Neven Pavlov
University of Split
Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques | 2009
Kornelija Miše; Anamarija Jurcev Savicevic; Neven Pavlov; Stipan Janković
BackgroundTracheobronchial foreign body (TFB) removal in adult patients using the combined technique of flexible bronchoscopy (FBSC) through the endotracheal tube as well as using the simple FBSC has not often been described. This study reports our experience with FBSC for removal of TFBs and describes diagnosis, techniques of removal, and types of TFBs.MethodsWe retrospectively examined bronchoscopic records of adult patients performed between 1995 and 2006 and collection of foreign bodies in Clinical Department for Respiratory Diseases, University Hospital Split, Croatia.ResultsTFBs were found in 86 (0.33%) out of 26,124 patients who were submitted to bronchoscopy. The majority of the patients (90%) had some risk factor for aspiration, among which stroke (30%) was the most frequent. Patients with different neurologic and neuromuscular diseases together accounted for 58% of all patients with TFB aspiration. Medical history was suggestive of foreign body aspiration in 38.4% of the patients, while chest X-ray was indicative in 7% of the patients. TFBs were most often found in the right bronchial tree (75.6%). The most common TFBs were animal and fish bones (39.5%). In 90.7% of the patients they were successfully removed under FBSC, whereas in 8.1% of the patients a TFB was extracted with flexible bronchoscope through endotracheal tube. Surgery was needed in only one case.ConclusionsAlthough foreign bodies in the tracheobronchial tree are rare in adults, the clinician must be aware of their likelihood. Foreign body aspiration should be considered especially in the etiology of recurrent lung diseases and in the presence of risk factors for aspiration, in particular with different neurologic and neuromuscular diseases. They can be successfully and safely removed in the majority of patients under local anesthesia by using FBSC. In cases when repeated procedure is needed, endotracheal tube is recommended.
Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology | 2013
Neven Pavlov; Vesna Pavlov; Srđana Čulić; Višnja Armanda; Reiner Siebert; Bernarda Lozić; Gea Forempoher; Boris Lukšić; Irena Perić; Ivana Goić-Barišić
Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma is a rare disease in children, and endobronchial localization is extremely rare in any age group. We report the case of a 13-year-old girl with endobronchial anaplastic lymphoma kinase–positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma presenting as asthma, and discuss the diagnostic, therapeutic, and clinical implications.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2007
Irena Perić; Dragan Arar; Igor Barišić; Ivana Goić-Barišić; Neven Pavlov; Jadranka Tocilj
Dynamics of the Lung Function in Asbestos Pleural Disease As a rule, asbestosis is a disease of workers who are occupationally exposed to inhalation of asbestos dust, leaving permanent alterations on the lung parenchyma or pleura. In our ten-year study, we investigated 318 workers with pleural asbestosis from whom we took medical history which included occupational exposure to asbestos, radiological examinations and lung function, which is mandatory for the diagnosis and the follow up of the disease. We analysed functional parameters such as forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and intermediate forced expiratory flow at 25% to 75% (FEF25%-75%). In addition, we investigated the predicted values of functional parameters according to smoking and non-smoking habits. We found a significant reduction in vital capacity, particularly in smokers after 25 years of exposure to asbestos. During the first 15 years, values of vital capacity on the group basis remained inside the 80% of the normal values and were not significant for assessing the dynamics of the lung function. To better assess the effects of occupational asbestos exposure, it is necessary to interpret lung function data not only on the group basis, but also for each subject individually. Dinamika Funkcije Pluća Kod Azbestne Bolesti Azbestoza je bolest izazvana udisanjem azbestnih čestica koje ostavljaju trajne promjene na parenhimu pluća i/ili pleuri. Dijagnoza se postavlja na osnovi anamnestičkih podataka, uvidom u profesionalnu izloženost azbestu i radiološkom obradom te patohistološkom potvrdom promjena na plućima i/ili pleuri. Funkcionalna obrada pluća obavezna je u postavljanju dijagnoze i praćenju bolesti. Tijekom desetogodišnjeg istraživanja funkcionalno smo obradili 318 osoba profesionalno izloženih azbestu s dokazanom azbestozom pleure. Analizirane su vrijednosti funkcionalnih parametara, i to forsiranoga vitalnog kapaciteta (FVC), forsiranoga ekspiracijskog volumena u prvoj sekundi (FEV1) i srednjega ekspiracijskog protoka (FEF25%--75%)). Dokazan je statistički signifikantan pad vrijednosti FVC i FEV1. Dodatno smo istražili vrijednosti funkcionalnih parametara kod naših ispitanika s navikom pušenja i nepušača. U obje skupine prisutno je značajno sniženje vrijednosti vitalnog kapaciteta tijekom istraživanja, s tim da nakon 25 godina izloženosti azbestu kod pušača dolazi do naglog pada vrijednosti vitalnog kapaciteta u odnosu na nepušače. Bitno je uočiti da tijekom prvih 15 godina vrijednosti vitalnog kapaciteta ostaju unutar 80% normalnih vrijednosti te nemaju značenja za praćenje dinamike funkcije pluća kod azbestne bolesti. Individualnim praćenjem profesionalno izloženih radnika ostvaruje se bolji uvid u dinamiku funkcije pluća kod azbestne bolesti.
Paediatria Croatica | 2016
Josip Hajdić; Neven Pavlov; Slavica Dragišić Ivulić
Cilj istraživanja: Ustvrditi pogorsava li pasivno pusenje vrijednosti spirometrijskih i alergijskih parametara mjerenih iz krvi; provjeriti postoj
Pediatric Pulmonology | 2002
Stipan Janković; Neven Pavlov; Ante Ivkošić; Ivana Erceg; Meri Glavina-Durdov; Jadranka Tocilj; Slavica Dragišić-Ivulić; Dragan Primorac
Collegium Antropologicum | 2006
Ivana Goić-Barišić; Anteo Bradarić; Marko Erceg; Igor Barišić; Nikola Foretić; Neven Pavlov; Jadranka Tocilj
F1000Research | 2010
Neven Pavlov; Slavica Dragišić-Ivulić; Julije Meštrović; Joško Markić; Branka Polić
Zbornik radova XXVIII simpozij Hrvatskog društva za pedijatrijsku pulmologiju | 2015
Srđan Banac; Vojko Rožmanić; Neven Pavlov; Goran Tešović; Marija Radonić
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik | 2015
Neven Pavlov; Slavica Dragišić-Ivulić; Majce As; Marija Tonkić; Ivana Goić-Barišić
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik | 2015
Neven Pavlov; Slavica Dragišić-Ivulić; Ana Simičić Majce; Marija Tonkić; Ivana Goić-Barišić