Nina Christenson
Karlstad University
Journal of Biological Education | 2015
Nina Christenson; Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren
Socio-scientific issues (SSI) have proven to be suitable contexts for students to actively reflect on and argue about complex social issues related to science. Research has indicated that explicitly teaching SSI argumentation is a good way to help students develop their argumentation skills and make them aware of the complexity of SSI. However, assessing the quality of students’ arguments on SSI is evidently difficult for many teachers. This article aims to facilitate teachers’ assessment of the quality of students’ arguments on SSI by introducing a new assessment framework that represents a low degree of complexity and exemplifying it by applying it to students’ written SSI argumentation concerning genetically modified organisms (GMO). The new assessment framework considers both the quality indicators presented in the research literature and curricular guidelines for the science courses in Swedish secondary and upper secondary school. The framework focuses on both the content and the structure that can be revealed in students’ SSI argumentation and is meant to function as a tool for identifying quality indicators that could serve as the basis for grading.
Journal of Science Education and Technology | 2012
Nina Christenson; Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren; Hans-Olof Höglund
Research in Science Education | 2014
Nina Christenson; Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren; Dana L. Zeidler
Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 | 2017
Mats Lundström; Karin Stolpe; Nina Christenson
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education | 2017
Nina Christenson; Niklas Gericke; Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren
ERIDOB 2016, 5-9 September, (European Researchers in Didactics of Biology) | 2016
Mats Lundström; Karin Stolpe; Nina Christenson
EASE (International Conference of East-Asia Association for Science Education),26-28 augusti Tokyo 2016. | 2016
Nina Christenson
Archive | 2015
Nina Christenson
ASERA 2015 (Australasian Science Education Research Association Conference) | 2015
Nina Christenson; Niklas Gericke; Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren
IOSTE 2014 (International Organisation for Science and Technology Education) | 2014
Nina Christenson