Nicky Eshtiaghi
RMIT University
Water Research | 2013
Nicky Eshtiaghi; Flora Markis; Shao Dong Yap; Jean-Christophe Baudez; Paul Slatter
Sustainable sludge management is becoming a major issue for wastewater treatment plants due to increasing urban populations and tightening environmental regulations for conventional sludge disposal methods. To address this problem, a good understanding of sludge behaviour is vital to improve and optimize the current state of wastewater treatment operations. This paper provides a review of the recent experimental works in order for researchers to be able to develop a reliable characterization technique for measuring the important properties of sludge such as viscosity, yield stress, thixotropy, and viscoelasticity and to better understand the impact of solids concentrations, temperature, and water content on these properties. In this context, choosing the appropriate rheological model and rheometer is also important.
Water Research | 2011
Jean-Christophe Baudez; Flora Markis; Nicky Eshtiaghi; Paul Slatter
Producing biogas energy from the anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge is one of the most challenging tasks facing engineers, because they are dealing with vast quantities of fundamentally scientifically poorly understood and unpredictable materials; while digesters need constant flow properties to operate efficiently. An accurate estimate of sludge rheological properties is required for the design and efficient operation of digestion, including mixing and pumping. In this paper, we have determined the rheological behaviour of digested sludge at different concentrations, and highlighted common features. At low shear stress, digested sludge behaves as a linear viscoelastic solid, but shear banding can occur and modify the apparent behaviour. At very high shear stress, the behaviour fits well to the Bingham model. Finally, we show that the rheological behaviour of digested sludge is qualitatively the same at different solids concentrations, and depends only on the yield stress and Bingham viscosity, both parameters being closely linked to the solids concentration.
Bioresource Technology | 2014
Kevin Hii; Saeid Baroutian; Raj Parthasarathy; Daniel Gapes; Nicky Eshtiaghi
With rapid world population growth and strict environmental regulations, increasingly large volumes of sludge are being produced in todays wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) with limited disposal routes. Sludge treatment has become an essential process in WWTP, representing 50% of operational costs. Sludge destruction and resource recovery technologies are therefore of great ongoing interest. Hydrothermal processing uses unique characteristics of water at elevated temperatures and pressures to deconstruct organic and inorganic components of sludge. It can be broadly categorized into wet oxidation (oxidative) and thermal hydrolysis (non-oxidative). While wet air oxidation (WAO) can be used for the final sludge destruction and also potentially producing industrially useful by-products such as acetic acid, thermal hydrolysis (TH) is mainly used as a pre-treatment method to improve the efficiency of anaerobic digestion. This paper reviews current hydrothermal technologies, roles of wet air oxidation and thermal hydrolysis in sludge treatment, and challenges faced by these technologies.
Bioresource Technology | 2013
Saeid Baroutian; Nicky Eshtiaghi; Daniel Gapes
The main objective of this study was to investigate the rheology of mixed primary and secondary sludge and its dependency on solid content and temperature. Results of this study showed that the temperature and solid concentration are critical parameters affecting the mixed sludge rheology. It was found that the yield stress increases with an increase in the sludge solid content and decreases with increasing temperature. The rheological behaviour of sludges was modelled using the Herschel-Bulkley model. The results of the model showed a good agreement with experimental data. Depending on the total solid content, the average error varied between 3.25% and 6.22%.
Water Research | 2012
Nicky Eshtiaghi; Shao Dong Yap; Flora Markis; Jean-Christophe Baudez; Paul Slatter
Optimising flow processes in wastewater treatment plants requires that designers and operators take into account the flow properties of the sludge. Moreover, due to increasingly more stringent conditions on final disposal avenues such as landfill, composting, incineration etc., practitioners need to produce safer sludge in smaller quantities. Anaerobic digestion is a key treatment process for solids treatment and pathogen reduction. Due to the inherent opacity of sludge, it is impossible to visualise the mixing and flow patterns inside an anaerobic digester. Therefore, choosing an appropriate transparent model fluid which can mimic the rheological behaviour of sludge is imperative for visualisation of the hydrodynamic functioning of an anaerobic digester. Digested sludge is a complex material with time dependent non-Newtonian thixotropic characteristics. In steady state, it can be modelled by a basic power-law. However, for short-time processes the Herschel-Bulkley model can be used to model liquid-like properties. The objective of this study was to identify transparent model fluids which will mimic the behaviour of real sludge. A comparison of three model fluids, Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), Carbopol gel and Laponite clay revealed that these fluids could each model certain aspects of sludge behaviour. It is concluded that the rheological behaviour of sludge can be modelled using CMC in steady state flow at high shear rates, Carbopol gel for short-time flow processes and Laponite clay suspension where time dependence is dominant.
Water Research | 2013
Jean-Christophe Baudez; Rahul K. Gupta; Nicky Eshtiaghi; Paul Slatter
Over the last few decades, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment activities have been confronted with a dramatically increasing flow of sewage sludge. To improve treatment efficiency, process and material parameters are needed but engineers are dealing with vast quantities of fundamentally poorly understood and unpredictable material Thus, accurate prediction of critically important, but analytically elusive process parameters is unattainable and is a matter of grave concern. Because engineers need reliable flow properties to simulate the process, this work is an attempt to approach sludge rheological behaviour with well-known materials which have similar characteristics. Sludge liquid-like behaviour is already well documented so, we have focused mainly on the solid-like behaviour of both raw and digested sludge by performing oscillatory measurements in the linear and non-linear regimes. We have shown that the viscoelastic behaviour of sludge presents strong similarities with soft-glassy materials but differences can be observed between raw and digested sludge. Finally, we confirm that colloidal glasses and emulsions may be used to model the rheological behaviour of raw and anaerobic digested sludge.
Journal of Environmental Management | 2016
Amin Goli; Ahmad Shamiri; Amirreza Talaiekhozani; Nicky Eshtiaghi; Nasrin Aghamohammadi; Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua
The extensive amount of available information on global warming suggests that this issue has become prevalent worldwide. Majority of countries have issued laws and policies in response to this concern by requiring their industrial sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO2. Thus, introducing new and more effective treatment methods, such as biological techniques, is crucial to control the emission of greenhouse gases. Many studies have demonstrated CO2 fixation using photo-bioreactors and raceway ponds, but a comprehensive review is yet to be published on biological CO2 fixation. A comprehensive review of CO2 fixation through biological process is presented in this paper as biological processes are ideal to control both organic and inorganic pollutants. This process can also cover the classification of methods, functional mechanisms, designs, and their operational parameters, which are crucial for efficient CO2 fixation. This review also suggests the bio-trickling filter process as an appropriate approach in CO2 fixation to assist in creating a pollution-free environment. Finally, this paper introduces optimum designs, growth rate models, and CO2 fixation of microalgae, functions, and operations in biological CO2 fixation.
Water Science and Technology | 2012
Nicky Eshtiaghi; Flora Markis; Paul Slatter
Globally, wastewater treatment plants are under pressure to handle high concentration sludge in a sludge treatment line. Unawareness of the non-Newtonian behaviour of the thickened sludge has the potential to cause unexpected problems when the fluid behaviour changes from turbulent to laminar flow. In this study, sludge apparent viscosity was plotted as a function of total suspended solids concentration (TSS) and shear rate. Then, the transition velocity based on several predictive models in the literature was determined. This analysis provides a practical basis for the prediction of the pipe flow behaviour of thickened sludge in troubleshooting and engineering design.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-toxic\/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering | 2017
Ehsan Farno; Jean Christophe Baudez; Rajarathinam Parthasarathy; Nicky Eshtiaghi
ABSTRACT In a wastewater treatment process, energy is mainly used in sludge handling and heating, while energy is recovered by biogas production in anaerobic digestion process. Thermal pre-treatment of sludge can change the energy balance in a wastewater treatment process since it reduces the viscosity and yield stress of sludge and increases the biogas production. In this study, a calculation based on a hypothetical wastewater treatment plant is provided to show the possibility of creating a net positive energy wastewater treatment plant as a result of implementing thermal pre-treatment process before the anaerobic digester. The calculations showed a great energy saving in pumping and mixing of the sludge by thermal pre-treatment of sludge before anaerobic digestion process.
Water Research | 2016
Flora Markis; Jean-Christophe Baudez; Rajarathinam Parthasarathy; Paul Slatter; Nicky Eshtiaghi
Predicting the flow behaviour, most notably, the apparent viscosity and yield stress of sludge mixtures inside the anaerobic digester is essential because it helps optimize the mixing system in digesters. This paper investigates the rheology of sludge mixtures as a function of digested sludge volume fraction. Sludge mixtures exhibited non-Newtonian, shear thinning, yield stress behaviour. The apparent viscosity and yield stress of sludge mixtures prepared at the same total solids concentration was influenced by the interactions within the digested sludge and increased with the volume fraction of digested sludge - highlighted using shear compliance and shear modulus of sludge mixtures. However, when a thickened primary - secondary sludge mixture was mixed with dilute digested sludge, the apparent viscosity and yield stress decreased with increasing the volume fraction of digested sludge. This was caused by the dilution effect leading to a reduction in the hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic interactions when dilute digested sludge was added. Correlations were developed to predict the apparent viscosity and yield stress of the mixtures as a function of the digested sludge volume fraction and total solids concentration of the mixtures. The parameters of correlations can be estimated using pH of sludge. The shear and complex modulus were also modelled and they followed an exponential relationship with increasing digested sludge volume fraction.