
PLOS ONE | 2008

Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in Fish Revisited: Prevalence, a Single Sex Ratio Response Pattern, and Possible Effects of Climate Change

Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Francesc Piferrer

Background In gonochoristic vertebrates, sex determination mechanisms can be classified as genotypic (GSD) or temperature-dependent (TSD). Some cases of TSD in fish have been questioned, but the prevalent view is that TSD is very common in this group of animals, with three different response patterns to temperature. Methodology/Principal Findings We analyzed field and laboratory data for the 59 fish species where TSD has been explicitly or implicitly claimed so far. For each species, we compiled data on the presence or absence of sex chromosomes and determined if the sex ratio response was obtained within temperatures that the species experiences in the wild. If so, we studied whether this response was statistically significant. We found evidence that many cases of observed sex ratio shifts in response to temperature reveal thermal alterations of an otherwise predominately GSD mechanism rather than the presence of TSD. We also show that in those fish species that actually have TSD, sex ratio response to increasing temperatures invariably results in highly male-biased sex ratios, and that even small changes of just 1–2°C can significantly alter the sex ratio from 1∶1 (males∶females) up to 3∶1 in both freshwater and marine species. Conclusions/Significance We demonstrate that TSD in fish is far less widespread than currently believed, suggesting that TSD is clearly the exception in fish sex determination. Further, species with TSD exhibit only one general sex ratio response pattern to temperature. However, the viability of some fish populations with TSD can be compromised through alterations in their sex ratios as a response to temperature fluctuations of the magnitude predicted by climate change.

Environmental Chemistry | 2015

TlI and TlIII presence in suspended particulate matter: speciation analysis of thallium in wastewater

Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Pawel Burakiewicz; Monika Sadowska; Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga

Environmental context Thallium occurs in the environment in two oxidation states, with TlIII being 1000-fold more toxic than TlI. We present a fractionation and speciation study of thallium in suspended particulate matter from highly polluted wastewater samples, and elucidate the dominant forms of thallium. Abstract Thallium (Tl) is a toxic element, whose toxicity is affected by its redox state. Compared with TlIII, TlI is thermodynamically more stable and less reactive; therefore in aquatic environments, dissolved thallium is mostly present as TlI. However, TlIII could be 1000 times more toxic than TlI. A combination of a fractionation and a speciation study carried out in highly polluted wastewater samples from a mining area in southern Poland in order to characterise chemical speciation of Tl in physically defined fractions is presented here. Total, particulate and dissolved thallium was determined. A leaching experiment based on forming TlIII complexed with diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid – a TlIII–DTPA complex – was performed in filters containing suspended particulate matter after single (0.45µm) and sequential filtration (15 + 0.45µm) of wastewater samples. This is the first speciation study of Tl carried out in suspended particulate matter. The results obtained indicate that the dominant form of Tl in suspended particulate matter is TlI, but TlIII could be found in suspended particulate matter fractions larger than 0.45µm.

Science of The Total Environment | 2014

Basin-scale contributions of Cr, Ni and Co from Ortegal Complex to the surrounding coastal environment (SW Europe)

Ricardo Prego; Miguel Caetano; Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Joana Raimundo; Carlos Vale

The enrichment of Cr and Ni in the coastal zones is usually associated with anthropogenic sources such as the tanning, galvanization, ceramic, and cement industries. However, geological complexes of specific lithologic composition located near shorelines may act as natural sources of metals to the continental shelf. Cape Ortegal (SW Europe) is an ultramafic complex that has Cr, Ni and Co enriched in rocks due to the minerals chromite, chromospinel, gersdorfite and pentlandite. Thus, the hypothesis that this geological complex contributes to metal enrichment in Ortigueira and Barqueiro Rias and the adjacent continental shelf was tested. Chromium, Ni, and Co were determined in water and in suspended particulate matter of ria tributaries, rainfall, surface sediments, mussels, and algae. High contents of Cr (max. 1670mg·kg(-1)) and Ni (max. 1360 mg · kg(-1)) were found in the sediments surrounding Cape Ortegal and the Ortigueira Ria as a result of erosion of exposed cliffs. Dissolved Cr and Ni concentrations in fluvial waters were significantly higher in the rivers that crosses the Ortegal Complex, i.e. Lourido (0.47 μg Cr · L(-1); 9.4 μg Ni · L(-1)) and Landoi (0.37 μg Cr · L(-1); 4.3 μg Ni · L(-1)), in comparison with the nearby basin out of the complex influence (Sor River: <0.01 μg Cr · L(-1); 0.57 μg Ni · L(-1)). The annual fluvial contributions of Cr and Ni to the Ortigueira Ria were higher than fluxes into the Barqueiro Ria. Moreover, the increase in Cr and Ni in the rainfall in summer demonstrated the importance of the atmosphere pathway for introducing these elements into the aquatic environment. As a consequence, the contents of these metals in soft tissues and shell of mussels and algae from the Ortigueira Ria were higher than the organisms from Barqueiro Ria. Thus, geological complexes, such as the Cape Ortegal, located in an uncontaminated area, can increase the land-sea exchange of trace metals.

Environmental Chemistry | 2013

Fluvial contributions of nutrient salts, dissolved trace elements and organic carbon to the sea by pristine temperate rivers (SW Europe)

Patricia Bernárdez; Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Miguel Caetano; Ricardo Prego

Environmental context We report the baseline levels of dissolved nutrients, organic matter and metals in the main temperate rivers draining the three Northern Galicia rias. Because the rivers are pristine, these rias are little affected by anthropogenic inputs, and their properties reflect the lithological characteristics of the rivers’ watersheds. Useful information in the development of European and global initiatives for assessing anthropogenic inputs to estuarine, coastal and open-sea environments has been provided. Abstract A summary of the water characteristics of the rivers Sor, Mera and Landro that drain into the Northern Galician Rias (NW Iberian Peninsula) is presented. The analysis was based on fortnightly monitoring during 2008, for major and minor chemical elements in the dissolved phase (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, U, V, Zn), nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, silicate), suspended particulate matter, chlorophyll-a and tracers of water quality chemistry (dissolved inorganic nitrogen and carbon). The data cover rivers not urban, agriculturally or industrially affected. Continental inputs of the material via rivers into the Northern Galician Rias were measured and annual fluxes of the dissolved chemical elements to the rias were calculated. In spite of the high variability in water flow, this study provides a good estimate of the overall amounts of nutrients and dissolved elements discharged to pristine ria systems.

Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | 2009

A winter upwelling event in the Northern Galician Rias: Frequency and oceanographic implications

I. Alvarez; Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Y. Pazos; M. deCastro; Patricia Bernárdez; M.J. Campos; J.L. Gomez-Gesteira; M.T. Álvarez-Ossorio; Manuel Varela; M. Gómez-Gesteira; Ricardo Prego

Continental Shelf Research | 2010

Oceanographical patterns during a summer upwelling-downwelling event in the Northern Galician Rias: comparison with the whole Ria system (NW of Iberian Peninsula)

Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Ricardo Prego; I. Alvarez; M. deCastro; M.T. Álvarez-Ossorio; Y. Pazos; M.J. Campos; Patricia Bernárdez; C. Garcia-Soto; M. Gómez-Gesteira; Manuel Varela

Continental Shelf Research | 2012


Ricardo Prego; Miguel Caetano; Patricia Bernárdez; Pedro Quelhas Brito; Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Carlos Vale

Environmental Chemistry Letters | 2014

Mobility of toxic elements in carbonate sediments from a mining area in Poland

Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Łukasz Głaz; Krzysztof Dmowski; Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga

Mikrochimica Acta | 2016

Direct speciation analysis of thallium based on solid phase extraction and specific retention of a Tl(III) complex on alumina coated with sodium dodecyl sulfate.

Ewa Biaduń; Monika Sadowska; Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga

Journal of Sea Research | 2014

Exchange of nutrients across the sediment-water interface in intertidal ria systems (SW Europe)

Natalia Ospina-Álvarez; Miguel Caetano; Carlos Vale; Juan Santos-Echeandía; Patricia Bernárdez; Ricardo Prego

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