O. Palamara
Yale University
Journal of Instrumentation | 2012
C. E. Anderson; M. Antonello; B. Baller; T. A. Bolton; C. Bromberg; F. Cavanna; E. Church; D. Edmunds; A. Ereditato; S. Farooq; B. T. Fleming; H. Greenlee; R. Guenette; S. Haug; G. Horton-Smith; C. James; E. Klein; K. Lang; A. Lathrop; P. Laurens; S. K. Linden; D. McKee; R. Mehdiyev; B. Page; O. Palamara; K. Partyka; S. Pordes; G. Rameika; B. Rebel; B. Rossi
The ArgoNeuT liquid argon time projection chamber has collected thousands of neutrino and anti-neutrino events during an extended run period in the NuMI beam-line at Fermilab. This paper focuses on the main aspects of the detector layout and related technical features, including the cryogenic equipment, time projection chamber, read-out electronics, and off-line data treatment. The detector commissioning phase, physics run, and first neutrino event displays are also reported. The characterization of the main working parameters of the detector during data-taking, the ionization electron drift velocity and lifetime in liquid argon, as obtained from through-going muon data complete the present report.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2000
F. Arneodo; B. Baiboussinov; A. Badertscher; P. Benetti; E. Bernardini; A. Bettini; A Borio di Tiogliole; R. Brunetti; A. Bueno; E. Calligarich; M. Campanelli; C. Carpanese; D. Cavalli; F. Cavanna; P. Cennini; S. Centro; A. Cesana; D. Cline; I. De Mitri; R. Dolfini; A. Ferrari; A. Gigli Berzolari; C. Matthey; F. Mauri; D. Mazza; L. Mazzone; G. Meng; C. Montanari; G. Nurzia; S. Otwinowski
Abstract We present the results of a test done with a Liquid Xenon (LXe) detector for “Dark Matter” search, exposed to a neutron beam to produce nuclear recoil events simulating those which would be generated by WIMPs elastic scattering. The aim of the experiment was to measure directly the scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoil. The nuclear recoil considered in the test was in the tens of keV range. The ratio of measured visible energy over the true recoil energy was evaluated to be about 20%, in good agreement with the theoretical predictions.
Physical Review Letters | 2012
C. E. Anderson; M. Antonello; B. Baller; T. Bolton; C. Bromberg; F. Cavanna; E. Church; D. Edmunds; A. Ereditato; S. Farooq; B. T. Fleming; H. Greenlee; R. Guenette; S. Haug; G. Horton-Smith; C. James; E. Klein; K. Lang; P. Laurens; S. K. Linden; D. McKee; R. Mehdiyev; B. Page; O. Palamara; K. Partyka; A. Patch; G. Rameika; B. Rebel; B. Rossi; M. Soderberg
The ArgoNeuT Collaboration presents the first measurements of inclusive muon neutrino charged current differential cross sections on argon. Obtained in the NuMI neutrino beam line at Fermilab, the flux-integrated results are reported in terms of outgoing muon angle and momentum. The data are consistent with the Monte Carlo expectation across the full range of kinematics sampled, 0°<θ(μ)<36° and 0<P(μ)<25 GeV/c. Along with confirming the viability of liquid argon time projection chamber technology for neutrino detection, the measurements allow tests of low-energy neutrino scattering models important for interpreting results from long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments designed to investigate CP violation and the orientation of the neutrino mass hierarchy.
Physical Review D | 2006
F. Arneodo; P. Benetti; M. Bonesini; A Di Tigliole; B. Boschetti; A. Bueno; E. Calligarich; F. Casagrande; D. Cavalli; F. Cavanna; P. Cennini; S. Centro; E. Cesana; D. Cline; A. Curioni; I. De Mitri; C. De Vecchi; R. Dolfini; A. Ferrari; A. Ghezzi; A. Guglielmi; J. Kisiel; G. Mannocchi; A De La Ossa; C. Matthey; F. Mauri; C. Montanari; S. Navas; P. Negri; M. Nicoletto
F. Arneodo, P. Benetti, M. Bonesini, A. Borio di Tigliole, B. Boschetti, A. Bueno, E. Calligarich, F. Casagrande, a D. Cavalli, F. Cavanna, P. Cennini, S. Centro, E. Cesana, D. Cline, A. Curioni, b I. De Mitri, C. De Vecchi, 2 R. Dolfini, A. Ferrari, A. Ghezzi, A . Guglielmi, J. Kisiel, G. Mannocchi, A. Mart́ınez de la Ossa, C. Matthey, F. Mauri, C. Montanari, S. Navas, P. Negri, M. Nicoletto, S. Otwinowski, M. Paganoni, O. Palamara, A. Pepato, L. Periale, G. Piano Mortari, P. Picchi, 5 F. Pietropaolo, A. Puccini, A. Pullia, S. Ragazzi, T. Rancati, A. Rappoldi, G.L. Raselli, N. Redaelli, E. Rondio, A. Rubbia, C. Rubbia, P.R. Sala, F. Sergiampietri, J. Sobczyk, S. Suzuki, 5, c T. Tabarelli de Fatis, M. Terrani, F. Terranova, A. Tonazzo, S. Ventura, C. Vignoli, H. Wang, and A. Zalewska
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1999
P. Cennini; J.-P. Revol; C. Rubbia; F. Sergiampietri; A. Bueno; M. Campanelli; P Goudsmit; A. Rubbia; L. Periale; S. Suzuki; C. Chen; Y. X. Chen; K. He; X. T. Huang; Z. Li; F. Lu; J. Ma; G. Xu; Z. Xu; C. C. Zhang; Qingmin Zhang; S.C. Zheng; F. Cavanna; D. Mazza; G. Piano Mortari; S. Petrera; C. Rossi; G. Mannocchi; P. Picchi; F. Arneodo
A system to detect light from liquid argon scintillation has been implemented in a small, ICARUS-like, liquid argon time projection chamber. The system, which uses a VUV-sensitive photomultiplier to collect the light, has recorded many ionizing tracks from cosmic-rays in coincidence with scintillation signals. Our measurements demonstrate that scintillation light detection can provide an effective method for absolute time measurement of events and eventually a useful trigger signal
Physical Review D | 2014
R. Acciarri; C. Adams; J. Asaadi; B. Baller; T. Bolton; C. Bromberg; F. Cavanna; E. Church; D. Edmunds; A. Ereditato; S. Farooq; B. T. Fleming; H. Greenlee; G. Horton-Smith; C. James; E. Klein; K. Lang; P. Laurens; R. Mehdiyev; B. Page; O. Palamara; K. Partyka; G. Rameika; B. Rebel; M. Soderberg; J. Spitz; A.M. Szelc; M. Weber; T. Yang; G. P. Zeller
Short range nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclei (NN SRC) carry important information on nuclear structure and dynamics. NN SRC have been extensively probed through two-nucleon knock- out reactions in both pion and electron scattering experiments. We report here on the detection of two-nucleon knock-out events from neutrino interactions and discuss their topological features as possibly involving NN SRC content in the target argon nuclei. The ArgoNeuT detector in the Main Injector neutrino beam at Fermilab has recorded a sample of 30 fully reconstructed charged current events where the leading muon is accompanied by a pair of protons at the interaction vertex, 19 of which have both protons above the Fermi momentum of the Ar nucleus. Out of these 19 events, four are found with the two protons in a strictly back-to-back high momenta configuration directly observed in the final state and can be associated to nucleon Resonance pionless mechanisms involving a pre-existing short range correlated np pair in the nucleus. Another fraction (four events) of the remaining 15 events have a reconstructed back-to-back configuration of a np pair in the initial state, a signature compatible with one-body Quasi Elastic interaction on a neutron in a SRC pair. The detection of these two subsamples of the collected (mu- + 2p) events suggests that mechanisms directly involving nucleon-nucleon SRC pairs in the nucleus are active and can be efficiently explored in neutrino-argon interactions with the LAr TPC technology.
Physical Review D | 2014
R. Acciarri; C. Adams; J. Asaadi; B. Baller; T. Bolton; C. Bromberg; F. Cavanna; E. Church; D. Edmunds; A. Ereditato; S. Farooq; B. T. Fleming; H. Greenlee; R. Hatcher; G. Horton-Smith; C. James; E. Klein; K. Lang; P. Laurens; R. Mehdiyev; B. Page; O. Palamara; K. Partyka; G. Rameika; B. Rebel; M. Soderberg; J. Spitz; A.M. Szelc; M. Weber; T. Yang
The ArgoNeuT collaboration presents measurements of inclusive muon neutrino and antineutrino charged current differential cross sections on argon in the Fermilab NuMI beam operating in the low energy antineutrino mode. The results are reported in terms of outgoing muon angle and momentum at a mean neutrino energy of 9.6 GeV (neutrinos) and 3.6 GeV (antineutrinos), in the range
Physical Review Letters | 2014
R. Acciarri; C. Adams; J. Asaadi; B. Baller; T. Bolton; C. Bromberg; F. Cavanna; E. Church; D. Edmunds; A. Ereditato; S. Farooq; B. T. Fleming; H. Greenlee; R. Hatcher; G. Horton-Smith; C. James; E. Klein; K. Lang; P. Laurens; R. Mehdiyev; B. Page; O. Palamara; K. Partyka; G. Rameika; B. Rebel; E. Santos; A. Schukraft; M. Soderberg; J. Spitz; A.M. Szelc
Journal of Instrumentation | 2013
R. Acciarri; C. Adams; J. Asaadi; B. Baller; T. A. Bolton; C. Bromberg; F. Cavanna; E. Church; D. Edmunds; A. Ereditato; S. Farooq; B. T. Fleming; H. Greenlee; G. Horton-Smith; C. James; E. Klein; K. Lang; P. Laurens; D. McKee; R. Mehdiyev; B. Page; O. Palamara; K. Partyka; G. Rameika; B. Rebel; M. Soderberg; J. Spitz; A.M. Szelc; M. Weber; Mariusz Wojcik
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2003
F. Arneodo; A. Badertscher; B. Baiboussinov; G. Battistoni; P. Benetti; E. Bernardini; M. Bischofberger; A. Borio di Tigliole; R. Brunetti; A. Bueno; E. Calligarich; M. Campanelli; C. Carpanese; D. Cavalli; F. Cavanna; P. Cennini; S. Centro; A. Cesana; C. Chen; D. Chen; Y. C. Chen; D. Cline; C. De Vecchi; A. Di Credico; R. Dolfini; A. Ferrari; F. Ferri; A. Gigli Berzolari; I. Gil-Botella; L. Grandi
0l{p}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}l25\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}/c