Neusa Rolita Cavedon
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas | 2003
Neusa Rolita Cavedon
, artigos de periodicos, obser-vacao de elementos de nosso cotidiano.O texto flui de modo a por em evidenciauma capacidade de encadeamento de di-ferentes referenciais, viabilizando interpre-tacoes divergentes e, ao mesmo tempo,complementares.A autora propoe-se a compreendernossa sociedade, denominada de “socie-dade de imagens”, a partir da relacao his-torica e material que serve de sustentacu-lo para o desenvolvimento desse proces-so. Parte da hipotese de que a marca seconstitui em uma “ilusao de forma”, frutoda cultura descartavel alimentada pelo ca-pitalismo contemporâneo, no qual o va-lor de troca obriga a producao incessantede imagens para suprir o vazio que se fazpresente nessa fugaz cultura.Ao tomar por base tres temas relevan-tes, Isleide vai construindo sua teia teori-ca, que acaba, igualmente, revelando umateia simbolica, na qual cultura, subjetivi-dade e fetichismo auxiliam na analise damarca McDonald’s. Dentre as justificati-vas de o porque da escolha dessa marca,encontra-se o fato de ela ser global e paraconsumo de massa.Assim, o livro divide-se em tres par-tes. A primeira, denominada “
Organizações & Sociedade | 2002
Neusa Rolita Cavedon; Roberto Fachin
This paper aims to search for the different meanings that different actors hold of a public university located in the southern region of Brazil. The conceptual framework is based on the social representation’s notion which was developed in the field of Antropology and on the organizational culture study by Martin & Frost (1996). Instead of finding an homogenous culture, Martin & Frost identify instead fragmentation, differentiation and integration as different facets of the culture of an organization. The method of the study was etnography and the period of study included the years from 1995 to 1998. Results found that Resource Scarcity and Renowned University were meanings hold by students and professors (i.e. fragmentation). Another meaning - Lack of a professional perspective or a professional future - was shared by Professors and the Administrative support staff (also, fragmentation). Differentiation, however, appears when one sees hat Difficulty of putting together work and study obligations is a meaning that is bound to appear only with the students and a sense of Freedom is particularly restricted to the group of professors. An integrative representation is found when professors, administrative staff and students share the meaning of Deficiency as an overall characteristic of the University. The study thus provides a significant contribution for the discussion regarding the homogeneity or heterogeneity of an organizational culture.
RAE eletrônica | 2005
Neusa Rolita Cavedon; Deise Luiza da Silva Ferraz
The article focuses on the relevance of social representations as a mediation between the institutionalized knowledge about strategies and the re-meanings attributted to this knowledge in the organizational routine. The research carried out with small business men, by using the ethnographic method, the systematic and participative observation and real-life tales, revealed that strategy, as a concept determining courses of action primarily aimed at maintenance and consequent expansion of the business, is re-meant through the mediation of the violence that crosses the context investigated.
Organizações & Sociedade | 2006
Neusa Rolita Cavedon; Deise Luiza da Silva Ferraz
O presente artigo tem por objetivo descrever e analisar uma experiencia de Economia Popular Solidaria, levada a efeito pela Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre, sob a otica da cultura organizacional. A determinacao, por parte do poder publico local, de um sistema e um processo autogestionarios em uma loja que comercializa produtos oriundos de diferentes grupos de artesaos nao vem se concretizando de acordo com as expectativas. Para identificar os aspectos que vem obstacularizando ou auxiliando na implementacao da autogestao, utilizamo-nos do metodo etnografico e das tecnicas de observacao participante e entrevistas para desnudar a cultura organizacional. Os resultados apontam para uma fragmentacao cultural, com tres blocos de artesas que atuam na mesma loja, compartilhando visoes diferenciadas sobre o que seja Economia Popular Solidaria: o bloco dos voluntarios, o bloco da socializacao e o bloco dos beneficiados. A nao observância, por parte do setor publico, dessa heterogeneidade cultural, acrescida do desconhecimento daquilo que vem a ser o projeto autogestionario da Prefeitura, tem impedido uma acao mais engajada dos envolvidos.
Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas | 2013
Josiane Silva de Oliveira; Neusa Rolita Cavedon
In this article, there is an analysis of how day-to-day practices can be understood as being based on a micropolitical dimension of organizational processes. The theoretical discussions combine the dialogue between Michel de Certeau and Michel Foucault in their studies of day-to-day practices with the opinions of Theodore Schatzki about organizations as designated spaces. On the basis of an ethnographical study conducted in a circus that has been in operation for 25 years, we discovered management practices that allowed cultural subjects/producers to emerge and networks that had been set up to link the circus with companies, as a result of the demand for artistic activities in the market. We also observed policy measures with regard to circus arts, in discussions about the way the shows were perceived by the public, and the formation of a circus school and projects of a social nature carried out by the circus. Finally, we examine their organizational day-to-day life, as a space for practices that constitute micropolicies, within the sphere of normative management procedures. keywords Everyday practices, organizational everyday life, micropolicies, ethnography, circus.
Cadernos | 2009
Maria Tereza Flores-Pereira; Neusa Rolita Cavedon
This paper aims at exploring how the knowledge on organizations can be constructed through the ethnographic method. The focus of this work is the backstage of an ethnographic research, the process through which the choices, the insertion and the farewell of the research field were made. Intertwined with the description of the processes, the experiences of strangeness, familiarity and deconstruction of the researcher are also presented. The trajectory of one of the authors of this paper is included in the work in order to help other researchers, who choose to use the ethnographic method in Management studies, to understand the investigative process step by step. In addition to that, this paper also presents the analysis of the importance of considering the body of the researched and researcher as a subject that creates knowledge for the thematic or organizational culture.
Organizações & Sociedade | 2007
Claudia Sirangelo Eccel; Neusa Rolita Cavedon; Aline Craide
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar como as nocoes de familia desenvolvidas na Antropologia podem contribuir para o entendimento de uma empresa familiar. Para tanto, por meio de uma pesquisa etnografica, identificamos e analisamos os arranjos familiares encontrados na empresa Cachorro Quente do Rosario, bem como verificamos de que modo a relacao familiar afeta a gestao da empresa e de que maneira as relacoes no âmbito da empresa afetam as relacoes familiares. Verificamos, ainda, como sao trabalhados os interesses financeiros e afetivos no interior da empresa em questao. A base teorica utilizada concentrou-se nos estudos da Administracao sobre negocios familiares e no referencial da Antropologia sobre familia e suas relacoes. Os resultados demonstram que as definicoes de familia nuclear, proprias da classe media, utilizadas pela Administracao, nao dao conta da estrutura familiar encontrada na empresa Cachorro Quente do Rosario, que e semelhante a das camadas populares, nas quais os vinculos de solidariedade superam os consanguineos. Ainda assim, as relacoes profissionais se sobrepoem as familiares dentro da empresa, visto a importância dada a competencia, ao desempenho, a postura e ao comprometimento demonstrado pelos colaboradores, sejam eles familiares ou nao
Organizações & Sociedade | 2008
Neusa Rolita Cavedon; Fabiana de Lima Stefanowski
Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar como o humor e o riso podem evidenciar, por meio das relacoes estabelecidas entre proprietarios, clientes e fornecedores, a identidade de um sebo localizado no centro de Porto Alegre. O metodo utilizado foi o etnografico, tendo por tecnica a observacao participante. Foram realizadas 28 idas ao sebo, registradas em diarios de campo. Os resultados mostram que as relacoes dentro da livraria vao alem da esfera comercial. As sociabilidades ora inclusivas, ora exclusivas, em manifestacoes comicas, risiveis, presentes nesse estabelecimento, permitiram o desvendamento de uma identidade predominantemente masculina, que e demarcada e reforcada por meio das brincadeiras e das conversas entabuladas entre homens que por ali circulam. O riso acaba sendo uma caracteristica importante no sebo, nao apenas por estar presente diariamente, mas porque revela quem sao essas pessoas, quais os seus valores, como se relacionam, pensam e moldam, dinamicamente, a identidade da Livraria Nova Roma.
Organizações & Sociedade | 2003
Neusa Rolita Cavedon; Deise Luiza da Silva Ferraz
The present article has the purpose of critically reflecting on the hegemonic notion which defines what a family enterprise is in the Administration context, taking the nuclear and patriarchal families as a reference. Based on the anthropological theoretical contribution, we found the most varied familiar procedures, which led us to think through the familiar dynamics and, as a result, the familiar enterprises as regards to the inherent values to these models. The ethnographical method, the techniques of the systematic and participating observation, and the stories of life, led way to the discovery of a typically local empirical universe: the stores of the Otavio Rocha overpass, downtown in Porto Alegre. For the initial phase of the research, a gift store, a flower shop, a barbershop and a secondhand bookstore where chosen, where we tried to interview all the family members encountered working in the stores. The results identify families and family businesses that bond pre-modern family values with the contemporary and modern arrangements, besides revealing family and businesses behaviors according to the society values.
urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana | 2012
Luciano Mendes; Neusa Rolita Cavedon
The aim of this paper is to analyze the street vendors activity using the discussions and concepts of city and territory. This analysis takes into account ethnographic studies carried out in the hawker market, as well as the proposed two shifts, as follows: the displacement of the idea of city-concept for urban practices, and according to the demystification of the logic established in the restructuring process, which verifies functional street vendors activity marginalized as a practice. This requires an analysis of the concepts of city, as well as operation and possibilities of the street vendor activity in between these concepts, in order to subsidize, at the end of this essay, some implications for the logic previously established and establish assumptions and prejudices about operation of such trading activity. A first step will be discussion of the concepts and implications of city street vendor activity in this inset. The second step will be a deepening of discussions about the city in the logic of urban practices, seeking to emphasize the importance of observing the microterritory. Third will be the presentation of ethnographic studies in the developed peddler market. Finally, the fourth step is an analysis of the ethnographic data discussed in this work, taking into account the discussions of city and territory, allowing the offset to the idea of urban practice, and the demystification of logic in the restructuring process.