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Featured researches published by Nitin Mishra.
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR | 2014
Nitin Mishra; Madhur Kant Rastogi; Pratik Gahalaut; Shikha Agrawal
INTRODUCTION Vitiligo is an acquired, idiopathic skin disease characterized by progressive loss of the inherited skin color. Vitiligo has a special significance to patients in our country because depigmentation is obvious on dark skin and due to the enormous stigma that the disease carries. MATERIALS AND METHODS One hundred vitiligo patients aged more than 18 years were included in our hospital based study depending on inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the patients were asked to fill a validated Hindi version of DLQI questionnaire. DLQI scores and its interpretation were recorded separately. correlation of DLQI Scores with different variables like age, body surface area, duration of disease and socioeconomic status were studied using Pearsons correlations. Mean DLQI scores were also compared between different groups. RESULTS Male and female patient were statistically similar in all variables, like their age, BSA of the involvement and DLQI score. DLQI interpretation showed that out of 100 patients of vitiligo, 16 felt no effect of vitiligo on their quality of life while 84 patients reported small to very large effect on their quality of life. Out of this 84, 37 felt small effects, 21 felt moderate effect and rest 26 felt very large effect on their quality of life. There was no significant difference among the different groups mentioned except very large effect on quality of life seen significantly more in unmarried patients compared to married one. CONCLUSION Vitiligo although a cosmetic disease without any symptoms, it carry a significant social stigma especially in Indian society. Data interpretation in this study indicates that vitiligo affects QOL in majority of vitiligo patients and such patients require more aggressive and empathic attitude from a dermatologist to cure/improve this so called chronic cosmetic disease.
Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine | 2014
Pratik Gahalaut; Puneet Singh Soodan; Nitin Mishra; Madhur Kant Rastogi; Hardev Singh Soodan; Sandhya Chauhan
Isotretinoin has been used in combination with oral psoralen + UVA (PUVA) and narrowband UVB (NBUVB) for treating psoriasis, especially in women of child‐bearing age. The efficacy of oral psoralen + sun exposure (PUVAsol) is comparable to that of PUVA. This study was planned to compare the efficacy of oral PUVAsol with that of the combination of oral isotretinoin and PUVAsol in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis.
International Scholarly Research Notices | 2014
Pratik Gahalaut; Nitin Mishra; Sandhya Chauhan; Madhur Kant Rastogi
Introduction. Topical application of local anesthetics is currently considered to be the easiest, most effective, and convenient way for treatment of patients who may be undergoing superficial dermatosurgical procedures. Materials and Methods. This study compares the anesthetic potential of 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine topical cream with 7% lignocaine and 7% tetracaine combination cream for radio ablative dermatosurgery when applied, under occlusion, for 30 minutes. 40 subjects of achrocordons were enrolled in this split-side randomized trial. Result. The pain severity experienced by subjects in terms of visual analogue scale score was significantly lesser for lignocaine/tetracaine combination cream as compared to lidocaine/prilocaine combination. Conclusion. This small study proves the efficacy of lidocaine/tetracaine combination as a topical anesthetic cream when applied for a short time interval of 30 minutes. This will help a dermatosurgeon to perform various dermatological procedures in a better and efficient manner with a shorter waiting period for analgesia to set in.
Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology | 2014
Pratik Gahalaut; Sandhya Chauhan; Nitin Mishra; MadhurKant Rastogi; Richa Thakur
BACKGROUND Though drug promotion regulations exist worldwide, low quality of journal drug advertising is a global issue. Medical journals are regarded as a leading source of information for new drugs. They may also modulate prescribing behavior of physicians without their knowledge. A comparative analysis of advertisements from different countries may provide insights regarding strengths and weaknesses of different regulating systems. AIMS Prescription drug advertisements from the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology (IJDVL) and Journal of American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) were compared to check their compliance with criteria of World Health Organization (WHO) and International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA). METHODS All the prescription drug advertisements of at least one page length appearing in all the issues of IJDVL and JAAD from January 2012 till December 2012 were included in this study. The contents of both advertisements were compared for compliance regarding different criteria of ethical codes for drug advertising of WHO and IFPMA. Statistical analysis was done using Fishers exact test. RESULTS Compared to IJDVL, more advertisements in JAAD complied with WHO and IFPMA codes. On the whole, advertisements in IJDVL had significantly less information regarding the approved usage, dosage, abbreviated prescribing information (API), summary of scientific information, safety information regarding the drug, and references to the scientific literature to support various claims. However, JAAD had more advertisements with multiple claims than IJDVL, and many advertisements interspersed between scientific articles while IJDVL had none. CONCLUSION The complex issue of ethical drug advertising in dermatology journals requires constant review and discussion. Dermatologists should be cautious in assessing any advertisement or claim even if it seems evidence-based. The results from our study highlight the need for a global, proactive and effective regulatory system to ensure ethical medicinal drug advertising in medical journals.
Dermatology Research and Practice | 2014
Pratik Gahalaut; Nitin Mishra; Puneet Singh Soodan; Madhur Kant Rastogi
Background. Psoriasis is associated with a high impact on health-related QoL (quality of life). PUVAsol has been successfully used for treating psoriasis instead of standard PUVA therapy in developing countries. However, data for PUVAsol therapy and its effect on QoL in psoriatic patients is meagre. Objective. To investigate the effect of PUVAsol on the quality of life in patients having chronic plaque psoriasis. Materials and Methods. An observational prospective study done in patients having chronic plaque psoriasis. PASI and DLQI were calculated before initiating treatment with oral PUVAsol. These were compared with the respective scores after 12 weeks of regular treatment with PUVAsol. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 20.0. Results. Both PASI and DLQI showed statistically significant reduction after 12 weeks of regular treatment. 90% of patients responded favourably to PUVAsol therapy in the study and all the domains of DLQI showed significant reduction except domain of “work and school.” Conclusion. Our results show that regular PUVAsol treatment improves the physical appearance of disease as evident by decrease in PASI scores. It also improves the QoL of the patients. This study will add upon the growing evidence of efficacy of PUVAsol.
Invertis Journal of Science & Technology | 2016
Sumbul Shamshad Khan; Neelima Mehrotra; Pratik Gahalaut; Nitin Mishra; Uzair Zakai
A study was conducted by the department of dermatology in collaboration with department of ophthalmology, to determine the incidence of dry eye in patients prescribed isotretinoin for acne vulgaris. Thirty patients with acne were enrolled in this prospective study. Isotretinoin was administered at a dose of 0.5–1 mg/kg/day with food for 16 weeks. In all patients, torch light examination, visual acuity, slit lamp examination and Schirmer test, were evaluated, along with careful history taking about ocular symptoms. All these eye examinations were repeated before and during treatment, with isotretinoin by the same examiner at 0, 4, 8, 16 weeks. Results. No significant results were noted in visual acuity. On the other hand, the differences between Schirmer values that were evaluated before and during treatment were statistically significant (<0.05) developing in 8 patients. Subjective symptoms such as dryness and itching, occurred in 33% of the patients. Conclusion. Dry eye developed in almost 1/3rd patients who were prescribed isotretinoin.
Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology | 2016
Amit Shekhar; Pradeep Kumar Gupta; Pratik Gahalaut; Nitin Mishra
We report a rare fatal case of disseminated blastomycosis in an otherwise healthy 12-year-old child. He presented with multiple verrucous, hyperkeratotic suppurating plaques, and multiple sinuses discharging thick pus over the face, chest, and upper and lower limbs for the last 8 months. Clinical diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology which showed thick-walled, clustered refractile yeast cells with broad-based unidirectional budding resembling hyphae. Although he was vigorously treated by intravenous amphotericin-B and itraconazole, the child succumbed to death within 2 weeks of presentation. This case is being reported for its rarity and fatal outcome. Besides, in the present case, widespread cutaneous spread occurred without any other systemic involvement.
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR | 2015
Madhur Kant Rastogi; Astha Gupta; Puneet Singh Soodan; Nitin Mishra; Pratik Gahalaut
INTRODUCTION Awareness about skin beauty or cosmetic elegance has received worldwide attention in the present day youth oriented society. Along with careful detailed history and thorough examination patch test is considered cornerstone in diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fifty patients suspected clinical diagnosis of contact facial dermatitis due to attended the Department of Dermatology, were included in a hospital based study. The patch test was applied on the upper back of using 32 allergens present in Indian cosmetic series and 20 known allergens in Indian standard battery series procured from Systopic Pharmaceutical Ltd, after applying the patch test, the patient was asked to come after 48h and 72h for reading the results of the patch test. RESULTS Out of 50 patients there were 32 (64%) females (housewives 36%) patients and 18 (36%) male (farmers 12%). Itching was the most common presenting symptom in 39 patients (78%) least was hypopigmentation and pain in 2%. Forehead was the most common site of involvement in 25 patients (50%) least were cheeks in 15 patients (30%). Erythema was the commonest morphological presentation seen in 36 patients (72%). Hair dye was suspected in maximum number of patients that is 13 (26%). Most common antigen showing patch test positivity was paraphenylenediamine in nine patients (18%). There are significantly more chances of developing positive test reaction with Indian standard series compared to cosmetic series. (p=.0053 using Fischer Exact test). CONCLUSION In India there is no legislation regarding labeling ingredients on cosmetics as in the western countries, so labelling of the contents of cosmetic products should be the main challenge in cosmetic dermatitis is to identify.
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR | 2014
Sachin Pathak; Nitin Mishra; Madhur Kant Rastogi; Shalini Sharma
CONTEXT Removal of impacted third molar is a procedure that is often associated with post-operative complications. The rate of complications is somewhat high because of its proximity to the vital structures. Inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia is one of the common complications of impacted their molar surgery. This is due to intimate relationship between roots of mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar canal. To access the proximity of inferior alveolar canal to third molar many diagnostic methods are suggested but in conventional radiography orthopantamogram is considered as the best. There are many findings onorthopantamogram that are suggestive of close proximity of nerve to the canal. In this study authors reviewed seven radiographic findings related to proximity of roots to the inferior alveolar nerve as seen on orthopantamogram and try to find a relationship between these radiographic variables and presence of post-operative paresthesia. STUDY DESIGN The study containd 100 impacted third molars need to be removed. Presence of radiographic findings on orthopantamogram were noted and analyzed, to find a relationship with occurrence of post-operative inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study comprises of 100 impacted third molar teeth indicated for extraction. Cases were randomly selected from the patients, needs to undergo extraction of impacted mandibular third molar. After extraction cases were evaluated for occurrence of inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia. Stastical Analyisis: Data was transferred to SPss 21 software for frequency calculation, and two tailed p-values were obtained betweens these variables and post-operative paresthesia, by applying Fischers exact test (GRAPH PAD SOFTWARE). RESULTS Out of seven, four radiological findings that are grooving of roots, hooked roots, bifid roots and obliteration of white line are significantly related to post-operative paresthesia while bending of canal, narrow canal and darkening of tooth roots over the canal are not significantly associated with post-operative morbidity of facial nerve.
International Scholarly Research Notices | 2014
Pratik Gahalaut; Nitin Mishra; Sandhya Chauhan; Mir Mubashir Ali; Madhur Kant Rastogi; Richa Thakur
Lunula is the white, half-moon shaped area seen in proximal ends of some nails. Though a few studies have described the nail changes that can occur in association with HIV infection, none of these paid much attention to lunula. Aims and Objectives. To study the lunula in fingernails among HIV infected patients. Materials and Methods. An observational, cross-sectional study to record presence of lunula in 168 HIV-positive patients and compare it with age and sex matched 168 healthy HIV-negative control. Anolunula (absence of lunula) in HIV-positive patients was correlated with CD4 counts, stages of HIV infection, time since patient was diagnosed as HIV-positive, and status of antiretroviral therapy. Results. Anolunula was present in significantly more fingernails in HIV-positive patients compared to HIV-negative controls. There was a highly significant difference for total anolunula (anolunula in all fingernails) in study and control group. Incidence of total anolunula was directly proportional to the stage of HIV infection, increasing progressively as the HIV infection advances from stage 1 to stage 4. Conclusion. Absence of lunula is related to not only HIV infection per se but also the stages of HIV infection.