Nikita Medvedev
Kaiserslautern University of Technology
Nature Communications | 2013
R. Riedel; A. Al-Shemmary; M. Gensch; Torsten Golz; M. Harmand; Nikita Medvedev; M. J. Prandolini; Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten; S. Toleikis; U. Wegner; Beata Ziaja; Nikola Stojanovic; F. Tavella
The resolution of ultrafast studies performed at extreme ultraviolet and X-ray free-electron lasers is still limited by shot-to-shot variations of the temporal pulse characteristics. Here we show a versatile single-shot temporal diagnostic tool that allows the determination of the extreme ultraviolet pulse duration and the relative arrival time with respect to an external pump-probe laser pulse. This method is based on time-resolved optical probing of the transient reflectivity change due to linear absorption of the extreme ultraviolet pulse within a solid material. In this work, we present measurements performed at the FLASH free-electron laser. We determine the pulse duration at two distinct wavelengths, yielding (184±14) fs at 41.5 nm and (21±19) fs at 5.5 nm. Furthermore, we demonstrate the feasibility to operate the tool as an online diagnostic by using a 20-nm-thin Si3N4 membrane as target. Our results are supported by detailed numerical and analytical investigations.
Physical Review B | 2015
Nikita Medvedev; Zheng Li; Beata Ziaja
As it is known from visible light experiments, silicon under femtosecond pulse irradiation can undergo the so-called ’nonthermal melting’ if the density of electrons excited from the valence to the conduction band overcomes a certain critical value. Such ultrafast transition is induced by strong changes in the atomic potential energy surface, which trigger atomic relocation. However, heating of a material due to the electron-phonon coupling can also lead to a phase transition, called ’thermal melting’. This thermal melting can occur even if the excited-electron density is much too low to induce non-thermal effects. To study phase transitions, and in particular, the interplay of the thermal and nonthermal effects in silicon under a femtosecond x-ray irradiation, we propose their unified treatment by going beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation within our hybrid model based on tight binding molecular dynamics. With our extended model we identify damage thresholds for various phase transitions in irradiated silicon. We show that electron-phonon coupling triggers the phase transition of solid silicon into a low-density liquid phase if the energy deposited into the sample is above 0:65 eV per atom. For the deposited doses of over 0:9 eV per atom, solid silicon undergoes a phase transition into high-density liquid phase triggered by an interplay between electron-phonon heating and nonthermal effects. These thresholds are much lower than those predicted with the Born-Oppenheimer approximation ( 2:1 eV/atom), and indicate a significant contribution of electron-phonon coupling to the relaxation of the laser-excited silicon. We expect that these results will stimulate dedicated experimental studies, unveiling in detail various paths of structural relaxation within laser-irradiated silicon.
New Journal of Physics | 2013
Nikita Medvedev; Harald O. Jeschke; Beata Ziaja
In this paper, we present a novel theoretical approach, which allows the study of nonequilibrium dynamics of both electrons and atoms/ions within free-electron laser excited semiconductors at femtosecond time scales. The approach consists of the Monte-Carlo method treating photoabsorption, high- energy-electron and core-hole kinetics and relaxation processes. Low-energy electrons localized within the valence and conduction bands of the target are treated with a temperature equation, including source terms, defined by the exchange of energy and particles with high-energy electrons and atoms. We follow the atomic motion with the molecular dynamics method on the changing potential energy surface. The changes of the potential energy surface and of the electron band structure are calculated at each time step with the help of the tight-binding method. Such a combination of methods enables investigation of nonequilibrium structural changes within materials under extreme ultraviolet (XUV) femtosecond irradiation. Our analysis performed for diamond irradiated with an XUV femtosecond laser pulse predicts for the first time in this wavelength regime the nonthermal phase transition from diamond to graphite.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2010
Nikita Medvedev; B. Rethfeld
We present a new model describing the irradiation of semiconductors with ultrashort laser pulses. Based on the earlier developed multiple rate equation [Rethfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 187401 (2004)], the model additionally includes the interaction of electrons with the phononic subsystem of the lattice and allows for the direct determination of the conditions for crystal damage. In contrast to commonly used approaches based on the thermodynamic description of the material, our model is applicable to nonequilibrium electronic conditions. Accounting for the dynamic changes in the optical properties of the target (i.e., reflectivity, photoabsorption coefficients), the developed model allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the damage by tracing the changes in the optical parameters, lattice heating and subsequent melting. Our model effectively describes the dynamics of the electronic subsystem and lattice heating and the results are in very good agreement with experimental measurements on the transient refl...
EPL | 2009
Nikita Medvedev; Bärbel Rethfeld
We study theoretically the electronic excitation within semiconductors under irradiation with an ultrashort VUV laser pulse as provided by the new free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg, Germany. Applying Monte Carlo technique we obtain the transient distribution of the excited electrons within solid silicon. We find the statistical nature of an effective energy gap for multiple electronic excitation, providing the fundamental understanding of the experimentally accessible pair creation energy measured as a long time limit. Considering photoabsorbtion, impact ionizations and Coster-Kroning transitions, we estimate the pair creation energy and give a general formula to calculate the effective energy gap for semiconductors.
Journal of Physics D | 2015
Nikita Medvedev; R.A. Rymzhanov; A.E. Volkov
The event-by-event Monte Carlo model, TREKIS, was developed to describe the excitation of the electron subsystems of various solids by a penetrating swift heavy ion (SHI), the spatial spreading of generated fast electrons, and secondary electron and hole cascades. Complex dielectric function formalism is used to obtain relevant cross sections. This allows the recognition of fundamental effects resulting from the collective response of the electron subsystem of a target for excitation that is not possible within the binary collision approximation of these cross sections, e.g. the differences in the electronic stopping of an ion and in the electron mean free paths for different structures (phases) of a material. A systematic study performed with this model for different materials (insulators, semiconductors and metals) revealed effects which may be important for an ion track: e.g. the appearance of a second front of excess electronic energy propagation outwards from the track core following the primary front of spreading of generated electrons. We also analyze how the initial ballistic spatial spreading of fast electrons generated in a track turns to the diffusion ~10 fs after ion passage. Detailed time-resolved simulations of electronic subsystem kinetics helped in understanding the reasons behind enhanced silicon resistance to SHI irradiation in contrast to easily produced damage in this material by femtosecond laser pulses. We demonstrate that the fast spreading of excited electrons from the track core on a sub-100 fs timescale prevents the Si lattice from nonthermal melting in a relaxing SHI track.
Nikita Medvedev
A detailed description of the method of calculation of electron inelastic scattering cross-section and mean free path in solid SiO2 is presented. The method is based upon the complex dielectric function formalism. It allows obtaining the inelastic mean free path of a charged particle in solids with high accuracy. The calculated inelastic mean free path of electrons in silicon dioxide presented in this contribution shows a very good agreement with the experimental data and with other theoretical calculations.
Scientific Reports | 2016
Beata Ziaja; Nikita Medvedev; Victor Tkachenko; Theophilos Maltezopoulos; W. Wurth
Femtosecond X-ray irradiation of solids excites energetic photoelectrons that thermalize on a timescale of a few hundred femtoseconds. The thermalized electrons exchange energy with the lattice and heat it up. Experiments with X-ray free-electron lasers have unveiled so far the details of the electronic thermalization. In this work we show that the data on transient optical reflectivity measured in GaAs irradiated with femtosecond X-ray pulses can be used to follow electron-lattice relaxation up to a few tens of picoseconds. With a dedicated theoretical framework, we explain the so far unexplained reflectivity overshooting as a result of band-gap shrinking. We also obtain predictions for a timescale of electron-lattice thermalization, initiated by conduction band electrons in the temperature regime of a few eVs. The conduction and valence band carriers were then strongly non-isothermal. The presented scheme is of general applicability and can stimulate further studies of relaxation within X-ray excited narrow band-gap semiconductors.
Photonics | 2015
Beata Ziaja; Zoltan Jurek; Nikita Medvedev; Vikrant Saxena; Sang-Kil Son; Robin Santra
Biological samples are highly radiation sensitive. The rapid progress of their radiation damage prevents accurate structure determination of single macromolecular assemblies in standard diffraction experiments. However, computer simulations of the damage formation have shown that the radiation tolerance might be extended at very high intensities with ultrafast imaging such as is possible with the presently developed and operating x-ray free-electron lasers. Recent experiments with free-electron lasers on nanocrystals have demonstrated proof of the imaging principle at resolutions down to 1:6 Angstroms. However, there are still many physical and technical problems to be clarified on the way to imaging of single biomolecules at atomic resolution. In particular, theoretical simulations try to address an important question: How does the radiation damage progressing within an imaged single object limit the structural information about this object recorded in its diffraction image during a 3D imaging experiment? This information is crucial for adjusting pulse parameters during imaging so that high-resolution diffraction patterns can be obtained. Further, dynamics simulations should be used to verify the accuracy of the structure reconstruction performed from the experimental data. This is an important issue as the experimentally recorded diffraction signal is recorded from radiation-damaged samples. It also contains various kinds of background. In contrast, the currently used reconstruction algorithms assume perfectly coherent scattering patterns with shot noise only. In this review paper, we discuss the most important processes and effects relevant for imaging-related simulations that are not yet fully understood, or omitted in the irradiation description. We give estimates for their contribution to the overall radiation damage. In this way we can identify unsolved issues and challenges for simulations of x-ray irradiated single molecules relevant for imaging studies. They should be addressed during further development of these simulation tools.
Physical Review B | 2017
Nikita Medvedev; Zheng Li; Victor Tkachenko; Beata Ziaja
In the present work, a theoretical study of electron-phonon (electron-ion) coupling rates in semiconductors driven out of equilibrium is performed. Transient change of optical coefficients reflects the band gap shrinkage in covalently bonded materials, and thus, the heating of atomic lattice. Utilizing this dependence, we test various models of electron-ion coupling. The simulation technique is based on tight-binding molecular dynamics. Our simulations with the dedicated hybrid approach (XTANT) indicate that the widely used Fermis golden rule can break down describing material excitation on femtosecond time scales. In contrast, dynamical coupling proposed in this work yields a reasonably good agreement of simulation results with available experimental data.