
Human Reproduction Update | 2016

The role of infection in miscarriage

Sevi Giakoumelou; Nick Wheelhouse; Kate Cuschieri; Gary Entrican; Sarah E. M. Howie; Andrew W. Horne

BACKGROUND Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 12 weeks (early miscarriage) or from 12 to 24 weeks (late miscarriage) of gestation. Miscarriage occurs in one in five pregnancies and can have considerable physiological and psychological implications for the patient. It is also associated with significant health care costs. There is evidence that potentially preventable infections may account for up to 15% of early miscarriages and up to 66% of late miscarriages. However, the provision of associated screening and management algorithms is inconsistent for newly pregnant women. Here, we review recent population-based studies on infections that have been shown to be associated with miscarriage. METHODS Our aim was to examine where the current scientific focus lies with regards to the role of infection in miscarriage. Papers dating from June 2009 with key words ‘miscarriage’ and ‘infection’ or ‘infections’ were identified in PubMed (292 and 327 papers, respectively, on 2 June 2014). Relevant human studies (meta-analyses, case–control studies, cohort studies or case series) were included. Single case reports were excluded. The studies were scored based on the Newcastle – Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale. RESULTS The association of systemic infections with malaria, brucellosis, cytomegalovirus and human immunodeficiency virus, dengue fever, influenza virus and of vaginal infection with bacterial vaginosis, with increased risk of miscarriage has been demonstrated. Q fever, adeno-associated virus, Bocavirus, Hepatitis C and Mycoplasma genitalium infections do not appear to affect pregnancy outcome. The effects of Chlamydia trachomatis, Toxoplasma gondii, human papillomavirus, herpes simplex virus, parvovirus B19, Hepatitis B and polyomavirus BK infections remain controversial, as some studies indicate increased miscarriage risk and others show no increased risk. The latest data on rubella and syphilis indicate increased antenatal screening worldwide and a decrease in the frequency of their reported associations with pregnancy failure. Though various pathogens have been associated with miscarriage, the mechanism(s) of infection-induced miscarriage are not yet fully elucidated. CONCLUSIONS Further research is required to clarify whether certain infections do increase miscarriage risk and whether screening of newly pregnant women for treatable infections would improve reproductive outcomes.

American Journal of Pathology | 2011

Chlamydia trachomatis infection increases fallopian tube PROKR2 via TLR2 and NFκB activation resulting in a microenvironment predisposed to ectopic pregnancy

Julie L. V. Shaw; Gillian S. Wills; Kai-Fai Lee; Paddy J. Horner; Myra O. McClure; Vikki M. Abrahams; Nick Wheelhouse; Hilary O. D. Critchley; Gary Entrican; Andrew W. Horne

Chlamydia trachomatis and smoking are major risk factors for tubal ectopic pregnancy (EP), but the underlying mechanisms of these associations are not completely understood. Fallopian tube (FT) from women with EP exhibit altered expression of prokineticin receptors 1 and 2 (PROKR1 and PROKR2); smoking increases FT PROKR1, resulting in a microenvironment predisposed to EP. We hypothesize that C. trachomatis also predisposes to EP by altering FT PROKR expression and have investigated this by examining NFκB activation via ligation of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family of cell-surface pattern recognition receptors. PROKR2 mRNA was higher in FT from women with evidence of past C. trachomatis infection than in those without (P < 0.05), and was also increased in FT explants and in oviductal epithelial cell line OE-E6/E7 infected with C. trachomatis (P < 0.01) or exposed to UV-killed organisms (P < 0.05). The ability of both live and dead organisms to induce this effect suggests ligation of a cell-surface-expressed receptor. FT epithelium and OE-E6/E7 were both found to express TLR2 and TLR4 by immunohistochemistry. Transfection of OE-E6/E7 cells with dominant-negative TLR2 or IκBα abrogated the C. trachomatis–induced PROKR2 expression. We propose that ligation of tubal TLR2 and activation of NFκB by C. trachomatis leads to increased tubal PROKR2, thereby predisposing the tubal microenvironment to ectopic implantation.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Intranasal Infection with Chlamydia abortus Induces Dose-Dependent Latency and Abortion in Sheep

David Longbottom; Morag Livingstone; Stephen Maley; Arjan van der Zon; Mara Rocchi; Kim Wilson; Nick Wheelhouse; Mark P. Dagleish; Kevin Aitchison; Sean Wattegedera; Mintu Nath; Gary Entrican; David Buxton

Background Latency is a key feature of the animal pathogen Chlamydia abortus, where infection remains inapparent in the non-pregnant animal and only becomes evident during a subsequent pregnancy. Often the first sign that an animal is infected is abortion occurring late in gestation. Despite this, little is understood of the underlying mechanisms that control latency or the recrudescence of infection that occurs during subsequent pregnancy. The aim of this study was to develop an experimental model of latency by mimicking the natural route of infection through the intranasal inoculation of non-pregnant sheep with C. abortus. Methodology/Principal Findings Three groups of sheep (groups 1, 2 and 3) were experimentally infected with different doses of C. abortus (5×103, 5×105 and 5×107 inclusion forming units (IFU), respectively) prior to mating and monitored over 2 breeding cycles for clinical, microbiological, pathological, immunological and serological outcomes. Two further groups received either negative control inoculum (group 4a,b) or were inoculated subcutaneously on day 70 of gestation with 2×106 IFU C. abortus (group 5). Animals in groups 1, 2 and 5 experienced an abortion rate of 50–67%, while only one animal aborted in group 3 and none in group 4a,b. Pathological, microbiological, immunological and serological analyses support the view that the maternal protective immune response is influenced by initial exposure to the bacterium. Conclusions/Significance The results show that intranasal administration of non-pregnant sheep with a low/medium dose of C. abortus results in a latent infection that leads in a subsequent pregnancy to infection of the placenta and abortion. In contrast a high dose stimulates protective immunity, resulting in a much lower abortion rate. This model will be useful in understanding the mechanisms of infection underlying latency and onset of disease, as well as in the development of novel therapeutics and vaccines for controlling infection.

Human Reproduction | 2008

Expression of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor and elafin in human fallopian tube and in an in-vitro model of Chlamydia trachomatis infection

Anne E. King; Nick Wheelhouse; Sharon Cameron; Sarah E. McDonald; Kai-Fai Lee; Gary Entrican; Hilary O. D. Critchley; Andrew W. Horne

BACKGROUND Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) and elafin are anti-protease and anti-microbial molecules with a role in innate immune defence. They have been demonstrated at multiple mucosal surfaces including those of the female reproductive tract. METHODS AND RESULTS This study details their expression in human Fallopian tubes (ampullary region) throughout the menstrual cycle (n = 18) and from women with ectopic pregnancy (n = 6), and examined their regulation by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in an in-vitro model. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that SLPI and elafin were constitutively expressed in the Fallopian tube during the menstrual cycle but were increased in ectopic pregnancy (P < 0.05 versus early-mid luteal phase, P < 0.01 versus all phases, respectively). SLPI and elafin were immunolocalised to the Fallopian tube epithelium in biopsies from non-pregnant women and those with ectopic pregnancy. An in-vitro culture model of C. trachomatis infection of the OE-E6/E7 oviductal epithelial cell line showed that elafin mRNA expression was upregulated in response to chlamydial infection. CONCLUSION These data suggest that SLPI and elafin have a role in the innate immune defence of the Fallopian tube in infection and ectopic pregnancy. Their role is likely to include regulation of protease activity, wound healing and tissue remodelling.

Veterinary Microbiology | 2009

Molecular detection of Chlamydophila abortus in post-abortion sheep at oestrus and subsequent lambing.

Morag Livingstone; Nick Wheelhouse; Stephen W. Maley; David Longbottom

Enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE), resulting from infection with the bacterium Chlamydophila abortus (C. abortus), is a major cause of lamb loss in Europe. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential impact of the shedding of organisms in post-abortion ewes at oestrus and subsequent lambing on the epidemiology of EAE. Using a newly developed C. abortus specific real-time PCR assay, few chlamydial genomes could be detected in vaginal swabs taken from post-abortion ewes at oestrus. At subsequent parturition, all ewes lambed normally with no macroscopic or microbiological evidence of infection. Real-time PCR analysis of placental samples identified very few or no chlamydial genomes, which contrasted significantly with samples taken at the time of abortion, where an average of 2.7x10(7) chlamydial genomes per microgram of total tissue DNA was detected. Few genomes could also be detected from vaginal and cervical tissue samples and lymph nodes taken post-mortem. The results, although not discounting the possibility of a chronic low level persistent infection in post-abortion ewes, suggest that the low levels of chlamydial DNA detected during the periovulation period and at lambing do not significantly impact on the epidemiology of EAE. In terms of flock management, the products of abortion should be considered the major and principal source of infection for transmission to naïve ewes.

Vaccine | 2010

Evidence of Chlamydophila abortus vaccine strain 1B as a possible cause of ovine enzootic abortion.

Nick Wheelhouse; Kevin Aitchison; Karine Laroucau; Jill R. Thomson; David Longbottom

Chlamydophila abortus, the agent of ovine enzootic abortion (OEA), is a major cause of lamb mortality worldwide. Disease can be controlled through the use of vaccines based on the 1B temperature-sensitive mutant strain of C. abortus. This study investigated suspected OEA cases across Scotland for the presence of the 1B strain by analysis of recently identified unique point mutations (9). Thirty-five cases were C. abortus-positive and 14 came from vaccinated flocks. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis revealed the presence of point mutations consistent with the presence of the 1B vaccine strain in 5 of these 14 samples. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed comparable numbers of genome copies of the 1B strain in infected placentas to those present following wild-type infection. This study is the first to demonstrate the presence of the 1B vaccine strain in the placentas of OEA cases and suggests a probable causal role in the disease.

BMC Genomics | 2014

Genome sequencing and comparative analysis of three Chlamydia pecorum strains associated with different pathogenic outcomes

Michelle Sait; Morag Livingstone; Ewan M. Clark; Nick Wheelhouse; Lucy Spalding; Bryan Markey; Simone Magnino; Frederick A Lainson; Garry Myers; David Longbottom

BackgroundChlamydia pecorum is the causative agent of a number of acute diseases, but most often causes persistent, subclinical infection in ruminants, swine and birds. In this study, the genome sequences of three C. pecorum strains isolated from the faeces of a sheep with inapparent enteric infection (strain W73), from the synovial fluid of a sheep with polyarthritis (strain P787) and from a cervical swab taken from a cow with metritis (strain PV3056/3) were determined using Illumina/Solexa and Roche 454 genome sequencing.ResultsGene order and synteny was almost identical between C. pecorum strains and C. psittaci. Differences between C. pecorum and other chlamydiae occurred at a number of loci, including the plasticity zone, which contained a MAC/perforin domain protein, two copies of a >3400 amino acid putative cytotoxin gene and four (PV3056/3) or five (P787 and W73) genes encoding phospholipase D. Chlamydia pecorum contains an almost intact tryptophan biosynthesis operon encoding trpABCDFR and has the ability to sequester kynurenine from its host, however it lacks the genes folA, folKP and folB required for folate metabolism found in other chlamydiae. A total of 15 polymorphic membrane proteins were identified, belonging to six pmp families. Strains possess an intact type III secretion system composed of 18 structural genes and accessory proteins, however a number of putative inc effector proteins widely distributed in chlamydiae are absent from C. pecorum. Two genes encoding the hypothetical protein ORF663 and IncA contain variable numbers of repeat sequences that could be associated with persistence of infection.ConclusionsGenome sequencing of three C. pecorum strains, originating from animals with different disease manifestations, has identified differences in ORF663 and pseudogene content between strains and has identified genes and metabolic traits that may influence intracellular survival, pathogenicity and evasion of the host immune system.

Veterinary Journal | 2012

Involvement of Parachlamydia in bovine abortions in Scotland

Nick Wheelhouse; Fiona Howie; Jo Gidlow; Gilbert Greub; Mark P. Dagleish; David Longbottom

Bovine abortion represents a major animal welfare issue and a cause of substantial economic loss yet the rate of successful diagnosis remains low. Chlamydia-related organisms including Parachlamydia have recently emerged as putative cattle abortifacients. Placental tissue samples and fetal lung from bovine abortion submissions across Scotland in Spring 2011 were investigated by histopathology for the presence of suspect Chlamydia-related organisms. Evidence of Chlamydia-related organisms was observed in 21/113 (18.6%) placenta samples. Thirteen of the suspect cases and 18 histopathology negative cases were analysed by molecular and immunohistochemical methods. All samples were PCR positive for Parachlamydia but sequencing revealed high homology between identified environmental 16S sequences in all but three cases. Parachlamydial antigen was detected in 10/31 placental samples (32.2%) with pathology consistent with chlamydial infection. This work supports the need for further surveillance investigations and experimental studies to determine the role of Parachlamydia in bovine abortion.

Journal of Reproductive Immunology | 2009

Ovine trophoblast is a primary source of TNFα during Chlamydophila abortus infection

Nick Wheelhouse; Sean Wattegedera; James B. Stanton; Stephen Maley; Donna Watson; Catherine Jepson; David Deane; David Buxton; David Longbottom; Tim Baszler; Gary Entrican

Chlamydophila abortus is a Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium that causes infectious abortion in sheep (ovine enzootic abortion, OEA) and humans. Infected placentas recovered from sheep that experience OEA have thickened membranes, contain dense inflammatory cellular infiltrates and show evidence of intravascular thrombosis. Despite widespread inflammation, chlamydial multiplication is restricted to the chorionic trophoblast cells. To investigate the potential role of trophoblast in the initiation and propagation of placental inflammation during OEA, the AH-1 ovine trophoblast cell line was experimentally infected with C. abortus and analysed for the release of pro-inflammatory mediators. C. abortus was found to induce the release of both tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and CXCL8 (interleukin-8) from AH-1 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Ultra-violet (UV)-killed organisms did not elicit this profile, indicating that intracellular multiplication of C. abortus was required for release of these pro-inflammatory mediators. Exposure of AH-1 cells to recombinant ovine TNFalpha alone resulted in the release of CXCL8, suggestive of a self-propagating inflammatory cytokine and chemokine cascade. These data indicate a primary role for trophoblast in the initiation and propagation of placental inflammation during chlamydial abortion.

Veterinary Record | 2010

Parachlamydia involvement in bovine abortions in a beef herd in Scotland

Rita Deuchande; Jo Gidlow; George Caldow; James Baily; David Longbottom; Nick Wheelhouse; Nicole Borel; Gilbert Greub

WE report the preliminary findings of an investigation into Parachlamydia involvement in bovine abortions in a spring-calving beef herd in Scotland. To our knowledge, this organism has not yet been recognised in bovine abortions from British herds. The herd has experienced an annual abortion rate

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