
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology | 2015

BRAF and NRAS Mutations are Heterogeneous and Not Mutually Exclusive in Nodular Melanoma

Caterina Chiappetta; Ilaria Proietti; Valentina Soccodato; Chiara Puggioni; Roberto Zaralli; Luca Pacini; Natale Porta; Nevena Skroza; Vincenzo Petrozza; Concetta Potenza; Carlo Della Rocca; Claudio Di Cristofano

Inhibitors of RAF inhibit the MAPK pathway that plays an important role in the development and progression of those melanoma carrying the V600E BRAF mutation, but there’s a subset of such patients who do not respond to the therapy. Various mechanisms of drug resistance have been proposed which include the clonal heterogeneity of the tumor. We have studied a population of nodular melanoma to investigate the intratumor and intertumor heterogeneity by Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) analysis. Our results showed that BRAF and NRAS mutations were detected in 47% and 33% of nodular melanoma, respectively, and that there is a discrepancy in mutational pattern of tumoral sample because in the 36% of patients a different mutation, in at least 1 area of the tumor, was found by LCM analysis, giving evidence of the presence of different clonal cells populations. Moreover, we found that mutations in BRAF and NRAS are not mutually exclusive because they were simultaneously present in the same tumor specimens and we observed that when the 2 different mutations were present one is a high-frequency mutation and the other is a low-frequency mutation. This was more evident in lymphonodal metastasis that resulted from wild type to mutational analysis, but showed different mutations following LCM analysis. Therefore, we believed that, when primary tumoral sample results negative to mutational analysis, if it is possible, metastases should be investigated to verify the presence of mutations. Generally, it should be searched for other mutations, in addition to BRAF V600E, so as to better understand the mechanism of drug resistance.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2015

Oncogenic microRNAs characterization in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Vincenzo Petrozza; Antonio Carbone; Teresa Bellissimo; Natale Porta; Giovanni Palleschi; Antonio Luigi Pastore; Angelina Di Carlo; Carlo Della Rocca; Francesco Fazi

A key challenge for the improvement of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) management could derive from a deeper characterization of the biology of these neoplasms that could greatly improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment choice. The aim of this study was to identify specific miRNAs that are deregulated in tumor vs. normal kidney tissues and that could impact on the biology of ccRCC. To this end we selected four miRNAs (miR-21-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-185-5p and miR-221-3p) and their expression has been evaluated in a retrospective cohort of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues from 20 ccRCC patients who underwent surgical nephrectomy resection. miR-21-5p and miR-210-3p resulted the most significantly up-regulated miRNAs in this patient cohort, highlighting these onco-miRNAs as possible relevant players involved in ccRCC tumorigenesis. Thus, this study reports the identification of specific oncogenic miRNAs that are altered in ccRCC tissues and suggests that they might be useful biomarkers in ccRCC management.

World Journal of Surgical Oncology | 2013

Breast adenomyoepithelioma: a case report with malignant proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial elements.

Vincenzo Petrozza; Giulia Pasciuti; Alberto Pacchiarotti; Federica Tomao; Federica Zoratto; Luigi Rossi; Antonella Fontana; Fabiana Censi; Barbara Sardella; Claudio Di Cristofano; Natale Porta; Carlo Della Rocca

BackgroundBreast adenomyoepithelioma is an unusual tumor characterized by a biphasic proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Most breast adenomyoepitheliomas are considered to be benign or to have a low-grade malignant potential, characterized by propensity for local recurrence. Malignant changes arising in this lesion are extremely rare and may involve one or both cellular components.Case reportWe discuss a case of a 60 year-old woman who began to experience pain in her right breast in January 2009. Breast ultrasound and mammography were performed showing a rounded, hypoechoic solid lesion with ill-defined margins in the right inner-inferior quadrant, suspicious of malignancy. Quadrantectomy of the inner-inferior quadrant of the right breast with sampling of ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes was performed. The histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of adenomyoepithelioma with focal malignant change of the epithelial component, associated with high-grade malignant myoepithelial change. The patient was treated with adjuvant radiotherapy and her right breast received a dose of Gy 50 with a boost of Gy 10 to the tumor bed. At present, the patient shows no sign of tumor recurrence.ConclusionBreast malignant adenomyoepithelioma is a rare tumor which should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other solid breast lesions. Only few cases have been reported in the literature. Diagnosis, optimal therapy and predicting the outcome are problematic issues due to the rarity of this disease which appears to have hematogenous rather than lymphatic spread and usually occurs in primary tumors ≥ 1.6 cm in size.

World Journal of Surgical Oncology | 2013

Synchronous primary neoplasms of the bladder, skin and breast in a male patient: a case report

Antonio Luigi Pastore; Giovanni Palleschi; Domenico Autieri; Antonino Leto; Andrea Ripoli; Cristina Maggioni; Davide Moschese; Yazan Al Salhi; Natale Porta; Claudio Di Cristofano; Luigi Silvestri; Carlo Della Rocca; Silverio Tomao; Vincenzo Petrozza; Antonio Carbone

The incidence of multiple primary malignant neoplasms increases with age, reflecting an increase in overall cancer risk in older patients. Cases of two or more concurrent primary cancers are still rare, although its incidence is increasing. Here, we report the case of a 57-year-old man who was referred to our institution with synchronous squamous cell carcinoma of the skin on the forehead, infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast, and transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case in literature of this combination of primary neoplasms.

Redox biology | 2017

Mass spectrometry profiling of oxysterols in human sperm identifies 25-hydroxycholesterol as a marker of sperm function.

Chiara Zerbinati; Luisa Caponecchia; Rosa Puca; Marco Ciacciarelli; Pietro Salacone; Annalisa Sebastianelli; Antonio Luigi Pastore; Giovanni Palleschi; Vincenzo Petrozza; Natale Porta; Rocco Rago; Antonio Carbone; Luigi Iuliano

Cholesterol is a main lipid component of sperm cell that is essential for sperm membrane fluidity, capacitation, and acrosomal reaction. Recent data obtained in bovine sperm showed that sperm capacitation is associated to the formation of oxysterols, oxidized products of cholesterol. The aim of this study was to profile oxysterol content in human semen, and to investigate their potential role in sperm pathophysiology. Among the 12 oxysterols analyzed, 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-HC) resulted the most represented in normozoospermic samples, and its concentration positively correlated with spermatozoa number. We detected Cholesterol 25-hydroxylase, the enzyme responsible for 25-HC production, in human spermatozoa at the level of the neck and the post acrosomal area. Upon incubation with spermatozoa, 25-HC induced calcium and cholesterol transients in connection with the acrosomal reaction. Our results support a role for 25-HC in sperm function.

BMC Gastroenterology | 2013

Penile metastasis from primary cholangiocarcinoma: the first case report

Antonio Luigi Pastore; Giovanni Palleschi; Giorgia Manfredonia; Piero Maceroni; Domenico Alvaro; Domenico De Santis; Simone Ferretti; Natale Porta; Claudio Di Cristofano; Carlo Della Rocca; Yazan Al Salhi; Cristina Maggioni; Davide Moschese; Vincenzo Petrozza; Antonio Carbone

BackgroundMetastatic penile carcinoma derived from cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) has not been previously reported in the literature. Common metastatic sites for CCA include the regional lymph nodes and adjacent organs. CCAs are not highly vascularised tumours, making hematogenous metastases uncommon. Hematogenous CCA metastases commonly occur at distant organs such as the lungs, adrenal glands, and bones. Median survival for patients with metastatic disease is generally less than 1 year.Case presentationA 74-year-old Caucasian man consulted us after having undergone penile ultrasonography for pain and increased thickness at the base of the penis after self-examination. The patient presented with a history of hepatitis C-related cirrhosis and intrahepatic CCA, diagnosed 3 years previously. A biopsy of the corpora cavernosa on both sides revealed a carcinoma harbouring the same histological and immunophenotypical features as the primary hepatic lesion.ConclusionsTo date, there is no case of penile or urogenital system metastasis from CCA described in the literature. Therefore, this article represents the first case report of penile metastasis from CCA.

Journal of Cellular Physiology | 2018

USPIO-labeling in M1 and M2-polarized macrophages: An in vitro study using a clinical magnetic resonance scanner

Chiara Zini; Mary Anna Venneri; Selenia Miglietta; Damiano Caruso; Natale Porta; Andrea M. Isidori; Daniela Fiore; Daniele Gianfrilli; Vincenzo Petrozza; Andrea Laghi

Aim of the study was to evaluate USPIO labeling in different macrophage populations using a clinical 3.0T MR unit with optical and electron microscopy as the gold standard. Human monocytic cell line THP‐1 cells were differentiated into macrophages. Afterwards, M0 macrophages were incubated with IL‐4 and IL‐13 in order to obtain M2 polarized macrophages or with IFN‐gamma and LPS for classical macrophage activation (M1). These groups were incubated with USPIO‐MR contrast agent (P904) for 36 hr; M0, M0 + P904, M1 +  P904, and M2 + P904 were analyzed in gel phantoms with a 3.0T MR scanner. m‐RNA of M1 and M2 markers confirmed the polarization of THP‐1‐derived macrophages. M2 + P904 showed a much higher T1 signal (p <  0.0001), a significantly lower (p < 0.0001) T2* signal, and significantly higher R* (p < 0.0001) compared to the other populations. Hystological analysis confirmed higher iron content in the M2‐polarized population compared to both M1‐polarized (p = 0.04) and M0‐P904 (p = 0.003). Ultrastructure analysis demonstrated ubiquitous localization of P904 within the cellular compartments. Our results demonstrate that a selective USPIO‐labeling of different macrophage populations can be detected in vitro using the 3.0T clinical scanner.

International Journal of Surgery | 2017

Parathyroid reimplantation with PR-FaST technique in unselected patients during thyroidectomy. A case series with long term follow up confirming graft vitality and parathormone production

Giuseppe Cavallaro; Olga Iorio; Marco Centanni; Lucilla Gargano; Susanna Carlotta Del Duca; Angela Gurrado; Natale Porta; Vincenzo Petrozza; Mario Testini; Giorgio De Toma

INTRODUCTION Parathyroid damage or unintentional excision still affect thyroid surgery and may cause permanent hypoparathyroidism. The only way to recover the excised or ischemic gland functionality is still reimplantation. Many sites of reimplantation have been described, each of one showing both advantages and drawbacks. The aim of this study is to verify results of a new procedure called PR-FaST: Parathyroid Reimplantation in Forearm Subcutaneous Tissue, in a series of unselected patients after long-term follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS From January 2013 to October 2015, 296 consecutive total thyroidectomies have been performed) to treat both benign and malignant thyroid diseases. in 42 cases (14.1%), due to an insufficient blood supply or accidental removal, one parathyroid gland was reimplanted with the PR-FaST technique. Post-operative evaluation was carried out by: total serum calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) analysis in the 1st and 2nd postoperative days; Ca, Mg, P and serum iPTH from both arms analysis one week after surgery; Ca and iPTH measurement from both arms 1 months, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. RESULTS We observed transient hypocalcemia requiring calcium replacement therapy in 5 on 42 (11.9%) patients submitted to PR-FaST. No case of permanent hypoparathyroidism was reported. At 1 week after surgery, only 20 patients (47.6%) showed graft vitality, while the number of patients showing graft vitality arised to 33 (79%) after 1 month and to 39 (92.8%) after three and six months. At 1 year 38 (90.5%) patients showed good graft functionality. Considering levels of serum iPTH from both arms, we observed that in case of graft functionality, samples from reimplanted arm revealed in almost all cases values at least 2-3 folds higher than in non reimplanted arm. CONCLUSIONS Results from this prospective evaluation suggest that PR-FaST is a safe and effective procedure, with potential advantages when compared to other techniques of parathyroid reimplantation, that are mainly the possibility to evaluate graft functionality in the follow-up and the easy and well reproducible technique. Furthermore, it can be applied, when needed, to potentially all patients undergoing thyroidectomy.

Journal of obesity and weight loss therapy | 2014

Ghrelin Plasma Levels and Gastric Tissues Expression in Patients Submitted to Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as Primary or Revisional Weight Loss Procedure.

Claudio Di Cristofano; Caterina Chiappetta; Francesco De Angelis; Natale Porta; Jessica Cacciotti; Eugenio Lendaro; Vincenzo Petrozza; Carlo Della Rocca; Gianfranco Silecchia

Introduction: Ghrelin (Ghr) plays a role in the regulation of food intake and Laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is used for treatment of morbid obesity (MO) and after this the expression of ghrelin could be modulate. The aim of present study was to analyze the expression of ghr in three areas of resected stomach specimens from MO patients and co rrelate these data with plasmatic ghrelin levels before andafter surgery. Materials and Methods: 36 morbidly obese patients (17%, 6/36 with Type 2 Diabetes) were subjected to LSG and tissue samples were obtained from the fundus, body, prepyloric of the resected stomach. For mRNA and protein expression analysis. Blood samples were collected before and 1 month after surgery to evaluate the plasmatic ghrelin levels. Results: Ghrelin protein expression was higher in the fundus than in the other areas. T2DM patients showed a lower basal ghrelin plasma level compared with non-diabetic patients but they showed a high percentage of positive cells in the stomach. Was not observed a statistically difference in plasmatic, mRNA and protein expression of ghrelin between primary LSG patients and in revisional LSG group. Conclusion: Ghrelin fundal mucosal expression was comparable in primary and revisional LSG. Diabetic patients showed a compensatory higher protein mucosal expression probably to balance lower plasma Ghrelin level. Further studies will elucidate the clinical relevance of those preliminary data.

Journal of Medical Case Reports | 2014

Bone metastases from bladder perivascular epithelioid cell tumor – an unusual localization of a rare tumor: a case report

Giovanni Palleschi; Antonio Luigi Pastore; S Evangelista; Luigi Silvestri; Luigi Rossi; Claudio Di Cristofano; Natale Porta; Vincenzo Petrozza; Silverio Tomao; Antonio Carbone

IntroductionPerivascular epithelioid cell tumors are mesenchymal tumors composed of histologically and immunohistochemically distinctive perivascular epithelioid cells. This type of tumor is rare but bladder localization is even rarer.Case presentationA case of bone metastatic bladder perivascular epithelioid cell tumor in a 65-year-old Caucasian man treated with surgery and chemotherapy is described and compared with other reports in the literature.ConclusionsThe rarity of perivascular epithelioid cell tumors hinders the development of a standard therapeutic approach, and thus requires case report descriptions. There is a need for cooperative studies to enlarge the case series and establish the best treatment strategy for this rare disease.

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