Oded Aharonson
Weizmann Institute of Science
Geophysical Research Letters | 2014
Antoine Lucas; Sebastien Rodriguez; Clément Narteau; Benjamin Charnay; Sylvain Courrech du Pont; Tetsuya Tokano; A. Garcia; Mélanie Thiriet; Alexander G. Hayes; Ralph D. Lorenz; Oded Aharonson
Dune fields on Titan cover more than 17% of the moons surface, constituting the largest known surface reservoir of organics. Their confinement to the equatorial belt, shape, and eastward direction of propagation offer crucial information regarding both the wind regime and sediment supply. Herein, we present a comprehensive analysis of Titans dune orientations using automated detection techniques on nonlocal denoised radar images. By coupling a new dune growth mechanism with wind fields generated by climate modeling, we find that Titans dunes grow by sediment transport on a nonmobile substratum. To be fully consistent with both the local crestline orientations and the eastward propagation of Titans dunes, the sediment should be predominantly transported by strong eastward winds, most likely generated by equinoctial storms or occasional fast westerly gusts. Additionally, convergence of the meridional transport predicted in models can explain why Titans dunes are confined within ±30° latitudes, where sediment fluxes converge.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2012
David Polishook; Eran O. Ofek; Adam Waszczak; S. R. Kulkarni; Avishay Gal-Yam; Oded Aharonson; Russ R. Laher; Jason A. Surace; Christopher R. Klein; J. S. Bloom; Noah Brosch; Dina Prialnik; Carl C. Grillmair; S. B. Cenko; Mansi M. Kasliwal; Nicholas M. Law; David Levitan; P. Nugent; Dovi Poznanski; Robert Michael Quimby
The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is a synoptic survey designed to explore the transient and variable sky in a wide variety of cadences. We use PTF observations of fields that were observed multiple times (≳10) per night, for several nights, to find asteroids, construct their light curves and measure their rotation periods. Here we describe the pipeline we use to achieve these goals and present the results from the first four (overlapping) PTF fields analysed as part of this programme. These fields, which cover an area of 21 deg^2, were observed on four nights with a cadence of ∼20 min. Our pipeline was able to detect 624 asteroids, of which 145 (≈20 per cent) were previously unknown. We present high-quality rotation periods for 88 main-belt asteroids and possible period or lower limit on the period for an additional 85 asteroids. For the remaining 451 asteroids, we present lower limits on their photometric amplitudes. Three of the asteroids have light curves that are characteristic of binary asteroids. We estimate that implementing our search for all existing high-cadence PTF data will provide rotation periods for about 10 000 asteroids mainly in the magnitude range ≈14 to ≈20.
The Astronomical Journal | 2014
Ilan Sagiv; Avishay Gal-Yam; Eran O. Ofek; Eli Waxman; Oded Aharonson; S. R. Kulkarni; Ehud Nakar; D. Maoz; B. Trakhtenbrot; E. S. Phinney; J. Topaz; C. A. Beichman; J Murthy; S. P. Worden
The time-variable electromagnetic sky has been well-explored at a wide range of wavelengths. In contrast, the ultra-violet (UV) variable sky is relatively poorly explored, even though it offers exciting scientific prospects. Here, we review the potential scientific impact of a wide-field UV survey on the study of explosive and other transient events, as well as known classes of variable objects, such as active galactic nuclei and variable stars. We quantify our predictions using a fiducial set of observational parameters which are similar to those envisaged for the proposed ULTRASAT mission. We show that such a mission would be able to revolutionize our knowledge about massive star explosions by measuring the early UV emission from hundreds of events, revealing key physical parameters of the exploding progenitor stars. Such a mission would also detect the UV emission from many tens of tidal-disruption events of stars by supermassive black holes at galactic nuclei and enable a measurement of the rate of such events. The overlap of such a wide-field UV mission with existing and planned gravitational-wave and high-energy neutrino telescopes makes it especially timely.
Icarus | 2015
Edwin S. Kite; Alan D. Howard; Antoine Lucas; John C. Armstrong; Oded Aharonson; Michael P. Lamb
Unraveling the stratigraphic record is the key to understanding ancient climate and past climate changes on Mars (Grotzinger, J. et al. [2011]. Astrobiology 11, 77–87). Stratigraphic records of river deposits hold particular promise because rain or snowmelt must exceed infiltration plus evaporation to allow sediment transport by rivers. Therefore, river deposits when placed in stratigraphic order could constrain the number, magnitudes, and durations of the wettest (and presumably most habitable) climates in Mars history. We use crosscutting relationships to establish the stratigraphic context of river and alluvial-fan deposits in the Aeolis Dorsa sedimentary basin, 10°E of Gale crater. At Aeolis Dorsa, wind erosion has exhumed a stratigraphic section of sedimentary rocks consisting of at least four unconformity-bounded rock packages, recording three or more distinct episodes of surface runoff. Early deposits (>700 m thick) are embayed by river deposits (>400 m thick), which are in turn unconformably draped by fan-shaped deposits ( 900 m thick) unconformably drape all previous deposits. River deposits embay a dissected landscape formed of sedimentary rock. The river deposits are eroding out of at least two distinguishable units. There is evidence for pulses of erosion during the interval of river deposition. The total interval spanned by river deposits is >(1 × 10^6–2 × 10^7) yr, and this is extended if we include alluvial-fan deposits. Alluvial-fan deposits unconformably postdate thrust faults which crosscut the river deposits. This relationship suggests a relatively dry interval of >4 × 10^7 yr after the river deposits formed and before the fan-shaped deposits formed, based on probability arguments. Yardang-forming layered deposits unconformably postdate all of the earlier deposits. They contain rhythmite and their induration suggests a damp or wet (near-) surface environment. The time gap between the end of river deposition and the onset of yardang-forming layered deposits is constrained to >1 × 10^8 yr by the high density of impact craters embedded at the unconformity. The time gap between the end of alluvial-fan deposition and the onset of yardang-forming layered deposits was at least long enough for wind-induced saltation abrasion to erode 20–30 m into the alluvial-fan deposits. We correlate the yardang-forming layered deposits to the upper layers of Gale crater’s mound (Mt. Sharp/Aeolis Mons), and the fan-shaped deposits to Peace Vallis fan in Gale crater. Alternations between periods of low mean obliquity and periods of high mean obliquity may have modulated erosion–deposition cycling in Aeolis. This is consistent with the results from an ensemble of simulations of Solar System orbital evolution and the resulting history of the obliquity of Mars. 57 of our 61 simulations produce one or more intervals of continuously low mean Mars obliquity that are long enough to match our Aeolis Dorsa unconformity data.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Kevin W. Lewis; Oded Aharonson
Sedimentary rocks preserved on the surface of Mars represent a natural archive of past climate conditions. Although the details of their formation often remain poorly constrained, the recent detection of rhythmic bedding patterns in the Arabia Terra region suggests the influence of orbital variations on sedimentary deposition. Here we detail a number of new sites which exhibit quasiperiodic stratigraphic variations, demonstrating their occurrence throughout the equatorial region of the planet. We characterize these recorded signals as well as the local geomorphic context and structural attributes. Two cyclic units are identified within Gale crater, the landing site of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, enabling estimation of possible formation timescales for the geologic units that may be studied in situ by the rover. We find a general lack of fluvial features in connection with rhythmic geologic units, contrasting these sites with the aperiodic deltaic stratigraphy found at Eberswalde crater. Possible formation scenarios and their climatic implications are discussed for the diverse set of quasiperiodic sedimentary units. We propose multiple depositional pathways for recording cyclic climate changes, including repeated evaporitic precipitation from groundwater discharge in topographic lows as well as largely anhydrous accumulation of atmospheric dust for deposits outside of confined basins. The preservation of orbital signals in sediments distributed across a wide range of geographic settings suggests a pervasive influence on Martian climate conditions through time.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
M. A. Rosenburg; Oded Aharonson; Re'em Sari
Impact cratering produces characteristic variations in the topographic power spectral density (PSD) of cratered terrains, which are controlled by the size-frequency distribution of craters and the spectral content (shape) of individual features. These variations are investigated here in two parallel approaches. First, a cratered terrain model, based on Monte Carlo emplacement of craters and benchmarked by an analytical formulation of the one-dimensional PSD, is employed to generate topographic surfaces at a range of size-frequency power law exponents and shape dependencies. For self-similar craters, the slope of the PSD, β, varies inversely with that of the production function, α, leveling off to 0 at high α (surface topography dominated by the smallest craters) and maintaining a roughly constant value (β ∼ 2) at low α (surface topography dominated by the largest craters). The effects of size-dependent shape parameters and various crater emplacement rules are also considered. Second, we compare the model-derived predictions for the behavior of the PSD with values of β calculated along transects from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA). At small scales (∼115 m to 1 km) model predictions agree well with the PSD slope over the observed range of lunar size-frequency distributions. Differences between global PSD slopes at subkilometer and kilometer scales reflect a scale separation in roughness consistent with prior observations using a variety of surface roughness parameters. Understanding the statistical markers left by the impact cratering process on the lunar surface is useful for distinguishing between competing geological processes on planetary surfaces throughout the solar system.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Norbert Schorghofer; Oded Aharonson
It has long been suggested that water ice can exist in extremely cold regions near the lunar poles, where sublimation loss is negligible. The geographic distribution of H-bearing regolith shows only a partial or ambiguous correlation with permanently shadowed areas, thus suggesting that another mechanism may contribute to locally enhancing water concentrations. We show that under suitable conditions, water molecules can be pumped down into the regolith by day-night temperature cycles, leading to an enrichment of H2O in excess of the surface concentration. Ideal conditions for pumping are estimated and found to occur where the mean surface temperature is below 105 K and the peak surface temperature is above 120 K. These conditions complement those of the classical cold traps that are roughly defined by peak temperatures lower than 120 K. On the present-day Moon, an estimated 0.8% of the global surface area experiences such temperature variations. Typically, pumping occurs on pole-facing slopes in small areas, but within a few degrees of each pole the equator-facing slopes are preferred. Although pumping of water molecules is expected over cumulatively large areas, the absolute yield of this pump is low; at best, a few percent of the H2O delivered to the surface could have accumulated in the near-surface layer in this way. The amount of ice increases with vapor diffusivity and is thus higher in the regolith with large pore spaces.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016
N. Ozak; Oded Aharonson; Itay Halevy
Fast and accurate radiative transfer methods are essential for modeling CO2-rich atmospheres, relevant to the climate of early Earth and Mars, present-day Venus, and some exoplanets. Although such models already exist, their accuracy may be improved as better theoretical and experimental constraints become available. Here we develop a unidimensional radiative transfer code for CO2-rich atmospheres, using the correlated k approach and with a focus on modeling early Mars. Our model differs from existing models in that it includes the effects of CO2 collisional line mixing in the calculation of the line-by-line absorption coefficients. Inclusion of these effects results in model atmospheres that are more transparent to infrared radiation and, therefore, in colder surface temperatures at radiative-convective equilibrium, compared with results of previous studies. Inclusion of water vapor in the model atmosphere results in negligible warming due to the low atmospheric temperatures under a weaker early Sun, which translate into climatically unimportant concentrations of water vapor. Overall, the results imply that sustained warmth on early Mars would not have been possible with an atmosphere containing only CO2 and water vapor, suggesting that other components of the early Martian climate system are missing from current models or that warm conditions were not long lived.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017
Paul O. Hayne; Joshua L. Bandfield; Matthew A. Siegler; Ashwin R. Vasavada; Rebecca Rose Ghent; Jean-Pierre Williams; Benjamin Todd Greenhagen; Oded Aharonson; Catherine M. Elder; Paul G. Lucey; David A. Paige
We used infrared data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment to globally map thermophysical properties of the Moons regolith fines layer. Thermal conductivity varies from 7.4
Nature Astronomy | 2017
David Polishook; Seth A. Jacobson; Alessandro Morbidelli; Oded Aharonson