Niall McLoughlin
University of Manchester
European Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Jason Berwick; David Johnston; Myles Jones; John Martindale; Peter Redgrave; Niall McLoughlin; Ingo Schiessl; John E. W. Mayhew
Optical imaging slit spectroscopy is a powerful method for estimating quantitative changes in cerebral haemodynamics, such as deoxyhaemoglobin, oxyhaemoglobin and blood volume (Hbr, HbO2 and Hbt, respectively). Its disadvantage is that there is a large loss of spatial data as one image dimension is used to encode spectral wavelength information. Single wavelength optical imaging, on the other hand, produces high‐resolution spatiotemporal maps of brain activity, but yields only indirect measures of Hbr, HbO2 and Hbt. In this study we perform two‐dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy (2D‐OIS) in rat barrel cortex during contralateral whisker stimulation to obtain two‐dimensional maps over time of Hbr, HbO2 and Hbt. The 2D‐OIS was performed by illuminating the cortex with four wavelengths of light (575, 559, 495 and 587 nm), which were presented sequentially at a high frame rate (32 Hz). The contralateral whisker pad was stimulated using two different durations: 1 and 16 s (5 Hz, 1.2 mA). Control experiments used a hypercapnic (5% CO2) challenge to manipulate baseline blood flow and volume in the absence of corresponding neural activation. The 2D‐OIS method allowed separation of artery, vein and parenchyma regions. The magnitude of the haemodynamic response elicited varied considerably between different vascular compartments; the largest responses in Hbt were in the arteries and the smallest in the veins. Phase lags in the HbO2 response between arteries and veins suggest that a process of upstream signalling maybe responsible for dilating the arteries. There was also a consistent increase in Hbr from arterial regions after whisker stimulation.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering | 2000
Ingo Schiessl; M. Stetter; John E. W. Mayhew; Niall McLoughlin; J.S. Lund; K. Obermayer
Optical imaging is the video recording of two-dimensional patterns of changes in light reflectance from cortical tissue evoked by stimulation. We derived a method, extended spatial decorrelation (ESD), that uses second-order statistics in space for separating the intrinsic signals into the stimulus related components and the nonspecific variations. The performance of ESD on model data is compared to independent component analysis algorithms using statistics of fourth and higher order. Robustness against sensor noise is scored. When applied to optical images, ESD separates the stimulus specific signal well from biological noise and artifacts.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2009
Frederick Federer; Jennifer M. Ichida; Janelle Jeffs; Ingo Schiessl; Niall McLoughlin; Alessandra Angelucci
In the primate visual system, areas V1 and V2 distribute information they receive from the retina to all higher cortical areas, sorting this information into dorsal and ventral streams. Therefore, knowledge of the organization of projections between V1 and V2 is crucial to understand how the cortex processes visual information. In primates, parallel output pathways from V1 project to distinct V2 stripes. The traditional tripartite division of V1-to-V2 projections was recently replaced by a bipartite scheme, in which thin stripes receive V1 inputs from blob columns, and thick and pale stripes receive common input from interblob columns. Here, we demonstrate that thick and pale stripes, instead, receive spatially segregated V1 inputs and that the interblob is partitioned into two compartments: the middle of the interblob projecting to pale stripes and the blob/interblob border region projecting to thick stripes. Double-labeling experiments further demonstrate that V1 cells project to either thick or pale stripes, but rarely to both. We also find laminar specialization of V1 outputs, with layer 4B contributing projections mainly to thick stripes, and no projections to one set of pale stripes. These laminar differences suggest different contribution of magno, parvo, and konio inputs to each V1 output pathway. These results provide a new foundation for parallel processing models of the visual system by demonstrating four V1-to-V2 pathways: blob columns-to-thin stripes, blob/interblob border columns-to-thick stripes, interblob columns-to-palelateral stripes, layer 2/3–4A interblobs-to-palemedial stripes.
NeuroImage | 2006
Niall McLoughlin; Ingo Schiessl
Orientation selectivity is a ubiquitous property of the primary visual cortex of mammals. Within the primate, orientation selectivity is arranged into vertical columns that are organized into a regular patchy pattern. Previous studies, in old world primates, have noted an anisotropy in this arrangement that appears to be due to the presence of ocular dominance columns within the same tissue. In addition, orientation selective responses appear to be arranged into bands of activity within the adjoining extrastriate region V2. Little is known about the precise arrangement of orientation columns within V2. In this study, we examined the layout of orientation columns within both V1 and V2 of a new world primate, the common marmoset, using optical imaging. New world primates have the advantage that, unlike the macaque, V2 exists on the cortical surface, a requirement for this form of optical mapping. We found the arrangement of orientation columns to be isotropic within marmoset V1 with an average repeat distance of around 575 mum, smaller than the repeat distance previously reported for the macaque. We found no evidence of ocular dominance within the animals tested supporting the claim that ocular dominance columns when present distort the mapping of orientation in V1. In V2 we found that orientation columns were larger and as in other primates were represented in discrete bands throughout V2. Orientation columns were spaced on average around 1 mm apart. This suggests that, at least in the marmoset, the visual system maps orientation at a different scale within V1 and V2.
NeuroImage | 2003
Ingo Schiessl; Niall McLoughlin
We examined the retinotopic mapping of the visual world in the primary visual cortex of the marmoset monkey using differential optical imaging. Two sets of complementary stripe-like locations were visually stimulated in turn. Their difference depicts the cortical representations of continuous bands of visual space. By rotating the sets of stripe-like locations it is possible to map different spatial axes. Analogous to the macaque we found that the V1/V2 border represented the vertical meridian, while horizontal, 45-, and 135-degree angled stripes of space were also represented in a continuous manner. We developed a new automatic method of calculating local measures of cortical magnification from our optical retinotopic maps. Using this method we found no evidence of any local anisotropies in cortical representation. Overall our results indicate that space is mapped isotropically in the primary visual cortex of the common marmoset.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Xu An; Hongliang Gong; Jiapeng Yin; Xiaochun Wang; Yanxia Pan; Xian Zhang; Yiliang Lu; Yupeng Yang; Zoltan G. Toth; Ingo Schiessl; Niall McLoughlin; Wei Wang
Visual scenes can be readily decomposed into a variety of oriented components, the processing of which is vital for object segregation and recognition. In primate V1 and V2, most neurons have small spatio-temporal receptive fields responding selectively to oriented luminance contours (first order), while only a subgroup of neurons signal non-luminance defined contours (second order). So how is the orientation of second-order contours represented at the population level in macaque V1 and V2? Here we compared the population responses in macaque V1 and V2 to two types of second-order contour stimuli generated either by modulation of contrast or phase reversal with those to first-order contour stimuli. Using intrinsic signal optical imaging, we found that the orientation of second-order contour stimuli was represented invariantly in the orientation columns of both macaque V1 and V2. A physiologically constrained spatio-temporal energy model of V1 and V2 neuronal populations could reproduce all the recorded population responses. These findings suggest that, at the population level, the primate early visual system processes the orientation of second-order contours initially through a linear spatio-temporal filter mechanism. Our results of population responses to different second-order contour stimuli support the idea that the orientation maps in primate V1 and V2 can be described as a spatial-temporal energy map.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Xu An; Hongliang Gong; Niall McLoughlin; Yupeng Yang; Wei Wang
All moving objects generate sequential retinotopic activations representing a series of discrete locations in space and time (motion trajectory). How direction-selective neurons in mammalian early visual cortices process motion trajectory remains to be clarified. Using single-cell recording and optical imaging of intrinsic signals along with mathematical simulation, we studied response properties of cat visual areas 17 and 18 to random dots moving at various speeds. We found that, the motion trajectory at low speed was encoded primarily as a direction signal by groups of neurons preferring that motion direction. Above certain transition speeds, the motion trajectory is perceived as a spatial orientation representing the motion axis of the moving dots. In both areas studied, above these speeds, other groups of direction-selective neurons with perpendicular direction preferences were activated to encode the motion trajectory as motion-axis information. This applied to both simple and complex neurons. The average transition speed for switching between encoding motion direction and axis was about 31°/s in area 18 and 15°/s in area 17. A spatio-temporal energy model predicted the transition speeds accurately in both areas, but not the direction-selective indexes to random-dot stimuli in area 18. In addition, above transition speeds, the change of direction preferences of population responses recorded by optical imaging can be revealed using vector maximum but not vector summation method. Together, this combined processing of motion direction and axis by neurons with orthogonal direction preferences associated with speed may serve as a common principle of early visual motion processing.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2015
Stephen Jachim; Paul A. Warren; Niall McLoughlin; Emma Gowen
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, atypical communication and a restricted repertoire of interests and activities. Altered sensory and perceptual experiences are also common, and a notable perceptual difference between individuals with ASD and controls is their superior performance in visual tasks where it may be beneficial to ignore global context. This superiority may be the result of atypical integrative processing. To explore this claim we investigated visual integration in adults with ASD (diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome) using two psychophysical tasks thought to rely on integrative processing—collinear facilitation and contour integration. We measured collinear facilitation at different flanker orientation offsets and contour integration for both open and closed contours. Our results indicate that compared to matched controls, ASD participants show (i) reduced collinear facilitation, despite equivalent performance without flankers; and (ii) less benefit from closed contours in contour integration. These results indicate weaker visuospatial integration in adults with ASD and suggest that further studies using these types of paradigms would provide knowledge on how contextual processing is altered in ASD.
Perception | 2005
Niall McLoughlin; Philippa Cotton; Ingo Schiessl
We examined the fine-scale mapping of the visual world within the primary visual cortex of the marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) using differential optical imaging. We stimulated two sets of complementary stripe-like locations in turn, subtracting them to generate the cortical representations of continuous bands of visual space. Rotating this stimulus configuration makes it possible to map different spatial axes within the primary visual cortex. In a similar manner, shifting the stimulated locations between trials makes it possible to map retinotopy at an even finer scale. Using these methods we found no evidence of any local anisotropies or distortions in the cortical representation of visual space. This is despite the fact that orientation preference is mapped in a discontinuous manner across the surface of marmoset V1. Overall, our results indicate that space is mapped in a continuous and smooth manner in the primary visual cortex of the common marmoset.
Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences. 2015;282(1813). | 2015
Jiapeng Yin; Hongliang Gong; Xu An; Zheyuan Chen; Yiliang Lu; Ian M. Andolina; Niall McLoughlin; Wei Wang
Primates need to detect and recognize camouflaged animals in natural environments. Camouflage-breaking movements are often the only visual cue available to accomplish this. Specifically, sudden movements are often detected before full recognition of the camouflaged animal is made, suggesting that initial processing of motion precedes the recognition of motion-defined contours or shapes. What are the neuronal mechanisms underlying this initial processing of camouflaged motion in the primate visual brain? We investigated this question using intrinsic-signal optical imaging of macaque V1, V2 and V4, along with computer simulations of the neural population responses. We found that camouflaged motion at low speed was processed as a direction signal by both direction- and orientation-selective neurons, whereas at high-speed camouflaged motion was encoded as a motion-streak signal primarily by orientation-selective neurons. No population responses were found to be invariant to the camouflage contours. These results suggest that the initial processing of camouflaged motion at low and high speeds is encoded as direction and motion-streak signals in primate early visual cortices. These processes are consistent with a spatio-temporal filter mechanism that provides for fast processing of motion signals, prior to full recognition of camouflage-breaking animals.