
Featured researches published by Oliver E. Owen.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1967

Brain Metabolism during Fasting

Oliver E. Owen; Alfred P. Morgan; H. G. Kemp; J. M. Sullivan; M G Herrera; George F. Cahill

Catheterization of cerebral vessels in three obese patients undergoing 5-6 wk of starvation demonstrated that beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate replaced glucose as the predominant fuel for brain metabolism. A strikingly low respiratory quotient was also observed, suggesting a carboxylation mechanism as a means of disposing of some of the carbon of the consumed substrates.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1969

Liver and kidney metabolism during prolonged starvation

Oliver E. Owen; Philip Felig; Alfred P. Morgan; John Wahren; George F. Cahill

This study quantifies the concentrations of circulating insulin, growth hormone, glucose, free fatty acids, glycerol, beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and alpha amino nitrogen in 11 obese subjects during prolonged starvation. The sites and estimated rates of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis after 5-6 wk of fasting were investigated in five of the subjects. Blood glucose and insulin concentrations fell acutely during the 1st 3 days of fasting, and alpha amino nitrogen after 17 days. The concentration of free fatty acids, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate did not reach a plateau until after 17 days. Estimated glucose production at 5-6 wk of starvation is reduced to approximately 86 g/24 hr. Of this amount the liver contributes about one-half and the kidney the remainder. Approximately all of the lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, and amino acid carbons which are removed by liver and kidney are converted into glucose, as evidenced by substrate balances across these organs.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1969

Amino acid metabolism during prolonged starvation

Philip Felig; Oliver E. Owen; John Wahren; George F. Cahill

Plasma concentration, splanchnic and renal exchange, and urinary excretion of 20 amino acids were studied in obese subjects during prolonged (5-6 wk) starvation. Splanchnic amino acid uptake was also investigated in postabsorptive and briefly (36-48 hr) fasted subjects.A transient increase in plasma valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, and alpha-aminobutyrate was noted during the 1st wk of starvation. A delayed, progressive increase in glycine, threonine, and serine occurred after the 1st 5 days. 13 of the amino acids ultimately decreased in starvation, but the magnitude of this diminution was greatest for alanine which decreased most rapidly during the 1st week of fasting. In all subjects alanine was extracted by the splanchnic circulation to a greater extent than all other amino acids combined. Brief fasting resulted in an increased arterio-hepatic venous difference for alanine due to increased fractional extraction. After 5-6 wk of starvation, a marked falloff in splanchnic alanine uptake was attributable to the decreased arterial concentration. Prolonged fasting resulted in increased glycine utilization by the kidney and in net renal uptake of alanine. It is concluded that the marked decrease in plasma alanine is due to augmented and preferential splanchnic utilization of this amino acid in early starvation resulting in substrate depletion. Maintenance of the hypoalaninemia ultimately serves to diminish splanchnic uptake of this key glycogenic amino acid and is thus an important component of the regulatory mechanism whereby hepatic gluconeogenesis is diminished and protein catabolism is minimized in prolonged fasting. The altered renal extraction of glycine and alanine is not due to increased urinary excretion but may be secondary to the increased rate of renal gluconeogenesis observed in prolonged starvation.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1983

Nature and quantity of fuels consumed in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.

Oliver E. Owen; V E Trapp; George A. Reichard; M A Mozzoli; J Moctezuma; P Paul; Charles L. Skutches; Guenther Boden

Although alcoholism is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality of middle-aged Americans, there are no data available pertaining to the consequences of Laennecs cirrhosis on total body energy requirements or mechanisms for maintaining fuel homeostasis in this patient population. Therefore, we simultaneously used the techniques of indirect calorimetry and tracer analyses of [14C]palmitate to measure the nature and quantity of fuels oxidized by patients with biopsy-proven alcoholic cirrhosis and compared the results with values obtained from health volunteers. Cirrhotic patients were studied after an overnight fast (10-12 h). Normal volunteers were studied after an overnight fast (12 h) or after a longer period of starvation (36-72 h). Total basal metabolic requirements were similar in overnight fasted cirrhotic patients (1.05 +/- 0.06 kcal/min per 1.73 m2), overnight fasted normal subjects (1.00 +/- 0.05 kcal/min per 1.73 m2), and 36-72-h fasted normal volunteers (1.10 +/- 0.06 kcal/min per 1.73 m2). Indirect calorimetry revealed that in cirrhotic patients the percentages of total calories derived from fat (69 +/- 3%), carbohydrate (13 +/- 2%), and protein (17 +/- 4%) were comparable to those found in 36-72-h fasted subjects, but were clearly different from those of overnight fasted normal individuals who derived 40 +/- 6, 39 +/- 4, and 21 +/- 2% from fat, carbohydrate, and protein, respectively. These data are strikingly similar to data obtained through tracer analyses of [14C]palmitate, which showed that in overnight fasted patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, 63 +/- 4% of their total CO2 production was derived from oxidation of 287 +/- 28 mumol free fatty acids (FFA)/min per 1.73 m2. In contrast, normal overnight fasted humans derived 34 +/- 6% of their total CO2 production from the oxidation of 147 +/- 25 mumol FFA/min per 1.73 m2. On the other hand, values obtained from the normal volunteers fasted 36-72 h were similar to the overnight fasted cirrhotic patients. These results show that after an overnight fast the caloric requirements of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis are normal, but the nature of fuels oxidized are similar to normal humans undergoing 2-3 d of total starvation. Thus, patients with alcoholic cirrhosis develop the catabolic state of starvation more rapidly than do normal humans. This disturbed but compensated pattern for maintaining fuel homeostasis may be partly responsible for the cachexia observed in some patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. This study also showed remarkably good agreement between the results obtained with indirect calorimetry and those obtained with 14C tracer analyses.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1988

Ethanol causes acute inhibition of carbohydrate, fat, and protein oxidation and insulin resistance.

John J. Shelmet; George A. Reichard; Charles L. Skutches; Robert D. Hoeldtke; Oliver E. Owen; Guenther Boden

To study the mechanism of the diabetogenic action of ethanol, ethanol (0.75 g/kg over 30 min) and then glucose (0.5 g/kg over 5 min) were infused intravenously into six normal males. During the 4-h study, 21.8 +/- 2.1 g of ethanol was metabolized and oxidized to CO2 and H2O. Ethanol decreased total body fat oxidation by 79% and protein oxidation by 39%, and almost completely abolished the 249% rise in carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation seen in controls after glucose infusion. Ethanol decreased the basal rate of glucose appearance (GRa) by 30% and the basal rate of glucose disappearance (GRd) by 38%, potentiated glucose-stimulated insulin release by 54%, and had no effect on glucose tolerance. In hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies, ethanol caused a 36% decrease in glucose disposal. We conclude that ethanol was a preferred fuel preventing fat, and to lesser degrees, CHO and protein, from being oxidized. It also caused acute insulin resistance which was compensated for by hypersecretion of insulin.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1974

Hepatic Ketogenesis and Gluconeogenesis in Humans

A. J. Garber; P. H. Menzel; G. Boden; Oliver E. Owen

Splanchnic arterio-hepatic venous differences for a variety of substrates associated with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were determined simultaneously with hepatic blood flow in five patients after 3 days of starvation. Despite the relative predominance of circulating beta-hydroxybutyrate, the splanchnic productions of both beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate were approximately equal, totaling 115 g/24 h. This rate of hepatic ketogenesis was as great as that noted previously after 5-6 wk of starvation. Since the degree of hyperketonemia was about threefold greater after 5-6 wk of starvation, it seems likely that the rate of ketone-body removal by peripheral tissues is as important in the development of the increased ketone-body concentrations observed after prolonged starvation as increased hepatic ketone-body production rate. Splanchnic glucose release in this study was 123 g/24 h, which was less than that noted previously after an overnight fast, but was considerably more than that noted during prolonged starvation. Hepatic gluconeogenesis was estimated to be 99 g/24 h, calculated as the sum of lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, and amino acid uptake. This was greater than that observed either after an overnight fast or after prolonged starvation. In addition, a direct relationship between the processes of hepatic ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis was observed.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1988

Thermic effect of food in lean and obese men.

David A. D'Alessio; E C Kavle; M A Mozzoli; K J Smalley; Marcia Polansky; Z. V. Kendrick; L R Owen; M C Bushman; G Boden; Oliver E. Owen

A systemic reappraisal of the thermic effect of food was done in lean and obese males randomly fed mixed meals containing 0, 8, 16, 24, and 32 kcal/kg fat-free mass. Densitometric analysis was used to measure body composition. Preprandial and postprandial energy expenditures were measured by indirect calorimetry. The data show that the thermic effect of food was linearly correlated with caloric intake, and that the magnitude and duration of augmented postprandial thermogenesis increased linearly with caloric consumption. Postprandial energy expenditures over resting metabolic requirements were indistinguishable when comparing lean and obese men for a given caloric intake. Individuals, however, had distinct and consistent thermic responses to progressively greater caloric challenges. These unique thermic profiles to food ingestion were also independent of leanness or obesity. We conclude that the thermic effect of food increases linearly with caloric intake, and is independent of leanness and obesity.

Diabetes | 1986

Acetone Metabolism in Humans During Diabetic Ketoacidosis

George A. Reichard; Charles L. Skutches; Robert D. Hoeldtke; Oliver E. Owen

Plasma acetone turnover rates were measured with the primed continuous infusion of 2-[14C]acetone in patients with moderate to severe diabetic ketoacidosis. Plasma acetone turnover rates ranged from 1.52 to 15.9 μmol · kg−1 · min−1 (108–1038 n,mol · 1.73 m−2 min−1) and were directly related to the plasma acetone concentrations that ranged from 0.47 to 7.61 mM. The average acetoneturnover rate was 6.45 μmol kg−1 min−1 (533 μmol · 1.73 m−2 min−1), a value twice that obtained in a similar group of diabetic ketoacidotic patients via the single-injection technique of 2-[14C]acetone administration. Degradation of urine glucose revealed that 14C from administered 2-[14C]acetone was principally located in carbons 1, 2, 5, and 6 of the glucose molecule in five of six patients. This distribution is similar to that expected from 2-[14C]pyruvate, suggesting that acetone was converted to glucose through pyruvate. In one patient, label was located predominantly in glucose carbons 3 and 4, indicating that acetone metabolism maybe different in some patients. Acetol (1-hydroxyacetone) and 1,2-propanediol (PPD), two possible metabolites of acetone, were detected in plasma of the patients. The concentrations of Acetol ranged from 0 to 0.48 mM and of PPD ranged from 0 to 0.53 mM. The concentrations of each metabolite were directly related to the plasma acetone concentrations. During the continuous infusion of 2-[14C]acetone, the specific activities of plasma glucose and PPD rose continuously but did not reach constant values. Estimates of theminimal percent plasma glucose and PPD derived from plasma acetone averaged 2.1 and 74%, respectively.

Diabetes | 1988

Effect of Hyperinsulinemia on Urea Pool Size and Substrate Oxidation Rates

Luc Tappy; Oliver E. Owen; Guenther Boden

Recently, indirect calorimetry has frequently been used together with hyperinsulinemic clamps. With few exceptions, however, no attention was paid in these studies to the possible effects of hyperinsulinemia on urea nitrogen (N) pool size and the consequences of such changes on the calculated rates of protein, lipid, and carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation. We have determined the effects of euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps on urea N pool size, urinary N excretion, and rates of protein, lipid, and CHO oxidation (measured by indirect calorimetry) in six normal men. Insulin infusion (1 mU · kg−1 · min−1) increased peripheral venous insulin concentration from 7 ± 1.2 (mean ± SE) to 51 ±4 μU/ml. Glucose concentration was clamped at 84 ± 1.1 mg/dl. Between 0 (preclamp) and 360 min (end of clamp), blood urea N concentration decreased from 17.2 ± 1.1 to 11 ± 0.8 mg/dl (P < .001), and the urea N pool decreased from 604 ± 41 to 388 ± 30 mmol (P < .001). The urea N production rate decreased from 461 ± 91 (preclamp) to 91 ± 63 μmol/min during the last 4 h of the clamp (P < .05). Urinary N excretion remained unchanged (705 ±113 vs. 905 ±125 μmol/min, NS). Correction of urinary N excretion for insulin-induced reductions in the urea N pool resulted in the following changes in substrate oxidation rates (calculated for the last 4 h of the clamp). Protein oxidation rate decreased by 72 ± 8% (from 82.8 ± 10.9 to 25.7 ± 9 mg/min); lipid oxidation rate increased by 66 ± 16% (from 43.6 ± 11.9 to 61.7 ± 12.1 mg/min); and CHO oxidation rate increased by 12 ± 2% (from 167.8 ± 20.4 to 187.7 ± 21.6 mg/min). We conclude that euglycemic hyperinsulinemia decreases the urea N pool. If uncorrected, this will result in substantial overestimation of protein oxidation and underestimation of lipid and CHO oxidation rates.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1971

Human forearm metabolism during progressive starvation

Oliver E. Owen; George A. Reichard

Forearm muscle metabolism was studied in eight obese subjects after an overnight, 3 and 24 day fast. Arterio-deep-venous differences of oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, lactate, pyruvate, free fatty acids, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate with simultaneous forearm blood flow were measured. Rates of metabolite utilization and production were thus estimated. Oxygen consumption and lactate and pyruvate production remained relatively constant at each fasting period. Glucose, initially the major substrate consumed, showed decreased consumption after 3 and 24 days of fasting. Acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate consumption after an overnight fast was low. At 3 days of fasting with increased arterial concentrations of acetoactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, consumption of these substrates rose dramatically. At 24 days of fasting, despite further elevation of arterial levels of acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, the utilization of acetoacetate did not increase further and if anything decreased, while five out of eight subjects released beta-hydroxybutyrate across the forearm. Acetoacetate was preferentially extracted over beta-hydroxybutyrate. At 24 days of starvation, free fatty acids were the principal fuels extracted by forearm muscle; at this time there was a decreased glucose and also ketone-body consumption by skeletal muscle.

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