Noritaka Hayashi
Keio University
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Featured researches published by Noritaka Hayashi.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 2000
Yoshihide Otani; Tetsuro Kubota; Koichiro Kumai; Masahiro Ohgami; Noritaka Hayashi; Yoichiro Ishikawa; Norihito Wada; Masaki Kitajima
Background : The incidence of gastric carcinoma is increasing in elderly patients. It has not been determined whether surgery improves the quality of life or prolongs survival in patients older than 85 years. This study was designed to evaluate surgery as a treatment option in patients more than 85 years of age.
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 2007
Kaoru Takeshima; Kazuo Yamafuji; Atunori Asami; Noritaka Hayashi; Hideo Baba; Nobuhiko Okamoto; Futoshi Oikawa; Junichi Matsui
症例は73歳の男性で, S状結腸癌と診断され精査・手術目的にて入院した. 術前の胸部CTにて, 右肺動脈本幹および左肺底動脈に浮遊血栓を認め, 肺血流シンチおよび下肢静脈造影検査にて下肢深部静脈血栓症および無症候性肺塞栓症と診断し, ヘパリンによる抗凝固療法を開始した. ヘパリン投与開始14日目に施行した肺動脈造影検査にて左右肺動脈内に血栓を認めなかったため, 術前日に下大静脈フィルターを留置し手術を施行した. 術式はS状結腸切除術で, 術中はヘパリン低用量投与 (200単位/時間) および弾性ストッキングを使用した. 術後2日目よりヘパリンを400単位/時間にて投与しワーファリンを術後8日目より開始しINRが2.0を超えた時点でヘパリンを中止し維持療法を続行した. 消化器外科領域では手術を必要とする患者は肺塞栓症の高リスク群であり無症候性肺塞栓症の可能性も念頭にいれ周術期の管理を行うことが求められる.
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1999
Yoshihiko Sakurai; Makoto Miyakita; Koichi Yamataka; Noritaka Hayashi; Eishiro Tajika; Kazuhiko Shimizu
今回, われわれは食道粘膜下腫瘍の診断で手術を施行し, 術後の病理組織学的検索にて 胞形成を伴う分離腫と診断された1例を経験したので報告する. 症例は53歳の男性. 主訴は嚥下困難, 咽頭異和感であった. 食道透視, 内視鏡検査, CTにて頸部食道に発生した粘膜下腫瘍と診断した. 手術は頸部食道切開により有茎性に発育する腫瘍を確認し, 腫瘍摘出術を施行した. 病理組織学的所見では, 腫瘍は食道粘膜下に存在しており, 重層扁平上皮と腫瘍との間には粘膜筋板はなかった. 腫瘍は嚢胞と脂肪腫様脂肪組織から形成されており, 混合線と軟骨を脂肪組織内に認め, 導管にはさまざまな大きさに拡張するものもみられた. 嚢胞は二層性の立方上皮で被覆され, 嚢胞の上皮は導管上皮と組織学的に同様であったことから, 嚢胞は導管の拡張によるものと考えられた. 腫瘍は気道組織の不完全分離により形成されたもので, 嚢胞形成を伴う分離腫と診断された.
Current Therapeutic Research-clinical and Experimental | 1996
Masashi Yoshida; Yoshihide Otani; Hideki Ishikawa; Naoki Igarashi; Koji Fujita; Noritaka Hayashi; Hiroto Ishizuka; Tetsuro Kubota; Koichiro Kumai; Masaki Kitajima
Abstract Some patients with protease inhibitor-resistant reflux esophagitis after distal or proximal gastrectomy may need an acid secretion inhibitor. Clinicians, however, often hesitate to administer histamine 2 -receptor antagonists (H 2 RAs) in reflux esophagitis after distal or proximal gastrectomy. If H 2 RAs raise intraesophageal pH values in alkaline exposure cases, reflux esophagitis after gastrectomy will probably worsen. In the present study, 14 patients underwent simultaneous gastroesophageal pH monitoring to investigate the pathogenesis of reflux esophagitis after gastrectomy and the effect of H 2 RA administration in alkaline exposure cases. One patient had a previous proximal gastrectomy and complained of acid reflux. Twelve (92.3%) of the 13 patients with reflux esophagitis after distal gastrectomy were considered alkaline exposure cases without acid reflux, but there was one patient in whom acid reflux was seen. Continuation of the esophageal alkaline exposure after acidification of the residual stomach was seen in alkaline exposure cases. Oral administration of cimetidine 400 mg twice (800 mg total) increased the pH of the residual stomach but did not affect the pH of the esophagus in patients with alkaline exposure. The study suggests that administration of an H 2 RA in alkaline exposure cases may not worsen esophagitis and is not contraindicated for reflux esophagitis after distal gastrectomy.
Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (journal of Japan Surgical Association) | 2007
Kaoru Takeshima; Kazuo Yamafuji; Atsunori Asami; Noritaka Hayashi; Hideo Baba; Junichi Matsui
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 2007
Kaoru Takeshima; Kazuo Yamafuji; Atunori Asami; Noritaka Hayashi; Hideo Baba; Nobuhiko Okamoto; Hutoshi Oikawa; Junichi Matsui
Oncology Reports | 1999
Hiroto Ishizuka; Tetsuro Kubota; Noritaka Hayashi; Yoshihide Otani; K. Kumai; Masaki Kitajima
The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology | 2011
Nobuhiko Okamoto; Kazuo Yamafuji; Kaoru Takeshima; Noritaka Hayashi; Hideo Baba
The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology | 1997
Masafumi Ikeda; Shiratori K; Kyoko Shimizu; Watanabe S; Noritaka Hayashi
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1996
Yoshihide Otani; Koichiro Kumai; Tetsuro Kubota; Masahiro Ohgami; Noritaka Hayashi; Hiroto Ishizuka; Masaki Kitajima