Nebojša Čokorilo
University of Novi Sad
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2017
Milena Mikalački; Nebojša Čokorilo; Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero
Con el fin de comparar las diferencias de un programa de intervencion con Pilates aerobico en los parametros fisiologicos, como la frecuencia cardiaca maxima (FCmax), consumo maximo de oxigeno relativo (VO2max relativo) y absoluto (VOmax absoluto), la frecuencia cardiaca maxima durante el consumo maximo de oxigeno (VO2max-FCmax), el volumen minuto (VM) maximo (VE) y la capacidad vital forzada (CVF), un total de 64 mujeres adultas (grupo activo = 48,1 ± 6,7 anos; grupo control = 47,2 ± 7,4 anos) participaron en el estudio. Los parametros fisiologicos, la velocidad maxima y la duracion total de la prueba se midieron por la maxima capacidad de ejercicio a traves del protocolo de Bruce. La FCmax se calculo mediante un software cardio-ergometrico. Las pruebas de funcion pulmonar, la velocidad maxima y el tiempo total durante las pruebas fisicas fueron realizados en una cinta de correr (Medisoft, modelo 870C). Asimismo, la espirometria analizo el efecto sobre los parametros de consumo de oxigeno, incluyendo CVF y VM.
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation | 2018
Nebojša Čokorilo; Milena Mikalački; Goran Satara; Milan Cvetković; Dragan Marinković; Jelena Zvekic-Svorcan; Borislav Obradovic
BACKGROUND Aerobic exercises to music can have a positive effect on functional and motor skills of an exerciser, their health, as well as an aesthetic and socio-psychological component. OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to determine the effects of reactive exercising in a group on functional capabilities in physically active and physically inactive women. METHODS A prospective study included 64 healthy women aged 40-60 years. The sample was divided into the experimental group (N= 36), i.e. physically active women who have been engaged in recreational group exercises at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and the control group (N= 28), which consisted of physically inactive women. All the participants were monitored using the same protocol before and after the implementation of the research. All women had their height, weight and body mass index measured as well as their spiroergometric parameters determined according to the Bruce protocol. RESULTS A univariate analysis of variance has shown that there is a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in maximum speed, the total duration of the test, relative oxygen consumption, absolute oxygen consumption and ventilation during the final measurement. After the training intervention, the experimental group showed improvements in all the parameters analyzed compared with pretest values. CONCLUSION The recreational group exercise model significantly improves aerobic capacity and functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is essential for women to be involved more in any form of recreational group exercising in order to improve functional capacity and health.
Exercise and Quality of Life | 2017
Miroslav Smajic; Nebojša Čokorilo; Vladimir Petrović; Valdemar Stajer; Raško Mićić; Maja Ilić; Fencing Club “Omladinac”, Zrenjanin, Serbia; Fencing Club “Vojvodina”, Novi Sad, Serbia
Fencing is very dynamic and combative sport, with the following requirements of competitors: instant resourcefulness, precision, courage and fast reaction in different situations. It is just for this reason that the training of young fencers involves improvement of all motor abilities focusing on agility, speed, and explosive strength. The aim of this research is to determine gender-related differences of motor abilities in children engaged in fencing. The sample consists of 50 children (26 boys and 24 girls) whose average age is 10.46 years and, who train fencing in the “Omladinac” in Zrenjanin and “Vojvodina” in Novi Sad. Motor abilities are tested by means of four motor tests. Differences are determined using multivariate analysis of variance and univariate analysis of variance. The findings indicate that there is statistically significant difference related to Deep forward bend on the bench and T-test, which is in favor of girls, Long jump test from the standing start in favor of boys, whereas Tapping test does not show any significant difference between boys and girls. Numerous research works show that early early maturing girls have better results of motor performance than those with a slower process of maturation (11-13 years), whereas individual differences in terms of motor performance depend on growth and development, especially in boys. Matching of results is related to the observed statistically significant differences in explosive strength in favor of boys and suppleness in favor of girls.
Medicinski Pregled | 2015
Stanislav Škrkar; Milena Mikalački; Nebojša Čokorilo; Mirela Erić
INTRODUCTION One of the risk factors for the occurrence of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart diseases is physical inactivity. Together with hypokinesia, excessive feeding, age and other factors, make a multifactorial cause of cardiovascular disease. Positive effects of physical activities have been proved in the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of coronary heart diseases. MATERIAL AND METHODS This study included 119 women from 20 to 76 years of age. All subjects vere nonsmokers who did not have a cardiovascular disease, and were divided into five different age groups. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was measured by the digital blood pressure measuring device with cuff OMRON M4-1. The evaluation of blood pressure was performed at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad. The data processing was done by the statistical package SPSS 20.0. RESULTS According to the obtained data it can be concluded that there are statistically significant differences in both individual and general system of the observed variables in different age groups. In addition, there are statistically significant differences between pairs of groups, which were observed when comparing with the oldest age group. CONCLUSION The programmes of prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases should decrease the influence of risk factors and improve diagnostics and therapy of cardiovascular diseases.
Collegium Antropologicum | 2011
Milena Mikalački; Nebojša Čokorilo; Ratko Katić
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport | 2007
Saša Pantelić; Radmila Kostić; Milena Mikalački; Ratomir Đurašković; Nebojša Čokorilo; Ivana Mladenović
International Journal of Morphology | 2015
Milena Mikalački; Nebojša Čokorilo; Borislav Obradovic; Ana Marijanac; Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero
Sport Mont | 2018
Miroslav Smajic; Ana Ivanov; Nebojša Čokorilo; Goran Dimitrić; Valdemar Stajer; Bogdan Tomic; Tourism, Novi Sad, Serbia
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación | 2018
Maja Bate; Branko Krsmanovic; Milena Mikalački; Nebojša Čokorilo; Marijana Simic; Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero
Retos | 2017
Maja Batez; Branko Krsmanovic; Milena Mikalački; Nebojša Čokorilo; Marijana Simic; Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero