
Featured researches published by Neşet Arslan.

Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture | 2005

Efficient in vitro bulblet regeneration from immature embryos of endangered Sternbergia fischeriana

Semra Mirici; İskender Parmaksiz; Sebahattin Özcan; Cengiz Sancak; Serkan Uranbey; Ercüment O. Sarihan; Ahmet Gümüşçü; Bilal Gürbüz; Neşet Arslan

Sternbergia fischeriana is an endangered geophyte and therefore in vitro micropropagation of this plant will have great importance for germplasm conservation and commercial production. Bulb scale and immature embryo explants of S. fischeriana were cultured on different nutrient media supplemented with various concentrations of plant growth regulators. Immature embryos produced higher number of bulblets than bulb scales. Large numbers of bulblets were regenerated (over 80 bulblets/explants) from immature embryos on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 4 mg l−1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and 0.25 mg l−1α-naphthaleneacetic (NAA) or 2 mg l−12,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) after 14 months of culture initiation. Regenerated bulblets were kept at 5 °C for 5 weeks and then transplanted to a potting mixture.

New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science | 2008

Effect of different developing stages on some agronomical characteristics and essential oil composition of Oregano (Origanum onites)

Süleyman Kizil; Arif Ipek; Neşet Arslan; Khalid Mahmood Khawar

Abstract This study reports effects of three plant development stages (pre‐flowering, full flowering, and post‐flowering) of Oregano (Origanum onites) on plant height, fresh herbage yield, dry herbage yield, dry leaf yield, essential oil content, and essential oil yield. The results showed that the highest fresh, dry herbage, and dry leaf yield were obtained at the post‐flowering stage. However, dry leaf and essential oil yield showed a variation between 4.45–5.68 t ha−1 and 119.3–190.1 litre ha−1, respectively. Essential oil content was significantly affected by plant development stages and the highest oil content (3.65%) was obtained at the full flowering stage. The major components of essential oil were determined as carvacrol (42.12–57.0%), thymol (13.21–21.88%), and linalool (8.23–20.28%).

Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-soil and Plant Science | 2008

Blooming stages of Turkish hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) affect essential oil composition

Süleyman Kizil; Ozlem Toncer; Arif Ipek; Neşet Arslan; Sevil Saglam; Khalid Mahmood Khawar

Abstract Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.), native to the Caucasus, North Western Iran, Turkish North Eastern Black Sea region, and Southern Anatolia, is a highly valued medicinal plant. The experiment was conducted to find the effect of harvesting at different blooming stages of the plant on fresh and dry herbage yield, dry leaf yield, essential oil content, and essential oil components. In total, twenty-nine components were identified in hyssop essential oil by GC/MS. Isopinocamphone was the dominating component (47.9–51.4%) in the all analysed oil samples. The results clearly demonstrated that oil contents are seriously affected by the environmental conditions and stage of blooming, with the highest oil yield and oil contents at the post-blooming stage.

Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research | 2012

Classification of some Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Genotypes for Salinity Tolerance using Germination, Seedling Growth, and Ion Content

Mehmet Demir Kaya; Sibel Day; Yakup Çıkılı; Neşet Arslan

La salinidad reduce germinacion, retrasa emergencia, e inhibe el crecimiento de plantulas de lino (Linum usitatissimum L.) mientras algunas variedades son menos afectadas por la salinidad que otras. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de niveles de NaCl (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 dS m-1) en germinacion y crecimiento de plantulas de 10 genotipos de lino (lineas 87, 89, 104, 114, 193, 194, 209, 215, C-90 y cv. Sari-85) y clasificar los genotipos por tolerancia a salinidad usando caracteristicas de germinacion y de plantulas. Se evaluaron porcentaje de germinacion, tiempo medio de germinacion, longitud de raices y brotes, peso fresco y seco de plantulas, contenido de Na+ y relacion Na:K de las plantulas. La clasificacion de los genotipos de lino por tolerancia a salinidad se hizo de acuerdo a (i) combinacion de Analisis de Cluster y Componentes Principales, (ii) contenido de Na+, y (iii) relacion Na:K de plantulas. Los resultados muestran que los valores mayores se obtuvieron en las lineas 193, 194, y 215 excepto para tiempo medio de germinacion, mientras el porcentaje de germinacion no fue adversamente influenciado por NaCl hasta 20 dS m-1. El crecimiento de plantulas fue inhibido a 20 dS m-1 aunque los genotipos exhibieron variadas respuestas. El contenido de Na+ fue elevado por NaCl, pero plantulas de las lineas 194, 193, y 215 tuvieron los menores contenidos de Na+ en todos los niveles de NaCl. El analisis de cluster realizado por parametros multiples revelo tres grupos para tolerancia a salinidad. Se concluyo que las lineas 193, 194, y 215 eran tolerantes, las lineas 87, 209, C-90, y cv. Sari-85 fueron moderadamente tolerantes, y las lineas 89, 104, y 114 fueron genotipos sensibles a sal. La clasificacion de genotipos por contenido de Na+ y relacion Na:K mostro resultados similares para genotipos tolerantes mientras se detectaron genotipos diferentes para el grupo sensible.

Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants | 2009

Some agronomical characteristics and essential oil content of oregano (Origanum onites L.) as influenced by planting densities.

Süleyman Kizil; Arif Ipek; Neşet Arslan; Khalid Mahmood Khawar

Abstract Oregano (Origanum onites L.) a highly valued medicinal plant, is rich in essential oil. The objective of the experiment was to determine the relative importance of planting densities on yield components and essential oil components of O. onites under semi arid rain fed conditions of South East Anatolian Turkey. Plant densities and environmental conditions affected growth components, essential oil percentage and essential oil yield variabilty. The results suggested variation among fresh and dry herb yield, dry leaf yield and essential oil composition in O. onites during two years of experimentation. Totally twenty-six components were identified in the oregano essential oil by GC-MS. Carvacrol (39.6 - 52.2 %) dominated all components identified in the essential oils. 45 x 20 cm plant density showed economical optimum herbage and oil yield on the non-calcareous arid soils of Diyarbakir in the Southeastern Anatolian Turkey.

Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization | 2018

Effect of different drying methods on the essential oil yield, composition and antioxidant activity of Origanum vulgare L. and Origanum onites L.

Necla Ozdemir; Yasin Ozgen; Mustafa Kiralan; Ali Bayrak; Neşet Arslan; Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan

Origanum onites and Origanum vulgare are important medicinal plants because of their flavoring, therapeutic, and preservative properties. Drying methods are important for obtaining high quality essential oil from spices. In this study, the effects of different drying processes on the essential oil yield, composition, and antiradical activity were evaluated. Plants were dried under sun light, in a ventilated shady place and in laboratory-type oven, and the oils were extracted with Clevenger type apparatus. Carvacrol and thymol were the major compounds in the essential oils of O. vulgare and O. onites, respectively. The highest oil yield and the highest antioxidant activity values were obtained from shade dried Origanum species followed by oven dried plants. The lowest essential oil yield and the lowest antioxidant activity for O. vulgare were found in fresh plants. The lowest essential oil yield, and the lowest antioxidant activity for O. onites belonged to sun dried plants. It could be concluded that essential oil yield, oil composition and antioxidant activity of both plants were greatly affected by the drying method.

Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants | 2015

Volatile Constituents Variability in Matricaria chamomilla L. From Ankara, Turkey

Kiarash Afshar Pour Rezaeih; Bilal Gürbüz; Mesut Uyanik; Amir Rahimi; Neşet Arslan

Abstract Variations in the essential oil composition of Matricaria chamomilla L. for a two-year trial were determined. The flowers of Matricaria chamomilla L. were collected from Ankara University gardens in the years of 2011 and 2012. Essential oils were prepared by the hydrodistillation of air-dried plants and analyzed by GC-MS methods. A total of 20 and 16 components were identified, representing over 96.6 % and 93.4 % of the total oil percentage for 2011 and 2012, respectively. The dominant constituents for 2011 were bisabolone oxide (47.6 %), bisabolol oxide A (27.4 %) and en-yn-dicycloether (5.6 %). As for 2012, the principal biologically active compound was bisabolol oxide A (75.4 %), followed by en-yn-dicycloether (4.4 %) and bisabolol oxide B (4.1 %).

Archive | 2014

Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

K. H.C. Baser; Neşet Arslan

Opium poppy which is an indispensible source of opium (dried exudate of fresh fruits of opium poppy after lancing) and poppy seeds is a cultivated species of Papaver somniferum. Due to narcotic properties of morphine, the major alkaloid in opium, Opium poppy cultivation is controlled by the States where it is cultivated and the UN worldwide. Major opium poppy cultivating countries are Turkey, India, Australia, France, Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic and China. However, illicit opium poppy cultivation is widespead in Afghanistan, Burma, Mexico, Laos, Pakistan and Columbia for opium production. Illicit opium is used to isolate mophine which is then converted to heroine in makeshift production plants.

Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi | 2016

Şekerpancarının (Beta vulgaris L.) Farklı Çeşitlerinde Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Amir Rahimi; Neşet Arslan; İsmaeil Rezaei Chiyaneh

Şekerpancarinin ( Beta vulgaris L.) rekabet gucunu artirmak amaciyla bir hayli yol alinmistir. Şeker uretiminde pancarda bulunan sekerin tamami kristalize edilememektedir. Şekerpancari kalitesini tanimlayan bazi ozellikler arasinda seker disi maddeler seker kristalizasyonunu etkiler. Şekerpancarindan seker uretimini artirmak amaciyla buyuk bir etkiye sahip olan cesit faktoru, bu arastirmada degerlendirilmistir. Bu arastirma 2005- 2006 yillarinda Iran’in sekerpancari acisindan onemli bolgelerinden biri olan Bati Azerbaycan’in Sulduz y ore sinde bulunan sekerpancari fabrikasinda 7 tane cesidi kullanarak gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirma tesaduf bloklari deneme desenine gore, 4 tekerrurlu olarak kurulmustur. Orneklerdeki seker orani, Na, K ve N miktarlari Betalyser Sistemi (Sucromat otomatik sakkarimetre, alev fotometre ve testamin fotometre) kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Bu sonuclardan bilgisayar programi yardimiyla kristalize edilebilen seker miktari, alkalinite ve melastaki seker orani belirlenmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore; seker orani %14.88-19.21, K miktari 3.71-5.05 mg/l, gorunmustur. Na miktari 1.4-3.73 mg/l, N miktari 1.91-2.89 mg/l, alkalinite 2.48-7.35, kristalize edilebilen seker orani %11.63-16.53, seker randimani %78.08-87.85 ve melastaki seker orani %2.28-3.25 arasinda degismistir.

Archive | 2014

Oil Rose (Rosa damascena)

K. H.C. Baser; Neşet Arslan

Rose oil of commerce is obtained by water distillation of fresh rose flowers of Rosa damascena which is a cultivated species. 3.5–4 t of flowers are needed to get 1 kg of this highly priced oil. Top ranking cultivators of oil rose and producers of rose oil are Turkey and Bulgaria producing evenly the annual world demand of 3 t of oil.

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