Olivier Morin
Max Planck Society
Featured researches published by Olivier Morin.
Medical Physics | 2007
Olivier Morin; A. Gillis; Martina Descovich; J Chen; Michele Aubin; J Aubry; H Chen; Alexander Gottschalk; P. Xia; Jean Pouliot
Megavoltage cone-beam CT (MVCBCT), the recent addition to the family of in-room CT imaging systems for image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), uses a conventional treatment unit equipped with a flat panel detector to obtain a three-dimensional representation of the patient in treatment position. MVCBCT has been used for more than two years in our clinic for anatomy verification and to improve patient alignment prior to dose delivery. The objective of this research is to evaluate the image acquisition dose delivered to patients for MVCBCT and to develop a simple method to reduce the additional dose resulting from routine MVCBCT imaging. Conventional CT scans of phantoms and patients were imported into a commercial treatment planning system (TPS: Phillips, Pinnacle) and an arc treatment mimicking the MVCBCT acquisition process was generated to compute the delivered acquisition dose. To validate the dose obtained from the TPS, a simple water-equivalent cylindrical phantom with spaces for MOSFETs and an ion chamber was used to measure the MVCBCT image acquisition dose. Absolute dose distributions were obtained by simulating MVCBCTs of 9 and 5 monitor units (MU) on pelvis and head and neck patients, respectively. A compensation factor was introduced to generate composite plans of treatment and MVCBCT imaging dose. The article provides a simple equation to compute the compensation factor. The developed imaging compensation method was tested on routinely used clinical plans for prostate and head and neck patients. The quantitative comparison between the calculated dose by the TPS and measurement points on the cylindrical phantom were all within 3%. The dose percentage difference for the ion chamber placed in the center of the phantom was only 0.2%. For a typical MVCBCT, the dose delivered to patients forms a small anterior-posterior gradient ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 cGy per MVCBCT MU. MVCBCT acquisitions in the pelvis and head and neck areas deliver slightly more dose than current portal imaging but render soft tissue information for positioning. Overall, the additional dose from daily 9 MU MVCBCTs of prostate patients is small compared to the treatment dose (<4%). Dose-volume histograms of compensated plans for pelvis and head and neck patients imaged daily with MVCBCT showed no additional dose to the target and small increases at low doses. The results indicate that the dose delivered for MVCBCT imaging can be precisely calculated in the TPS and therefore included in the treatment plan. This allows simple plan compensations, such as slightly reducing the treatment dose, to minimize the total dose received by critical structures from daily positioning with MVCBCT. The proposed compensation factor reduces the number of MU per treatment beam per fraction. Both the number of fractions and the beam arrangement are kept unchanged. Reducing the imaging volume in the cranio-caudal direction can further reduce the dose delivered for MVCBCT. This is a useful feature to eliminate the imaging dose to the eyes or to focus on a specific region of interest for alignment.
Medical Physics | 2006
J Chen; C Chuang; Olivier Morin; Michele Aubin; Jean Pouliot
Amorphous-silicon flat panel detectors are currently used to acquire digital portal images with excellent image quality for patient alignment before external beam radiation therapy. As a first step towards interpreting portal images acquired during treatment in terms of the actual dose delivered to the patient, a calibration method is developed to convert flat panel portal images to the equivalent water dose deposited in the detector plane and at a depth of 1.5 cm. The method is based on empirical convolution models of dose deposition in the flat panel detector and in water. A series of calibration experiments comparing the response of the flat panel imager and ion chamber measurements of dose in water determines the model parameters. Kernels derived from field size measurements account for the differences in the production and detection of scattered radiation in the two systems. The dissimilar response as a function of beam energy spectrum is characterized from measurements performed at various off-axis positions and for increasing attenuator thickness in the beam. The flat panel pixel inhomogeneity is corrected by comparing a large open field image with profiles measured in water. To verify the accuracy of the calibration method, calibrated flat panel profiles were compared with measured dose profiles for fields delivered through solid water slabs, a solid water phantom containing an air cavity, and an anthropomorphic head phantom. Open rectangular fields of various sizes and locations as well as a multileaf collimator-shaped field were delivered. For all but the smallest field centered about the central axis, the calibrated flat panel profiles matched the measured dose profiles with little or no systematic deviation and approximately 3% (two standard deviations) accuracy for the in-field region. The calibrated flat panel profiles for fields located off the central axis showed a small -1.7% systematic deviation from the measured profiles for the in-field region. Out of the field, the differences between the calibrated flat panel and measured profiles continued to be small, approximately 0%-2% of the mean in-field dose. Further refinement of the calibration model should increase the accuracy of the procedure. This calibration method for flat panel portal imagers may be used as part of a validation scheme to verify the dose delivered to the patient during treatment.
Nature Photonics | 2014
Olivier Morin; Kun Huang; Jianli Liu; Hanna Le Jeannic; Claude Fabre; Julien Laurat
Optical entanglement between a particle-like subsystem and a wave-like one is generated through the heralding detection of a single photon in an indistinguishable fashion at a central station. This enables information to be converted from one Hilbert space to the other via teleportation, and hence permits remote quantum processors based on different encodings to be connected.
Physical Review Letters | 2015
Baptiste Gouraud; Dominik Maxein; Adrien Nicolas; Olivier Morin; Julien Laurat
We report the experimental observation of slow-light and coherent storage in a setting where light is tightly confined in the transverse directions. By interfacing a tapered optical nanofiber with a cold atomic ensemble, electromagnetically induced transparency is observed and light pulses at the single-photon level are stored in and retrieved from the atomic medium. The decay of efficiency with storage time is also measured and related to concurrent decoherence mechanisms. Collapses and revivals can be additionally controlled by an applied magnetic field. Our results based on subdiffraction-limited optical mode interacting with atoms via the strong evanescent field demonstrate an alternative to free-space focusing and a novel capability for information storage in an all-fibered quantum network.
Medical Physics | 2009
Olivier Morin; J Aubry; Michele Aubin; J Chen; Martina Descovich; Ali-Bani Hashemi; Jean Pouliot
Megavoltage cone-beam CT (MVCBCT) is the most recent addition to the in-room CT systems developed for image-guided radiation therapy. The first generation MVCBCT system consists of a 6 MV treatment x-ray beam produced by a conventional linear accelerator equipped with a flat panel amorphous silicon detector. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical performance of MVCBCT in order to optimize the system acquisition and reconstruction parameters for image quality. MVCBCT acquisitions were performed with the clinical system but images were reconstructed and analyzed with a separate research workstation. The geometrical stability and the positioning accuracy of the system were evaluated by comparing geometrical calibrations routinely performed over a period of 12 months. The beam output and detector intensity stability during MVCBCT acquisition were also evaluated by analyzing in-air acquisitions acquired at different exposure levels. Several system parameters were varied to quantify their impact on image quality including the exposure (2.7, 4.5, 9.0, 18.0, and 54.0 MU), the craniocaudal imaging length (2, 5, 15, and 27.4 cm), the voxel size (0.5, 1, and 2 mm), the slice thickness (1, 3, and 5 mm), and the phantom size. For the reconstruction algorithm, the study investigated the effect of binning, averaging and diffusion filtering of raw projections as well as three different projection filters. A head-sized water cylinder was used to measure and improve the uniformity of MVCBCT images. Inserts of different electron densities were placed in a water cylinder to measure the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The spatial resolution was obtained by measuring the point-spread function of the system using an iterative edge blurring technique. Our results showed that the geometric stability and accuracy of MVCBCT were better than 1 mm over a period of 12 months. Beam intensity variations per projection of up to 35.4% were observed for a 2.7 MU MVCBCT acquisition. These variations did not cause noticeable reduction in the image quality. The results on uniformity suggest that the cupping artifact occurring with MVCBCT is mostly due to off-axis response of the detector and not scattered radiation. Simple uniformity correction methods were developed to nearly eliminate this cupping artifact. The spatial resolution of the baseline MVCBCT reconstruction protocol was approximately 2 mm. An optimized reconstruction protocol was developed and showed an improvement of 75% in CNR with a penalty of only 8% in spatial resolution. Using this new reconstruction protocol, large adipose and muscular structures were differentiated at an exposure of 9 MU. A reduction of 36% in CNR was observed on a larger (pelvic-sized) phantom. This study demonstrates that soft-tissue visualization with MVCBCT can be substantially improved with proper system settings. Further improvement is expected from the next generation MVCBCT system with an optimized megavoltage imaging beamline.
Medical Physics | 2008
Jonathan S. Maltz; Bijumon Gangadharan; Marie Vidal; Ajay Paidi; Supratik Bose; B Faddegon; Michele Aubin; Olivier Morin; Jean Pouliot; Zirao Zheng; Michelle Marie Svatos; Ali Bani-Hashemi
We describe a focused beam-stop array (BSA) for the measurement of object scatter in imaging systems that utilize x-ray beams in the megavoltage (MV) energy range. The BSA consists of 64 doubly truncated tungsten cone elements of 0.5 cm maximum diameter that are arranged in a regular array on an acrylic slab. The BSA is placed in the accessory tray of a medical linear accelerator at a distance of approximately 50 cm from the focal spot. We derive an expression that allows us to estimate the scatter in an image taken without the array present, given image values in a second image with the array in place. The presence of the array reduces fluence incident on the imaged object. This leads to an object-dependent underestimation bias in the scatter measurements. We apply corrections in order to address this issue. We compare estimates of the flat panel detector response to scatter obtained using the BSA to those derived from Monte Carlo simulations. We find that the two estimates agree to within 10% in terms of RMS error for 30 cm x 30 cm water slabs in the thickness range of 10-30 cm. Larger errors in the scatter estimates are encountered for thinner objects, probably owing to extrafocal radiation sources. However, RMS errors in the estimates of primary images are no more than 5% for water slab thicknesses in the range of 1-30 cm. The BSA scatter estimates are also used to correct cone beam tomographic projections. Maximum deviations of central profiles of uniform water phantoms are reduced from 193 to 19 HU after application of corrections for scatter, beam hardening, and lateral truncation that are based on the BSA-derived scatter estimate. The same corrections remove the typical cupping artifact from both phantom and patient images. The BSA proves to be a useful tool for quantifying and removing image scatter, as well as for validating models of MV imaging systems.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2014
C. El Mouden; J. B. Andre; Olivier Morin; Daniel Nettle
Transmitted culture can be viewed as an inheritance system somewhat independent of genes that is subject to processes of descent with modification in its own right. Although many authors have conceptualized cultural change as a Darwinian process, there is no generally agreed formal framework for defining key concepts such as natural selection, fitness, relatedness and altruism for the cultural case. Here, we present and explore such a framework using the Price equation. Assuming an isolated, independently measurable culturally transmitted trait, we show that cultural natural selection maximizes cultural fitness, a distinct quantity from genetic fitness, and also that cultural relatedness and cultural altruism are not reducible to or necessarily related to their genetic counterparts. We show that antagonistic coevolution will occur between genes and culture whenever cultural fitness is not perfectly aligned with genetic fitness, as genetic selection will shape psychological mechanisms to avoid susceptibility to cultural traits that bear a genetic fitness cost. We discuss the difficulties with conceptualizing cultural change using the framework of evolutionary theory, the degree to which cultural evolution is autonomous from genetic evolution, and the extent to which cultural change should be seen as a Darwinian process. We argue that the nonselection components of evolutionary change are much more important for culture than for genes, and that this and other important differences from the genetic case mean that different approaches and emphases are needed for cultural than genetic processes.
Medical Physics | 2010
B Faddegon; Michele Aubin; Ali Bani-Hashemi; Bijumon Gangadharan; Alexander Gottschalk; Olivier Morin; D Sawkey; Vincent Wu; Sue S. Yom
PURPOSE To use an imaging beam line (IBL) to obtain the first megavoltage cone-beam computed tomography (MV CBCT) images of patients with a low atomic number (Z) target, and to compare these images to those taken of the same patients with the 6 MV flattened beam from the treatment beam line (TBL). METHODS The IBL, which produces a 4.2 MV unflattened beam from a carbon target, was installed on a linear accelerator in use for radiotherapy. Provision was made for switching between the IBL and TBL for imaging the same patient with beams from the low-Z and high-Z targets. Dose was quoted as monitor units times the dose per monitor unit for the standard calibration geometry. Images were acquired with institutional approval and patient consent with both the IBL and TBL on a series of 23 patients undergoing radiotherapy. Patients were imaged daily to weekly and aligned to the planning CT using the images. Doses were reduced over the course of treatment to determine the minimum doses required for alignment. Images were assessed offline. RESULTS IBL MV CBCT images of prostate, head and neck, lung, and abdomen showed improvement in soft tissue contrast for the same dose as the TBL images. Bony anatomy, air cavities, and fiducial markers were sharper. CBCT with a dose of 1 cGy was sufficient for alignment of prostate and head and neck patients based on bony anatomy or implanted gold seeds, 2-4 cGy for lung, abdomen, and pelvis. Photon scatter in the patient had minimal effect on image quality. The metallic hip prosthesis in one patient showed reduced artifacts compared to diagnostic CT. CONCLUSIONS The IBL has the advantage of improved image quality at the same dose, or reduced dose for the same image quality, over the TBL.
Physical Review Letters | 2015
Kun Huang; Le Jeannic H; J. Ruaudel; Verma Vb; Shaw; Marsili F; Nam Sw; E Wu; Heping Zeng; Jeong Yc; R. Filip; Olivier Morin; Julien Laurat
We propose and experimentally realize a novel versatile protocol that allows the quantum state engineering of heralded optical coherent-state superpositions. This scheme relies on a two-mode squeezed state, linear mixing, and a n-photon detection. It is optimally using expensive non-Gaussian resources to build up only the key non-Gaussian part of the targeted state. In the experimental case of a two-photon detection based on high-efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, the freely propagating state exhibits a 67% fidelity with a squeezed even coherent-state superposition with a size |α|(2)=3. The demonstrated procedure and the achieved rate will facilitate the use of such superpositions in subsequent protocols, including fundamental tests and optical hybrid quantum information implementations.
Medical Physics | 2010
D Sawkey; M Lu; Olivier Morin; M Aubin; Sue S. Yom; Alexander Gottschalk; Ali Bani-Hashemi; B Faddegon
PURPOSE To determine the properties of a megavoltage cone-beam CT system using the unflattened beam from a sintered diamond target at 4 and 6 MV. METHODS A sintered diamond target was used in place of a graphite target as part of an imaging beam line (an unflattened beam from a graphite target) installed on a linear accelerator. The diamond target, with a greater density than the graphite target, permitted imaging at the lower beam energy (4 MV) required with the graphite target and the higher beam energy (6 MV) conventionally used with the tungsten/stainless steel target and stainless steel flattening filter. Images of phantoms and patients were acquired using the different beam lines and compared. The beam spectra and dose distributions were determined using Monte Carlo simulation. RESULTS The diamond target allowed use of the same beam energy as for treatment, simplifying commissioning and quality assurance. Images acquired with the diamond target at 4 MV were similar to those obtained with the graphite target at 4 MV. The slight reduction in low energy photons due to the higher-Z sintering material in the diamond target had minimal effect on image quality. Images acquired at 6 MV with the diamond target showed a small decrease in contrast-to-noise ratio, resulting from a decrease in the fraction of photons in the beam in the energy range to which the detector is most sensitive. CONCLUSIONS The diamond target provides images of a similar quality to the graphite target. Diamond allows use of the higher beam energy conventionally used for treatment, provides a higher dose rate for the same beam current, and potentially simplifies installation and maintenance of the beam line.