Olga Kryukov
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Biomaterials | 2011
Yulia Sapir; Olga Kryukov; Smadar Cohen
Cardiac tissue engineering aims to repair damaged myocardial tissues by applying heart patches created in vitro. Herein, we explored the possible role of a combination of two matrix-attached peptides, the adhesion peptide G(4)RGDY and heparin-binding peptide G(4)SPPRRARVTY (HBP) in cardiac tissue regeneration. Neonatal rat cardiac cells were seeded into unmodified, single peptide or double peptide-attached alginate scaffolds, all having the same physical features of porosity, hydrogel forming and matrix stiffness. The cardiac tissue developed in the HBP/RGD-attached scaffolds revealed the best features of a functional muscle tissue, as judged by all studied parameters, i.e., immunostaining of cardiac cell markers, histology, western blot of protein expressions and metabolic activity. By day 7, well-developed myocardial fibers were observed in these cell constructs. At 14 days the HBP/RGD-attached constructs presented an isotropic myofiber arrangement, while no such arrangement was seen in the other constructs. The expression levels of α-actinin, N-cadherin and Connexin-43, showing preservation and an increase in Connexin-43 expression (Cx-43) with time, further supported the formation a contractile muscle tissue in the HBP/RGD-attached scaffolds. Collectively, the attachment of combinatorial peptides representing different signaling in ECM-cell interactions proved to play a key role, contributing to the formation of a functional cardiac muscle tissue, in vitro.
Scientific Reports | 2015
Ivana Grulova; Lucia Slovinska; Juraj Blasko; Stephanie Devaux; Maxence Wisztorski; Michel Salzet; Isabelle Fournier; Olga Kryukov; Smadar Cohen; Dasa Cizkova
Spinal cord injury (SCI) has been implicated in neural cell loss and consequently functional motor and sensory impairment. In this study, we propose an alginate -based neurobridge enriched with/without trophic growth factors (GFs) that can be utilized as a therapeutic approach for spinal cord repair. The bioavailability of key GFs, such as Epidermal Growth factor (EGF) and basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) released from injected alginate biomaterial to the central lesion site significantly enhanced the sparing of spinal cord tissue and increased the number of surviving neurons (choline acetyltransferase positive motoneurons) and sensory fibres. In addition, we document enhanced outgrowth of corticospinal tract axons and presence of blood vessels at the central lesion. Tissue proteomics was performed at 3, 7 and 10 days after SCI in rats indicated the presence of anti-inflammatory factors in segments above the central lesion site, whereas in segments below, neurite outgrowth factors, inflammatory cytokines and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan of the lectican protein family were overexpressed. Collectively, based on our data, we confirm that functional recovery was significantly improved in SCI groups receiving alginate scaffold with affinity-bound growth factors (ALG +GFs), compared to SCI animals without biomaterial treatment.
Biochemistry | 2009
Maria Vyazmensky; Yuri Zherdev; Alex Slutzker; Inna Belenky; Olga Kryukov; Ze’ev Barak; David M. Chipman
The large, catalytic subunits (LSUs; ilvB, ilvG and ilvI, respectively) of enterobacterial acetohydroxyacid synthases isozymes (AHAS I, II and III) have molecular weights approximately 60 kDa and are paralogous with a family of other thiamin diphosphate dependent enzymes. The small, regulatory subunits (SSUs) of AHAS I and AHAS III (ilvN and ilvH) are required for valine inhibition, but ilvN and ilvH can only confer valine sensitivity on their own LSUs. AHAS II is valine resistant. The LSUs have only approximately 15, <<1 and approximately 3%, respectively, of the activity of their respective holoenzymes, but the holoenzymes can be reconstituted with complete recovery of activity. We have examined the activation of each of the LSUs by SSUs from different isozymes and ask to what extent such activation is specific; that is, is effective nonspecific interaction possible between LSUs and SSUs of different isozymes? To our surprise, the AHAS II SSU ilvM is able to activate the LSUs of all three of the isozymes, and the truncated AHAS III SSUs ilvH-Delta80, ilvH-Delta86 and ilvH-Delta89 are able to activate the LSUs of both AHAS I and AHAS III. However, none of the heterologously activated enzymes have any feedback sensitivity. Our results imply the existence of a common region in all three LSUs to which regulatory subunits may bind, as well as a similarity between the surfaces of ilvM and the other SSUs. This surface must be included within the N-terminal betaalphabetabetaalphabeta-domain of the SSUs, probably on the helical face of this domain. We suggest hypotheses for the mechanism of valine inhibition, and reject one involving induced dissociation of subunits.
Journal of Controlled Release | 2015
Emil Ruvinov; Olga Kryukov; Efrat Forti; Efrat Korin; Matan Goldstein; Smadar Cohen
Gene silencing using small interfering RNA (siRNA) relies on the critical need for a safe and effective carrier, capable of strong but reversible complexation, siRNA protection, cellular uptake, and cytoplasmatic unloading of its cargo. We hypothesized that a delivery platform based on the eletrostatic interactions of siRNA with calcium ions in solution would fulfill these needs, ultimately leading to effective gene silencing. Physical characterization of the calcium-siRNA complexes, using high resolution microscopy and dynamic light scattering (DLS), showed the formation of stable nanosized complexes ~80nm in diameter, bearing mild (~-7mV) negative surface charge. The complexes were extremely stable in the presence of serum proteins or high concentrations of heparin; they maintained their nanosized features in suspension for days; and effectively protected the siRNA from enzymatic degradation. The Ca-siRNA complexes were disintegrated in the presence of Ca-chelating ion exchange resin, thus proving their reversibility. Excellent cytocompatibility of calcium-siRNA complexes was achieved using physiological calcium ion concentrations. The calcium-siRNA complexes successfully induced a very high (~80%) level of gene silencing in several cell types, at both mRNA and protein levels, associated with efficient cellular uptake. Collectively, our results show that the developed delivery platform based on reversible calcium-siRNA interactions offers a simple and versatile method for enhancing the therapeutic efficiency of siRNA.
Acta Biomaterialia | 2014
Eyal Shteyer; Ami Ben Ya’acov; Lidia Zolotaryova; Avital Sinai; Yoav Lichtenstein; Orit Pappo; Olga Kryukov; Tsiona Elkayam; Smadar Cohen; Yaron Ilan
Extended partial hepatectomy may be needed in cases of large hepatic mass, and can lead to fulminant hepatic failure. Macroporous alginate scaffold is a biocompatible matrix which promotes the growth, differentiation and long-term hepatocellular function of primary hepatocytes in vitro. Our aim was to explore the ability of implanted macroporous alginate scaffolds to protect liver remnants from acute hepatic failure after extended partial hepatectomy. An 87% partial hepatectomy (PH) was performed on C57BL/6 mice to compare non-treated mice to mice in which alginate or collagen scaffolds were implanted after PH. Mice were scarified 3, 6, 24 and 48 h and 6 days following scaffold implantation and the extent of liver injury and repair was examined. Alginate scaffolds significantly increased animal survival to 60% vs. 10% in non-treated and collagen-treated mice (log rank=0.001). Mice with implanted alginate scaffolds manifested normal and prolonged aspartate aminotransferases and alanine aminotransferases serum levels as compared with the 2- to 20-fold increase in control groups (P<0.0001) accompanied with improved liver histology. Sustained normal serum albumin levels were observed in alginate-scaffold-treated mice 48 h after hepatectomy. Incorporation of BrdU-positive cells was 30% higher in the alginate-scaffold-treated group, compared with non-treated mice. Serum IL-6 levels were significantly decreased 3h post PH. Biotin-alginate scaffolds were quickly well integrated within the liver tissue. Collectively, implanted alginate scaffolds support liver remnants after extended partial hepatectomy, thus eliminating liver injury and leading to enhanced animal survival after extended partial hepatectomy.
Macromolecular Rapid Communications | 2014
Somasekhar Bondalapati; Emil Ruvinov; Olga Kryukov; Smadar Cohen; Ashraf Brik
Polysaccharides have emerged as important functional materials because of their unique properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and availability of reactive sites for chemical modifications to optimize their properties. The overwhelming majority of the methods to modify polysaccharides employ random chemical modifications, which often improve certain properties while compromising others. On the other hand, the employed methods for selective modifications often require excess of coupling partners, long reaction times and are limited in their scope and wide applicability. To circumvent these drawbacks, aniline-catalyzed oxime formation is developed for selective modification of a variety of polysaccharides through their reducing end. Notably, it is found that for efficient oxime formation, different conditions are required depending on the composition of the specific polysaccharide. It is also shown how our strategy can be applied to improve the physical and functional properties of alginate hydrogels, which are widely used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. While the randomly and selectively modified alginate exhibits similar viscoelastic properties, the latter forms significantly more stable hydrogel and superior cell adhesive and functional properties. Our results show that the developed conjugation reaction is robust and should open new opportunities for preparing polysaccharide-based functional materials with unique properties.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | 2015
Dasa Cizkova; Lucia Slovinska; Ivana Grulova; Michel Salzet; Štefan Čikoš; Olga Kryukov; Smadar Cohen
Biomaterials capable of controlling the release of multiple growth factors (GFs) could potentially promote the integration of co‐transplanted neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and stimulate the plasticity and regenerability of the lesioned spinal cord. As a first step towards the employment of such a vehicle for cell therapy, this study examined the capability of an alginate–sulphate/alginate scaffold, able to capture and rigorously control the release of GFs, to promote the expansion and lineage differentiation of NPCs in vitro. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor‐2 (bFGF) were affinity‐bound to alginate–sulphate (200 ng/scaffold) and the bioconjugates were mixed with partially calcium‐crosslinked alginate. NPCs isolated from 18 day‐old rat embryo brains and seeded into the scaffold during preparation were found to proliferate and differentiate within the vehicle. A continuous release of both bFGF and EGF was noted for a period of 21 days. The concentrations of released GFs were sufficient to promote extensive NPC proliferation at initial cultivation times; the number of neurospheres in the scaffold was twice the number found in the 2D cultures supplemented with 20 ng/ml each factor every 3 days. Between days 10–14, when the GF concentrations had substantially declined, extensive cell migration from the neurospheres as well as lineage differentiation were noted in the scaffold; immunocytochemical analyses confirmed the presence of neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.The scaffold has a potential to serve as cell delivery vehicle, with proven capability to promote cell retention and expansion, while enabling NPC lineage differentiation in situ. Copyright
Journal of Controlled Release | 2016
Efrat Forti; Olga Kryukov; Edan Elovic; Matan Goldshtein; Efrat Korin; Gal Margolis; Shani Felder; Emil Ruvinov; Smadar Cohen
Therapeutic implementation of RNA interference (RNAi) through delivery of short interfering RNA (siRNA) is still facing several critical hurdles, which mostly can be solved through the use of an efficient delivery system. We hereby introduce anionic siRNA nanoparticles (NPs) co-assembled by the electrostatic interactions of the semi-synthetic polysaccharide hyaluronan-sulfate (HAS), with siRNA, mediated by calcium ion bridges. The NPs have an average size of 130nm and a mild (-10mV) negative surface charge. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using gold-labeled components and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) demonstrated the spatial organization of siRNA molecules in the particle core, surrounded by a layer of HAS. The anionic NPs efficiently encapsulated siRNA, were stable in physiological-relevant environments and were cytocompatible, not affecting cell viability or homeostasis. Efficient cellular uptake of the anionic siRNA NPs, associated with potent gene silencing (>80%), was observed across multiple cell types, including murine primary peritoneal macrophages and human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. In a clinically-relevant model of acute inflammatory response in IL-6-stimulated human hepatocytes, STAT3 silencing induced by HAS-Ca(2+)-siRNA NPs resulted in marked decrease in the total and activated STAT3 protein levels, as well as in the expression levels of downstream acute phase response genes. Collectively, anionic NPs prove to be an efficient and cytocompatible delivery system for siRNA.
Tissue Engineering Part C-methods | 2014
Olga Kryukov; Emil Ruvinov; Smadar Cohen
The therapeutic application of autologous cardiac-derived progenitor cells (CPCs) requires a large cell quantity generated under defined conditions. Herein, we investigated the applicability of a three-dimensional (3D) perfusion cultivation system to facilitate the expansion of CPCs harvested from human heart biopsies and characterized by a relatively high percentage of c-kit(+) cells. The cells were seeded in macroporous alginate scaffolds and after cultivation for 7 days under static conditions, some of the constructs were transferred into a perfusion bioreactor, which was operated for an additional 14 days. A robust and highly reproducible human CPC (hCPC) expansion of more than seven-fold was achieved under the 3D perfusion culture conditions, while under static conditions, the expansion of CPCs was limited only to the first 7 days, after which it leveled-off. On day 21 of perfusion cultivation, the expanded cells exhibited a higher expression level of the progenitor marker c-kit, suggesting that the c-kit-positive CPCs are the main cell population undergoing proliferation. The profile of the spontaneous differentiation in the perfused construct was different from that in the static cultivated constructs; genes typical for cardiac and endothelial cell lineages were more widely expressed in the perfused constructs. By contrast, the differentiation to osteogenic (Von Kossa staining and alkaline phosphatase activity) and adipogenic (Oil Red staining) lineages was reduced in the perfused constructs compared with static cultivated constructs. Collectively, our results indicate that 3D perfusion cultivation mode is an appropriate system for robust expansion of human CPCs while maintaining their progenitor state and differentiation potential into the cardiovascular cell lineages.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2006
Valerie Vinogradov; Maria Vyazmensky; Stanislav Engel; Inna Belenky; Alexander Kaplun; Olga Kryukov; Ze'ev Barak; David M. Chipman