Neil Audsley
Food and Environment Research Agency
General and Comparative Endocrinology | 2009
Neil Audsley; Robert J. Weaver
The stomatogastric nervous system plays a pivotal role in feeding behaviour. Central to this system is the frontal ganglion, which is responsible for foregut motor activity, and hence the passage of food through the gut. Many insect peptides, which exhibit myoactivity on the visceral muscles of the gut in vitro, have been detected in the stomatogastric nervous system by immunochemical or mass spectrometric techniques. This localisation of myoactive peptides, particularly in the frontal ganglion, implies roles for these peptides in the neural control and modulation of feeding in insects. Insect sulfakinins, tachykinins, allatotropin and proctolin have all been shown to stimulate the foregut muscles, whereas myosuppressins, myoinhibitory peptides and allatostatins all inhibited spontaneous contractions of the foregut in a variety of insects. Some of these peptides, when injected, inhibited feeding in vivo. Both the A-type and B-type allatostatins suppressed feeding activity when injected into the cockroach, Blattella germanica and the Manduca sexta C-type allatostatin and allatotropin inhibited feeding when injected into the larvae of two noctuid moths, Lacanobia oleracea and Spodoptera frugiperda, respectively. Injection of sulfakinins into the fly Phormia regina, the locust Schistocera gregaria and the cockroach B. germanica also suppressed feeding, whereas silencing the sulfakinin gene through the injection of double stranded RNA resulted in an increase in food consumption in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The regulation of feeding in insects is clearly very complex, and involves the interaction of a number of mechanisms, one of which is the release, either centrally or locally, of neuropeptides. However, the role of neuropeptides, their mechanisms of action, interactions with each other, and their release are still poorly understood. It is also unclear why insects possess such a number of different peptides, some with multiples copies or homologues, which stimulate or inhibit gut motility, and how their release, sometimes from the same neurone, is regulated. These neuropeptides may also act at sites other than visceral muscles, such as centrally through the brain or on gut stretch receptors.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
Young-Joon Kim; Katarina Bartalska; Neil Audsley; Naoki Yamanaka; Nilay Yapici; Ju Youn Lee; Yong-Chul Kim; Elwyn Isaac; Yoshiaki Tanaka; Barry J. Dickson
Upon mating, females of many animal species undergo dramatic changes in their behavior. In Drosophila melanogaster, postmating behaviors are triggered by sex peptide (SP), which is produced in the male seminal fluid and transferred to female during copulation. SP modulates female behaviors via sex peptide receptor (SPR) located in a small subset of internal sensory neurons that innervate the female uterus and project to the CNS. Although required for postmating responses only in these female sensory neurons, SPR is expressed broadly in the CNS of both sexes. Moreover, SPR is also encoded in the genomes of insects that lack obvious SP orthologs. These observations suggest that SPR may have additional ligands and functions. Here, we identify myoinhibitory peptides (MIPs) as a second family of SPR ligands that is conserved across a wide range of invertebrate species. MIPs are potent agonists for Drosophila, Aedes, and Aplysia SPRs in vitro, yet are unable to trigger postmating responses in vivo. In contrast to SP, MIPs are not produced in male reproductive organs, and are not required for postmating behaviors in Drosophila females. We conclude that MIPs are evolutionarily conserved ligands for SPR, which are likely to mediate functions other than the regulation of female reproductive behaviors.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 2009
Robert J. Weaver; Neil Audsley
Juvenile hormones (JH), produced by the corpora allata, have an essential role in growth and development, morphogenesis, and reproductive processes of insects. The output of JH and circulating titer are required to be precisely regulated throughout the insects life in response to developmental requirements and environmental factors. The synthesis of JH must be periodically turned off and on, or finely tuned, in a highly coordinated way. Except for a few key or intensely studied insect species, the control of synthesis of JH by regulatory peptides remains largely undefined and many of the details remain obscure. Several different classes of neuropeptide are believed to be involved in the regulation of corpus allatum function and hence JH output. In different insect species and at different stages of development, these regulatory peptides may include at least three types of inhibitory allatostatins, at least one type of stimulatory allatotropin, and perhaps several other, as yet largely undefined, additional neuropeptides. The details of how each of these peptides acts to affect JH production and their relationship to each other in the coordination of JH synthesis remain to be established. There are several insect orders for which almost nothing is known concerning the regulation of JH synthesis and the peptides that might be involved. Current proteomic and genomic studies are helping to redress this balance but at the same time posing new questions. Other neuropeptides are implicated in the regulation of JH production, and there is new evidence concerning the mode of action of allatotropins.
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2000
Neil Audsley; Robert J. Weaver; John P. Edwards
Juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis and the effects of synthetic Manduca sexta allatostatin (Mas-AS) and M. sexta allatotropin (Mas-AT) were investigated in isolated corpora allata (CA) of Vth stadium larvae of the tomato moth, Lacanobia oleracea. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) of JH extracted from CA shows that larvae produce predominantly JH II and its corresponding acid. It appears that the acid homologue is a result of JH esterase activity in the CA (and other tissues) rather than the lack of JH acid methyltransferase. Mean rates of synthesis (100-200fmol/pr/h) were inhibited ca. 70% by Mas-AS and stimulated in a dose-dependent manner up to three times by Mas-AT. However, Mas-AS had no significant effect on Mas-AT-stimulated rates of JH biosynthesis. Using RP-HPLC and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to Mas-AT, a peak of Mas-AT-like immunoreactivity was detected in larval L. oleracea brain homogenates. Co-elution of this immunoreactive peak with synthetic Mas-AT suggests that this neuropeptide is also present in L. oleracea.
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2002
Elaine Fitches; Neil Audsley; John A. Gatehouse; John P. Edwards
The mannose-binding lectin from snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin: GNA), when fed to insects, binds to the gut epithelium and passes into the haemolymph. The potential for GNA to act as a carrier protein to deliver an insect neuropeptide, Manduca sexta allatostatin (Manse-AS), to the haemolymph of lepidopteran larvae has been examined by expressing a GNA/Manse-AS fusion protein (FP) in Escherichia coli, and feeding purified FP to larvae of the tomato moth Lacanobia oleracea. FP, administered at 1.5 or 0.5% of dietary proteins, was found to strongly inhibit feeding and prevent growth of fifth stadium larvae, whereas neither GNA nor Manse-AS alone, nor a mixture of GNA and Manse-AS in control treatments, had deleterious effects at similar levels. Elevated levels of material reacting with anti-Manse-AS antibodies were detected in the haemolymph of insects fed diets containing FP, suggesting that transport of the peptide had occurred. Evidence for the delivery of intact FP to the haemolymph was provided by the co-elution of Manse-AS-like immunoreactivity with standard FP after size exclusion chromatography of haemolymph from FP-fed larvae. GNA/Manse-AS and similar fusion proteins offer a novel and effective strategy for delivering insect neuropeptides by oral administration, which could be used in conjunction with expression in transgenic plants to give crop protection in the field.
Proteome Science | 2006
Michael J. Walker; Caroline M. Rylett; Jeffrey N. Keen; Neil Audsley; Mohammed Sajid; Alan D. Shirras; R. Elwyn Isaac
BackgroundIn Drosophila melanogaster, the male seminal fluid contains proteins that are important for reproductive success. Many of these proteins are synthesised by the male accessory glands and are secreted into the accessory gland lumen, where they are stored until required. Previous studies on the identification of Drosophila accessory gland products have largely focused on characterisation of male-specific accessory gland cDNAs from D. melanogaster and, more recently, Drosophila simulans. In the present study, we have used a proteomics approach without any sex bias to identify proteins in D. melanogaster accessory gland secretions.ResultsThirteen secreted accessory gland proteins, including seven new accessory gland proteins, were identified by 2D-gel electrophoresis combined with mass spectrometry of tryptic fragments. They included protein-folding and stress-response proteins, a hormone, a lipase, a serpin, a cysteine-rich protein and two peptidases, a pro-enzyme form of a cathepsin K-like cysteine peptidase and a γ-glutamyl transpeptidase. Enzymatic studies established that accessory gland secretions contain a cysteine peptidase zymogen that can be activated at low pH. This peptidase may have a role in the processing of female and other male-derived proteins, but is unlikely to be involved in the processing of the sex peptide. γ-Glutamyl transpeptidases are type II integral membrane proteins; however, the identified AG γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT-1) is unusual in that it is predicted to be a soluble secreted protein, a prediction that is supported by biochemical evidence. GGT-1 is possibly involved in maintaining a protective redox environment for sperm. The strong γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity found in the secretions provides an explanation for the observation that glutamic acid is the most abundant free amino acid in accessory gland secretions of D. melanogaster.ConclusionWe have applied biochemical approaches, not used previously, to characterise prominent D. melanogaster accessory gland products. Of the thirteen accessory gland secreted proteins reported in this study, six were represented in a D. simulans male accessory gland EST library that was biased for male-specific genes. Therefore, the present study has identified seven new secreted accessory gland proteins, including GGT-1, which was not recognised previously as a secreted accessory gland product.
Journal of Insect Physiology | 2008
Neil Audsley; H.J. Matthews; N.R. Price; Robert J. Weaver
Allatoregulatory peptides either inhibit (allatostatins) or stimulate (allatotropins) juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by the corpora allata (CA) of insects. However, these peptides are pleitropic, the regulation of JH biosynthesis is not their only function. There are currently three allatostatin families (A-, B-, and C-type allatostatins) that inhibit JH biosynthesis, and two structurally unrelated allatotropins. The C-type allatostatin, characterised by its blocked N-terminus and a disulphide bridge between its two cysteine residues, was originally isolated from Manduca sexta. This peptide exists only in a single from in Lepidoptera and is the only peptide that has been shown to inhibit JH synthesis by the CA in vitro in this group of insects. The C-type allatostatin also inhibits spontaneous contractions of the foregut. The A-type allatostatins, which exist in multiple forms in a single insect, have also been characterised from Lepidoptera. This family of peptides does not appear to have any regulatory effect on JH biosynthesis, but does inhibit foregut muscle contractions. Two structurally unrelated allatotropins stimulate JH biosynthesis in Lepidoptera. The first was identified in M. sexta (Manse-AT) and occurs in other moths. The second (Spofr AT2) has only been identified in Spodoptera frugiperda. Manduca sexta allatotropin also stimulates heart muscle contractions and gut peristalsis, and inhibits ion transport across the midgut of larval M. sexta. The C-terminal (amide) pentapeptide of Manse-AT is important for JH biosynthesis activity. The most active conformation of Manse-AS requires the disulphide bridge, although the aromatic residues also have a significant effect on biological activity. Both A- and C-type allatostatins and Manse-AT are localised in neurosecretory cells of the brain and are present in the corpora cardiaca, CA and ventral nerve cord, although variations in localisation exist in different moths and at different stages of development. The presence of Manse-AS and Manse-AT in the CA correlates with the biological activity of these peptides on JH biosynthesis. There is currently no explanation for the presence of A-type allatostatins in the CA. The three peptide types are also co-localised in neurosecretory cells of the frontal ganglion, and are present in the recurrent nerve that supplies the muscles of the gut, particularly the crop and stomodeal valve, in agreement with their role in the regulation of gut peristalsis. There is also evidence that they are expressed in the midgut and reproductive tissues.
Peptides | 2006
Neil Audsley; Robert J. Weaver
The neuropeptide profiles and diversity of the brain and retrocerebral organs (corpora cardiaca-corpora allata; CC-CA) of adult workers of the honey bee Apis mellifera carnica (dark European strain) were investigated using a combination of HPLC and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) with post-source decay (PSD) and collision-induced dissociation (CID) fragmentation. Using evidence from genomic sources, including BLAST searches of the honey bee genome, comparisons with other species and de novo sequencing by PSD and CID fragmentation, a total of 13 mass ions could be assigned to peptides predicted from the A. mellifera genomic database. Peptides positively identified were A. mellifera tachykinin-related peptides 3 and 4 (APMGFQGMRa; APMGFYGTRa) and leucomyosuppressin (pEDVDHVFLRFa). Peptides tentatively identified were A. mellifera tachykinin-related peptides 2 and 5 (ALMGFQGVRa; ARMGFHGMRa), A. mellifera allatostatins 2, 3 and 4 (GRDYSFGLa; RQYSFGLa; GRQPYSFGLa), A1-SIFamide (AYRKPPFNGSIFa), Q1-leucomyosuppressin (QDVDHVFLRFa) and A. mellifera pyrokinins PK 1, PK 2 and Q1-PK 2 (TSQDITSGMWFGPRLa; pEITQFTPRLa; QITQFTPRLa). Allatostatins, tachykinin-related peptides and A1-SIFamide were not detected in CC-CA extract, which appears to contain predominantly leucomyosuppressin, Q1-leucomyosuppressin, PK 1, PK 2, Q1-PK 2 and some unidentified masses. No ion signal was detected that would correspond to the hypertrehalosaemic peptide (=Manse-AKH), which has been isolated from the Italian race of the honey bee (A. mellifera ligustica), but not from A. mellifera carnica.
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1998
Neil Audsley; Robert J. Weaver; John P. Edwards
Abstract Using polyclonal antisera to Manduca sexta allatostatin (Mas-AS), an indirect ELISA has been developed which allows detection of Mas-AS-like immunoreactivity in single brain extracts of larval M. sexta and Lacanobia oleracea . Liquid chromatography of brain extracts from M. sexta and L. oleracea revealed two distinct immunoreactive areas, one co-eluting with synthetic Mas-AS and the other a more hydrophobic area. The Mas-AS co-eluting immunoreactive factor from L. oleracea was isolated and found to have a molecular mass in agreement with that of Mas-AS. In Periplaneta americana only the Mas-AS co-eluting fraction was observed. In L. oleracea Mas-AS-like immunoreactivity was also distributed throughout the central nervous system, in the haemolymph (plasma and haemocytes) and associated with midgut and Malpighian tubules. This widespread distribution suggests alternative roles for Mas-AS, other than the control of juvenile hormone biosynthesis. The relative amounts of Mas-AS immunoreactivity in brains of L. oleracea at selected developmental stages raises some questions as to the role of Mas-AS in the control of JH biosynthesis.
Peptides | 2003
Neil Audsley; Robert J. Weaver
The occurrence of neuropeptides in the brain of larvae of the tobacco hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, and tomato moth, Lacanobia oleracea, was investigated using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) and post-source decay (PSD). Methanolic extracts of 100 brains separated by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography yielded numerous ion peaks, some of which were common to both species. In M. sexta six [M+H](+) ions were in agreement with peptides previously structurally characterised from M. sexta (FLRF-amides I, II and III, M. sexta allatostatin, CAP(2b) and myoinhibitory peptide VI), whereas a further five corresponded to other known lepidopteran peptides (cydiastatins 3 and 4, helicostatins 1 and 6 and helicokinin II). Of these the identities of FLRF-amide I, cydiastatins 3 and 4 and CAP(2b) were confirmed by PSD analysis. Fourteen [M+H](+) ions corresponding to known lepidopteran peptides (FLRF-amide I, cydiastatins 2, 3 and 4, helicostatins 1, 5, 6, 7 and 9, CCAP, CAP(2b), M. sexta allatostatin and myoinhibitory peptide VI) were measured in L. oleracea brain extracts. From this insect, cydiastatins 3 and 4, helicostatin 5 and FLRF-amide I were identified by PSD. These peptides had not previously been structurally characterised from L. oleracea.