
The Astrophysical Journal | 2012

Stellar Diameters and Temperatures. II. Main-sequence K- and M-stars

Tabetha S. Boyajian; Kaspar von Braun; Gerard T. van Belle; Harold A. McAlister; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Stephen R. Kane; Philip S. Muirhead; Jeremy Jones; Russel J. White; Gail H. Schaefer; David R. Ciardi; Todd J. Henry; Mercedes Lopez-Morales; Stephen T. Ridgway; Douglas R. Gies; Wei-Chun Jao; Bárbara Rojas-Ayala; J. Robert Parks; Laszlo Sturmann; J. Sturmann; Nils H. Turner; C. Farrington; P. J. Goldfinger; David H. Berger

We present interferometric angular diameter measurements of 21 low-mass, K- and M-dwarfs made with the CHARA Array. This sample is enhanced by adding a collection of radius measurements published in the literature to form a total data set of 33 K-M-dwarfs with diameters measured to better than 5%. We use these data in combination with the Hipparcos parallax and new measurements of the stars bolometric flux to compute absolute luminosities, linear radii, and effective temperatures for the stars. We develop empirical relations for ~K0 to M4 main-sequence stars that link the stellar temperature, radius, and luminosity to the observed (B – V), (V – R), (V – I), (V – J), (V – H), and (V – K) broadband color index and stellar metallicity [Fe/H]. These relations are valid for metallicities ranging from [Fe/H] = –0.5 to +0.1 dex and are accurate to ~2%, ~5%, and ~4% for temperature, radius, and luminosity, respectively. Our results show that it is necessary to use metallicity-dependent transformations in order to properly convert colors into stellar temperatures, radii, and luminosities. Alternatively, we find no sensitivity to metallicity on relations we construct to the global properties of a star omitting color information, e.g., temperature-radius and temperature-luminosity. Thus, we are able to empirically quantify to what order the stars observed color index is impacted by the stellar iron abundance. In addition to the empirical relations, we also provide a representative look-up table via stellar spectral classifications using this collection of data. Robust examinations of single star temperatures and radii compared to evolutionary model predictions on the luminosity-temperature and luminosity-radius planes reveal that models overestimate the temperatures of stars with surface temperatures <5000 K by ~3%, and underestimate the radii of stars with radii <0.7 R_☉ by ~5%. These conclusions additionally suggest that the models over account for the effects that the stellar metallicity may have on the astrophysical properties of an object. By comparing the interferometrically measured radii for the single star population to those of eclipsing binaries, we find that for a given mass, single and binary star radii are indistinguishable. However, we also find that for a given radius, the literature temperatures for binary stars are systematically lower compared to our interferometrically derived temperatures of single stars by ~200 to 300 K. The nature of this offset is dependent on the validation of binary star temperatures, where bringing all measurements to a uniform and correctly calibrated temperature scale is needed to identify any influence stellar activity may have on the physical properties of a star. Lastly, we present an empirically determined H-R diagram using fundamental properties presented here in combination with those in Boyajian et al. for a total of 74 nearby, main-sequence, A- to M-type stars, and define regions of habitability for the potential existence of sub-stellar mass companions in each system.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2005

First results from the chara array. II. A description of the instrument

Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Harold A. McAlister; S. T. Ridgway; William G. Bagnuolo; Nils H. Turner; L. Sturmann; J. Sturmann; David H. Berger; Chad E. Ogden; R. Cadman; William I. Hartkopf; C. H. Hopper; Mark A. Shure

The CHARA Array is a six 1 m telescope optical/IR interferometric array located on Mount Wilson, California, designed and built by the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy of Georgia State University. In this paper we describe the main elements of the Array hardware and software control systems, as well as the data reduction methods currently being used. Our plans for upgrades in the near future are also described.

Science | 2007

Imaging the Surface of Altair

John D. Monnier; Ming Zhao; Ettore Pedretti; Nathalie D. Thureau; Michael J. Ireland; Philip S. Muirhead; J.-P. Berger; R. Millan-Gabet; G. T. van Belle; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Harold A. McAlister; S. T. Ridgway; Nils H. Turner; L. Sturmann; J. Sturmann; David H. Berger

Spatially resolving the surfaces of nearby stars promises to advance our knowledge of stellar physics. Using optical long-baseline interferometry, we constructed a near-infrared image of the rapidly rotating hot star Altair with a resolution of <1 milliarcsecond. The image clearly reveals the strong effect of gravity darkening on the highly distorted stellar photosphere. Standard models for a uniformly rotating star cannot explain our findings, which appear to result from differential rotation, alternative gravity-darkening laws, or both.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2012

Fundamental Properties of Stars Using Asteroseismology from Kepler and CoRoT and Interferometry from the CHARA Array

D. Huber; Michael J. Ireland; Timothy R. Bedding; I. M. Brandão; L. Piau; V. Maestro; T. R. White; H. Bruntt; Luca Casagrande; J. Molenda-Żakowicz; V. Silva Aguirre; S. G. Sousa; Christopher J. Burke; W. J. Chaplin; J. Christensen-Dalsgaard; M. S. Cunha; J. De Ridder; C. Farrington; A. Frasca; R. A. García; R. L. Gilliland; P. J. Goldfinger; S. Hekker; S. D. Kawaler; Hans Kjeldsen; H. McAlister; T. S. Metcalfe; A. Miglio; M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro; Marc H. Pinsonneault

We present results of a long-baseline interferometry campaign using the PAVO beam combiner at the CHARA Array to measure the angular sizes of five main-sequence stars, one subgiant and four red giant stars for which solar-like oscillations have been detected by either Kepler or CoRoT. By combining interferometric angular diameters, Hipparcos parallaxes, asteroseismic densities, bolometric fluxes, and high-resolution spectroscopy, we derive a full set of near-model-independent fundamental properties for the sample. We first use these properties to test asteroseismic scaling relations for the frequency of maximum power (?max) and the large frequency separation (??). We find excellent agreement within the observational uncertainties, and empirically show that simple estimates of asteroseismic radii for main-sequence stars are accurate to 4%. We furthermore find good agreement of our measured effective temperatures with spectroscopic and photometric estimates with mean deviations for stars between T eff = 4600-6200 K of ?22 ? 32 K (with a scatter of 97?K) and ?58 ? 31 K (with a scatter of 93?K), respectively. Finally, we present a first comparison with evolutionary models, and find differences between observed and theoretical properties for the metal-rich main-sequence star HD?173701. We conclude that the constraints presented in this study will have strong potential for testing stellar model physics, in particular when combined with detailed modeling of individual oscillation frequencies.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2006


Jason Paul Aufdenberg; A. M. Merand; V. Coudé du Foresto; Olivier Absil; E. Di Folco; P. Kervella; S. T. Ridgway; David H. Berger; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; H. McAlister; J. Sturmann; L. Sturmann; Nils H. Turner

We have obtained high-precision interferometric measurements of Vega with the CHARA Array and FLUOR beam combiner in the K’ band at projected baselines between 103m and 273m. The measured visibility amplitudes beyond the first lobe are significantly weaker than expected for a slowly rotating star characterized by a single effective temperature and surface gravity. Our measurements, when compared to synthetic visibilities and synthetic spectrophotometry from a Roche-von Zeipel gravitydarkened model atmosphere, provide strong evidence for the model of Vega as a rapidly rotating star viewed very nearly pole-on. Our model of Vega’s projected surface consists of two-dimensional intensity maps constructed from a library of model atmospheres which follow pole-to-equator gradients of effective temperature and surface gravity over the rotationally distorted stellar surface. Our best fitting model, in good agreement with both our interferometric data and archival spectrophotometric data, indicates that Vega is rotating at ∼91% of its angular break-up rate with an equatorial velocity of 275 km s −1 . Together with the measured v sin i, this velocity yields an inclination for the rotation axis of 5 ◦ . For this model the pole-to-equator effective temperature difference is 2250 K, a value much larger than previously derived from spectral line analyses. A polar effective temperature of 10150 K is derived from a fit to ultraviolet and optical spectrophotometry. The synthetic and observed spectral energy distributions are in reasonable agreement longward of 140 nm where they agree to 5% or better. Shortward of 140 nm, the model is up to 10 times brighter than observed. The far-UV flux discrepancy suggests a breakdown of von Zeipel’s Teff ∝ g 1/4 relation. The derived equatorial Teff of 7900 K indicates Vega’s equatorial atmosphere may be convective and provides a possible explanation for the discrepancy. The model has a luminosity of ∼37 L⊙, a value 35% lower than Vega’s apparent luminosity based on its bolometric flux and parallax, assuming a slowly rotating star. The model luminosity is consistent with the mean absolute magnitude of A0V stars from the W(H) − MV calibration. Our model predicts the spectral energy distribution of Vega as viewed from its equatorial plane; a model which may be employed in radiative models for the surrounding debris disk. Subject headings: methods: numerical — stars: atmospheres — stars: fundamental parameters (radii, temperature) — stars: rotation — stars:individual (Vega) — techniques: interferometric

The Astrophysical Journal | 2005

First results from the chara array. I. An interferometric and spectroscopic study of the fast rotator α leonis (Regulus)

Harold A. McAlister; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Douglas R. Gies; Wei-kuang Huang; William G. Bagnuolo; Mark A. Shure; J. Sturmann; L. Sturmann; Nils H. Turner; Stuart F. Taylor; David H. Berger; Ellyn K. Baines; Erika D. Grundstrom; Chad E. Ogden; S. T. Ridgway; G. T. van Belle

We report on K-band interferometric observations of the bright, rapidly rotating star Regulus (type B7 V) made with the CHARA Array on Mount Wilson, California. Through a combination of interferometric and spectroscopic measurements, we have determined for Regulus the equatorial and polar diameters and temperatures, the rotational velocity and period, the inclination and position angle of the spin axis, and the gravity darkening coefficient. These first results from the CHARA Array provide the first interferometric measurement of gravity darkening in a rapidly rotating star and represent the first detection of gravity darkening in a star that is not a member of an eclipsing binary system.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2013

Stellar Diameters and Temperatures. III. Main-sequence A, F, G, and K Stars: Additional High-precision Measurements and Empirical Relations

Tabetha S. Boyajian; Kaspar von Braun; Gerard T. van Belle; C. Farrington; Gail H. Schaefer; Jeremy Jones; Russel J. White; Harold A. McAlister; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Stephen T. Ridgway; Douglas R. Gies; Laszlo Sturmann; J. Sturmann; Nils H. Turner; P. J. Goldfinger; Norm Vargas

Based on CHARA Array measurements, we present the angular diameters of 23 nearby, main-sequence stars, ranging from spectral types A7 to K0, 5 of which are exoplanet host stars. We derive linear radii, effective temperatures, and absolute luminosities of the stars using Hipparcos parallaxes and measured bolometric fluxes. The new data are combined with previously published values to create an Angular Diameter Anthology of measured angular diameters to main-sequence stars (luminosity classes V and IV). This compilation consists of 125 stars with diameter uncertainties of less than 5%, ranging in spectral types from A to M. The large quantity of empirical data is used to derive color-temperature relations to an assortment of color indices in the Johnson (BVR_(J)I_(J)JHK), Cousins (R_(C)I_(C)), Kron (R_(K)I_(K)), Sloan (griz), and WISE (W_(3)W_(4)) photometric systems. These relations have an average standard deviation of ~3% and are valid for stars with spectral types A0-M4. To derive even more accurate relations for Sun-like stars, we also determined these temperature relations omitting early-type stars (T_eff > 6750 K) that may have biased luminosity estimates because of rapid rotation; for this subset the dispersion is only ~2.5%. We find effective temperatures in agreement within a couple of percent for the interferometrically characterized sample of main-sequence stars compared to those derived via the infrared flux method and spectroscopic analysis.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2006

Circumstellar material in the Vega inner system revealed by CHARA/FLUOR

Olivier Absil; E. Di Folco; A. M. Merand; J.-C. Augereau; V. Coudé du Foresto; Jason Paul Aufdenberg; P. Kervella; Stephen T. Ridgway; David H. Berger; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; J. Sturmann; L. Sturmann; Nils H. Turner; H. McAlister

Context. Only a handful of debris disks have been imaged up to now. Due to the need for high dynamic range and high angular resolution, very little is known about the inner planetary region, where small amounts of warm dust are expected to be found. Aims. We investigate the close neighbourhood of Vega with the help of infrared stellar interferometry and estimate the integrated K-band flux originating from the central 8 AU of the debris disk. Methods. We performed precise visibility measurements at both short (∼30 m) and long (∼150 m) baselines with the FLUOR beamcombiner installed at the CHARA Array (Mt Wilson, California) in order to separately resolve the emissions from the extended debris disk (short baselines) and from the stellar photosphere (long baselines). Results. After revising Vega’s K-band angular diameter (θUD = 3.202 ± 0.005 mas), we show that a significant deficit in squared visibility (∆V 2 = 1.88 ± 0.34%) is detected at short baselines with respect to the best-fit uniform disk stellar model. This deficit can be either attributed to the presence of a low-mass stellar companion around Vega, or as the signature of the thermal and scattered emissions from the debris disk. We show that the presence of a close companion is highly unlikely, as well as other possible perturbations (stellar morphology, calibration), and deduce that we have most probably detected the presence of dust in the close neighbourhood of Vega. The resulting flux ratio between the stellar photosphere and the debris disk amounts to 1.29 ± 0.19% within the FLUOR field-of-view (∼7.8 AU). Finally, we complement our K-band study with archival photometric and interferometric data in order to evaluate the main physical properties of the inner dust disk. The inferred properties suggest that the Vega system could be currently undergoing major dynamical perturbations.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2006

First Results from the CHARA Array. IV. The Interferometric Radii of Low-Mass Stars

David H. Berger; Douglas R. Gies; Harold A. McAlister; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Todd J. Henry; J. Sturmann; L. Sturmann; Nils H. Turner; S. T. Ridgway; Jason Paul Aufdenberg; A. M. Merand

We have measured the angular diameters of six M dwarfs with the CHARA Array, a long-baseline optical interferometer located at Mount Wilson Observatory. Spectral types range from M1.0 V to M3.0 Vand linear radii from 0.38 to 0.69 R� . These results are consistent with the seven other M dwarf radii measurements from optical interferometry and with those for 14 stars in eclipsing binary systems. We compare all directly measured M dwarf radii to model predictions and find that current models underestimate the true stellar radii by up to 15%‐20%. The differences are small among the metal-poor stars but become significantly larger with increasing metallicity. This suggests that theoretical models for low-mass stars may be missing some opacity source that alters the computed stellar radii.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2012


Tabetha S. Boyajian; Harold A. McAlister; Gerard T. van Belle; Douglas R. Gies; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; Kaspar von Braun; C. Farrington; P. J. Goldfinger; David Patrick O'Brien; J. Robert Parks; N. D. Richardson; Stephen T. Ridgway; Gail H. Schaefer; Laszlo Sturmann; J. Sturmann; Y. Touhami; Nils H. Turner; Russel J. White

We have executed a survey of nearby, main-sequence A-, F-, and G-type stars with the CHARA Array, successfully measuring the angular diameters of forty-four stars with an average precision of ~1.5%. We present new measures of the bolometric flux, which in turn leads to an empirical determination of the effective temperature for the stars observed. In addition, these CHARA-determined temperatures, radii, and luminosities are fit to Yonsei-Yale model isochrones to constrain the masses and ages of the stars. These results are compared to indirect estimates of these quantities obtained by collecting photometry of the stars and applying them to model atmospheres and evolutionary isochrones. We find that for most cases, the models overestimate the effective temperature by ~1.5%-4% when compared to our directly measured values. The overestimated temperatures and underestimated radii in these works appear to cause an additional offset in the stars surface gravity measurements, which consequently yield higher masses and younger ages, in particular for stars with masses greater than ~1.3 M_☉. Additionally, we compare our measurements to a large sample of eclipsing binary stars, and excellent agreement is seen within both data sets. Finally, we present temperature relations with respect to (B – V) and (V – K) colors as well as spectral type, showing that calibration of effective temperatures with errors ~1% is now possible from interferometric angular diameters of stars.

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