Okiuji Takagi
Nagasaki University
Caries Research | 1996
Daisuke Inaba; J.L. Ruben; Okiuji Takagi; J Arends
Dentine consists simplified of mineral and of several organic components. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a well-known nonspecific proteolytic agent capable to remove organic material. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of organic material removal from artificial dentine lesions by means of NaOCl pretreatment on subsequent remineralization with and without fluoride. Human root dentine samples were demineralized in an acidic gel (pH = 5) at 37 degrees C for 2 weeks. After 2 min of pretreatment with a 0.4, 2 or 10% NaOCl solution, the samples were remineralized in a 20 mM HEPES buffer (pH = 7) containing 1.5 mM Ca(2) and 0.9 mM phosphate with or without addition of 10 ppm F(-) as NaF at 37 degrees C for 8 days. Mineral profiles were assessed by means of transversal microradiography after diol treatment to avoid shrinkage caused by drying. In a separate experiments the dentine contraction caused by 10% NaOCl was assessed. The contraction (negligible for sound dentine) was found to be about 12% for the lesions. The remineralization results showed that pretreatment with a 10% NaOCl solution for 2 min, increased lesion remineralization. After NaOCl treatment, the amount of accumulated mineral increased by about 27% without F in the remineralization solution, and by about 4% with 10 ppm in solution. The in vitro results suggest that removal of organic materials from dentine lesions is an interesting approach to enhance remineralization.
Caries Research | 2000
Youichi Iijima; Okiuji Takagi
Thin sections of natural enamel lesions, so–called white spots (WS), and areas of sound enamel (SEn) adjacent to the WS were exposed to an intraoral environment for 2 weeks. Thin sections of WS samples, clamped in a PMMA holder, were microradiographed before and after exposure to intraoral conditions. Acid resistance was evaluated by lesion depth and mineral changes during the cariogenic challenge. The results show that there were statistically significant differences in lesion depth, mineral loss and mineral volume percent at the surface before and after the intraoral cariogenic challenge at least at p<0.05, except for a change in mineral volume percent at the surface of WS samples. This exception indicates that no mineral change occurred in the surface layer of WS. The fact of 2.8 and 1.8 times higher ratios of SEn over WS of mean changes in lesion depth and mineral loss data, respectively, seems to indicate a quantitative difference in acid resistance level of WS lesions compared with the areas of SEn. Regarding the site of mineral changes, a distinctive feature of WS samples is that mineral loss occurs at the bottom of lesions. In contrast, areas of SEn produce a typical subsurface type of lesions. From this in situ study, it can be concluded that the surface of WS samples was apparently much more acid–resistant (at least approximately 2 times) than the areas of SEn that received a similar intraoral acid challenge.
American Journal of Orthodontics | 1983
Naohiko Inoue; Ching Hui Kuo; Gakuji Ito; Koichi Shiono; Susumu Kuragano; Tetsuya Kamegai; Yukio Seino; Yukihiro Yuyama; Okiuji Takagi; Katsuhiko Taura
Influence of tooth-to-denture-base discrepancy on so-called physiologic migration of the first molar was studied on serial dental casts of 116 boys and girls, obtained through a dental health program for school children in an area in which there was no dentist. The alteration of spaces following premature loss of deciduous molars was examined comparing the anterior to posterior discrepancies between tooth and denture base. Modes of space alteration showed positive correlation with the size of the discrepancy, especially in the mandibular dental arches. The space deficiency in the posterior region seemed to have a positive effect on the mesial migration of the first molar. Mesial migration of the first molar seems to be pathologic rather than physiologic and is strongly affected by tooth-to-denture-base discrepancies. Space maintenance does not seem to be useful, because it is not necessary in minimum discrepancy cases and is not effective in severe discrepancy cases.
Archives of Oral Biology | 2000
K Kawasaki; Yasuhiro Tanaka; Okiuji Takagi
Crystallographic information on dental hard tissue is helpful in evaluating whether incipient caries that has received preventative treatments is resistant to subsequent attack. The aim here was to analyse crystallographically by means of high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) demineralized human enamel that had been laser-irradiated or remineralized. Electron-microscopic observation identified a distinct layer at a depth of 100 nm in the demineralized and laser-irradiated enamel. The crystallinity in the shallower area was inferior to that in the deeper area. Comparison of the HREM findings from the deeper area with the data provided by the Joint Committee on Powdered Diffraction Standards revealed that the mineral in the demineralized and laser-irradiated enamel was either alpha- or beta-tricalcium phosphate, while that in the remineralized enamel was thought to be tetracalcium diphosphate monoxide.
Microbiology | 1996
Hideaki Hayashida; Hitoshi Hotokezaka; Naoya Ohara; Makoto Kimura; Okiuji Takagi; Takeshi Yamada
We have found a new insertion sequence (IS), designated ISAa1, downstream of the S10 operon in Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) actinomycetemcomitans FDC Y4. ISAa1, the first IS element characterized in this organism, is 705 bp long and lacks terminal inverted repeats. This element displayed significant homology with IS200. Hybridization patterns of genomic DNA of seven A. actinomycetemcomitans strains with an internal ISAa1 probe varied depending on the serotypes, suggesting that ISAa1 might be a useful tool for epidemiological studies.
Microbiology | 2000
Hideaki Hayashida; Knud Poulsen; Okiuji Takagi; Mogens Kilian
The distribution and number of two insertion sequences (ISs), ISAa1 and an IS150-like element, in the genomes of a collection of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans strains previously subjected to population genetic analysis were determined to obtain information about their stability and biological significance. The hybridization patterns revealed that these IS elements are widespread in the genome of A. actinomycetemcomitans strains and that their occurrence agrees with the overall population structure of the species. While the patterns of ISAa1 showed significant evolutionary stability, the IS150-like element showed evidence of intra-genomic variability even within members of the previously identified high-toxicity JP2 clone. Searching of the available genome sequence of strain HK1651 of the JP2 clone (www.genome.ou.edu/act.html) revealed close proximity of the IS elements to housekeeping genes, but no evidence of structural disruption of genes or integrations that may be presumed to influence pathogenic potential.
Journal of Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry | 1999
Hisazumi Ikeda; Daisuke Inaba; Kentaro Minami; Yoshiko Someya; Masami Yonemitsu; Tsugio Inokuchi; Okiuji Takagi
本研究はレーザー照射の脱灰エナメル質におよぼす影響をin vitroとin situで検討する目的で実施した。人工的に脱灰したエナメル質にQ-switched Nd: YAG第2高調波 (532nm; 100J/cm2) を照射した。続いて, 非照射の対照を含む試料を, pH5の酸性ゲルに3週間浸漬, または上顎第一大臼歯の頬側面に接着して16名の成人口腔内に1か月間接触させた。エナメル質表層のミネラル分布はマイクロラジオグラフィ (TMR) と画像定量法により評価した。paired t-testの結果, いずれの実験においてもミネラルパラメータ値はレーザー照射と非照射試料の間においてP=0.05で有意な違いを示さなかった。結論として, 今回の結果はエナメル質病巣のさらなる脱灰進行が使用したレーザーによっては効果的に抑制されないことを示唆した。
European Journal of Oral Sciences | 1995
Daisuke Inaba; Heinz Duschner; Wim L. Jongebloed; Hans Odelius; Okiuji Takagi; J Arends
European Journal of Oral Sciences | 1997
Daisuke Inaba; Okiuji Takagi; J Arends
Caries Research | 1995
Daisuke Inaba; Youichi Iijima; Okiuji Takagi; J.L. Ruben; J Arends