
Featured researches published by Nick Tovar.

Journal of Dental Research | 2012

Nano Hydroxyapatite-coated Implants Improve Bone Nanomechanical Properties

Ryo Jimbo; Paulo G. Coelho; Matthew Bryington; Marta Baldassarri; Nick Tovar; Fredrik Currie; Mariko Hayashi; Malvin N. Janal; Martin Andersson; Daisuke Ono; Stefan Vandeweghe; Ann Wennerberg

Nanostructure modification of dental implants has long been sought as a means to improve osseointegration through enhanced biomimicry of host structures. Several methods have been proposed and demonstrated for creating nanotopographic features; here we describe a nanoscale hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated implant surface and hypothesize that it will hasten osseointegration and improve its quality relative to that of non-coated implants. Twenty threaded titanium alloy implants, half prepared with a stable HA nanoparticle surface and half grit-blasted, acid-etched, and heat-treated (HT), were inserted into rabbit femurs. Pre-operatively, the implants were morphologically and topographically characterized. After 3 weeks of healing, the samples were retrieved for histomorphometry. The nanomechanical properties of the surrounding bone were evaluated by nanoindentation. While both implants revealed similar bone-to-implant contact, the nanoindentation demonstrated that the tissue quality was significantly enhanced around the HA-coated implants, validating the postulated hypothesis.

Dental Materials | 2015

Osseointegration: hierarchical designing encompassing the macrometer, micrometer, and nanometer length scales.

Paulo G. Coelho; Ryo Jimbo; Nick Tovar; Estevam A. Bonfante

OBJECTIVE Osseointegration has been a proven concept in implant dentistry and orthopedics for decades. Substantial efforts for engineering implants for reduced treatment time frames have focused on micrometer and most recently on nanometer length scale alterations with negligible attention devoted to the effect of both macrometer design alterations and surgical instrumentation on osseointegration. This manuscript revisits osseointegration addressing the individual and combined role of alterations on the macrometer, micrometer, and nanometer length scales on the basis of cell culture, preclinical in vivo studies, and clinical evidence. METHODS A critical appraisal of the literature was performed regarding the impact of dental implant designing on osseointegration. Results from studies with different methodological approaches and the commonly observed inconsistencies are discussed. RESULTS It is a consensus that implant surface topographical and chemical alterations can hasten osseointegration. However, the tailored combination between multiple length scale design parameters that provides maximal host response is yet to be determined. SIGNIFICANCE In spite of the overabundant literature on osseointegration, a proportional inconsistency in findings hitherto encountered warrants a call for appropriate multivariable study designing to ensure that adequate data collection will enable osseointegration maximization and/or optimization, which will possibly lead to the engineering of endosteal implant designs that can be immediately placed/loaded regardless of patient dependent conditions.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A | 2012

Argon-based atmospheric pressure plasma enhances early bone response to rough titanium surfaces

Paulo G. Coelho; Gabriela Giro; Hellen S. Teixeira; Charles Marin; Lukas Witek; Van P. Thompson; Nick Tovar; Nelson R.F.A. Silva

This study investigated the effect of an Argon-based atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) surface treatment operated chairside at atmospheric pressure conditions applied immediately prior to dental implant placement in a canine model. Surfaces investigated comprised: rough titanium surface (Ti) and rough titanium surface + Argon-based APP (Ti-Plasma). Surface energy was characterized by the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaelble method and chemistry by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Six adult beagles dogs received two plateau-root form implants (n = 1 each surface) in each radii, providing implants that remained 1 and 3 weeks in vivo. Histometric parameters assessed were bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO). Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskall-Wallis (95% level of significance) and Dunns post-hoc test. The XPS analysis showed peaks of Ti, C, and O for the Ti and Ti- Plasma surfaces. Both surfaces presented carbon primarily as hydrocarbon (C-C, C-H) with lower levels of oxidized carbon forms. The Ti-Plasma presented large increase in the Ti (+11%) and O (+16%) elements for the Ti- Plasma group along with a decrease of 23% in surface-adsorbed C content. At 1 week no difference was found in histometric parameters between groups. At 3 weeks significantly higher BIC (>300%) and mean BAFO (>30%) were observed for Ti-Plasma treated surfaces. From a morphologic standpoint, improved interaction between connective tissue was observed at 1 week, likely leading to more uniform and higher bone formation at 3 weeks for the Ti-Plasma treated implants was observed.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B | 2015

Shrinkage assessment of low shrinkage composites using micro‐computed tomography

Ronaldo Hirata; Emanuele Clozza; Marcelo Giannini; Ehsan Farrokhmanesh; Malvin N. Janal; Nick Tovar; Estevam A. Bonfante; Paulo G. Coelho

OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to quantify the polymerization volumetric shrinkage of one regular and two low shrinkage bulk fill composites in class I cavities with or without an adhesive layer, using three-dimensional (3D) micro-computed tomography (μCT). METHODS Class I cavity preparations (2.5 mm depth × 4 mm length × 4 mm wide) were standardized in 36 extracted human third molars, which were randomly divided in six groups (n = 6 each) as follows: Group VIT (regular composite without bonding agent); Group SDR (low shrinkage flowable composite without bonding agent); Group TET (low shrinkage composite without bonding agent); Group VIT/P (regular composite with bonding agent); Group SDR/X (low shrinkage flowable composite with bonding agent); TET/T (low shrinkage composite with bonding agent). Each tooth was scanned via µCT at cavity preparation, immediately after cavity filling, and after light-curing. Acquired μCT data were imported into Amira software for analysis and volume values evaluated between steps from cavity preparation until light-curing. RESULTS Both low shrinkage composites showed a significantly less volumetric shrinkage than VIT. The use of dental adhesive significantly decreased the average volumetric contraction similarly for the three composites, by about 20%. CONCLUSION Both low shrinkage composites showed less volumetric polymerization contraction than the regular composite. The use of dental adhesive decreased the total volumetric shrinkage for all evaluated composites.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B | 2012

Mechanical properties of human bone surrounding plateau root form implants retrieved after 0.3–24 years of function†‡

Marta Baldassarri; Estevam A. Bonfante; Marcelo Suzuki; Charles Marin; Rodrigo Granato; Nick Tovar; Paulo G. Coelho

Bone remodeling, along with tissue biomechanics, is critical for the clinical success of endosseous implants. This study evaluated the long-term evolution of the elastic modulus (GPa) and hardness (GPa) of cortical bone around human retrieved plateau root form implants. Thirty implant-in-bone specimens showing no clinical failure were retrieved from patients at different in-vivo times (0.3 to ~24 years) due to retreatment needs. After dehydration, specimens were embedded in methacrylate-based resin, sectioned along the bucco-lingual long axis and fixed to acrylic plates and nondecalcified processed to slides with ~50 μm in thickness. Nanoindentation testing was carried out under wet conditions on bone areas within the first three plateaus. Indentations (n = 120 per implant total) were performed with a maximum load of 300 μN (loading rate: 60 μN/s) followed by a holding and unloading time of 10 s and 2 s, respectively. Elastic modulus (E, GPa) and hardness (H, GPa) were computed. Both E and H values presented increased values as time in vivo elapsed (E: r = 0.84; H: r = 0.78). Significantly higher values for E and H were found after 5 years in vivo (p < 0.001). Maxillary or mandibulary arches or positioning did not affect mechanical properties, nor did implant surface treatment on the long-term bone biomechanical response (E: p ≥ 0.09; H: p ≥ 0.3). This work suggests that human cortical bone around plateau root form implants presents an increase in elastic modulus and hardness during the first 5 years following implantation and presents stable mechanical properties thereafter.

International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2014

The impact of a modified cutting flute implant design on osseointegration

Ryo Jimbo; Nick Tovar; Charles Marin; Hellen S. Teixeira; Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta; Lucas Silveira; Malvin N. Janal; J.A. Shibli; Paulo G. Coelho

Information concerning the effects of the implant cutting flute design on initial stability and its influence on osseointegration in vivo is limited. This study evaluated the early effects of implants with a specific cutting flute design placed in the sheep mandible. Forty-eight dental implants with two different macro-geometries (24 with a specific cutting flute design - Blossom group; 24 with a self-tapping design - DT group) were inserted into the mandibular bodies of six sheep; the maximum insertion torque was recorded. Samples were retrieved and processed for histomorphometric analysis after 3 and 6 weeks. The mean insertion torque was lower for Blossom implants (P<0.001). No differences in histomorphometric results were observed between the groups. At 3 weeks, P=0.58 for bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and P=0.52 for bone area fraction occupied (BAFO); at 6 weeks, P=0.55 for BIC and P=0.45 for BAFO. While no histomorphometric differences were observed, ground sections showed different healing patterns between the implants, with better peri-implant bone organization around those with the specific cutting flute design (Blossom group). Implants with the modified cutting flute design had a significantly reduced insertion torque compared to the DT implants with a traditional cutting thread, and resulted in a different healing pattern.

International Journal of Biomaterials | 2013

Plasma treatment maintains surface energy of the implant surface and enhances osseointegration

Fernando Pozzi Semeghini Guastaldi; Daniel Y Yoo; Charles Marin; Ryo Jimbo; Nick Tovar; Darceny Zanetta-Barbosa; Paulo G. Coelho

The surface energy of the implant surface has an impact on osseointegration. In this study, 2 surfaces: nonwashed resorbable blasting media (NWRBM; control) and Ar-based nonthermal plasma 30 days (Plasma 30 days; experimental), were investigated with a focus on the surface energy. The surface energy was characterized by the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaelble method and the chemistry by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Five adult beagle dogs received 8 implants (n = 2 per surface, per tibia). After 2 weeks, the animals were euthanized, and half of the implants (n = 20) were removal torqued and the other half were histologically processed (n = 20). The bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) were evaluated on the histologic sections. The XPS analysis showed peaks of C, Ca, O, and P for the control and experimental surfaces. While no significant difference was observed for BIC parameter (P > 0.75), a higher level for torque (P < 0.02) and BAFO parameter (P < 0.01) was observed for the experimental group. The surface elemental chemistry was modified by the plasma and lasted for 30 days after treatment resulting in improved biomechanical fixation and bone formation at 2 weeks compared to the control group.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A | 2014

Increased osseointegration effect of bone morphogenetic protein 2 on dental implants: An in vivo study

Daniel Yoo; Nick Tovar; Ryo Jimbo; Charles Marin; Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta; Lucas Silveira Machado; Jin Kim Montclare; Fernando Pozzi Semeghini Guastaldi; Malvin N. Janal; Paulo G. Coelho

Application of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2) to implant surfaces has been of great interest due to its osteoinductive potential. However, the optimal coating methodology has not been clarified. The objective of the study was to determine whether the application of rhBMP-2 onto plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite implant surfaces by immersion in protein solution before implant installation would result in significantly improved bone apposition. Using a sheep iliac model, titanium (Ti) and plasma-sprayed calcium-phosphate (PSCaP)-coated implants uncoated and coated with rhBMP-2 were assessed for their osteogenic effects in the peri-implant area over time in terms of osseointegration and de novo bone formation. After 3 and 6 weeks postoperatively, the samples were retrieved and were subjected to bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) evaluation. When rhBMP-2 was applied to the PSCaP surface, significant increases in BIC and BAFO were observed at 3 weeks in vivo, whereas when adsorbed directly onto the titanium implant surface, rhBMP-2 did not as effectively improve the bone response (although significantly higher than control Ti). The outcomes of the present study suggested that the combination of plasma-sprayed calcium-phosphate surface and rhBMP-2 coating significantly enhanced osseointegration, which validated the postulated hypothesis.

Bone | 2014

Nanometer-scale features on micrometer-scale surface texturing: A bone histological, gene expression, and nanomechanical study

Paulo G. Coelho; Tadahiro Takayama; Daniel Yoo; Ryo Jimbo; Sanjay Karunagaran; Nick Tovar; Malvin N. Janal; Seiichi Yamano

Micro- and nanoscale surface modifications have been the focus of multiple studies in the pursuit of accelerating bone apposition or osseointegration at the implant surface. Here, we evaluated histological and nanomechanical properties, and gene expression, for a microblasted surface presenting nanometer-scale texture within a micrometer-scale texture (MB) (Ossean Surface, Intra-Lock International, Boca Raton, FL) versus a dual-acid etched surface presenting texture at the micrometer-scale only (AA), in a rodent femur model for 1, 2, 4, and 8weeks in vivo. Following animal sacrifice, samples were evaluated in terms of histomorphometry, biomechanical properties through nanoindentation, and gene expression by real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis. Although the histomorphometric, and gene expression analysis results were not significantly different between MB and AA at 4 and 8 weeks, significant differences were seen at 1 and 2 weeks. The expression of the genes encoding collagen type I (COL-1), and osteopontin (OPN) was significantly higher for MB than for AA at 1 week, indicating up-regulated osteoprogenitor and osteoblast differentiation. At 2 weeks, significantly up-regulated expression of the genes for COL-1, runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX-2), osterix, and osteocalcin (OCN) indicated progressive mineralization in newly formed bone. The nanomechanical properties tested by the nanoindentation presented significantly higher-rank hardness and elastic modulus for the MB compared to AA at all time points tested. In conclusion, the nanotopographical featured surfaces presented an overall higher host-to-implant response compared to the microtextured only surfaces. The statistical differences observed in some of the osteogenic gene expression between the two groups may shed some insight into the role of surface texture and its extent in the observed bone healing mechanisms.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A | 2013

Osseointegration assessment of chairside argon-based nonthermal plasma-treated Ca-P coated dental implants

Gabriela Giro; Nick Tovar; Lukasz Witek; Charles Marin; Nelson R.F.A. Silva; Estevam A. Bonfante; Paulo G. Coelho

This study investigated the effect of an Argon-based nonthermal plasma (NTP) surface treatment-operated chairside at atmospheric pressure conditions applied immediately prior to dental implant placement in a canine model. Surfaces investigated comprised: Calcium-Phosphate (CaP) and CaP + NTP (CaP-Plasma). Surface energy was characterized by the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaelble method and chemistry by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Six adult beagles dogs received 2 plateau-root form implants (n = 1 each surface) in each radii, providing implants that remained 1 and 3 weeks in vivo. Histometric parameters assessed were bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO). Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskall-Wallis (95% level of significance) and Dunns post-hoc test. The XPS analysis showed peaks of Ca, C, O, and P for the CaP and CaP-Plasma surfaces. Both surfaces presented carbon primarily as hydrocarbon (C-C, C-H) with lower levels of oxidized carbon forms. The CaP surface presented atomic percent values of 38, 42, 11, and 7 for C, O, Ca, and P, respectively, and the CaP-Plasma presented increases in O, Ca, and P atomic percent levels at 53, 12, and 13, respectively, in addition to a decrease in C content at 18 atomic percent. At 1 week no difference was found in histometric parameters between groups. At 3 weeks significantly higher BIC and BAFO were observed for CaP-Plasma treated surfaces. Surface elemental chemistry was modified by the Ar-based NTP. Ar-based NTP improved bone formation around plateau-root form implants at 3 weeks compared with CaP treatment alone.

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