
Featured researches published by Nebojsa Marinkovic.

Angewandte Chemie | 2012

Hydrogen‐Evolution Catalysts Based on Non‐Noble Metal Nickel–Molybdenum Nitride Nanosheets

Wei-Fu Chen; Kotaro Sasaki; Chao Ma; Anatoly I. Frenkel; Nebojsa Marinkovic; James T. Muckerman; Yimei Zhu; Radoslav R. Adzic

Hydrogen production through splitting of water has attracted great scientific interest because of its relevance to renewable energy storage and its potential for providing energy without the emission of carbon dioxide. Electrocatalytic systems for H2 generation typically incorporate noble metals such as Pt in the catalysts because of their low overpotential and fast kinetics for driving the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). However, the high costs and limited world-wide supply of these noble metals make their application in viable commercial processes unattractive. Several non-noble metal materials, such as transition-metal chalcogenides, carbides, and complexes as well as metal alloys have been widely investigated recently, and characterized as catalysts and supports for application in the evolution of hydrogen. Nitrides of early transition-metals have been shown to have excellent catalytic activities in a variety of reactions. One of the primary interests in the applications of nitrides in these reactions was to use them in conjunction with low-cost alternative metals to replace group VIII noble metals. For example, the function of molybdenum nitride as a catalyst for hydrocarbon hydrogenolysis resembles that of platinum. The catalytic and electronic properties of transition-metal nitrides are governed by their bulk and surface structure and stoichiometry. While there is some information concerning the effect of the bulk composition on the catalytic properties of this material, there is currently little known about the effects of the surface nanostructure. Nickel and nickel–molybdenum are known electrocatalysts for hydrogen production in alkaline electrolytes, and in the bulk form they exhibited exchange current densities between 10 6 and 10 4 Acm , compared to 10 3 Acm 2 for Pt. Jaksic et al. postulated a hypo-hyper-d-electronic interactive effect between Ni and Mo that yields the synergism for the HER. Owing to their poor corrosion stability, few studies in acidic media have been reported.With the objective of exploiting the decrease in the overpotential by carrying out the HER in acidic media, we have developed a low-cost, stable, and active molybdenum-nitride-based electrocatalyst for the HER. Guided by the “volcano plot” in which the activity for the evolution of hydrogen as a function of the M H bond strength exhibits an ascending branch followed by a descending branch, peaking at Pt, we designed a material on the molecular scale combining nickel, which binds H weakly, with molybdenum, which binds H strongly. Here we report the first synthesis of NiMo nitride nanosheets on a carbon support (NiMoNx/C), and demonstrate the high HER electrocatalytic activity of the resulting NiMoNx/C catalyst with low overpotential and small Tafel slope. The NiMoNx/C catalyst was synthesized by reduction of a carbon-supported ammonium molybdate [(NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O] and nickel nitrate (Ni(NO3)2·4H2O) mixture in a tubular oven in H2 at 400 8C, and subsequent reaction with NH3 at 700 8C. During this process, the (NH4)6Mo7O24 and Ni(NO3)2 precursors were reduced to NiMo metal particles by H2, and then they were mildly transformed to NiMoNx nanosheets by reaction with ammonia. The atomic ratio of Ni/Mo was 1/4.7 determined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) on the NiMoNx/ C sample. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, as shown in Figure 1a, display NiMo particles that are mainly spherical. The high-resolution TEM image, as shown in the inset of Figure 1a, corroborated the presence of an amorphous 3 to 5 nm Ni/Mo oxide layer (see Figure S4 in the Supporting Information for resolved image), whereas NiMoNx is characterized by thin, flat, and flaky stacks composed of nanosheets with high radial-axial ratios (Figure 1b and Figure S5 in the Supporting Information for a magnified image). Figure 1c shows that some of the nanosheets lay flat on the graphite carbon (as indicated by the black arrows), and some have folded edges that show different layers of NiMoNx sheets (white arrows). The thickness of the sheets ranged from 4 to 15 nm. The average stacking number of sheets measured from Figure 1b is about [*] Dr. W.-F. Chen, Dr. K. Sasaki, Dr. J. T. Muckerman, Dr. R. R. Adzic Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 (USA) E-mail:

Energy and Environmental Science | 2013

Highly active and durable nanostructured molybdenum carbide electrocatalysts for hydrogen production

Wei-Fu Chen; Chiu-Hui Wang; Kotaro Sasaki; Nebojsa Marinkovic; Wenqian Xu; James T. Muckerman; Yimei Zhu; Radoslav R. Adzic

In an attempt to tailor low-cost, precious-metal-free electrocatalysts for water electrolysis in acid, molybdenum carbide (β-Mo2C) nanoparticles are prepared by in situ carburization of ammonium molybdate on carbon nanotubes and XC-72R carbon black without using any gaseous carbon source. The formation of Mo2C is investigated by thermogravimetry and in situ X-ray diffraction. X-ray absorption analysis reveals that Mo2C nanoparticles are inlaid or anchored into the carbon supports, and the electronic modification makes the surface exhibit a relatively moderate Mo–H bond strength. It is found that carbon nanotube-supported Mo2C showed superior electrocatalytic activity and stability in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) compared to the bulk Mo2C. An overpotential of 63 mV for driving 1 mA cm−2 of current density was measured for the nanotube-supported Mo2C catalysts; this exceeds the activity of analogous Mo2C catalysts. The enhanced electrochemical activity is facilitated by unique effects of the anchored structure coupled with the electronic modification.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2013

Insights into the Interplay of Lewis and Brønsted Acid Catalysts in Glucose and Fructose Conversion to 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural and Levulinic Acid in Aqueous Media

Vinit Choudhary; Samir H. Mushrif; Christopher Ho; Andrzej Anderko; Vladimiros Nikolakis; Nebojsa Marinkovic; Anatoly I. Frenkel; Stanley I. Sandler; Dionisios G. Vlachos

5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF) and levulinic acid production from glucose in a cascade of reactions using a Lewis acid (CrCl3) catalyst together with a Brønsted acid (HCl) catalyst in aqueous media is investigated. It is shown that CrCl3 is an active Lewis acid catalyst in glucose isomerization to fructose, and the combined Lewis and Brønsted acid catalysts perform the isomerization and dehydration/rehydration reactions. A CrCl3 speciation model in conjunction with kinetics results indicates that the hydrolyzed Cr(III) complex [Cr(H2O)5OH](2+) is the most active Cr species in glucose isomerization and probably acts as a Lewis acid-Brønsted base bifunctional site. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations indicate a strong interaction between the Cr cation and the glucose molecule whereby some water molecules are displaced from the first coordination sphere of Cr by the glucose to enable ring-opening and isomerization of glucose. Additionally, complex interactions between the two catalysts are revealed: Brønsted acidity retards aldose-to-ketose isomerization by decreasing the equilibrium concentration of [Cr(H2O)5OH](2+). In contrast, Lewis acidity increases the overall rate of consumption of fructose and HMF compared to Brønsted acid catalysis by promoting side reactions. Even in the absence of HCl, hydrolysis of Cr(III) decreases the solution pH, and this intrinsic Brønsted acidity drives the dehydration and rehydration reactions. Yields of 46% levulinic acid in a single phase and 59% HMF in a biphasic system have been achieved at moderate temperatures by combining CrCl3 and HCl.

Nature Chemistry | 2017

Adsorbate-mediated strong metal–support interactions in oxide-supported Rh catalysts

John C. Matsubu; Shuyi Zhang; Leo DeRita; Nebojsa Marinkovic; Jingguang G. Chen; George W. Graham; Xiaoqing Pan; Phillip Christopher

The optimization of supported metal catalysts predominantly focuses on engineering the metal site, for which physical insights based on extensive theoretical and experimental contributions have enabled the rational design of active sites. Although it is well known that supports can influence the catalytic properties of metals, insights into how metal-support interactions can be exploited to optimize metal active-site properties are lacking. Here we utilize in situ spectroscopy and microscopy to identify and characterize a support effect in oxide-supported heterogeneous Rh catalysts. This effect is characterized by strongly bound adsorbates (HCOx) on reducible oxide supports (TiO2 and Nb2O5) that induce oxygen-vacancy formation in the support and cause HCOx-functionalized encapsulation of Rh nanoparticles by the support. The encapsulation layer is permeable to reactants, stable under the reaction conditions and strongly influences the catalytic properties of Rh, which enables rational and dynamic tuning of CO2-reduction selectivity.

Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | 2005

Use of Infrared Microspectroscopy in Plant Growth and Development

Kenneth M. Dokken; Lawrence C. Davis; Nebojsa Marinkovic

Abstract Infrared microspectroscopy (IMS) has emerged as a key technique for the study of plant growth and development. The combination of IMS and synchrotron radiation has enabled researchers to analyze plant development at a cellular level. The spatial distribution of functional groups in plant tissue can be determined by the “chemical imaging” ability of IMS. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and polarized IR spectroscopies in combination with IMS makes sampling rapid and easy, providing direct analysis in situ. This review covers applications of IMS to study cell wall architecture and the major cell wall components: lignin, cellulose, and polysaccharides; applications for agricultural and feed products; and changes to plant structure due to biotic and abiotic stressors.

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry | 2002

Carbon monoxide oxidation on bare and Pt-modified and Ru(0001) single crystal electrodes

Stanko R. Brankovic; Nebojsa Marinkovic; J.X. Wang; R.R. Adžić

Abstract Carbon monoxide oxidation on bare and Pt-modified ruthenium surfaces with the (10 1 0) and (0001) orientations was investigated with cyclic voltammetry, scanning-tunneling microscopy and in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Facile oxidation kinetics of CO on Ru (10 1 0) are observed, in contrast with a slow reaction on Ru(0001). Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements confirmed that spontaneous deposition of Pt produces island-like structures on both single crystal Ru surfaces. CO oxidation on a bimetallic Pt / Ru (10 1 0) surface with a Pt coverage of approximately one monolayer occurs at potentials that are 140 mV more negative than those for bare Pt. This potential is, however, more positive than the potential of the onset of the oxidation on Ru (10 1 0) . IR spectroscopy shows one peak for linearly adsorbed CO on bare and Pt-modified Ru (10 1 0) surfaces, while two peaks are visible for the Pt-modified Ru(0001) structure. A single broad peak for the bimetallic Pt / Ru (10 1 0) surface may result from addition of the red-shifted peak for Pt and the peak for the Ru (10 1 0) substrate. A large red shift of CO on the Pt / Ru (10 1 0) surface requires further work to be explained. A negative shift of CO oxidation on Pt / Ru (10 1 0) indicates a decrease of the PtCO bond strength on that surface compared with the bond with bulk Pt.

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry | 2001

Adsorption of bisulfate on the Ru(0001) single crystal electrode surface

Nebojsa Marinkovic; J.X. Wang; H. Zajonz; R.R. Adžić

Abstract Adsorption of anions from sulfuric acid solutions has been studied on Ru(0001) single crystal and polycrystalline surfaces by electrochemical techniques and in-situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy shows that bisulfate is the anion adsorbed on the Ru(0001) surface. The bisulfate adsorption is detected at the H 2 evolution potential and extends into the potential region where the Ru surface is oxidized. A method for extracting unipolar bands from bipolar bands has been presented. The tuning rate of adsorbed bisulfate in the double layer potential region of Ru(0001) was found to be significantly smaller than those observed for other platinum metals. This has been ascribed to a small change in bisulfate coverage on Ru(0001) in this potential range. Bisulfate vibration frequencies are higher on this surface than at any face-centered cubic metal with the (111) orientation. Oxidation of the Ru(0001) surface is limited to one electron per Ru atom, distinctly different from the high degree of oxidation seen in polycrystalline surfaces. For oxidized polycrystalline Ru, only solution phase sulfates and bisulfates are observed in the IR spectra.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2012

In situ electrochemical X-ray absorption spectroscopy of oxygen reduction electrocatalysis with high oxygen flux.

Evan M. Erickson; Matthew S. Thorum; Relja Vasic; Nebojsa Marinkovic; Anatoly I. Frenkel; Andrew A. Gewirth; Ralph G. Nuzzo

An in situ electrochemical X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) cell has been fabricated that enables high oxygen flux to the working electrode by utilizing a thin poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) window. This cell design enables in situ XAS investigations of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at high operating current densities greater than 1 mA in an oxygen-purged environment. When the cell was used to study the ORR for a Pt on carbon electrocatalyst, the data revealed a progressive evolution of the electronic structure of the metal clusters that is both potential-dependent and strongly current-dependent. The trends establish a direct correlation to d-state occupancies that directly tracks the character of the Pt-O bonding present.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2010

Quick extended x-ray absorption fine structure instrument with millisecond time scale, optimized for in situ applications

Syed Khalid; W. Caliebe; P. Siddons; I. So; B. Clay; T. Lenhard; Jonathan C. Hanson; Q. Wang; Anatoly I. Frenkel; Nebojsa Marinkovic; N. Hould; Matthew Ginder-Vogel; Gautier Landrot; Donald L. Sparks; A. Ganjoo

In order to learn about in situ structural changes in materials at subseconds time scale, we have further refined the techniques of quick extended x-ray absorption fine structure (QEXAFS) and quick x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopies at beamline X18B at the National Synchrotron Light Source. The channel cut Si (111) monochromator oscillation is driven through a tangential arm at 5 Hz, using a cam, dc motor, pulley, and belt system. The rubber belt between the motor and the cam damps the mechanical noise. EXAFS scan taken in 100 ms is comparable to standard data. The angle and the angular range of the monochromator can be changed to collect a full EXAFS or XANES spectrum in the energy range 4.7-40.0 KeV. The data are recorded in ascending and descending order of energy, on the fly, without any loss of beam time. The QEXAFS mechanical system is outside the vacuum system, and therefore changing the mode of operation from conventional to QEXAFS takes only a few minutes. This instrument allows the acquisition of time resolved data in a variety of systems relevant to electrochemical, photochemical, catalytic, materials, and environmental sciences.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation | 2011

In situ diffuse reflectance IR spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy for fast catalytic processes.

Nebojsa Marinkovic; Qi Wang; Anatoly I. Frenkel

A new instrument for synchronous in situ investigations of catalytic materials by IR and X-ray absorption spectroscopies was designed and built at the X18A beamline of the National Synchrotron Light Source of Brookhaven National Laboratory. It provides analytical tools for solving structural, electronic and kinetic problems in catalysis science by two complementary methods. Among the features attractive for catalysis research are the broad range of catalytically active elements that can be investigated (starting with Ni and beyond), the wide range of reaction conditions (temperatures up to 873 K, various reactive gases) and time scales (starting from tens of seconds). The results of several representative experiments that illustrate the attractive capabilities of the new set-up are discussed.

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