Oguz Aydin
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Pathology International | 2000
Levent Yildiz; Ilkser Akpolat; Kenan Erzurumlu; Oguz Aydin; Bedri Kandemir
Myelolipoma is a tumor‐like growth composed of mature fat tissue and bone marrow elements. It occurs in the adrenal gland or as an isolated soft tissue mass. It may be associated with endocrine disorders such as hermaphroditism, Cushing’s disease, Addison’s disease and obesity of unknown cause. These lesions rarely measure more than 5 cm in diameter, although giant tumors have been reported in the literature. The fifth largest surgically resected adrenal myelolipoma in the literature is reported and its clinical associations and, macroscopic and microscopic features are discussed.
Pathology Research and Practice | 2009
Gamze Donmez; Yurdanur Sullu; Sancar Baris; Levent Yildiz; Oguz Aydin; Filiz Karagöz; Bedri Kandemir
Angiogenesis is a multistep process that depends on the balance of proangiogenic factors and inhibitors as well as on interactions with the extracellular matrix. We examined the immunohistochemical expression of the defining angiogenic agents, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), and the antiangiogenic agent thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in 131 patients with urothelial carcinoma and correlated their expression levels with clinicopathological parameters. VEGF and MMP-9 expression was higher in high-grade tumors than in low-grade tumors (p=0.000 and p=0.001, respectively), whereas the reverse was true for TSP-1 (p=0.000). VEGF and MMP-9 expression was higher in deeper tumors compared to superficial tumors and in invasive tumors compared to non-invasive tumors (p=0.001 and p=0.001, respectively), while TSP-1 was lower (p=0.000). We could differentiate 22 of 41 muscle-invasive (T2) cases as superficial (T2a; n=7) or deep (T2b; n=15), but no difference was found between them regarding VEGF, MMP-9, or TSP-1 expression (p=0.783, p=0.289, and p=0.783, respectively). There was a positive correlation between VEGF and MMP-9 expression (p=0.008, r=0.23) but a negative correlation between MMP-9 and TSP-1 expression (p=0.014, r=-0.21). Increased VEGF and MMP-9 expression as well as decreased TSP-1 expression may play considerable roles in the invasion and differentiation of urothelial carcinoma.
International Journal of Gynecological Pathology | 2009
Mehmet Kefeli; Levent Yildiz; Fatma Cevik Kaya; Oguz Aydin; Bedri Kandemir
The diagnosis of malignant, uncertain malignant potential, and benign uterine smooth muscle tumors is derived from histologic criteria such as tumor cell necrosis, mitotic activity, and cytologic atypia. Morphologically, some variants of leiomyoma can be confused with leiomyosarcoma (LMS). In this study, we compared fascin expression in cases of leiomyoma, leiomyoma variants (LVs), uterine smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP), and LMS, and sought to determine the potential role of fascin in differential diagnosis. Fascin expression was investigated through the immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded tissue in 79 cases of uterine smooth muscle tumor including 22 usual leiomyoma, 31 LV, 4 STUMP, and 22 LMS cases. The cases were scored on the basis of staining extent (from 0 to 4) and intensity (from 1 to 3), and were assigned a combined score. Fascin expression was present in 20 of 22 (90.9%) LMS, 2 of 4 (50%) STUMP, 1 of 31 (3.2%) LV, and 1 of 22 (4.5%) usual leiomyoma cases. There was a statistically significant difference in fascin extent and intensity between the LMS and benign groups, but no difference between the LMS and STUMP groups. The results of this study indicate that more distinct fascin expression exists in LMS than in the benign groups. Fascin can serve as a reliable immunohistochemical marker in distinguishing uterine LMS from LVs and usual leiomyoma, and it may usefully be used with histologic criteria in diagnosing problematic cases.
Hormone Research in Paediatrics | 2005
Ayla Güven; Sule Karadeniz; Oguz Aydin; Mehtap Akbalik; Murat Aydin
Corticosteroids, even in topical application, may cause immunosuppression and Cushing’s syndrome. A case of disseminated fatal cytomegalovirus infection is reported in a 3-month-old girl with Cushing’s syndrome caused by exogenous topical clobetasol propionate application, which might have caused immunosuppression due to prolonged use.
Toxicologic Pathology | 2006
Burcu Ozkan Cetinkaya; Gökhan Açikgöz; Oguz Aydin; Adnan Korkmaz; Gonca Cayir Keles
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) expression and histomorphometrical alterations in cyclosporin A (CsA)-induced gingival overgrowth with or without microbial dental plaque accumulation. Forty male Wistar rats were equally divided into 4 groups; Group I (control); Group II (CsA); Group III (ligature); Group IV (ligature and CsA). After 8 weeks of experimental period, rats were subsequently decapitated and mandibular molars were dissected. Gingival overgrowth was determined by measuring depth of the gingival sulcus, then the mandible were decalcified and serial sections were obtained for histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis. Histomorphometric analysis included the measurement of epithelial thickness; immunohistochemical analysis included the assessment of PCNA expression in the oral and sulcular epithelium of buccal and lingual gingiva. Epithelial thickness and PCNA expression were significantly increased in buccal oral epithelium of Group II (p < 0.05) and in all regions in Group IV (p < 0.05) compared to control group. Also gingival overgrowth was more prominent in Group IV in comparison to Group II. These results indicate that CsA-induced gingival alterations are closely accociated with increased epithelial proliferative activity, and dental plaque accumulation seems not to be an essential but to be an aggrevating factor for the progression of the lesion.
Tumori | 2009
Murat Elli; Oguz Aydin; Sirri Bilge; Ayhan Bozkurt; Ayhan Dagdemir; Faruk Guclu Pinarli; Sabri Acar
Background Cytarabine (ARA-C) has been used for many years in the treatment of patients with leukemia and lymphoma. Gastrointestinal ulceration and mucositis are two of the well-known side effects of ARA-C. We set out to investigate whether vitamin A (VA) can help prevent ARA-C-induced mucosal lesions in mice. Materials and methods Mice were divided into 5 groups. Group I (control group) received only saline; group II received ARA-C plus saline; group III received ARA-C plus VA; group IV received ARA-C plus a lipid solution, and group V received VA alone. VA (5000 IU/kg) was administered orally to the mice once daily for 7 days. ARA-C (3.6 mg) was administered intraperitoneally for 5 days to groups II, III and IV, starting on the third day of VA treatment. Intestinal segments from the proximal end of the jejunum of treated mice were isolated. Results There was improved mucosal integrity, less necrosis and increased villus length with advanced mucosal proliferation in crypts in the VA plus ARA-C group when compared to the ARA-C groups without VA. Conclusion We conclude that VA has a protective effect against ARA-C-induced mucosal damage in mice.
Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine | 2007
Arif Kokcu; Mehmet B. Cetinkaya; Oguz Aydin; Migraci Tosun
In this article we review the historically important cases of conjoined twins (Biddenden Maids, Siamese twins, Blazek sisters) and contemporary knowledge regarding incidence, etiopathogenesis, antenatal diagnosis, antenatal management, and outcome of conjoined twins. We also present a case of male cephalothoracoomphalopagus, which is extremely rare.
European Journal of Dermatology | 2009
Levent Yildiz; Mehmet Kefeli; Oguz Aydin; Bedri Kandemir
Fascin is a globular actin cross-linking protein that is important in carcinogenesis. It shows differential staining in various tumors, dependent on grade and stage. The purpose of this study was to compare fascin expression in benign, dysplastic and malignant (metastatic and non-metastatic) melanocytic lesions of the skin, and also to investigate the potential role of fascin in their differential diagnosis. Fascin expression was investigated through the immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded tissue in 73 cases of melanocytic lesions of the skin, including 20 benign nevi, 12 dysplastic nevi, 4 lentigo malignas, 25 malignant melanomas and 12 metastatic melanomas. The cases were scored on the basis of staining extension (from 0 to 4) and intensity (from 1 to 3), and were assigned a combined score. Fascin expression was present in 19/20 (95%) benign nevi, 8/12 (67%) dysplastic nevi, 1/4 (25%) lentigo malignas, 7/25 (28%) malignant melanomas and 3/12 (25%) metastatic melanomas. There was significantly less frequent expression of fascin in malignant melanoma than in benign nevi (p < 0.001) and dysplastic nevi (p = 0.036). The results of this study indicate that differential fascin expression exists between benign nevi and malignant melanomas. Fascin can therefore serve as a reliable immunohistochemical marker in distinguishing malignant melanomas from melanocytic nevi and dysplastic nevi, and it may be used with histological criteria for differential diagnosis.
Pathology Research and Practice | 2008
Oguz Aydin; Levent Yildiz; Mehmet Kefeli; Bedri Kandemir
The mutations of c-kit gene, which encodes a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase (CD117-KIT) or activation of CD117, lead to the activation of signal transduction cascades regulating cell proliferation, apoptosis, chemotaxis, and adhesion. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of CD117 in normal, inflammatory, neoplastic, and reactive lesions of the thyroid. Using polyclonal anti-CD117 antibody, we performed immunohistochemical staining on tissue blocks from 230 cases obtained from the archives of the Department of Pathology, Ondokuz Mayis University (Samsun, Turkey), collected between 1990 and 2006. Each slide was evaluated for extent and intensity of staining. Staining extent was expressed as the percentage of stained cells. Staining of <10% of the cells was accepted as negative. Staining intensity was evaluated only in positive cases. By addition of the extent and intensity scores, the combined score was calculated. In our study, the combined CD117 staining scores of neoplastic and inflammatory groups were found to be higher than the reactive and normal groups. Within the neoplastic group, papillary carcinomas differed from follicular adenomas significantly, although papillary carcinomas showed no statistically significant difference compared to follicular carcinomas. Immunohistochemical CD117 positivity was detected in a wide range of neoplastic and inflammatory thyroid diseases. The neoplastic group and, within them, the papillary carcinomas showed a higher ratio of CD117 positivity. Although our results need to be confirmed by other molecular and genetic studies, the high rate of positivity in papillary carcinomas was one of the striking findings, which may result in novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology | 2006
Murat Elli; Oguz Aydin; Faruk Guclu Pinarli; Ayhan Dagdemir; Nevzat Dabak; Mustafa Bekir Selcuk; Sabri Acar
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a rare neoplasm that often occurs during the first year of life. More than 90% of MNTIs occur in the head and neck region, with most on the anterior part of the maxillary ridge. MNTI has also been reported in the mediastinum, thigh, foot, shoulder, and gonads. Here the authors report a rare case of MNTI of the femur in a 3-month-old child.