Noriyuki Suzuki
Sumitomo Chemical
Toxicological Sciences | 2011
Noriyuki Suzuki; Satoshi Ando; Norihisa Yamashita; Nobuyuki Horie; Koichi Saito
The embryonic stem cell test (EST) is a validated in vitro alternative test for prediction of embryotoxicity with inhibition of cardiomyocyte differentiation under the microscope as beating areas at day 10 as an endpoint. However, improvements are necessary for regulatory acceptance and application to high-throughput screening. We have previously reported that heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 1 (Hand1), a transcription factor essential for mammalian heart development, and cardiomyopathy associated 1 (Cmya1), an intercalated disk protein implicated in cardiac morphogenesis, are quantitative and objective molecular endpoints for predicting embryotoxicity, detected at day 6 when mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells differentiate into cardiomyocytes. In established stable transgenic ES cells with Hand1 or Cmya1 promoters upstream of luciferase reporter gene, changes in each gene expression were found to be coincident with those in luciferase activities during cardiomyocyte differentiation, suggesting that monitoring might be possible by chemiluminescent determination. In our novel EST, differentiation toxicity and cytotoxicity of test chemicals were here analyzed using ES cells and 3T3 fibroblasts by this approach in 96-microwell plates. Extensive investigations were performed to explore predictive power and validity by comparing a set of 24 well-known test chemicals. The novel EST offers high predictability and accuracy with a reduced test duration and manpower compared with the original EST protocol, thus providing a new rapid and sensitive in vitro method for screening embryotoxicants.
Journal of Toxicological Sciences | 2015
Florian Le Coz; Noriyuki Suzuki; Hirohisa Nagahori; Takashi Omori; Koichi Saito
The embryonic stem cell test (EST) is a promising alternative method for evaluating embryotoxicity of test chemicals by measuring cytotoxicity and differentiation toxicity using mouse ES cells. Differentiation toxicity is analyzed by microscopically counting the beating of embryonic bodies after 10 days of culture. However, improvements are necessary to reduce the laborious manipulations involved and the time required to obtain results. We have previously reported the successful stable transfection of ES cells (ES-D3) with the heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 1 (Hand1) gene and the establishment of a 96-well multi-plate-based new EST with luciferase reporter assay 6 days after treatment with test chemicals. Now, we propose an even more rapid and easier EST, named Hand1-Luc EST. We established another cell line to monitor the Hand1 gene expression via a luciferase reporter gene. By mRNA analysis and luciferase assay, we examined in detail the luciferase activity during cell differentiation, which allowed us to reduce the time of measurement from day 6 to day 5 (120 hr). Furthermore, the protocol was improved, with, among others, the measurement of cytotoxicity and differentiation toxicity taking place in the same 96-well round bottom plate instead of two different plates. With the positive control, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and 9 test chemicals, data with high reproducibility and very low variation (CV < 50%) in the relevant endpoints were obtained. This study shows that the Hand1-Luc EST could provide an accurate and sensitive short-term test for prediction of embryotoxicants by measuring cytotoxicity and differentiation toxicity from the same sample.
Toxicology Letters | 2016
Hirohisa Nagahori; Noriyuki Suzuki; Florian Le Coz; Takashi Omori; Koichi Saito
Hand1-Luc Embryonic Stem Cell Test (Hand1-Luc EST) is a promising alternative method for evaluation of developmental toxicity. However, the problems of predictivity have remained due to appropriateness of the solubility, metabolic system, and prediction model. Therefore, we assessed the usefulness of rat liver S9 metabolic stability test using LC-MS/MS to develop new prediction model. A total of 71 chemicals were analyzed by measuring cytotoxicity and differentiation toxicity, and highly reproducible (CV=20%) results were obtained. The first prediction model was developed by discriminant analysis performed on a full dataset using Hand1-Luc EST, and 66.2% of the chemicals were correctly classified by the cross-validated classification. A second model was developed with additional descriptors obtained from the metabolic stability test to calculate hepatic availability, and an accuracy of 83.3% was obtained with applicability domain of 50.7% (=36/71) after exclusion of 22 metabolically inapplicable candidates, which potentially have a metabolic activation property. A step-wise prediction scheme with combination of Hand1-Luc EST and metabolic stability test was therefore proposed. The current results provide a promising in vitro test method for accurately predicting in vivo developmental toxicity.
Journal of Applied Toxicology | 2018
Ayako Ohara; Fumihiro Yamada; Takako Fukuda; Noriyuki Suzuki; Kayo Sumida
Transcriptomics technologies have been used for risk assessment of chemicals, mainly to predict the modes of action (MOAs) of chemicals or identify biomarkers. Transcriptomics data may also be helpful to understand MOAs of chemicals at the molecular level in more detail. As an example of the known MOAs, there are two MOAs of thyroid toxicity: inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis (“direct” effect) and hypermetabolism of thyroid hormone by enzyme induction in liver (“indirect” effect). In the present study, global profiles of gene expression were analyzed in rats treated with chemicals acting directly on the thyroid (thyroid peroxidase inhibitors such as propylthiouracil and methimazole) and chemicals acting indirectly on the thyroid (hepatic enzyme inducers such as phenobarbital and pregnenolone‐16α‐carbonitrile) using microarrays. Using a subtraction method between these two types of chemicals, we identified characteristic gene expression changes on the thyroid hormone synthesis pathway by direct‐acting chemicals. Based on the functions of these genes, alterations of their expression seem to indicate the results of thyroid peroxidase inhibition, and might be helpful in more accurate evaluation of MOAs for thyroid toxicity.
Folia Pharmacologica Japonica | 2018
Koichi Saito; Noriyuki Suzuki; Kumiko Kobayashi
Animal experiments have occupied an important position in the safety assessment of chemicals. However, due to the rise in animal welfare as seen in the ban of animal experiments in European cosmetic development, the development of alternative methods for animal experiments has become very important in recent years. Development of in vitro tests for local toxicity such as irritation and sensitization tests is preceded. Meanwhile, alternative tests for systemic toxicity such as chronic and developmental toxicities are under development. In developing alternative methods using cultured cells, we have been focusing on pluripotent stem cells such as ES and iPS cells and studying alternatives to developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity. As an alternative test of developmental toxicity, we developed the Hand 1-Luc EST, which is a simple test utilizing cardiomyocyte differentiation process of mouse ES cells, and Tubb 3- and Reln-Luc ESTs using nerve differentiation process. Recently, it was clarified that the combination of the Hand 1-Luc EST and the Tubb 3- and Reln-Luc ESTs improves the prediction of the developmental toxicity. In the study of in vitro neurotoxicity test using neurons derived from mouse ES cells, evaluation methods for neurite outgrowth using high-content imaging technology and for neural function using multi-electrode arrays were developed. In addition, we introduce differentiation methods for retinal tissues from human ES/iPS cells, which are the results as the collaboration with RIKEN and the present state of an in vitro phototoxicity test using retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) derived from human ES cells.
Toxicology | 2017
Takashi Mori; Kiyoshi Higashi; Tokushige Nakano; Satoshi Ando; Atsushi Kuwahara; Noriyuki Suzuki; Koichi Saito
Some chemicals are harmful in to light-exposed tissues such as skin and eyes. The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test has been validated and adopted by the Organization of Economic and Community Development (OECD) as a method of evaluating chemical phototoxicity using mouse 3T3 fibroblasts. However, the high rate of false positive results associated with this test eventually led to increased laboratory animal usage. Although the eye is vulnerable to light damage because of constant exposure to environmental radiation, few approaches are available to predict ocular phototoxicity in humans. Here, we propose a tier one test that identifies the potential ocular phototoxicity of chemical substances. Using a three-dimensional culture technique, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) were differentiated to retinal pigment epithelial cell (RPE) precursors. The precursors after prolonged treatment with FBS formed a uniform hexagonal lattice of cells with well-developed tight junctions and time-dependent elevation of melanin content and RPE maturation marker levels. Hierarchical clustering of gene transcripts revealed that hESC-derived RPEs were very similar to tissue-derived adult RPEs. Interestingly, there were a high percentage of chemicals eliciting a positive response in 3T3 cells and negative in hESC-derived RPEs under the experimental conditions used in the phototoxicity test. The response to treatment of hESC-derived RPEs with these negative chemicals became positive at a higher dose of UVA irradiation; however, the biological responses to these chemicals differed between the two cells. Taken together, we conclude that hESC-derived RPEs are novel tool for future toxicological and mechanistic studies of ocular phototoxicity in humans.
Toxicological Sciences | 2017
Kumiko Kobayashi; Noriyuki Suzuki; Kiyoshi Higashi; Akane Muroi; Florian Le Coz; Hirohisa Nagahori; Koichi Saito
There is a great demand for appropriate alternative methods to rapidly evaluate the developmental and reproductive toxicity of a wide variety of chemicals. We used the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) into cardiomyocytes as a basis for establishing a rapid and highly reproducible invitro embryotoxicity test known as the Hand1-Luc Embryonic Stem Cell Test (Hand1-Luc EST). In this study, we developed novel neural-Luc ESTs using two marker genes for neural development, tubulin beta-3 (Tubb3) and Reelin (Reln), and evaluated the capacity of these tests to predict developmental toxicity. In addition, we tested whether an integrated approach (a combination of neural-Luc ESTs and the Hand1-Luc EST) improved developmental toxicant detection. To perform our neural-Luc ESTs, we needed to generate stable transgenic mESCs with individual promoters linked to the luciferase gene, and to establish that similar changes in promoter activities and mRNA expression levels occur during neural differentiation. Based on the concentration-response curves of 15 developmental toxicants and 17 non-developmental toxic chemicals, we derived a prediction formula and assessed the capacity of this formula to predict developmental toxicity. Although both were highly sensitive and specific for predicting developmental toxicity, neural-Luc ESTs had similar predictive capacities. In contrast, neural-Luc ESTs and Hand1-Luc EST had significantly different predictive powers. As expected, the combination of these ESTs increased the sensitivity of developmental toxicant detection. These results demonstrate the convenience and the usefulness of this combination of ESTs as an alternative assay system for future toxicological and mechanistic studies of developmental toxicity.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry | 2007
Takahiro Katoh; Taichi Akagi; Chie Noguchi; Tetsuya Kajimoto; Manabu Node; Reiko Tanaka; Manabu Nishizawa; Hironori Ohtsu; Noriyuki Suzuki; Koichi Saito
Journal of Toxicological Sciences | 2011
Noriyuki Suzuki; Satoshi Ando; Kayo Sumida; Nobuyuki Horie; Koichi Saito
Journal of Toxicological Sciences | 2012
Noriyuki Suzuki; Norihisa Yamashita; Naoteru Koseki; Toru Yamada; Yutaka Kimura; Setsuya Aiba; Tomoyasu Toyoizumi; Mika Watanabe; Ryo Ohta; Noriho Tanaka; Koichi Saito