Nathan C. Keim
University of Pennsylvania
Physical Review Letters | 2006
Nathan C. Keim; Peder Møller; Wendy W. Zhang; Sidney R. Nagel
Using high-speed video, we have studied air bubbles detaching from an underwater nozzle. As a bubble distorts, it forms a thin neck which develops a singular shape as it pinches off. As in other singularities, the minimum neck radius scales with the time until the breakup. However, because the air-water interfacial tension does not drive the breakup, even small initial cylindrical asymmetries are preserved throughout the collapse. This novel, nonuniversal singularity retains a memory of the nozzle shape, size, and tilt angle. In the last stages, the air appears to tear instead of pinch.
Physical Review Letters | 2014
Nathan C. Keim; Paulo E. Arratia
At the microscopic level, plastic flow of a jammed, disordered material consists of a series of particle rearrangements that cannot be reversed by subsequent deformation. An infinitesimal deformation of the same material has no rearrangements. Yet between these limits, there may be a self-organized plastic regime with rearrangements, but with no net change upon reversing a deformation. We measure the oscillatory response of a jammed interfacial material, and directly observe rearrangements that couple to bulk stress and dissipate energy, but do not always give rise to global irreversibility.
Physics of Fluids | 2012
Nathan C. Keim; Mike Garcia; Paulo E. Arratia
Conventionally, a microscopic particle that performs a reciprocal stroke cannot move through its environment. This is because at small scales, the response of simple Newtonian fluids is purely viscous and flows are time-reversible. We show that by contrast, fluid elasticity enables propulsion by reciprocal forcing that is otherwise impossible. We present experiments on rigid objects actuated reciprocally in viscous fluids, demonstrating for the first time a purely elastic propulsion set by the objects shape and boundary conditions. We describe two different artificial “swimmers” that experimentally realize this principle.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 2014
David A. Gagnon; Nathan C. Keim; Paulo E. Arratia
The swimming behaviour of microorganisms can be strongly influenced by the rheology of their fluid environment. In this manuscript, we experimentally investigate the effects of shear-thinning viscosity on the swimming behaviour of an undulatory swimmer, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Tracking methods are used to measure the swimmers kinematic data (including propulsion speed) and velocity fields. We find that shear-thinning viscosity modifies the velocity fields produced by the swimming nematode but does not modify the nematodes speed and beating kinematics. Velocimetry data show significant enhancement in local vorticity and circulation and an increase in fluid velocity near the nematodes tail compared to Newtonian fluids of similar effective viscosity. These findings are compared to recent theoretical and numerical results.
Science | 2017
Ekin D. Cubuk; Robert Ivancic; Samuel S. Schoenholz; Daniel Strickland; Anindita Basu; Zoey S. Davidson; J. Fontaine; Jyo Lyn Hor; Yun-Ru Huang; Yijie Jiang; Nathan C. Keim; K. D. Koshigan; Joel A. Lefever; Tianyi Liu; Xiaoguang Ma; Daniel J. Magagnosc; E. Morrow; Carlos P. Ortiz; Jennifer Rieser; Amit Shavit; Tim Still; Ye Xu; Yuxiang Zhang; K. N. Nordstrom; Paulo E. Arratia; Robert W. Carpick; Douglas J. Durian; Zahra Fakhraai; Douglas J. Jerolmack; Daeyeon Lee
Behavioral universality across size scales Glassy materials are characterized by a lack of long-range order, whether at the atomic level or at much larger length scales. But to what extent is their commonality in the behavior retained at these different scales? Cubuk et al. used experiments and simulations to show universality across seven orders of magnitude in length. Particle rearrangements in such systems are mediated by defects that are on the order of a few particle diameters. These rearrangements correlate with the materials softness and yielding behavior. Science, this issue p. 1033 A range of particle-based and glassy systems show universal features of the onset of plasticity and a universal yield strain. When deformed beyond their elastic limits, crystalline solids flow plastically via particle rearrangements localized around structural defects. Disordered solids also flow, but without obvious structural defects. We link structure to plasticity in disordered solids via a microscopic structural quantity, “softness,” designed by machine learning to be maximally predictive of rearrangements. Experimental results and computations enabled us to measure the spatial correlations and strain response of softness, as well as two measures of plasticity: the size of rearrangements and the yield strain. All four quantities maintained remarkable commonality in their values for disordered packings of objects ranging from atoms to grains, spanning seven orders of magnitude in diameter and 13 orders of magnitude in elastic modulus. These commonalities link the spatial correlations and strain response of softness to rearrangement size and yield strain, respectively.
Physical Review Letters | 2014
Joseph Paulsen; Nathan C. Keim; Sidney R. Nagel
A system with multiple transient memories can remember a set of inputs but subsequently forgets almost all of them, even as they are continually applied. If noise is added, the system can store all memories indefinitely. The phenomenon has recently been predicted for cyclically sheared non-Brownian suspensions. Here we present experiments on such suspensions, finding behavior consistent with multiple transient memories and showing how memories can be stabilized by noise.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
F. Crawford; Nathan C. Keim
We have investigated the radio polarization properties of PSR J1119� 6127, a recently discovered young radio pulsar with a large magnetic field. Using pulsar-gated radio imaging data taken at a center frequency of 2496 MHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we have determined a rotation measure for the pulsar of +842 � 23 rad m � 2 . These data, combined with archival polarimetry data taken at a center frequency of 1366 MHz with the Parkes telescope, were used to determine the polarization characteristics of PSR J1119� 6127 at both frequencies. The pulsar has a fractional linear polarization of � 75% and � 55% at 1366 and 2496 MHz, respectively, and the profile consists of a single, wide component. This pulse morphology and high degree of linear polarization are in agreement with previously noticed trends for young pulsars (e.g., PSR J1513� 5908). A rotating vector (RV) model fit of the position angle of linear polarization over pulse phase using the Parkes data suggests that the radio emission comes from the leading edge of a conal beam. We discuss PSR J1119� 6127 in the context of a recent theoretical model of pulsar spin-down, which can in principle be tested with polarization and timing data from this pulsar. Geometric constraints from the RV fit are currently insufficient to test this model with statistical significance, but additional data may allow such a test in the future. Subject headings: polarization — pulsars: individual (PSR J1119� 6127) — radio continuum: stars — stars: neutron Pulsar polarimetry is one of the keys to understanding the process and geometry of radio emission from pulsars. In the rotating vector (RV) model (Radhakrishnan & Cooke 1969) the polarization of pulsar radio emission is linked to the emission geometry in such a way that as the pulsar rotates, the axis of linear polarization is aligned with the projected direction on the sky of the pulsar’s magnetic dipole axis. The pulsar’s emission geometry itself may be described by two angles, each measured from the pulsar’s angular
Physics of Fluids | 2014
David A. Gagnon; Nathan C. Keim; Xiaoning Shen; Paulo E. Arratia
In the absence of inertia, a reciprocal swimmer achieves no net motion in a viscous Newtonian fluid. Here, using tracking methods and birefringence imaging, we investigate the ability of a reciprocally actuated particle to translate through a complex fluid that possesses a network. A geometrically polar particle, a rod with a bead on one end, is reciprocally rotated using magnetic fields. The particle is immersed in a wormlike micellar (WLM) solution that is known to be susceptible to the formation of shear bands and other localized structures due to shear-induced remodeling of its microstructure. Results show that the nonlinearities present in this WLM solution break time-reversal symmetry under certain conditions, and enable propulsion of an artificial “swimmer.” We find three regimes dependent on the Deborah number (De): net motion towards the bead-end of the particle at low De, net motion towards the rod-end of the particle at intermediate De, and no appreciable propulsion at high De. At low De, where the particle time scale is longer than the fluid relaxation time, we believe that propulsion is caused by an imbalance in the fluid first normal stress differences between the two ends of the particle (bead and rod). At De ∼ 1, however, we observe the emergence of a region of network anisotropy near the rod using birefringence imaging. This anisotropy suggests alignment of the micellar network, which is “locked in” due to the shorter time scale of the particle relative to the fluid.
Physical Review E | 2013
Nathan C. Keim; Joseph Paulsen; Sidney R. Nagel
Multiple transient memories, originally discovered in charge-density-wave conductors, are a remarkable and initially counterintuitive example of how a system can store information about its driving. In this class of memories, a system can learn multiple driving inputs, nearly all of which are eventually forgotten despite their continual input. If sufficient noise is present, the system regains plasticity so that it can continue to learn new memories indefinitely. Recently, Keim and Nagel [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 010603 (2011)] showed how multiple transient memories could be generalized to a generic driven disordered system with noise, giving as an example simulations of a simple model of a sheared non-Brownian suspension. Here, we further explore simulation models of suspensions under cyclic shear, focusing on three main themes: robustness, structure, and overdriving. We show that multiple transient memories are a robust feature independent of many details of the model. The steady-state spatial distribution of the particles is sensitive to the driving algorithm; nonetheless, the memory formation is independent of such a change in particle correlations. Finally, we demonstrate that overdriving provides another means for controlling memory formation and retention.
Physical Review E | 2011
Nathan C. Keim
The pinch-off of an air bubble from an underwater nozzle ends in a singularity with a remarkable sensitivity to a variety of perturbations. I report on experiments that break both the axial (i.e., vertical) and azimuthal symmetry of the singularity formation. The density of the inner gas influences the axial asymmetry of the neck near pinch-off. For denser gases, flow through the neck late in collapse changes the pinch-off dynamics. Gas density is also implicated in the formation of satellite bubbles. The azimuthal shape oscillations described by Schmidt et al. can be initiated by anisotropic boundary conditions in the liquid as well as with an asymmetric nozzle shape. I measure the n=3 oscillatory mode and observe the nonlinear, highly three-dimensional outcomes of pinch-off with large azimuthal perturbations. These are consistent with prior theory.