Olga Poppe
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Archive | 2011
Michael Eckert; François Bry; Simon Brodt; Olga Poppe; Steffen Hausmann
Complex Event Processing (CEP) denotes algorithmic methods for making sense of events by deriving higher-level knowledge, or complex events, from lower-level events in a timely fashion and permanently. At the core of CEP are queries incessantly monitoring the incoming stream of “simple” events and recognizing “complex” events from these simple events. Event queries monitoring incoming streams of simple events serve the specification of situations that manifest themselves as certain combinations of simple events occurring, or not occurring, over time and that cannot be detected alone from each or only a few single events involved.
Archive | 2011
Michael Eckert; François Bry; Simon Brodt; Olga Poppe; Steffen Hausmann
Complex Event Processing (CEP) denotes algorithmic methods for deriving higher-level knowledge, or complex events, from a stream of lower-level events in a continuous and timely fashion. High-level Event Query Languages (EQLs) are designed for expressing complex events in a convenient, concise, effective and maintainable manner. CEP differs fundamentally from traditional database or Web querying, as CEP continuously evaluates standing queries against a stream of incoming event data whereas traditional querying evaluates incoming ad hoc queries against (more or less) standing data.
Book Chapter‚ in Semantic Web Information Management: A Model Based Perspective‚ Springer | 2010
François Bry; Tim Furche; Bruno Marnette; Clemens Ley; Benedikt Linse; Olga Poppe
SPARQL has become the gold-standard for RDF query languages. Nevertheless, we believe there is further room for improving RDF query languages. In this chapter, we investigate the addition of rules and quantifier alternation to SPARQL. That extension, called SPARQLog, extends previous RDF query languages by arbitrary quantifier alternation: blank nodes may occur in the scope of all, some, or none of the universal variables of a rule. In addition, SPARQLog is aware of important RDF features such as the distinction between blank nodes, literals and IRIs or the RDFS vocabulary. The semantics of SPARQLog is closed (every answer is an RDF graph), but lifts RDF’s restrictions on literal and blank node occurrences for intermediary data. We show how to define a sound and complete operational semantics that can be implemented using existing logic programming techniques. While SPARQLog is Turing complete, we identify a decidable (in fact, polynomial time) fragment SwARQLog ensuring polynomial data-complexity inspired from the notion of super-weak acyclicity in data exchange. Furthermore, we prove that SPARQLog with no universal quantifiers in the scope of existential ones (∀ ∃ fragment) is equivalent to full SPARQLog in presence of graph projection. Thus, the convenience of arbitrary quantifier alternation comes, in fact, for free. These results, though here presented in the context of RDF querying, apply similarly also in the more general setting of data exchange.
Trans. Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems | 2013
Olga Poppe; Sandro Giessl; Elke A. Rundensteiner; François Bry
Real-time reactive applications from supply chain tracking to health care data analytics have increasingly gained on importance and complexity. To facilitate the specification of involved event-based application semantics, we introduce a novel model HIT that finds a middle ground between a specification composed of a large set of low-level queries versus a high-level graphical workflow description. The workflow is captured by the Hierarchical Instantiating Timed automaton (HIT), while succinct queries are formulated within its states which provide valuable context for launching query execution. HIT models an arbitrary number of event-driven sequential or concurrent hierarchical processes as required for realization of complex real-world applications using a succinct yet expressive specification. The effectiveness of HIT is illustrated by a full case study of the auction scenario.
international conference on management of data | 2017
Olga Poppe; Chuan Lei; Salah Ahmed; Elke A. Rundensteiner
Event processing applications from financial fraud detection to health care analytics continuously execute event queries with Kleene closure to extract event sequences of arbitrary, statically unknown length, called Complete Event Trends (CETs). Due to common event sub-sequences in CETs, either the responsiveness is delayed by repeated computations or an exorbitant amount of memory is required to store partial results. To overcome these limitations, we define the CET graph to compactly encode all CETs matched by a query. Based on the graph, we define the spectrum of CET detection algorithms from CPU-optimal to memory-optimal. We find the middle ground between these two extremes by partitioning the graph into time-centric graphlets and caching partial CETs per graphlet to enable effective reuse of these intermediate results. We reveal cost monotonicity properties of the search space of graph partitioning plans. Our CET optimizer leverages these properties to prune significant portions of the search to produce a partitioning plan with minimal CPU costs yet within the given memory limit. Our experimental study demonstrates that our CET detection solution achieves up to 42--fold speed-up even under rigid memory constraints compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in diverse scenarios.
very large data bases | 2017
Olga Poppe; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; David Maier
Streaming applications from algorithmic trading to traffic management deploy Kleene patterns to detect and aggregate arbitrarily-long event sequences, called event trends. State-of-the-art systems process such queries in two steps. Namely, they first construct all trends and then aggregate them. Due to the exponential costs of trend construction, this two-step approach suffers from both a long delays and high memory costs. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Graph-based Real-time Event Trend Aggregation (Greta) approach that dynamically computes event trend aggregation without first constructing these trends. We define the Greta graph to compactly encode all trends. Our Greta runtime incrementally maintains the graph, while dynamically propagating aggregates along its edges. Based on the graph, the final aggregate is incrementally updated and instantaneously returned at the end of each query window. Our Greta runtime represents a win-win solution, reducing both the time complexity from exponential to quadratic and the space complexity from exponential to linear in the number of events. Our experiments demonstrate that Greta achieves up to four orders of magnitude speed-up and up to 50--fold memory reduction compared to the state-of-the-art two-step approaches.
extending database technology | 2016
Olga Poppe; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Daniel J. Dougherty
Semantic Web Information Management | 2009
François Bry; Tim Furche; Bruno Marnette; Clemens Ley; Benedikt Linse; Olga Poppe
Archive | 2010
Simon Brodt; Steffen Hausmann; François Bry; Olga Poppe; Michael Eckert
international conference on data engineering | 2018
Olga Poppe; Allison Rozet; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; David Maier