Noel Van Rooyen
University of Pretoria
Featured researches published by Noel Van Rooyen.
Journal of Ecology | 1996
Florian Jeltsch; Suzanne J. Milton; W. R. J. Dean; Noel Van Rooyen
1 In the debate on the stability of savanna vegetation, spatial processes are often neglected. A spatial simulation model based on a cellular automata approach was constructed to identify the factors and processes crucial to the coexistence of trees and grass, and their effects on the spatial arrangement of trees in arid and semiarid savannas. 2 The simulation shows that the traditional key determinants of savannas rain, fire and grazing generate and sustain a coexistence of trees and grasses only under specific conditions. 3 An increase in the rainfall (improved tree establishment) or in grazing (reduced competition from grass), led to an increase in the woody component in the model. Where this trend was reversed by occasional fires, the simulation indicated that trees would be patchily distributed in thickets that excluded fire. 4 For an intermediate range of fire, grazing and rainfall variables this strongly clumped distribution pattern of trees represented a stable tree-grass mixture for more than 20 000 simulated years. 5 The hypothesis is formulated that factors or processes other than competition for moisture, herbivory and fire are needed in addition to induce a long-term persistence of scattered trees. 6 By exploring the long-term and spatial consequences of altering the variables that were thought to be key determinants of savanna vegetation, this spatiotemporal model provides a novel insight into the understanding of savanna dynamics.
Journal of Vegetation Science | 1997
Florian Jeltsch; Suzanne J. Milton; W. Richard J. Dean; Noel Van Rooyen
. Sinking boreholes to tap groundwater supplies facilitated expansion of all-year round livestock production into the semi-arid Kalahari. Increased grazing and trampling pressure around the boreholes often caused vegetation changes and range degradation. The long-term influences of cattle grazing on vegetation pattern around watering points in the southern part of the semi-arid Kalahari are investigated using a grid-based simulation model. Shrub-grass dynamics are modelled for two regimes with high and low rainfall and under various stocking rates. Results indicate the formation of distinct vegetation zones (‘piosphere’ zones) at the high rainfall site. Under all tested stocking rates distinct zones of bare soil, woody shrubs and a mixed grass-shrub savanna develop. The piosphere zones expand outwards at a rate correlated with the grazing pressure. At the lower-rainfall site zone development is limited and influenced by rainfall. Under abnormally high stocking rates an increase in shrub cover occurs within 50 yr under the low rainfall regime, leading to less distinct zones than under the high rainfall scenario. Modelling results suggest that the recovery potential of shrub-encroached piosphere zones after withdrawal of cattle is negligible in a time span of 100 yr.
Oecologia | 1998
Bertrand Boeken; Clive Lipchin; Yitzchak Gutterman; Noel Van Rooyen
Abstract We investigated whether plant diversity and productivity in small-scale soil disturbances, which is known to be higher than in undisturbed soil, decreases as the density of the disturbances increases. We studied this in an experiment with soil diggings (15 cm diameter and 15 cm depth) dug at a range of densities, on a north- and a south-facing slope of a watershed in the central Negev Desert of Israel. The diggings were similar to the commonly occurring pits made by porcupines (Hystrix indica) as they forage for below-ground plant parts. We used four levels of digging density, within the naturally occurring range in the region, represented by a rectangular plot with rows of diggings dug at four distances between diggings. The plots were laid out in a blocked design with three replications on both slopes, with each block containing all four levels of digging density. In the spring of 1992, 1994 and 1995 we measured plant density, species richness and plant productivity in the diggings, and in adjacent equal-sized undisturbed control areas (“soil matrix”) and on the mounds made by the removed excess soil. Plant density, species richness and productivity of annual plants were higher in the diggings than in the undisturbed matrix, while these responses were very low on the mounds. Plant density, species richness and productivity in the diggings, but not in the matrix or mounds, decreased as digging density increased. This effect varied slightly with location within a watershed and with annual rainfall. The density of seeds captured in the diggings from outside the digging during the 1995 dispersal season decreased with increasing digging density, but only on one of the slopes. At the highest digging density, plant density and species number in the diggings did not decrease down the slope, as expected if interference between diggings in runoff water capture were the cause of the digging density effect. There was a weak decrease in biomass production in 1994–1995 down the slope. We used a simple mathematical model to estimate whether the distribution of rainfall intensities that occurred during the winter of 1994–1995 could result in differences between digging densities in the amount of water captured by the diggings, and whether this could explain the observed effect of digging density. The model showed that there were four events during which less water was captured by the diggings at high digging densities, except in the topmost row of diggings. Soil moisture measurements, however, showed very little difference between diggings at different digging densities. We explain our findings as the result of the interaction between the properties of the disturbance patch with its surroundings, as the diggings capture resources in the form of runoff water, and seeds moved primarily by wind. The additional resources and seeds captured in diggings increase plant density, species richness and productivity relative to the undisturbed matrix. However, the contrast in plant responses between the disturbed patches and undisturbed soil diminishes at higher digging densities. We explain this as interference among diggings at close proximity. As we did not detect a decrease in plant responses down the slopes, we conclude that interference is due to interception of the wind-driven, non-directional flow of seeds. Interception of the down-slope flow of runoff water by upslope diggings is insufficient to affect plant density, determined at the beginning of the season. Later in the season, runoff interception may become important for biomass production.
Journal of Applied Ecology | 1998
Gerhard E. Weber; Florian Jeltsch; Noel Van Rooyen; Suzanne J. Milton
Koedoe | 2008
Helga Van der Merwe; Margaretha W. van Rooyen; Noel Van Rooyen
Koedoe | 2008
Helga Van der Merwe; Margaretha W. van Rooyen; Noel Van Rooyen
Applied Vegetation Science | 2015
Margaretha W. van Rooyen; Annelise Le Roux; Conrad Geldenhuys; Noel Van Rooyen; Nadine L. Broodryk; Helga Van der Merwe
Koedoe | 2008
Margaretha W. van Rooyen; Noel Van Rooyen; Jacobus du P. Bothma; Hendrik M. van den Berg
Archive | 2017
Edmond Sylvestre Miabangana; Gilbert Nsongola; Ben Orban; Margaretha W. van Rooyen; Noel Van Rooyen; Jerome Y. Gaugris
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies | 2017
Edmond Sylvestre Miabangana; Gilbert Nsongola; Ben Orban; Margaretha W. van Rooyen; Noel Van Rooyen; Jerome Y. Gaugris