Nilgün Kazanci
Hacettepe University
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology | 2010
Sönmez Girgin; Nilgün Kazanci; Muzaffer Dügel
In the study, the relationship between some aquatic insect species (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata) and some heavy metals (cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, iron and manganese) and boron were assessed using data obtained from the Ankara Stream, which flows through Ankara, the capital city of Turkey and receives high organic and industrial wastes. Sampling was carried out monthly along the Ankara Stream in 1991. environmental data were used to explain biological variation using multivariate techniques provided by the program canonical correspondence analysis ordination. The ordination method canonical correspondence analysis was applied to evaluate the relationships between environmental variables and distribution of aquatic insect larvae. Data sets were classified by two way indicator species analysis. In this study, aquatic insecta communities have been shown by canonical correspondence analysis ordination as related to total hardness, pH, cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, iron, manganese and boron. Cadmium, lead, copper and boron exceeded limits of the United States Environmental Protection Agency criteria for aquatic life. Trichopteran, Dinarthrum iranicum was an indicator of two way indicator species analysis and was placed close to the arrow representing copper. Odonate, Aeschna juncea was an indicator of two way indicator species analysis in site 10 and was placed close to the arrows representing manganese, lead, and nickel. Trichopteran, Cheumatopsyche lepida and odonate, Platycnemis pennipes were indicators of two way indicator species analysis for sites 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 18 and were placed close to the arrows representing cadmium, boron, iron and total hardness.
Aquatic Insects | 1984
Nilgün Kazanci
Thirty‐five species of Ephemeroptera are recorded from Anatolia, Turkey. Twenty‐four of these species are recorded from Turkey for the first time.
Zoology in The Middle East | 1992
Nilgün Kazanci; Reiner-Hartmut Plasa; Eike Neubert; Afife İzbirak
Abstract The Lake of Koyceg¯iz (Koyceg¯iz Golu) in southwest Turkey is influenced by several external factors such as sulfuric springs, :Mediterranean seawater and a relatively strong changing wind. These give rise to an exceptional hydrochemistry and hydrophysics, which are reflected in the phyto and zooplankton. The complicated layer structure of the lake is determined more by chemical gradients than by temperature. The water body is divided in two layers of differing hydrology. The upper layer is subject to full circulation while the lower one is strictly stratified by chemical gradients caused by the sulfuric sources and an influx of-Mediterranean water. The lake can be classified as meromictic. Subsurface freshwater springs may well influence the system, but to a lesser degree. Phyto- and zooplankton are characterized by a limited number of species and a low biomass. ’This is due to a very thin euphotic zone as well as the brackish character of the lake water.
Aquatic Insects | 1987
Nilgün Kazanci
Ecdyonurus necatii sp.n. from Anatolia, Turkey, belonging to the lateralis group, is described and illustrated.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology | 2015
Nilgün Kazanci; P. Ekingen; Muzaffer Dügel; G. Türkmen
The Hirudinea species were collected from various running waters and lakes in Turkey. The sampling sites were located on Yeşilırmak River, streams in Yedigöller National Park, Büyük Menderes River, Lake Beyşehir, Lake Işıklı, Karamuk Marsh and Karadut Spring of Acıgöl Lake. Recorded species were evaluated with physicochemical variables such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, orthophosphate phosphorus and substratum structure. In this study, eight Hirudinea species were determined. These are Helobdella stagnalis, Erpobdella octoculata, Erpobdella testacea, Erpobdella vilnensis, Dina stschegolewi, Hirudo verbana, Limnatis nilotica, Haemopis sanguisuga. The relationships between leech species and water quality variables were assessed with canonical correspondence analysis. The results show that leech species which are found in the present study are able to live in different saprobic levels in streams and trophic levels in lakes, but they usually prefer polluted environments. Knowledge of ecological characteristics of leech species must be improved to use them in water quality assessment much more effectively.
Journal of Hydrology | 1995
C. Serdar Bayari; Nilgün Kazanci; Hayati Koyuncu; Selim S. Çaǧlar; Didem Gökçe
Abstract The Koyceǧiz Lake in south-western Turkey is a meromictic lake, comprised of waters of both thermal and cold-karstic origin. The lake is principally fed from surface flow, ground water recharge from alluvium and thermal discharges located at the bottom of the lake. As indicated by physical and chemical observations, the lake is composed of two hydrochemically distinct water layers. There is a transition zone between these two layers at a depth of approximately 10 m. The bottom layer, which contains more mineralized water, is recognized easily by the smell of hydrogen sulfide gas. A decrease in pH and dissolved oxygen and an increase in specific conductivity and ionic constituents are observed at the transition zone in depth profiles at all measurement sites throughout the year. The isotopic compositions of the representative observation points widely scatter and indicate the mixing of thermal and cold-karstic waters. As indicated by satellite imagery data, the morphology of the lake shores are primarily controlled by structural elements, which are mostly normal faults. Echo-sounding profiles point out that some of the fault lines, along which the lake bottom springs seem to be located, extend through the lake bottom. Current velocity observations also indicate possible sites of thermal ground water discharges located at the lake bottom.
Aquatic Insects | 1986
Ryszard Sowa; Tomáš Soldán; Nilgün Kazanci
Rhithrogena pontica sp.n. (male imago and male subimago) from eastern Turkey is described and figured. The species belongs to the sowai species‐group; its distinguishing characters are discussed.
Aquatic Insects | 2000
Carlo Belfiore; Mustafa Tanatmis; Nilgün Kazanci
Female imagines, subimagines, eggs and larvae of Electrogena antalyensis (Kazanci & Braasch) from Turkey are described for the first time. The results of a thorough analysis of larvae, based on the standard set of diagnostic characters for the identification of Electrogena species, are reported. The peculiarity of several characters places E. antalyensis in an isolated position within the genus Electrogena.
Aquatic Insects | 1985
Nilgün Kazanci
Leuctra brachyptera a short winged late autumn species, is described from Anatolia, Turkey. It holds an isolated position within the genus Leuctra.
Aquatic Insects | 1983
Nilgün Kazanci
Abstract In this paper, three new species of Turkish Plecoptera, Brachyplera demirsoyi sp.n., Leuctra kurui sp.n., and Xanthoperla yerkoyi sp.n. are described.