was reduced to about 0.03–0.06 mg m−2 s−1. There was a high degree of consistency in the values of P under similar conditions in the two seasons. Seasonally integrated values of the daily net ecosystem CO2 exchange indicated that the study site was a source of atmospheric CO2, releasing about 71 g C m−2 over a 145-day period (May-October) in 1991. Over a similar period in 1992, however, this ecosystem was a sink for atmospheric CO2 with a net accumulation of about 32 g C m−2. These results are consistent with previous investigations on CO2 exchange in other northern wetland sites during wet and dry periods.

Global Change Biology | 2014

A synthesis of methane emissions from 71 northern, temperate, and subtropical wetlands

Merritt R. Turetsky; Agnieszka Kotowska; Jill L. Bubier; Nancy B. Dise; Patrick M. Crill; Ed R.C. Hornibrook; Kari Minkkinen; Tim R. Moore; Isla H. Myers-Smith; Hannu Nykänen; David Olefeldt; Janne Rinne; Sanna Saarnio; Narasinha J. Shurpali; Eeva-Stiina Tuittila; J. Michael Waddington; Jeffrey R. White; Kimberly P. Wickland; Martin Wilmking

Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane. Here, we assess controls on methane flux using a database of approximately 19 000 instantaneous measurements from 71 wetland sites located across subtropical, temperate, and northern high latitude regions. Our analyses confirm general controls on wetland methane emissions from soil temperature, water table, and vegetation, but also show that these relationships are modified depending on wetland type (bog, fen, or swamp), region (subarctic to temperate), and disturbance. Fen methane flux was more sensitive to vegetation and less sensitive to temperature than bog or swamp fluxes. The optimal water table for methane flux was consistently below the peat surface in bogs, close to the peat surface in poor fens, and above the peat surface in rich fens. However, the largest flux in bogs occurred when dry 30-day averaged antecedent conditions were followed by wet conditions, while in fens and swamps, the largest flux occurred when both 30-day averaged antecedent and current conditions were wet. Drained wetlands exhibited distinct characteristics, e.g. the absence of large flux following wet and warm conditions, suggesting that the same functional relationships between methane flux and environmental conditions cannot be used across pristine and disturbed wetlands. Together, our results suggest that water table and temperature are dominant controls on methane flux in pristine bogs and swamps, while other processes, such as vascular transport in pristine fens, have the potential to partially override the effect of these controls in other wetland types. Because wetland types vary in methane emissions and have distinct controls, these ecosystems need to be considered separately to yield reliable estimates of global wetland methane release.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2015

The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure

A.M.R. Petrescu; Annalea Lohila; Juha-Pekka Tuovinen; Dennis D. Baldocchi; Ankur R. Desai; Nigel T. Roulet; Timo Vesala; A. J. Dolman; Walter C. Oechel; Barbara Marcolla; Thomas Friborg; Janne Rinne; Jaclyn Hatala Matthes; Lutz Merbold; Ana Meijide; Gerard Kiely; Matteo Sottocornola; Torsten Sachs; Donatella Zona; Andrej Varlagin; Derrick Y.F. Lai; Elmar M. Veenendaal; Frans-Jan Parmentier; U. Skiba; Magnus Lund; A. Hensen; Jacobus van Huissteden; Lawrence B. Flanagan; Narasinha J. Shurpali; Thomas Grünwald

Significance Wetlands are unique ecosystems because they are in general sinks for carbon dioxide and sources of methane. Their climate footprint therefore depends on the relative sign and magnitude of the land–atmosphere exchange of these two major greenhouse gases. This work presents a synthesis of simultaneous measurements of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes to assess the radiative forcing of natural wetlands converted to agricultural or forested land. The net climate impact of wetlands is strongly dependent on whether they are natural or managed. Here we show that the conversion of natural wetlands produces a significant increase of the atmospheric radiative forcing. The findings suggest that management plans for these complex ecosystems should carefully account for the potential biogeochemical effects on climate. Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon–temperature feedback in northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on the net greenhouse gas balance of wetlands a priority. Here, we provide a coherent assessment of the climate footprint of a network of wetland sites based on simultaneous and quasi-continuous ecosystem observations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Experimental areas are located both in natural and in managed wetlands and cover a wide range of climatic regions, ecosystem types, and management practices. Based on direct observations we predict that sustained CH4 emissions in natural ecosystems are in the long term (i.e., several centuries) typically offset by CO2 uptake, although with large spatiotemporal variability. Using a space-for-time analogy across ecological and climatic gradients, we represent the chronosequence from natural to managed conditions to quantify the “cost” of CH4 emissions for the benefit of net carbon sequestration. With a sustained pulse–response radiative forcing model, we found a significant increase in atmospheric forcing due to land management, in particular for wetland converted to cropland. Our results quantify the role of human activities on the climate footprint of northern wetlands and call for development of active mitigation strategies for managed wetlands and new guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) accounting for both sustained CH4 emissions and cumulative CO2 exchange.

Gcb Bioenergy | 2009

Cultivation of a perennial grass for bioenergy on a boreal organic soil – carbon sink or source?

Narasinha J. Shurpali; Niina Hyvönen; Jari T. Huttunen; Robert J. Clement; Markus Reichstein; Hannu Nykänen; Christina Biasi; Pertti J. Martikainen

The area under the cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops on organic soils in the northern countries is fast increasing. To understand the impact of reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinaceae L.) cultivation on the carbon dioxide (CO2) balance of an organic soil, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) was measured for four years in a RCG cultivated cutover peatland in eastern Finland using the eddy covariance technique. There were striking differences among the years in the annual precipitation. The annual precipitation was higher during 2004 and 2007 and lower during 2005 and 2006 than the 1971–2000 regional mean. During wet growing seasons, moderate temperatures, high surface soil moisture and low evaporative demand favoured high CO2 uptake. During dry seasons, owing to soil moisture and atmospheric stress, photosynthetic activity was severely restricted. The CO2 uptake [gross primary productivity (GPP)] was positively correlated with soil moisture, air temperature and inversely with vapour pressure deficit. Total ecosystem respiration (TER) increased with increasing soil temperature but decreased with increasing soil moisture. The relative responses of GPP and TER to moisture stress were different. While changes in TER for a given change in soil moisture were moderate, variations in GPP were drastic. Also, the seasonal variations in TER were not as conspicuous as those in GPP implying that GPP is the primary regulator of the interannual variability in NEE in this ecosystem. The ecosystem accumulated a total of 398 g C m−2 from the beginning of 2004 until the end of 2007. It retained some carbon during a wet year such as 2004 even after accounting for the loss of carbon in the form of harvested biomass. Based on this CO2 balance analysis, RCG cultivation is found to be a promising after‐use option on an organic soil.

Tellus B | 2008

Bare soil and reed canary grass ecosystem respiration in peat extraction sites in Eastern Finland

Narasinha J. Shurpali; Niina Hyvönen; Jari T. Huttunen; Christina Biasi; Hannu Nykänen; N. Pekkarinen; Pertti J. Martikainen

This paper reports chamber measurements of ecosystem respiration (ER) from reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) (RCG) cultivation made during 2004 and 2005 and respiration rates from an adjacent, bare peat extraction site. Annually, the RCG site released 1465 g in 2004 and 1968 g CO2 m-2 in 2005. The peat extraction site, however, emitted 498 g in 2004 and 264 g CO2 m-2 in 2005. Heterotrophic respiration accounted for about 45% of the RCG ER. Temperature explained 75–88% of the variation in 2005 RCG heterotrophic respiration. Autotrophic respiration was the dominant component of ER and it followed a similar seasonal pattern as the living (green) biomass. RCG heterotrophic respiration was related to soil temperature in interaction with soil volumetric water content and seasonal rainfall distribution. It explained 79 and 47% of the variation in the bare soil respiration from the peat extraction site during 2004 and 2005 snow free periods, respectively. Compared to other ecosystems, emissions from RCG were lower indicating that the RCG is a promising after use option in organic soils.

Bioresource Technology | 2009

Fluxes of nitrous oxide and methane on an abandoned peat extraction site: effect of reed canary grass cultivation.

Niina Hyvönen; Jari T. Huttunen; Narasinha J. Shurpali; Niina M. Tavi; Maija Repo; Pertti J. Martikainen

Drained organic soils are among the most risky soil types as far as their greenhouse gas emissions are considered. Reed canary grass (RCG) is a potential bioenergy crop in the boreal region, but the atmospheric impact of its cultivation is unknown. The fluxes of N(2)O and CH(4) were measured from an abandoned peat extraction site (an organic soil) cultivated with RCG using static chamber and snow gradient techniques. The fluxes were measured also at an adjacent site which is under active peat extraction and it is devoid of any vegetation (BP site). The 4-year average annual N(2)O emissions were low being 0.1 and 0.01 g N(2)O m(-2)a(-1) at the RCG and BP sites, respectively. The corresponding mean annual CH(4) emissions from the RCG and BP sites were also low (0.4 g and 0.9 g CH(4) m(-2)a(-1)). These results highlight for the first time that there are organic soils where cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops is possible with low N(2)O and CH(4) emissions.

Gcb Bioenergy | 2010

Atmospheric impact of bioenergy based on perennial crop (reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinaceae, L.) cultivation on a drained boreal organic soil

Narasinha J. Shurpali; Harri Strandman; Antti Kilpeläinen; Jari T. Huttunen; Niina Hyvönen; Christina Biasi; Seppo Kellomäki; Pertti J. Martikainen

Marginal organic soils, abundant in the boreal region, are being increasingly used for bioenergy crop cultivation. Using long‐term field experimental data on greenhouse gas (GHG) balance from a perennial bioenergy crop [reed canary grass (RCG), Phalaris arundinaceae L.] cultivated on a drained organic soil as an example, we show here for the first time that, with a proper cultivation and land‐use practice, environmentally sound bioenergy production is possible on these problematic soil types. We performed a life cycle assessment (LCA) for RCG on this organic soil. We found that, on an average, this system produces 40% less CO2‐equivalents per MWh of energy in comparison with a conventional energy source such as coal. Climatic conditions regulating the RCG carbon exchange processes have a high impact on the benefits from this bioenergy production system. Under appropriate hydrological conditions, this system can even be carbon‐negative. An LCA sensitivity analysis revealed that net ecosystem CO2 exchange and crop yield are the major LCA components, while non‐CO2 GHG emissions and costs associated with crop production are the minor ones. Net bioenergy GHG emissions resulting from restricted net CO2 uptake and low crop yields, due to climatic and moisture stress during dry years, were comparable with coal emissions. However, net bioenergy emissions during wet years with high net uptake and crop yield were only a third of the coal emissions. As long‐term experimental data on GHG balance of bioenergy production are scarce, scientific data stemming from field experiments are needed in shaping renewable energy source policies.

Environmental Modelling and Software | 2012

A multi-model comparison of soil carbon assessment of a coniferous forest stand

Taru Palosuo; Bente Foereid; Magnus Svensson; Narasinha J. Shurpali; Aleksi Lehtonen; Michael Herbst; Tapio Linkosalo; Carina A. Ortiz; Gorana Rampazzo Todorovic; Saulius Marcinkonis; Changsheng Li; Robert Jandl

We simulated soil carbon stock dynamics of an Austrian coniferous forest stand with five soil-only models (Q, ROMUL, RothC, SoilCO2/RothC and Yasso07) and three plant-soil models (CENTURY, CoupModel and Forest-DNDC) for an 18-year period and the decomposition of a litter pulse over a 100-year period. The objectives of the study were to assess the consistency in soil carbon estimates applying a multi-model comparison and to present and discuss the sources of uncertainties that create the differences in model results. Additionally, we discuss the applicability of different modelling approaches from the view point of large-scale carbon assessments.Our simulation results showed a wide range in soil carbon stocks and stock change estimates reflecting substantial uncertainties in model estimates. The measured stock change estimate decreased much more than the model predictions. Model results varied not only due to the model structure and applied parameters, but also due to different input information and assumptions applied during the modelling processes. Initialization procedures applied with the models induced large differences among the modelled soil carbon stocks and stock change estimates. Decomposition estimates of the litter pulse driven by model structures and parameters also varied considerably.Our results support the use of relatively simple soil-only models with low data requirements in inventory type of large-scale carbon assessments. It is important that the modelling processes within the national inventories are transparently reported and special emphasis is put on how the models are used, which assumptions are applied and what is the quality of data used both as input and to calibrate the models.

Scientific Reports | 2016

Neglecting diurnal variations leads to uncertainties in terrestrial nitrous oxide emissions

Narasinha J. Shurpali; Üllar Rannik; Simo Jokinen; Saara Lind; Christina Biasi; Ivan Mammarella; Olli Peltola; Mari Pihlatie; Niina Hyvönen; Mari Räty; Sami Haapanala; Mark Zahniser; Perttu Virkajärvi; Timo Vesala; Pertti J. Martikainen

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas produced in soil and aquatic ecosystems. Its warming potential is 296 times higher than that of CO2. Most N2O emission measurements made so far are limited in temporal and spatial resolution causing uncertainties in the global N2O budget. Recent advances in laser spectroscopic techniques provide an excellent tool for area-integrated, direct and continuous field measurements of N2O fluxes using the eddy covariance method. By employing this technique on an agricultural site with four laser-based analysers, we show here that N2O exchange exhibits contrasting diurnal behaviour depending upon soil nitrogen availability. When soil N was high due to fertilizer application, N2O emissions were higher during daytime than during the night. However, when soil N became limited, emissions were higher during the night than during the day. These reverse diurnal patterns supported by isotopic analyses may indicate a dominant role of plants on microbial processes associated with N2O exchange. This study highlights the potential of new technologies in improving estimates of global N2O sources.

Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2016

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Handling Wastes in Sugar Industries

Amit Bhatnagar; Kavindra Kumar Kesari; Narasinha J. Shurpali

The global sugarcane production is about 1.91 billion tons annually and is concentrated in tropical regions, particularly in developing nations in Latin America and Asia. According to the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), there are over 100 countries producing sugarcane today. The increase in sugarcane production implies a proportional increase in sugar industry wastes. As a consequence of such increasing trend, sugar industries are facing severe environmental problems due to the lack of sustainable solutions for their waste management. Therefore, immediate attention is required to find a proper way of management to deal with sugar industry wastes and effluent in order to minimize environmental pollution and associated health risks. In this paper, different sources of solid and liquid wastes from sugarcane agriculture and associated sugar agro-industries are reviewed and valorization approaches of these different wastes are discussed. Some of the important resource recovery options from sugar industry wastes, which have been discussed in this review, include ethanol production, recovery of chemicals, use of bagasse and bagasse fly ash as adsorbents in water treatment and building materials. Technologies associated with the treatment of wastewater from sugar industries and efficient ways of utilization of this treated water in agriculture with special attention to measurement of crop water use efficiency are reviewed in view of our own research activities carried out in the past.

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