Nathan J. Sanders
University of Vermont
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Featured researches published by Nathan J. Sanders.
Ecology Letters | 2011
Marti J. Anderson; Thomas O. Crist; Jonathan M. Chase; Mark Vellend; Brian D. Inouye; Amy L. Freestone; Nathan J. Sanders; Howard V. Cornell; Liza S. Comita; Kendi F. Davies; Susan Harrison; Nathan J. B. Kraft; James C. Stegen; Nathan G. Swenson
A recent increase in studies of β diversity has yielded a confusing array of concepts, measures and methods. Here, we provide a roadmap of the most widely used and ecologically relevant approaches for analysis through a series of mission statements. We distinguish two types of β diversity: directional turnover along a gradient vs. non-directional variation. Different measures emphasize different properties of ecological data. Such properties include the degree of emphasis on presence/absence vs. relative abundance information and the inclusion vs. exclusion of joint absences. Judicious use of multiple measures in concert can uncover the underlying nature of patterns in β diversity for a given dataset. A case study of Indonesian coral assemblages shows the utility of a multi-faceted approach. We advocate careful consideration of relevant questions, matched by appropriate analyses. The rigorous application of null models will also help to reveal potential processes driving observed patterns in β diversity.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2003
Nathan J. Sanders; Nicholas J. Gotelli; Nicole E. Heller; Deborah M. Gordon
Invasive species pose serious threats to community structure and ecosystem function worldwide. The impacts of invasive species can be more pervasive than simple reduction of species numbers. By using 7 years of data in a biological preserve in northern California, we documented the disassembly of native ant communities during an invasion by the Argentine ant. In sites without the Argentine ant, native ant communities exhibit significant species segregation, consistent with competitive dynamics. In sites with the Argentine ant, native ant communities appear random or weakly aggregated in species co-occurrence. Comparisons of the same sites before and after invasion indicate that the shift from a structured to a random community is rapid and occurs within a year of invasion. Our results show that invasive species not only reduce biodiversity but rapidly disassemble communities and, as a result, alter community organization among the species that persist.
Science | 2011
Nathan J. B. Kraft; Liza S. Comita; Jonathan M. Chase; Nathan J. Sanders; Nathan G. Swenson; Thomas O. Crist; James C. Stegen; Mark Vellend; Brad Boyle; Marti J. Anderson; Howard V. Cornell; Kendi F. Davies; Amy L. Freestone; Brian D. Inouye; Susan Harrison; Jonathan Myers
Increases in species turnover of woody plants at low latitudes and elevations are explained by the size of species pools alone. Understanding spatial variation in biodiversity along environmental gradients is a central theme in ecology. Differences in species compositional turnover among sites (β diversity) occurring along gradients are often used to infer variation in the processes structuring communities. Here, we show that sampling alone predicts changes in β diversity caused simply by changes in the sizes of species pools. For example, forest inventories sampled along latitudinal and elevational gradients show the well-documented pattern that β diversity is higher in the tropics and at low elevations. However, after correcting for variation in pooled species richness (γ diversity), these differences in β diversity disappear. Therefore, there is no need to invoke differences in the mechanisms of community assembly in temperate versus tropical systems to explain these global-scale patterns of β diversity.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
Matthew L. Forister; Andrew C. McCall; Nathan J. Sanders; James A. Fordyce; James H. Thorne; Joshua M. O'Brien; David P. Waetjen; Arthur M. Shapiro
Climate change and habitat destruction have been linked to global declines in vertebrate biodiversity, including mammals, amphibians, birds, and fishes. However, invertebrates make up the vast majority of global species richness, and the combined effects of climate change and land use on invertebrates remain poorly understood. Here we present 35 years of data on 159 species of butterflies from 10 sites along an elevational gradient spanning 0–2,775 m in a biodiversity hotspot, the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern California. Species richness has declined at half of the sites, with the most severe reductions at the lowest elevations, where habitat destruction is greatest. At higher elevations, we observed clear upward shifts in the elevational ranges of species, consistent with the influence of global warming. Taken together, these long-term data reveal the interacting negative effects of human-induced changes on both the climate and habitat available to butterfly species in California. Furthermore, the decline of ruderal, disturbance-associated species indicates that the traditional focus of conservation efforts on more specialized and less dispersive species should be broadened to include entire faunas when estimating and predicting the effects of pervasive stressors.
Ecology Letters | 2009
Robert R. Dunn; Donat Agosti; Alan N. Andersen; Xavier Arnan; Carsten A. Brühl; Xim Cerdá; Aaron M. Ellison; Brian L. Fisher; Matthew C. Fitzpatrick; Heloise Gibb; Nicholas J. Gotelli; Aaron D. Gove; Benoît S. Guénard; Milan Janda; Michael Kaspari; Edward J. Laurent; Jean-Philippe Lessard; John T. Longino; Jonathan Majer; Sean B. Menke; Terrence P. McGlynn; Catherine L. Parr; Stacy M. Philpott; Martin Pfeiffer; Javier Retana; Andrew V. Suarez; Heraldo Heraldo Vasconcelos; Michael D. Weiser; Nathan J. Sanders
Although many taxa show a latitudinal gradient in richness, the relationship between latitude and species richness is often asymmetrical between the northern and southern hemispheres. Here we examine the latitudinal pattern of species richness across 1003 local ant assemblages. We find latitudinal asymmetry, with southern hemisphere sites being more diverse than northern hemisphere sites. Most of this asymmetry could be explained statistically by differences in contemporary climate. Local ant species richness was positively associated with temperature, but negatively (although weakly) associated with temperature range and precipitation. After contemporary climate was accounted for, a modest difference in diversity between hemispheres persisted, suggesting that factors other than contemporary climate contributed to the hemispherical asymmetry. The most parsimonious explanation for this remaining asymmetry is that greater climate change since the Eocene in the northern than in the southern hemisphere has led to more extinctions in the northern hemisphere with consequent effects on local ant species richness.
Ecology | 2007
Bradford A. Hawkins; Fábio Suzart de Albuquerque; Miguel B. Araújo; Jan Beck; Luis Mauricio Bini; Francisco J. Cabrero-Sañudo; Isabel Castro‐Parga; José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho; Dolores Ferrer-Castán; Richard Field; José F. Gómez; Joaquín Hortal; Jeremy T. Kerr; Ian J. Kitching; Jorge L. León‐Cortés; Jorge M. Lobo; Daniel Montoya; Juan Carlos Moreno; Miguel Á. Olalla-Tárraga; Juli G. Pausas; Hong Qian; Carsten Rahbek; Miguel Á. Rodríguez; Nathan J. Sanders; Paul H. Williams
We compiled 46 broadscale data sets of species richness for a wide range of terrestrial plant, invertebrate, and ectothermic vertebrate groups in all parts of the world to test the ability of metabolic theory to account for observed diversity gradients. The theory makes two related predictions: (1) In-transformed richness is linearly associated with a linear, inverse transformation of annual temperature, and (2) the slope of the relationship is near -0.65. Of the 46 data sets, 14 had no significant relationship; of the remaining 32, nine were linear, meeting prediction 1. Model I (ordinary least squares, OLS) and model II (reduced major axis, RMA) regressions then tested the linear slopes against prediction 2. In the 23 data sets having nonlinear relationships between richness and temperature, split-line regression divided the data into linear components, and regressions were done on each component to test prediction 2 for subsets of the data. Of the 46 data sets analyzed in their entirety using OLS regression, one was consistent with metabolic theory (meeting both predictions), and one was possibly consistent. Using RMA regression, no data sets were consistent. Of 67 analyses of prediction 2 using OLS regression on all linear data sets and subsets, two were consistent with the prediction, and four were possibly consistent. Using RMA regression, one was consistent (albeit weakly), and four were possibly consistent. We also found that the relationship between richness and temperature is both taxonomically and geographically conditional, and there is no evidence for a universal response of diversity to temperature. Meta-analyses confirmed significant heterogeneity in slopes among data sets, and the combined slopes across studies were significantly lower than the range of slopes predicted by metabolic theory based on both OLS and RMA regressions. We conclude that metabolic theory, as currently formulated, is a poor predictor of observed diversity gradients in most terrestrial systems.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences | 2012
Carlos Daniel Cadena; Kenneth H. Kozak; Juan Pablo Gomez; Juan L. Parra; Christy M. McCain; Rauri C. K. Bowie; Ana Carolina Carnaval; Craig Moritz; Carsten Rahbek; Trina E. Roberts; Nathan J. Sanders; Christopher J. Schneider; Jeremy VanDerWal; Kelly R. Zamudio; Catherine H. Graham
Many biodiversity hotspots are located in montane regions, especially in the tropics. A possible explanation for this pattern is that the narrow thermal tolerances of tropical species and greater climatic stratification of tropical mountains create more opportunities for climate-associated parapatric or allopatric speciation in the tropics relative to the temperate zone. However, it is unclear whether a general relationship exists among latitude, climatic zonation and the ecology of speciation. Recent taxon-specific studies obtained different results regarding the role of climate in speciation in tropical versus temperate areas. Here, we quantify overlap in the climatic distributions of 93 pairs of sister species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles restricted to either the New World tropics or to the Northern temperate zone. We show that elevational ranges of tropical- and temperate-zone species do not differ from one another, yet the temperature range experienced by species in the temperate zone is greater than for those in the tropics. Moreover, tropical sister species tend to exhibit greater similarity in their climatic distributions than temperate sister species. This pattern suggests that evolutionary conservatism in the thermal niches of tropical taxa, coupled with the greater thermal zonation of tropical mountains, may result in increased opportunities for allopatric isolation, speciation and the accumulation of species in tropical montane regions. Our study exemplifies the power of combining phylogenetic and spatial datasets of global climatic variation to explore evolutionary (rather than purely ecological) explanations for the high biodiversity of tropical montane regions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011
Núria Roura-Pascual; Cang Hui; Takayoshi Ikeda; Gwenaël G.R. Leday; Soledad Carpintero; Xavier Espadaler; Crisanto Gómez; Benoît S. Guénard; Stephen Hartley; Paul D. Krushelnycky; Philip J. Lester; Melodie A. McGeoch; Sean B. Menke; Jes S. Pedersen; Joel Pitt; Joaquin Reyes; Nathan J. Sanders; Andrew V. Suarez; Yoshifumi Touyama; Darren F. Ward; Philip S. Ward; Sue Worner
Because invasive species threaten the integrity of natural ecosystems, a major goal in ecology is to develop predictive models to determine which species may become widespread and where they may invade. Indeed, considerable progress has been made in understanding the factors that influence the local pattern of spread for specific invaders and the factors that are correlated with the number of introduced species that have become established in a given region. However, few studies have examined the relative importance of multiple drivers of invasion success for widespread species at global scales. Here, we use a dataset of >5,000 presence/absence records to examine the interplay between climatic suitability, biotic resistance by native taxa, human-aided dispersal, and human modification of habitats, in shaping the distribution of one of the worlds most notorious invasive species, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). Climatic suitability and the extent of human modification of habitats are primarily responsible for the distribution of this global invader. However, we also found some evidence for biotic resistance by native communities. Somewhat surprisingly, and despite the often cited importance of propagule pressure as a crucial driver of invasions, metrics of the magnitude of international traded commodities among countries were not related to global distribution patterns. Together, our analyses on the global-scale distribution of this invasive species provide strong evidence for the interplay of biotic and abiotic determinants of spread and also highlight the challenges of limiting the spread and subsequent impact of highly invasive species.
Ecology | 2003
Nathan J. Sanders; Deborah M. Gordon
Resources influence consumer physiology, behavior, population growth, interspecific interactions, and community structure. To understand fully the influence of resources on interactions among consumer populations and community structure, it may be necessary to understand the influence of resources on individual behavior. In the first part of this study, we examined how resource type influenced foraging behavior and interactions in a guild of omnivorous desert ants. Cafeteria experiments showed that Myrmecocystus depilis, M. mimicus, and Aphaenogaster cockerelli prefer protein resources to seed resources. However, A. cockerelli collects mostly seed resources, and M. depilis and M. mimicus collect mostly protein resources when faced with competition from one another. A temporary removal experiment showed that the effect of M. mimicus and M. depilis on A. cockerelli depended on resource type. At protein resources, Myrmecocystus foragers tended to displace A. cockerelli foragers, but at seed resources, there ...
Ecology | 2007
Kerri M. Crawford; Gregory M. Crutsinger; Nathan J. Sanders
Ecosystem engineers affect ecological communities by physically modifying the environment. Understanding the factors determining the distribution of engineers offers a powerful predictive tool for community ecology. In this study, we examine whether the goldenrod bunch gall midge (Rhopalomyia solidaginis) functions as an ecosystem engineer in an old-field ecosystem by altering the composition of arthropod species associated with a dominant host plant, Solidago altissima. We also examine the suite of factors that could affect the distribution and abundance of this ecosystem engineer. The presence of bunch galls increased species richness and altered the structure of associated arthropod communities. The best predictors of gall abundance were host-plant genotype and plot-level genotypic diversity. We found positive, nonadditive effects of genotypic diversity on gall abundance. Our results indicate that incorporating a genetic component in studies of ecosystem engineers can help predict their distribution and abundance, and ultimately their effects on biodiversity.