Olivier Pourret
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Featured researches published by Olivier Pourret.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 2009
Olivier Pourret; Raul E. Martinez
Lanthanide (Ln) binding to humic acid (HA) has been investigated by combining ultrafiltration and ICP-MS techniques. A Langmuir-sorption-isotherm metal-complexation model was used in conjunction with a linear programming method (LPM) to fit experimental data representing various experimental conditions both in HA/Ln ratio (varying between 5 and 20) and in pH range (from 2 to 10) with an ionic strength of 10(-3) mol L(-1). The LPM approach, not requiring prior knowledge of surface complexation parameters, was used to solve the existing discrepancies in LnHA binding constants and site densities. The application of the LPM to experimental data revealed the presence of two discrete metal binding sites at low humic acid concentrations (5 mg L(-1)), with log metal complexation constants (logK(S,j)) of 2.65+/-0.05 and 7.00 (depending on Ln). The corresponding site densities were 2.71+/-0.57x10(-8) and 0.58+/-0.32x10(-8) mol of Ln(3+)/mg of HA (depending on Ln). Total site densities of 3.28+/-0.28x10(-8), 4.99+/-0.02x10(-8), and 5.01+/-0.01x10(-8) mol mg(-1) were obtained by LPM for humic acid, for humic acid concentrations of 5, 10, and 20 mg L(-1), respectively. These results confirm that lanthanide binding occurs mainly at weak sites (i.e., ca. 80%) and second at strong sites (i.e., ca. 20%). The first group of discrete metal binding sites may be attributed to carboxylic groups (known to be the main binding sites of Ln in HA), and the second metal binding group to phenolic moieties. Moreover, this study evidences heterogeneity in the distribution of the binding sites among Ln. Eventually, the LPM approach produced feasible and reasonable results, but it was less sensitive to error and did not require an a priori assumption of the number and concentration of binding sites.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 2013
Olivier Pourret; Mélanie Davranche
Manganese oxides are important scavengers of rare earth elements (REE) in hydrosystems. However, it has been difficult to include Mn oxides in speciation models due to the lack of a comprehensive set of sorption reactions consistent with a given surface complexation model (SCM), as well as discrepancies between published sorption data and predictions using the available models. Surface complexation reactions for hydrous Mn oxide were described using a two surface site model and the diffuse double layer SCM. The specific surface area, surface side density, and pH(zpc) were fixed to 746 m2/g, 2.1 mmol/g, and 2.2, respectively. Two site types (≡XOH and ≡YOH) were also used with pK(a2) values of 2.35 (≡XOH) and 6.06 (≡YOH). The fraction of the high affinity sites was fixed at 0.36. Published REE sorption data were subsequently used to determine the equilibrium surface complexation constants, while considering the influence of pH, ionic strength, and metal loading. LogK increases from light REE to heavy REE and, more specifically, displays a convex tetrad effect. At low metal loading, the ≡YOH site type strongly expresses its affinity toward REE, whereas at higher metal loading, the same is true for the ≡XOH site type. This study thus provides evidence for heterogeneity in the distribution of the Mn oxide binding sites among REE.
Plant and Soil | 2014
Bastien Lange; Michel-Pierre Faucon; Pierre Jacques Meerts; Mylor Ngoy Shutcha; Grégory Mahy; Olivier Pourret
Background and aimsAmong the unique flora on copper and cobalt rich soils, some species are able to hyperaccumulate the Cu and Co in their shoots, however, the unexplained high variations of Cu and Co concentrations in shoots have been highlighted. A good comprehension of the Cu and Co accumulation variations would go through a characterization of the Cu and Co speciation in soils. We examined the covariations of Cu and Co speciation in soils and Cu and Co concentrations in plants.MethodsPlant samples of two species and soil samples (n = 146) were collected in seven pedogeochemically contrasted sites. Cu and Co speciation in soils was modeled by WHAM 6.0.ResultsVariation in copper accumulation in plant shoots were mostly influenced by Cu adsorbed by the Mn and Fe oxides fractions, whereas Co accumulation variations were strongly influenced by Co free and Co adsorbed by the OM and Fe fractions.ConclusionsAvailability of Cu and Co seems to be species-specific and is not explained only by the free Cu and Co content in the soil solution, but also strongly by the part linked to colloidal fractions. Availability of Cu and Co is a complex mechanism, closely related to all the biogeochemical processes which occur in the rhizosphere. Future work should perform experiments in controlled conditions to examine the soil parameters that influence the Cu and Co availability.
Aquatic Geochemistry | 2015
Mélanie Davranche; Gérard Gruau; Aline Dia; Rémi Marsac; Mathieu Pédrot; Olivier Pourret
Wetlands are specific areas able to regulate metals mobility in the environment. Among metals, rare earth elements (REE) appear to be particularly interesting because of the information that could be provided by the REE patterns. Moreover, as REE are becoming a matter of great economic interest, their significant release into the environment may be expected over the next few decades. Wetlands would then play a key role in the regulation of their concentration in the environment. This review demonstrated that REE are released in wetland bound to colloidal organic matter. During the flood season, the released REE concentrations are largely higher than those released during the wet period. This solubilization is related to the organic matter desorption caused by the pH rise imposed by the reducing reactions. The resulting REE patterns depend on the heterogeneity of the humic acid (HA) binding sites and the presence of potential competitive cations, such as Fe(III) and Al(III). At high REE loading, REE are bound to HA carboxylic groups and the pattern exhibit a MREE downward concavity. At low loading, REE are bound to phenolic and chelate groups and the pattern exhibits a lanthanide contraction. At low loading, REE seem to act as cationic bridges between two organic molecules, whereas at high loading they seem to be engaged in strong multidentate bonding. Moreover, the REE patterns can be modified with the competitive cations amount and speciation. The prime factor governing all these processes is pH, which drives the organic colloid production, REE loading and solubility of competitive cations.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 2014
Raul E. Martinez; Olivier Pourret; Yoshio Takahashi
In this study, rare earth element (REE) binding constants and site concentration on the Gram+ bacteria surfaces were quantified using a multi-site Langmuir isotherm model, along with a linear programming regression method (LPM), applied to fit experimental REE sorption data. This approach found one discrete REE binding site on the Gram+ Bacillus subtilis surface for the pH range of 2.5-4.5. Average log10 REE binding constants for a site j on these bacteria ranged from 1.08±0.04 to 1.40±0.04 for the light REE (LREE: La to Eu), and from 1.36±0.03 to 2.18±0.14 for the heavy REE (HREE: Gd to Lu) at the highest biomass concentration of 1.3 g/L of B. subtilis bacteria. Similar values were obtained for bacteria concentrations of 0.39 and 0.67 g/L indicating the independence of REE sorption constants on biomass concentration. Within the experimental pH range in this study, B. subtilis was shown to have a lower affinity for LREE (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, Nd) and a higher affinity for HREE (e.g. Tm, Yb, Lu) suggesting an enrichment of HREE on the surface of Gram+ bacteria. Total surface binding site concentrations of 6.73±0.06 to 5.67±0.06 and 5.53±0.07 to 4.54±0.03 mol/g of bacteria were observed for LREE and HREE respectively, with the exception of Y, which showed a total site concentration of 9.53±0.03, and a log K(REE,j) of 1.46±0.02 for a biomass content of 1.3 g/L. The difference in these values (e.g. a lower affinity and increased binding site concentration for LREE, and the contrary for the HREE) suggests a distinction between the LREE and HREE binding modes to the Gram+ bacteria reactive surface at low pH. This further implies that HREE may bind more than one monoprotic reactive group on the cell surface. A multisite Langmuir isotherm approach along with the LPM regression method, not requiring prior knowledge of the number or concentration of cell surface REE complexation sites, were able to distinguish between the sorption constant and binding site concentration patterns of LREE and HREE on the Gram+ B. subtilis surface. This approach quantified the enrichment of Tm, Yb and Lu on the bacteria surface and it has therefore proven to be a useful tool for the study of natural reactive sorbent materials controlling REE partitioning in the natural environment.
Plant and Soil | 2016
Michel-Pierre Faucon; Soizig Le Stradic; Sylvain Boisson; Edouard Ilunga wa Ilunga; Maxime Seleck; Bastien Lange; Delhaye Guillaume; Mylor Ngoy Shutcha; Olivier Pourret; Pierre Jacques Meerts; Grégory Mahy
BackgroundChemical soil factors play an important role in generating and maintaining plant diversity. Naturally metal-enriched habitats support highly distinctive plant communities consisting of many rare and endemic species. Species of these plant communities possess remarkable physiological adaptations and are now being considered key elements in the implementation of green technologies aimed at phytoremediation of contaminated soils and post-mined soils. Several studies have emphasised that industrial mineral extraction results in serious damage to ecosystems and serious threats to human health and leads to the extinction of metallophyte species. In the southeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), mining activities represent a threat to the long-term persistence of communities located on metalliferous copper and cobalt outcrops and their associated endemic metallophytes, which are currently considered some of the most critically endangered plants in the world.ScopePlant diversity conservation of metal-rich soils must assess soil-plant relationships at different scales (ecosystems, communities, and populations) to define in-situ and ex-situ conservation and restoration projects. This paper proposes a review of soil-plant relationships involved in plant diversity and endemism and their implications for biodiversity conservation and restoration.
Chemosphere | 2016
Bastien Lange; Olivier Pourret; Pierre Jacques Meerts; Petru P. Jitaru; Benjamin Cancès; Claude Grison; Michel-Pierre Faucon
The influence of Fe oxides, Mn oxides and organic matter (OM) on the Cu and Co mobility in soil and accumulation in the metallophyte Anisopappus chinensis (Ac), as compared with Helianthus annuus (Ha), was experimentally investigated. Growth and accumulation response when increasing the exchangeable Cu and Co concentrations in soil were also investigated. Plants were cultivated on soil where concentrations of Cu, Co, Fe oxides, Mn oxides and OM content were varied according to 36 treatments. The OM supply decreased the Cu mobility and increased the Co mobility, resulting in decreasing the foliar Cu of Ac and increasing the foliar Co of Ha. The Fe oxides supply could increase the Cu accumulation for Ac, but was not verified for Ha. Compared with Ha, Ac increasingly accumulated Cu and Co without negative effect on plant growth while increasing Cu and Co mobility to phytotoxic concentrations. The results revealed promising perspectives for the use of Ac in Cu-contaminated environment phytoremediation applications.
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
Arnaud R. Schneider; Benjamin Cancès; Marie Ponthieu; Sophie Sobanska; Marc F. Benedetti; Olivier Pourret; Alexandra Conreux; Ivan Calandra; Blandine Martinet; Xavier Morvan; Maxime Gommeaux; Béatrice Marin
Smelting activities are one of the most common sources of trace elements in the environment. The aim of this study was to determine the lead distribution in upper horizons (0-5 and 5-10cm) of acidic soils in the vicinity of a lead-acid battery recycling plant in northern France. The combination of chemical methods (sequential extractions), physical methods (Raman microspectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectrometer) and multi-surface complexation modelling enabled an assessment of the behaviour of Pb. Regardless of the studied soil, none of the Pb-bearing phases commonly identified in similarly polluted environments (e.g., anglesite) were observed. Lead was mainly associated with organic matter and manganese oxides. The association of Pb with these soil constituents can be interpreted as evidence of Pb redistribution in the studied soils following smelter particle deposition.
Science of The Total Environment | 2018
Olivier Pourret; Jean-Claude Bollinger
Due to our experience of reviewing scientific papers for a number of environmental journals,we strongly suggest removal of “heavy metals” from all future key-words lists, and replacement in the title, abstract, and full text of every newly submitted paper with words like “potentially toxic metal(s)/element(s)” or “trace metal(s)/element(s)”, according to the context.
Heliyon | 2018
Olivier Pourret; David Houben
The ability of biochar to immobilize metals relies on the amount of functional groups at its surface but the contribution of each functional groups (e.g. carboxylic, phenolic) to metal bonding is poorly known. Using a new approach based on previous works on rare earth element (REE) interactions with humic substances, we aim at elucidating the relative contribution of these binding sites to metal sorption under various conditions (i.e. pH and ionic strengths, IS). Using batch experiments, REE sorption onto biochar was analyzed from pH 3 to 9 and IS 10−1 mol/L to 10−3 mol/L. Rare earth element patterns show a Middle REE (MREE) downward concavity at acidic pH and low ionic strength. These patterns are in good agreement with existing datasets quantifying REE binding with humic substances. Indeed, the MREE downward concavity displayed by REE-biochar complexation pattern compares well with REE patterns with various organic compounds. This similarity in the REE complexation pattern shapes suggests that carboxylic groups are the main binding sites of REE in biochar. Overall, our results indicate that the strength of the metal bonding with biochar increases when pH and IS increase, suggesting that biochar is more efficient for long-term metal immobilization at near neutral pH and high ionic strength.