
Featured researches published by Normandes Matos da Silva.

Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2016

Water Quality and Chlorophyll Measurement Through Vegetation Indices Generated from Orbital and Suborbital Images

Anny Keli Aparecida Alves Cândido; Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho; Marcelo Ricardo Haupenthal; Normandes Matos da Silva; Jonas de Sousa Correa; Maria Lucia Ribeiro

The study was developed at the Municipality of São Gabriel do Oeste, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, where were performed analyses of water samples, including physical and chemical aspects, obtained through Hanna multi-parameter probe into four different parts of the study area. Landsat satellite 8 (L8) and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was also used to generate vegetation indices, using the visible spectral range for both types of images and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) just for L8. Later, these ratios were correlated to chlorophyll a that has a key role in photosynthesis. Regarding the physical and chemical parameters, the collection point 2 was the most differed to the others; this may have happened to be a dam with little flow in an eutrophication process. Through the water absorbance curve in the visible wavelengths, it is possible to estimate comparatively water body that has larger amounts of dissolved materials in the water. There was a high correlation between vegetation indices generated from aerial photographs and L8 image, with chlorophyll a extracted from water in the laboratory. In this sense, they are likely to use to forecast future scenarios. It is suggested the use of aerial photographs of UAVs for monitoring the environmental quality of small water bodies, considering its high spatial and temporal resolution.

Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2017

Bays and Saline Pond Classification Generated from the Nhecolândia Pantanal Aerial Photograph Vegetation Indexes

Anny Keli Aparecida Alves Cândido; Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho; Normandes Matos da Silva; Marcelo Ricardo Haupenthal; Gustavo Marques Amorim

The Pantanal is an extensive flooded plain, rich in biodiversity and considered a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site. It has great complexity and can be divided into regions due to its each distinct characteristic. Nhecolândia is a very peculiar region because it is made up of thousands of freshwater and brackish ponds. The study objective was to evaluate the physical-chemical parameters of the Nhecolândia ponds and to analyze the vegetation indexes generated from UAV aerial photographs in order to identify what best distinguishes freshwater and brackish ponds and to differentiate study area features. The in-field and image data collection were performed on June 20, 2015. The aerial photographs were processed to obtain mosaic which served as a vegetation index basis. The indexes and wavelengths in the visible region analyses were performed for each of the area’s ponds. It was observed that bays and salines have a differentiated spectral behavior. The excess green and normalized excess green vegetation indexes presented results enough to separate freshwater from brackish ponds, plus to differentiate many study area features.

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências | 2017

Controle Estrutural da Hidrografia do Pantanal, Brasil

Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho; Camila Leonardo Mioto; Rômulo Machado; Fábio Veríssimo Gonçalves; Vinicius de Oliveira Ribeiro; Alfredo Marcelo Grigio; Normandes Matos da Silva

O Pantanal e tectonicamente ativo, havendo varias evidencias de atividades tectonicas recentes, como a ocorrencia de sismos e a presenca de lineamentos estruturais. Nota-se que essas atividades tem influenciado diretamente a evolucao e a configuracao da paisagem da regiao e nesse sentido, visando contribuir para a discussao sobre a influencia das atividades tectonicas na regiao do Pantanal, este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar evidencias de controle estrutural sobre a hidrografia da regiao. Para isso, foram analisados os dados de hidrografia disponibilizados pela Agencia Nacional de Aguas (ANA), alem de lineamentos estruturais. Como resultados observaram-se: a grande diferenca entre o padrao de drenagem do Pantanal e o do seu entorno; a mudanca do padrao de drenagem tributario (na regiao de planalto) para o padrao distributario (ao adentrar a planicie); o padrao assimetrico de todas as bacias hidrograficas analisadas e, por fim, o condicionamento estrutural dos principais rios que formam o Pantanal. Como conclusao, tem-se que as atividades tectonicas tem papel preponderante no condicionamento dos principais rios do Pantanal e, com isso, em toda a bacia hidrografica pantaneira, ja que todos os grandes rios apresentam controle estrutural.

Sociedade & Natureza (online) | 2016

Gestão participativa na recuperação de área degradada pela agricultura

Carlos Henrique Bonsi Checoli; Shozo Shiraiwa; Marcelo Correa da Silva; Normandes Matos da Silva

Researchers at Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) subsidized a strategy for participatory management, in order to plan and implement a degraded area recovery plan (DARP) in the permanent preservation area at the basin of the Sao Lourenco river, in Campo Verde, municipality prominent in Mato Grosso and Brazil agribusiness. Research was carried out using group dynamics that are often applied in quality management standards ISO 9001. There was little interaction between local actors in terms of implementation of environmental recovery actions. The economic cost of deployment and maintenance of DARP is a bottle neck. The lack of perspectives to consider DARP as a productive area was also limiting point in farmers perspectives. The research that UFMT undertook strengthened efforts in order to reduce degradation that currently occupies around 33% of the State of Mato Grosso.

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ | 2016

Cenário do Uso de Software Livre em Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) no Brasil

Gisele Milaré; Normandes Matos da Silva; Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho

This study aims to present an overview of the free software use in geographic information systems (GIS ) in Brazil, defining trends and the thematic areas that are most used. For this, through scientometrics, articles published in the Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing were analyzed. This event has been chosen because it has been accomplished since 1978, represent the most important congress in Brazil and thus reflects the trends and uses of geotechnologies in the country. There was the analytical work between 1978 and 2013, totaling 6.778 items. Of these, 2.128 articles have cited the use of free software. There was an increasing trend , from 90s , averaging 32 % of published articles using free software over the past 25 years. Environmental analysis was the most constant theme in the manuscripts published which used free software in GIS, with 519 articles.

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ | 2016

Análise Regional para Implantação de Aterro Sanitário Utilizando Software Livre

Carina Barbosa Colman; D. Lima; Normandes Matos da Silva; Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho

Areas with potential for creating landfill in the southern state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), were identified by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using multi-criteria analysis. They are assigned different weights for determining areas considered with or without restriction for the landfill facility. The most favorable classes for landfill installation have the largest areas (220.800 ha), representing 78% of the study area, in the municipalities of Tacuru and Iguatemi. The classes with the highest restriction showed up unrepresentative in the study area, being the city of Coronel Sapucaia, the largest quantity of about 47 ha. We did here a first approximation of this type of study because the inclusion of other variables of social and environmental (opinion of the locals and standards such as the Forest Code and Zoning Ecological Economic), may result in more restrictions and potential for location this type of infrastructure.

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ | 2015

Imagens de Alta Resolução Espacial de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANT) no Planejamento do Uso e Ocupação do Solo

Anny Keli Aparecida Alves Cândido; Normandes Matos da Silva; Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho

The creation, improving and use of remote sensing techniques focused on suborbital images are increasing, as they present several advantages in geographical and ecological analysis, producing high spatial resolution data. The aim of this work was to test the supervised and unspervised classification techniques in aerial digital images with high spatial resolution obtained by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), using the softwares SPRING and ArcGis. The aerial images have spatial resolution in approximately 10 cm, covering around 45% of the floor area. They were obtained in June, 2011, and overlies a stretch of the headwaters of the Sao Lourenco river in Campo Verde, Mato Grosso. Th aerial photographs were georeferenced and then the classification tests were performed, which presented better results the ones by region. At this stage, about 100 segmentation tests were performed with distinguished similarity parameters and areas, until finding a routine that would fit better to the study area. The classification that better delimited the different features present in the images was the supervised by region, whose segmentation had 20 pixels of similarity and 200 of area. To prove statistically the efficiency of classification, a cluster test was performed and the validation was done through Kappa index and overall accuracy. The presented results along with the use of UAVs are great tools and liable to use in several areas, including environmental expertising routines and recovery of degraded areas monitoring, under the Brazilian Forest Code.

Revista Arvore | 2014


William Pietro-Souza; Normandes Matos da Silva; Érica Pereira de Campos

The objective of this study consists in evaluating seasonally the seeds production from forest fragments located in rural zone of Campo Verde, MT. This characterization occurred in terms of seed production and plant species richness. Three forest fragments characterized as semidecidual stational forest were selected. In each fragment five collectors were installed and made with PVC pipes (1 m2; nylon mesh of 0.001 m and 0.15 m depth of the bulge). The material was monthly collected, and the seeds were quantified, and separated according to the sort of dispersal, successional stage and form of life. It was determined the density, absolute frequency, diversity index and equitability. Altogether 3,622 seeds were collected, belonging to 74 taxa. The highest densities of seeds were observed during the months of September, October and November. Lianas Gouania sp., Fridericia speciosa, Heteropterys sp. and Distictella sp. responded with 55.95% of total collected seeds. From all the species that composed the seed rain, 74% are not dispersed by wind. However, when the amount of diaspores collected was checked, forms dispersed by wind were predominant, representing 76% of total. It may be cited as important arboreal taxons for reforestation in the region of Campo Verde, located at southeast of Mato Grosso: Tachigali rubiginosa, Siparuna guianensis, Nectandra sp., Cordia alliodora, Alibertia sp., Terminalia brasiliensis and Myrcia sp. These species should be targeted for more specific studies related to their potential for recovery of degraded environments, considering permanent preservation areas and legal reserves.


Plantio manual de muvuca de sementes no contexto da restauração ecológica de áreas de preservação permanente degradadas

William Pietro-Souza; Normandes Matos da Silva

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ | 2017

Structural Control of the Pantanal Hydrography, Brazil

A. C. Paranhos Filho; Camila Leonardo Mioto; Rômulo Machado; Fábio Veríssimo Gonçalves; Vinicius de Oliveira Ribeiro; Alfredo Marcelo Grigio; Normandes Matos da Silva

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