Nathan Anderson
Food and Drug Administration
Journal of Food Science | 2014
Shengqian Sun; Nathan Anderson; Susanne E. Keller
Spices, including black pepper, are a source of microbial contamination and have been linked to outbreaks of salmonellosis when added to products that undergo no further processing. Traditional thermal processing employed to reduce microbial contamination can lead to losses of heat-sensitive compounds. Thus, alternative processes such as atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) are desirable. The purpose of this research was to determine the efficacy of APP in the destruction of Salmonella inoculated on the surface of peppercorns. Secondarily, we examined the effect of storage on the subsequent inactivation of Salmonella on the surfaces of black peppercorns by APP. Black peppercorns inoculated with a cocktail of Salmonella enterica serotypes Oranienburg, Tennessee, Anatum, and Enteritidis were stored at 25 °C, 33% relative humidity (RH); 25 °C, 97% RH; and, 37 °C, 33% RH for 10 d and additionally at 25 °C, 33% RH for 1 and 30 d then treated with APP. Results showed that Salmonella populations decreased significantly (P < 0.05) with respect to the treatment time, but where not related to previous storage conditions (P > 0.05). Approximately a 4.5- to 5.5-log10 reduction in population was achieved after 60 to 80 s treatment. A combination of treatments, storage and 80 s of plasma, may achieve a total reduction on the order of 7-log10 CFU/g. These findings support the potential of APP to decontaminate Salmonella on the surfaces of black peppercorns and other dry foods and illustrate that a multiple hurdle approach may prove effective for achieving significant reductions of Salmonella in many low-moisture foods.
Journal of Food Protection | 2017
Sofia M. Santillana Farakos; Régis Pouillot; Rhoma Johnson; Judith Spungen; Insook Son; Nathan Anderson; Jane M. Van Doren
The presence of Salmonella on almonds continues to result in product-related outbreaks and recalls in the United States. In this study, the impact of microbial reduction treatment levels (1 to 5 log CFU) on the risk of human salmonellosis from the consumption of almond kernels in the United States was evaluated. An exposure model, including major steps in almond processing, was used to estimate prevalence and levels of contamination of Salmonella on almonds at the point of consumption. A Salmonella dose-response model and consumption data for almonds in the United States were used to assess risk of illness per serving and per year, quantifying variability and uncertainty separately. A 3-log reduction treatment resulted in a predicted mean risk of illness of two cases per year for almonds consumed as a core product not cooked at home (95% confidence interval [CI], one to four cases), one case per year for almonds consumed as an ingredient not cooked at home (95% CI, one to two cases), and less than one case per year for almonds consumed as an ingredient cooked at home (95% CI, 7 × 10-7 to 3 × 10-6 cases). A minimum 4-log reduction treatment resulted in an estimated mean risk of illness below one case per year in the United States. This study also includes an assessment of the risk of human salmonellosis as a result of an exceptional situation, which results in higher risk estimates compared with the baseline model. The exceptional situations modeled posttreatment resulted in estimates of mean risk that were not significantly affected by treatment level. Sensitivity analysis results showed initial Salmonella contamination level to be the factor with the most impact on risk per serving estimates, given a certain treatment level. The risk assessment also includes a simulation of the events that occurred in 2001. Treatment levels with a minimum 4-log microbial reduction would have been sufficient to prevent the outbreak cases. The uncertainty range in the estimates indicates that additional information is needed to make more precise predictions of this specific outbreak event.
Journal of Food Science | 2011
Nathan Anderson; P.N. Walker
UNLABELLED This study was carried out to investigate segmented-flow aseptic processing of particle foods. A pilot-scale continuous steam sterilization unit capable of producing shelf stable aseptically processed whole and sliced mushrooms was developed. The system utilized pressurized steam as the heating medium to achieve high temperature-short time processing conditions with high and uniform heat transfer that will enable static temperature penetration studies for process development. Segmented-flow technology produced a narrower residence time distribution than pipe-flow aseptic processing; thus, whole and sliced mushrooms were processed only as long as needed to achieve the target F₀ = 7.0 min and were not overcooked. Continuous steam sterilization segmented-flow aseptic processing produced shelf stable aseptically processed mushrooms of superior quality to conventionally canned mushrooms. When compared to conventionally canned mushrooms, aseptically processed yield (weight basis) increased 6.1% (SD = 2.9%) and 6.6% (SD = 2.2%), whiteness (L) improved 3.1% (SD = 1.9%) and 4.7% (SD = 0.7%), color difference (ΔE) improved 6.0% (SD = 1.3%) and 8.5% (SD = 1.5%), and texture improved 3.9% (SD = 1.7%) and 4.6% (SD = 4.2%), for whole and sliced mushrooms, respectively. Segmented-flow aseptic processing eliminated a separate blanching step, eliminated the unnecessary packaging of water and promoted the use of bag-in-box and other versatile aseptic packaging methods. PRACTICAL APPLICATION Segmented-flow aseptic processing is capable of producing shelf stable aseptically processed particle foods of superior quality to a conventionally canned product. This unique continuous steam sterilization process eliminates the need for a separate blanching step, reduces or eliminates the need for a liquid carrier, and promotes the use of bag-in-box and other versatile aseptic packaging methods.
Journal of Food Protection | 2008
Susanne E. Keller; Arlette G. Shazer; Gregory J. Fleischman; Stuart J. Chirtel; Nathan Anderson; John W. Larkin
A submerged coil unit generates death rate data for foodborne pathogens through precise computer-controlled sequential sampling rather than the usual manually timed, labor-intensive single sampling associated with other approaches. Our work with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Listeria monocytogenes Scott A using the submerged coil unit indicated non-log-linear death rates with large degrees of tailing. Varying degrees of cell adhesion to the surface of the exit port resulted in carryover that was likely the primary cause of these non-log-linear kinetics. This carryover also resulted in erroneously high measured levels of thermal resistance for both organisms. To address the carryover problem, modifications were made to the exit port of the submerged coil unit to ensure continuous and uniform heat treatment. These modifications resulted in a 2-fold decrease in measured D-values for L. monocytogenes Scott A and a 10-fold decrease in measured D-values for Y. pseudotuberculosis. D-values measured with the modified machine for L. monocytogenes Scott A were similar to those found in the literature. Slight tailing in survival curves persisted with the modified method, particularly for Y. pseudotuberculosis. These results indicate that kinetic data for microbial death rates obtained using an unmodified submerged coil unit must be viewed with suspicion in light of the significant potential for carryover.
Journal of Food Science | 2017
Nathan Anderson; Susanne E. Keller; Niharika Mishra; Shannon R. Pickens; Dana R. Gradl; Tim Hartter; Galen J. Rokey; Christopher Dohl; Brian Plattner; Stuart J. Chirtel; Elizabeth M. Grasso-Kelley
Little research exists on Salmonella inactivation during extrusion processing, yet many outbreaks associated with low water activity foods since 2006 were linked to extruded foods. The aim of this research was to study Salmonella inactivation during extrusion of a model cereal product. Oat flour was inoculated with Salmonella enterica serovar Agona, an outbreak strain isolated from puffed cereals, and processed using a single-screw extruder at a feed rate of 75 kg/h and a screw speed of 500 rpm. Extrudate samples were collected from the barrel outlet in sterile bags and immediately cooled in an ice-water bath. Populations were determined using standard plate count methods or a modified most probable number when populations were low. Reductions in population were determined and analyzed using a general linear model. The regression model obtained for the response surface tested was Log (NR /NO ) = 20.50 + 0.82T - 141.16aw - 0.0039T2 + 87.91aw2 (R2 = 0.69). The model showed significant (p < 0.05) linear and quadratic effects of aw and temperature and enabled an assessment of critical control parameters. Reductions of 0.67 ± 0.14 to 7.34 ± 0.02 log CFU/g were observed over ranges of aw (0.72 to 0.96) and temperature (65 to 100 °C) tested. Processing conditions above 82 °C and 0.89 aw achieved on average greater than a 5-log reduction of Salmonella. Results indicate that extrusion is an effective means for reducing Salmonella as most processes commonly employed to produce cereals and other low water activity foods exceed these parameters. Thus, contamination of an extruded food product would most likely occur postprocessing as a result of environmental contamination or through the addition of coatings and flavorings.
Journal of Food Protection | 2017
Ian M. Hildebrandt; Chuxuan Hu; Elizabeth M. Grasso-Kelley; Peiran Ye; Nathan Anderson; Susanne E. Keller
Inoculation of a food product for use in subsequent validation studies typically makes use of a high concentration cocktail of microorganisms suspended in aqueous media. However, this inoculation method may prove difficult particularly when the food product is a low-moisture food containing antimicrobial compounds, such as some dried spices. In this study, a dry transfer method for inoculation of clove powder, oregano leaves, ginger powder, and ground black pepper with a five-serovar cocktail of Salmonella was developed and compared with a traditional aqueous inoculation procedure. Spices were inoculated at three levels, 10, 8, and 6 log CFU/g, by using both an aqueous suspension of Salmonella and a dry transfer of Salmonella from previously inoculated silica beads. At the highest inoculation level, the dry transfer method resulted in a significantly higher microbial load (P < 0.05) for ground cloves and oregano, but not for ginger and ground black pepper. At the intermediate inoculation level, differences were apparent only for ginger and black pepper. Inoculation levels of 6 log CFU/g resulted in recoveries below detection limits for both methods of inoculation. Additional examination on the survival of Salmonella on silica beads after inoculation and in clove powder after dry transfer from silica beads showed linear rates of decline, with a rate of -0.011 log CFU/g/day for beads and -0.015 log CFU/g/day for clove powder. The results suggest that dry transfer of Salmonella via inoculated silica beads is a viable alternative when traditional aqueous inoculation is not feasible.
Journal of Food Protection | 2017
Sofia M. Santillana Farakos; Régis Pouillot; Rhoma Johnson; Judith Spungen; Insook Son; Nathan Anderson; Gordon R. Davidson; Jane M. Van Doren
A quantitative risk assessment was conducted to assess the risk of human salmonellosis acquired from consumption of pecans in the United States. The model considered the potential for Salmonella survival, growth, and recontamination of pecans from the sheller to the consumer, including steps such as immersion in water, drying, conditioning, cracking, partitioning, and storage. Five theoretical microbial reduction treatment levels (1 to 5 log CFU) were modeled. Data from the 2010 to 2013 surveys by the National Pecan Shellers Association were used for initial prevalence and contamination levels. The impacts of atypical situations in the pecan production system were also evaluated. Higher initial contamination levels, recontamination during processing, and a delay in drying postconditioning were the modeled atypical situations. The baseline model predicted a mean risk of salmonellosis in the United States from consumption of in-shell and shelled pecans processed by cold conditioning with no microbial reduction treatment and no further home cooking as 1 case per 775,193 servings (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1 case per 1,915,709 to 178,253 servings). This predicted risk per serving was estimated as a mean of 529 cases of salmonellosis per year (95% CI: 213 to 2,295 cases). Hot conditioning for shelled pecans and microbial reduction treatment of both shelled and in-shell pecans had a significant impact on the predicted mean risk of illness. Assuming 77% of the shelled pecans sold at retail (i.e., 80% of the retail supply) received hot conditioning, the mean estimated salmonellosis cases per year from consumption of in-shell and shelled pecans uncooked at home was 203 (95% CI: 81 to 882 cases) if no additional microbial reduction treatment were applied. The predicted risk of illness per serving was higher for all atypical situations modeled compared with the baseline model, and delay in drying had the greatest impact on risk.
Archive | 2014
Elizabeth M. Grasso; Christina Stam; Nathan Anderson; Kathiravan Krishnamurthy
Heat-based processes have been used for centuries for food preservation and still remain the most widely used preservation technique in food manufacturing. However, thermal processing treatments are not as efficacious in the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms at low water activities compared to moist environments. Several dry-heat processes have been applied to low-moisture foods and include drying, hot air and baking, air impingement, dry roasting, and oil roasting. These applications require higher temperatures and longer heat times to obtain equivalent lethality to moist-heat processes. Moist-heat processes, which include blanching, moist-air impingement, and controlled condensation steam, are very effective at inactivating microorganisms because the added moisture significantly reduces microbial thermal resistance. However, an increased moisture content of the product can reduce the shelf life, often resulting in the necessity for the (energy consuming) re-drying of product to remove the added moisture. Lastly, extrusion has been shown to be an effective process for microbial inactivation.
Journal of Food Protection | 2018
Tushar Verma; Xinyao Wei; Soon Kiat Lau; Andreia Bianchini; Kent M. Eskridge; Jayne Stratton; Nathan Anderson; Harshavardhan Thippareddi; Jeyamkondan Subbiah
An increase in the number of foodborne outbreaks and recalls due to Salmonella in low-moisture foods has resulted in the need for the development and validation of process controls to ensure their microbiological safety. Furthermore, the Food Safety Modernization Act Preventive Controls for Human Food final rule requires food processors to validate their process controls to ensure food safety. The objective of this study was to develop a response surface model to predict Salmonella inactivation in oat flour, as affected by moisture, fat content, screw speed, and temperature. Oat flour was adjusted to different moisture (14 to 26% wet basis) and fat (5 to 15% [w/w]) contents and was then inoculated with a five-strain cocktail of Salmonella. Inoculated material was extruded through a single-screw extruder running at different screw speeds (75 to 225 rpm) and temperatures (65 to 85°C), without a die. Once steady-state conditions were attained, extruded samples were collected, cooled, and stored under refrigeration, and Salmonella survivors were enumerated. A split-plot central composite second-order response surface design was used, with the central point replicated six times. Temperature showed a significant ( P < 0.0005) positive effect on microbial reduction. Moisture content showed significant linear ( P = 0.0014) and quadratic ( P = 0.0005) effects, whereas higher fat content showed a significant ( P < 0.0001) protective effect on Salmonella destruction. The screw speed did not play a major role in inactivating Salmonella, but it had a significant ( P = 0.0004) interactive effect with temperature. Results indicated that a >5.5-log reduction was achieved in oat flour extruded at a temperature above 85°C at all moisture and fat contents evaluated at a screw speed of 150 rpm. The developed response surface model can be used to identify the extrusion process conditions to achieve a desired reduction of Salmonella based on the moisture and fat contents of the product.
Journal of Food Protection | 2018
Yuqiao Jin; Shannon R. Pickens; Ian M. Hildebrandt; Stephen J. Burbick; Elizabeth M. Grasso-Kelley; Susanne E. Keller; Nathan Anderson
Salmonella can survive in low-moisture, high-protein, and high-fat foods for several years. Despite nationwide outbreaks and recalls due to the presence of Salmonella in low-moisture foods, information on thermal inactivation of Salmonella in these products is limited. This project evaluated the impact of water activity (aw), temperature, and food composition on thermal inactivation of Salmonella enterica serovar Agona in defined high-protein and high-fat model food matrices. Each matrix was inoculated with Salmonella Agona and adjusted to obtain a target aw, ranging from 0.50 to 0.98. Samples were packed into aluminum test cells and heated (52 to 90°C) under isothermal conditions. Survival of Salmonella Agona was detected on tryptic soy agar with 0.6% yeast extract. Complex influences by food composition, aw, and temperature resulted in significantly different ( P < 0.05) thermal resistance of Salmonella for the conditions tested. It was estimated that the same point temperatures at which the D-values of the two matrices at each aw (0.63, 0.73, 0.81, and 0.90) were identical were 79.48, 71.28, 69.62, and 38.42°C, respectively. Above these temperatures, the D-values in high-protein matrices were larger than the D-values in high-fat matrices at each aw. Below these temperatures, the inverse relationship was observed. A correlation between temperature and aw existed on the basis of the level of fat or protein in the food, showing that these compositional factors must be accounted for when predicating thermal inactivation of Salmonella in foods.